The Coming November Elections

The Coming November Election in the U. S.

The Biden Regime will reach the half- way point of Joe Biden’s election term in January of 2023. In November of this year many of his fellow criminals in the Senate and House will be running for re-election. This has been an evil regime. Let us review some of the evils of the Biden Regime. Biden has broken the law in allowing anyone who shows up at our borders to come into the country. He belongs in jail for that act alone. Most illegals will be totally dependent on welfare for their support burdening the taxpayers who are struggling to pay their bills with additional financial burdens. He has secretly moved illegals to various parts of the U.S., some in the middle of the night while our citizens slept. Many of the illegals are criminals, gang members, drug dealers and terrorists. Having Biden as our president is a serious threat to our citizens. He is a tool for the Godless people who push radical abuse of children even threatening withholding any federal funds to schools who do not allow boys who claim transgender status, a type of government sponsored mental condition, access to girls’ bathrooms. He sold off some of our strategic petroleum reserves with much of it going to China where his family has business interests. If China attacks us they could use our gas while we might not have enough to defend ourselves. He succeeded in turning an energy independent country into a country who is begging other countries for cheaper oil.

Under Biden millions of middle class Americans are now having to get used to less, having lower expectations and suffer economic hardships. The Democrats promised to fundamentally change the United States. Apparently 87 per cent of our citizens, according to a Gallop poll, are not happy with the direction the country is heading. Marxists in the Biden Administration do not think the slaves, {that is people who do not get a government paycheck}, need food, clothing, a home, a car and a few luxury items. And they promised under a Marxist Society we would all be happy. They got that wrong.

With 87 per cent of the population not happy with the direction the country is heading does that indicate a return of the House and Senate to Republican control? Maybe not. Remember the last Presidential Election? Polls indicated Trump would win a close election. We went to sleep with Trump leading. Then we awoke to find Biden had made a miraculous come from behind victory.

The Republicans were outsmarted by the Democrats. Under the radar the Democrats had carefully planned how to win the election. Their goal was to make sure enough votes were counted with a vote for Biden. We do not know if the Chinese released Covid on purpose, but the illness worked well in keeping people from going to the polls. Suddenly there was a call for mail in ballots to protect people from infection at the polls


Registrars are required to purge voters for the rolls who have died or moved. Registrars are notoriously bad about following this law so we do not know how many people “voted” who had already died or moved away years ago. It was a brilliant strategy, as a dishonest lawyer would say, to have ballots that could not be traced, or verified. Many ballots were counted that did not have postmarks which was against state laws. One polling place even sent the poll watchers home for the evening and then secretly “counted ballots” through the night. One polling place had more votes counted than registered voters with one election official claiming that was normal. Vote harvesters were making numerous drops at drop boxes after being tracked by cell phone at various organizations that support the Democrat Party. When organizations wanted to verify address for some ballots the Justice Department claimed that was voter intimidation. Obviously the Justice department had a sinister reason for not wanting any address audits done.

There was also the issue of voting machines that were off limits to audits. The machine owners cited trade secrets which was code for “if they audit our machines they will find out we provided false information”. The Democrats and the news media, the propaganda arm of the Democratic party, strongly opposed any audits for what appears to be obvious reasons. The few audits the opposition was able to do revealed widespread law breaking and many questionable practices. This, the Democrat Party and their propaganda arm the news media claimed was the fairest election ever. It likely was the most fraudulent election ever.

What will the Democrats do new in November? Probably nothing new. If you have the winning hand why change? Very few people were held accountable for the fraud in the last election. The next election may bring in more votes than there are registered voters in the U.S. and we will be told that is normal. The next step after that is elections like they have in China where you only have one choice.  

This is a blog for conservatives and people of faith.