The Challenges of a Republican Congress

January 3, 2023 is the beginning of the new Congress. The American People have spoken and chosen the Republican Party to lead the Congress for the next two years. After suffering through two years of what may be the most corrupt administration in our history, we have high expectations of competence on the part of the Republicans.

Joe Biden has been a disaster for the United States. In two short years we have gone from an energy independent prosperous country to a country heading toward becoming a third world country. How could one man do so much damage? We have runaway inflation, shortages, loss of personal freedom and a regime intent of controlling every aspect of our life. Biden has become an advocate for Communism by promoting a so called Green Agenda. This is a scheme promoted by the Communists to destroy the economies of the free world by denying them energy needed for production. Biden has become an effective front man for Communism. He has taken us from energy independence to a country begging other countries for oil. The Communists in China have no intention of following the rules established by Green Agenda Communists in the United States giving them a competitive advantage, thanks to their fellow communists in the United States. We became an industrial giant because we had abundant and affordable energy to power our industries.

Thanks to Joe Biden and his Communist Advisors, we are less competitive with Communist China as those crooks are suppressing the availability of energy. Only brain-dead people think the Biden Energy Policies are a good idea. The high energy prices have caused a huge increase in everything we buy. We cannot blame Joe Biden and his Communist Advisors alone for our negative outcomes. All the Democrats in the House and Senate approved all Biden’s plans to destroy our country. Democrats are a threat to the survival of our Republic.

In addition to the sins of Biden concerning energy he also pushed spending billions of dollars to enrich himself and his supporters. Some of his most enthusiastic supporters were Democrats in the Congress and Senate. These Democrats high spending bills which forced billions of dollars into our economy resulted in runaway inflation. Millions have seen their retirement funds lose purchasing power thanks to the Democrats. Not a very comforting thought when the Social Security Fund will soon be depleted.

Biden and his appointed government agencies heads have been involved in illegal propaganda and suppressing information working with social media as revealed by the twitter revelations. Can you see how the Biden Regime is lock step with communist Ideology in manipulating the people?

Biden and his family have made very lucrative business deals through Joe’s government connections. Hunter, his son, revealed to his family through an e-mail that he had to share his ill-gotten gains with the big guy. The FBI has kept the Hunter Biden laptop hidden from public view for a long time.

Joe also broke the law in bringing in illegal immigrants he apparently believed his fellow Democrats could give immediate citizenship to and they would vote for Democrats.  illegals are bringing in tons drugs which are killing thousands of our citizens. The Mexican Cartels are making millions on these drugs. You would think Joe is on the Cartel payroll.

Now that the Republicans will have power in the House what will the Republicans do about Joe Biden’s illegal activities and his attempt to destroy the United States? Will they be too divided to take any action?  A number of Republican’s supported Joe’s last pork barrel spending bills. Will these corrupt Republicans continue to support the corruption of Biden and cause a division in the Republican Party? Will the Republicans do a dog and pony show hearing like the Democrats Jan. 6 hearings and then disappear? Will they be more concerned with being on the take than doing what we citizens want?

Most of the news media and social media are controlled by people in sympathy with the goals of the Communist Party. Will the Republicans be afraid to take on corruption because of the bad ink they will get from the news media and social media who support Democrat Corruption? We want real action.

The Twitter revelations have proven what most of us already knew existed. We need Republicans who have courage and will get the facts and hold corrupt Democrats accountable. In short, we need criminal indictments against all who broke the law. Jan. 3 is looming. Will the Republicans have the courage and integrity to aggressively pursue those who broke the law and see them brought before a court of law?

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.