Joe Biden and Kamala Harris make a President and Vice President Team that may be the worst in United States History. The Democratic National Committee picked Joe to run because he was alleged to be a moderate and might have a chance to upset someone that they in collaboration with
corrupt organizations, often referred to the main stream news, painted Donald Trump as an extremist and a racist. Neither charge was true but those corrupt organizations do not embrace truth. It has been alleged that the left leaning Democrats along with other left wing organizations committed fraud to get Joe elected. The Democrats and the main stream news organizations went ballistic claiming the people making that claim were extremists and conspiracy theorists. They screamed so loud it appeared they had something to hide. Otherwise they would have relished having audits to prove their claims. The Democrats have been fighting in multiple states to prevents audits. Why are they trying to suppress audits? There have been irregularities in multiple states. Were these enough to flip the election? We will never know if Democrats continue to succeed in preventing audits.

Two big questions remain. Was the fraud enough to flip the election? If wide spread fraud happened were the real conspirators able to destroy the evidence? Maybe no to the second question since Democrats are trying so hard to stop audits.
Now Attorney Garland admitted he wrote a letter to The Arizona Senate Leader Karen Fann expressing concern about having an audit. A plan to canvass voters to determine if they actually live at the listed address on the voter rolls was planned. AG Garland managed to stop that under the guise that voters might be intimidated. Why would someone be intimidated by someone trying to verify their address? Democrats are concerned that the public might find out there was fraud in people voting who did not exist. AG garland is pushing Congress to pass new voting laws. We thought the Justice Department was supposed to enforce laws not make them. Hans Von Spakosky of the Heritage Foundation said Garland’s claims about voting suppression are demonstratively false. Non other than the Attorney General of Virginia, Mark Herring who many consider corrupt, praised Garland’s actions which gives credence to Von Spakosky’s comments.
Biden and Harris. who may be illegitimate office holders , are working hard to destroy the United States. In addition to having his attorney General working to suppress investigations of voter fraud he has committed crimes in ignoring our immigration laws. The Democrats tried to impeach Donald Trump on trumped up charges and now when their own Joe Biden is breaking our immigration laws they looked the other way. We think it likely that Biden’s Marxist Advisors told him to appoint Harris to oversee the border crisis. It is also likely they suggested this arrangement since they thought she was too incompetent for that job or because they thought she could easily be manipulated to do nothing. When she says we need to find the root causes of why illegal immigrants are coming there is a problem. Even a fifth grader would understand illegal immigrants are coming because Biden invited them to hoping to destabilize the United States. Kamala Harris is a dedicated progressive or in today’s definition a dedicated Marxist. Marxists see an open border policy as a way to further weaken the U.S. by bankrupting it through supporting millions of illegal immigrants and allowing criminals and terrorists into the U.S. to destroy law and order.
In addition to Biden’s blunder on the border he is still making them. He just released one billion dollars of our tax money to California for their infamous bullet train which critics have called a “trip to no where”. Federal funding was stopped because of mismanagement from cost over runs and delays. Apparently Biden is not concerned with mismanagement since he is an expert in that field. Can we assume contractors who contributed to a lot of Democrat fund raisers called on good ole Joe to cough up taxpayers money so they could enrich themselves on the train to no where? Do we need to remind you that social security funds are almost depleted? Look for the California Democrats to come back for more money later.
Now Joe is negotiating with Iran, a terrorist nation that promises to do good and continues to do bad. What fool would do that? If you answered Joe Biden you get an A. And did you notice after Biden cancelled the pipe line that would have helped the U.S. be energy independent in oil and gas and approved one for Russia? Apparently Joe in his unparalleled wisdom realized what is bad for the U.S. is good for Russia. Does the Biden crime family still have investments in Russia?
Joe and Kamala need to be removed from office. What are your ideas for legally removing them from office? Remember impeachment is not an option. The Democrats control both the House and Senate and would not impeach a partner in crime.`
This is an opinion blog for conservatives and people of faith.