The Attacks on Israel

Israel is under attack militarily by its neighbors and politically by non- neighbors. This was prophesied in the Bible anciently. Christians are fortunate because they know how the attacks against Israel will end. In the Old Testament we are told of a Prophet of God named Abraham who was a righteous man. God promised him that his descendants would receive many blessings. One of the blessings was a Messiah would be sent to the world and be one of his descendants. This Messiah would take upon himself the sins of all of us and die on the cross for our sins. If we repent of our sins and follow him we can live with God in the next life. That is not the end of the story. Abraham had a grandson named Jacob who the Lord renamed Israel. He had twelve sons who were called the children of Israel. The descendants of Israel were promised God’s protection as long as they obeyed his commandments.

The Children of Israel grew into many and prospered as long as they followed God’s commandments. They were a powerful nation under God’s protection feared by their enemies. They faithfully sacrificed lambs to remind themselves God’s sinless son would come to die for them. The Children of Israel prospered and then began to set their hearts on worldly goods and thoughts. Eventually the Kings of Israel placed heavy taxes on the people to pay for their wives and concubines. The people tired of the heavy tax burdens and there was a dispute at the death of one King as to who would be his successor.

An agreement could not be reached and the Descendants of Judah and the Descendants of Levi chose one leader the rest of the Children of Israel chose another and the Children of Israel split into two nations. The nation that did include Judah and Levite descendants stopped serving the Lord and he no longer protected them from their enemies. They were later conquered and were scattered among many nations losing their identify.

The Jews and Levites continued to serve the Lord but eventually they followed the other children of Israel in not serving the Lord. The Lord no longer protected them and they were also conquered but unlike the other children of Israel they did not lose their identify when they were exiled from the land of Israel. The Levites were absorbed into the descendants of Judah and are no longer a separate people. The Children of Judah were eventually allowed to return to their homeland of Israel. Jesus was born in the Land of Israel after the Jews were restored.

The Jews continued to make sacrifices as a reminder that a Messiah would come but when Jesus came to preach to them most failed to recognize him. Eventually Jesus was crucified at the insistence of the Jewish Political Leaders. God allowed the enemies of the Jews to defeat them and they were exiled from their homeland. Again the Jews were able to maintain their identify. After World War II the Jews were again restored to their homeland and formed the nation of Israel.

The Bible tells us that the Jews would be restored to their homeland before Jesus returns to the earth and that has happened. The Bible also tells us that before Jesus returns all nations would be allied against Israel. I had heard those prophecies from my youth but as I became an adult I just assumed it meant all the nations surrounding Israel. I could not conceive of Europe and the United States joining in an attack against Israel. A lot of things have happened since I was a child. Millions of people have illegally poured into European countries from nations who hate Jews. Many of those people are close to being a majority in these European Countries. In the United States millions of the same are pouring into our country and are demonstration against our freedoms and even calling for the Jews to be wiped out. One political party is courting political support from these invaders. The Biden Regime is giving financial support to the enemies of Israel. Radical Communist Organizations in the United Nations are taking sides with the enemies of Israel who are calling for Israel to be destroyed.

The eventual military invasion of Israel is building momentum. We know from the Bible how this invasion will end. The invading Army will be larger than the population of Israel. It will sweep across Israel and into Jerusalem. Two prophets will appear prophesying unto the Jewish People and they will be killed by the invading Army. They will lie in the street for three days and then be resurrected. A Man will appear to help fight against the invaders. He will have strange scars in the palms of his hands. Suddenly the Jews will recognize Jesus. He will then lead them to victory against their enemies.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and people of Faith.

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