The Appeal of Marxism

What is it about Marxism that appeals to people? Since Marxism is so class conscious let us talk about classes of people who are drawn to Marxism. One group we will label class 3 people. They are uneducated. They are not just uneducated, but they have no ambition. No pulling themselves up by their own bootstraps. No making sacrifices to better their lives. Blaming others for their incompetence. Many of them live on the West Coast in tent cities where they live with other class 3 people and get the distorted view that their way of life is normal, and the way things should be.

California is a welcoming place for class 3 people. The Democratic Party is in control, and they love class 3 people because they are reliable Democratic Party Voters. They will welcome as many as they can get to keep voting them into office so they can keep the power and adulation they worked so hard for. These elites are also in a position to work deals that bring more wealth to themselves. For class 3 people they are susceptible to Marxist Propaganda, which the Democrats have embraced, saying that the rich-anyone with an income of over $100,000 a year-are not paying their fair share of taxes. Class 3 people love to hear about a guaranteed annual income and “rich people” sharing their hard earned income with them. Just like the illegal immigrants Comrade Biden has convinced they are entitled to United States Citizenship the class 3 people think they are entitled to other people’s money. Class 3 people make good useful idiots for the Democratic party.

Then there are the class 2 people. They have been indoctrinated in Marxist Philosophy which only teaches lies and are never encouraged to examine how Marxism works in practice. They are those  who are ever learning and never able to find the truth. They are fools who dream of utopia which never existed and never will in a Marxist Nation.  Some will take the position that the horrors under Stalin or Mao are necessary to get to a fabled Marxist Utopia. Well Russia never got to Utopia and the repressive Chinese Communists are not getting closer to utopia.

Some class 2 people claim that Stalin and Mao were not practicing Communism when they were killing off millions of people which is a lie. That is the essence of Communism to abuse anyone who stands in the way of the “great leaders” rise to power. The dedicated Marxists take the position that sometimes these things are necessary to accomplish the greater good. So how morally bankrupt are class 2 people?

Class 2 people have plenty of time to riot since many of them live off the income of their grossly incompetent parents or live in the basement of their parent’s homes because they were not taught to be adults. Class 2 people are loved by the Marxist Elites. Class 2’s are fools enough to march with Marxists such as Black Lives matter or Antifa whose goals are the destruction of freedom clothed in a lie that they are working for social justice. Could the Marxists ask for more obedient useful idiots than class 2 people?

Do the class 3 and class2 people make up a majority of the people in the United States? Not by a long shot. One reason why Marxism if making some many inroads in the United States is they have been able to get millions of useful idiots to give them money or march with them in their efforts to overthrow our government. A useful idiot is someone who supports a movement without understanding what their real goals are. If you have marched with BLM or Antifa you are a useful idiot and a fool. It is instructive to see what one BLM organizer did with money donated to their “equality goals”. Bought some expensive homes in neighborhoods where nearly all the residents were oppressive white people.

Now we can talk about class 1 people, the elites, the great leaders. It has been said it is the nature of nearly all men when they gain power they will immediately take unrighteous dominion. That is why you have Joe Biden, Charles Schumer, Bernie Sanders, Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff and a host of other people we could name.

The Marxists seek unrighteous dominion even before they gain power. They thrive on power and will do whatever it takes illegal or legal to gain that power. It is said that two of the greatest motivators of men are money and power. If Marxists can get power they can also get their hands on the taxpayers’ money. Class 1 people are the vilest people on earth. There is nothing they will not do to their opponents to remain in power. They know that Marxism is evil and ungodly but they support it for personal gain. There are also vile people such as wealthy people, college professors, government workers and others who support Marxism thinking if the Marxist gain power they can gain riches or retain power.

This is an opinion blog for conservatives and people of faith.