The Accomplishments of Our Great Leader Joe Biden

Republicans love to make false claims about the successes of Donald Trump. We will debunk some of their claims. Under Trump unemployment for blacks and Hispanics were the lowest in history. Yes, but remember earnings for blacks and Hispanics are much lower than that of whites. If they are still at the lower end of wages how can you say that was a success? All that means is more blacks and Hispanics were being exploited by whites to make a profit off them. This is modern day slavery.

Under Trump by January 2020 income rose by $5,000 per family per year. But studies have shown that most gains went to white families who are enjoying white privilege. So blacks and Hispanics are still being victimized.

American Companies brought back to the U.S. more that a trillion dollars of wealth because of the TCJA bill that Trump signed. We think these figures are inflated. We think we lost more than a trillion dollars of good will from other nations as they were shut out of the U.S. market. This is not a success story if other nations hate us. Our primary goal in world trade should be to have everyone love us.

The U.S. became the largest producer and exporter of crude oil under Trump’s watch. This is deplorable. We not only are polluting our own environment but the rest of the world as well. Causing climate change is a serious transgression of the U.S.

There were many complaints about services provided by the Veterans Administration which Trump corrected. We take issue with that. The problems were caused by the incompetence of the Trump Administration. Trump’s response was to discipline and fire 4,000 employees. He needed a scape goat for his incompetence.

The biggest wilderness protection and conservation bill ever came during Trump’s time in office. We consider that inconsequential when you consider Trump failed to consider climate change as the biggest threat facing the U.S.

A number of agreements were made in the middle east to bring peace. We think the biggest threat to peace in the middle east is aggression by Israel. Recently Israel unleased hundreds of rockets against their peaceful neighbors even though their neighbors did not attempt to invade them. Peace is meaningless unless we can curtail aggression by Israel.

The Dow Jones closed at new highs more that 100 times under Trump. How can yo claim that as a success? In a Capitalist Society workers are exploited for profit. Under Trump this exploitation was rampant.

Under Trump historic tax cuts were made. That was a disaster. Taxes should have been raised by a lot . We have so many needs such as infrastructure, climate change. debts of former college students and providing people with their wants and the only way to do this is to raise taxes. People really want taxes raised to meet these needs and Trump betrayed them.

Trump stopped rampant illegal immigration. That was horrible to deny people their right to immigrant to the United States. We should tear down the wall and let anyone who wants to come to the U.S. enter. It is an act of compassion that 100 per cent of immigrants support.

Compare Trumps failures with a little over 100 days of Biden’s Presidency. One of the the first things of our beloved Joe did was to cancel the pope line that would help the U.S. be energy independent and an exporter of oil. We should all write Joe a thank you note for limiting the use of oil and gas so we can have a cleaner environment. The people are willing to have gas prices doubled to prevent climate change.

Biden put an end to Trump’s heartless immigration polices. Biden is welcoming the people who feel it is their right to come to the U.S. Biden is willing to go the extra mile and even send airplanes to Central America to brings them here. He has overwhelming support from the people in the U.S.

Trump was a racist. He did not say racist things in public but we know what he was thinking. Biden on the other hand is proactive in getting the people in the U.S. properly educated. That is why he is promoting Critical Race Theory in our military. He wants everyone in uniform to recognize white privilege, white supremacy ,white rage and the evil effects of whiteness. Once white people in the military recognize their guilt they can make progress toward atoning for their sins.

Biden also wants to raise taxes after the Neanderthal
rates of Trump. Everyone knows that the more the government spends the more we have. We could write pages on the accomplishments of our great chairman Biden but it would make the blog too long.

This blog was was reviewed by the North American Communist Society, eight prominent Democrat who are also Marxists and did not want their identifies revealed and four fact checking organizations that Democrat Operatives set up to combat disinformation. We are proud that all of them gave us five stars for accuracy.