The 2024 Elections in the U.S.

Recently Rasmussen Reports and the Heartland Institute did a survey of people who voted in the 2020 National Elections in the United States. A strange thing happened. With anonymously and with no fear of being arrested for breaking the law one in five voters admitted they committed fraud in their voting and therefore broke the law. Do you remember when the Democrats and their dishonest enablers in the news media claimed that election was the most secure in history? Do you remember both parties saying there is no proof of fraud after working together to derail any attempts to investigate any fraud? There are deliberate lies and suppression of fact finding like the Democrats did in blocking any attempts to investigate fraud. Suppression of information is also a dishonest practice and is another way of lying. But remember the Democrat Party has embraced Marxism and their code of conduct is it is ok to lie or do anything dishonest for the cause of Marxism.

Now there is proof the Democrats and the so called main stream media(Communist Leaning) lied to us. How do they counteract this exposure of their corruption? They have two methods. One is they talk it over with the Communist News Media in the United States and decide on a game plan. One approach is to attack the messenger as biased, conspiracy theorists or deliberately giving us misinformation. In Communist Terminology Misinformation is the truth. Their other effective way they often agree on is is to ignore the Damming information. The fewer people who know about the corruption the better off they consider themselves. This appears to be their approach to the survey.

The people who committed fraud were not asked their political affiliations so the Democrats and their partners in crime, most of the news media, are relieved there is no proof they are Democrats. This information, not misinformation, on voter practices is mind boggling. One fifth of the voters are manipulating the vote! The safeguards in our voting systems are practically non existent if one fifth of the voters are committing fraud. Remember the Democrats and their partners in crime assured us there was so little fraud it would have no effect on the election. How can we have any confidence in our democratic system as long as these opportunities exist?

Since the Democrat Partly has become corrupt as an institution and the Republican Party is asleep at the switch what hope do we have as a free people? I believe the Democrats, even while the Republicans sleep, are secretly trying to register the millions of invaders Biden invited into the United States to vote in this years election. The Democrats and their allies in the news media will be able to shoot down any investigation of whether people are eligible claiming voter suppression. Some Democrats Politicians in left wing states are even trying to give illegals the right to vote

Our drift toward Communism began in earnest when Barak Obama was president. His favorite teacher in college was a Marxist. When he became president he began putting people in positions who were supportive of the philosophies of Karl Marx. Biden brought many of those people back into office and they are systematically destroying the country now that they have a puppet like Biden.

In a communist Society there are the slaves and the great leaders who control every aspect of our lives. The Great Leaders are able to funnel most of a nations wealth to themselves and to control any dissent from the slaves by torturing them, making them disappear or sending them to prison or slave labor camps. These things are happening now in the United States. Some of the people who engaged in the Jan 6 demonstrations are in jail after three years and have not had a court hearing. And did you notice Joe Biden became a multi-millionaire while in public office. And of course, his supporters will point out there is no proof Joe did anything dishonest, which must mean he is pure as the driven snow..

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.