Something is Rotten in The United States

My apologies to Shakespeare for adapting his famous quote “Something is Rotten in the State of Denmark”. We just celebrated on July 4th the 248th year of the founding of the United States. Something is rotten in the United States. This once great nation, a beacon of freedom to all the world, is in steep decline both economically and morally. For the last four years a criminal organization known as the Democratic Party has been running the country. They only desire power over the people and access to their wealth. They have adopted the motto “by any means” to accomplish their evil desires. Their “any means” includes unverifiable mail in ballots, unverifiable ballot harvesting, bringing dubious criminal charges against their opponents and partnering with corrupt propaganda organizations such as news organizations and Marxist Organizations to enslave and manipulate the citizens.

Their standard bearer Crooked Joe Biden has been their inspiration. In the years he has been in politics he has become a multimillionaire. There is no way a politician can become a multimillionaire by doing honest things. Selling influence is very lucrative. Joe has been in mental decline for several years and his condition has been hidden by Jill Biden and the criminals running the Democratic Party. After the debate Joe’s mental condition was in full view of the citizens. The Democratic Bosses are in panic mode. They thought they could manufacture a few million unverifiable and harvested votes to take Biden over the top but now they are losing confidence. The bad guys now are exploring dumping the bad guy even if they have to manipulate the Constitution to do so.

The Republicans are making a big thing out of Joe’s mental state being exposed to Democratic Voters. I do not think that is an issue with Democratic Voters. They already knew of his impairment. As Nancy Pelosi so infamously said she could take a glass of water and put a D behind it, as in Democrat, and it would be elected. That does not give us a lot of confidence in Democrat Voters. If the Democrats ran a dead person for office they would vote for him. Joe Biden has little input on what is happening in government. Who is running our country? I suspect Barrak Obama. I consider Obama our first Marxist President. His favorite teacher in college was a Marxist Professor which tells us all we need to know about him. When Obama decided to run for President, he first consulted with Bill Ayers who had great influence in Marxist Circles. Biden has many of Obama’s Operatives in his advisors. I am sure they are in constant contact with Obama.

The biggest beneficiary of the Biden Regime seems to be Communist China. They have funneled millions to Joe. What have they received in return has been in Biden’s words, “we need a rising China”. Why? Their goal is to destroy our society. The only reason Joe needed a rising China was to give him money. In return he gave them an almost complete monopoly on producing his so called green products such as batteries and electric cars. We send them billions of dollars and they use them to attempt to destroy us. That was no problem with Joe as long as they kept money flowing to his pockets.

Thanks to the Biden Regime we have runaway inflation, attacks on our freedoms, weaponizing of our legal system, a national debt we may never be able to pay, a Biden Regime sponsorship of an invasion by foreigners, an educational system with a low ranking compared to other countries controlled by Marxists, threats from our enemies, a practically useless public educational system and a society losing hope.

In addition to economic hopelessness we are also in moral decline. Forty percent of Democrats are not believers in God. Likely seventy per cent of elected Democrats do not. One of the reasons for our moral decay is the breakdown of the family. God put Adam and Eve together and told them to have children. Ther was a reason for this. Being in a loving family gives us the opportunity for the best outcome in life. Much research has been done that proves the benefits of growing up in an intact family from economic to emotional to mental. This leaves anti-family proponents with the only arguments that there are exceptions to this research. Millions of people have lost their desire to work for a living. Many of them get their monthly dole check and then go to street corners to beg. We cannot have a great nation if millions of people are paid to do noting constructive.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and people of Faith.