One of the worst things politicians have done to abuse the people of the United States was to start the Social Security system. This was a Ponzi Scheme that if proposed by a businessman would get them arrested if they put it in place. Basically the dishonest businessman would sell stock in his company and keep multiplying the number of stockholders and use some of the money from new stockholders to pay dividends to old stockholders and spend whatever was left. Eventually they would not be able to get enough stockholders to keep the scheme going and would declare bankruptcy for the company and then take a vacation to their luxury resort property.
This is similar to the way the Social Security System works. Money is taken out of every paycheck, but it is not being put in safe investments where it can grow and be available to people when they retire. Instead, part of it was paid to existing retirees and the rest became a slush fund for politicians. They would take their cut and since there were a lot more workers than retirees that Ponzi Scheme worked fine. Now people no longer have large families and the number of retired will soon be more than the number of workers.
So how did the politicians benefit from the money being paid in? They obviously could not steal the money directly because they might go to jail. One way is passing bills, and funding it with the slush fund, that they hope people who benefit from it to will keep voting for them and keep them in office. Staying in public office a long time is a great way to become wealthy. Look at Honest Joe Biden. He has been in office most of his working life and has become a multi-millionaire. How does one become wealthy in public service? If you say Shrewd Investments you are a fool. Politicians can vote to favor friends who donate to their campaign funds. They can also make sure taxpayer funds are flowing to companies they have stock in.
Honest Joe has made sure government funds, millions of your tax dollars, have been flowing to Queer organizations in order to pick just a few votes. He now attempting buy votes from former college students with your tax dollars by paying off their debt you did not make. The Social Security program was a slush fund set up by Democrats years ago and these slush funds are lusted after by many Republicans as well. Republicans have proposed at times to make changes in Social Security since it soon will be bankrupt. The Democrats immediately began screaming at Seniors and anyone dumb enough to vote for them that the Republicans are trying to do away with Social Security. That is a lie and the Marxist/Democrats know it. We need to take aim at the Republicans as well. The Republicans become silent fearing the Democrats might talk the people into voting for them. If the Republicans will not stand up and tell the truth they are just as corrupt as the Marxist/Democrats.

The Marxist/Democrats greed and dishonesty and the Republicans cowardness have combined to be a dis-service to the people of the United States. The Social Security System should have been fixed years ago but instead incompetent politicians in both parties have ignored the problem while the Ship Social Security continues sailing toward the rocks. Some of you remember the debate between Al Gore and George Bush. Al Gore in his dishonest presentation said the Social Security funds needed to be kept in a lock box to be available when people retire. He knew the funds were slush funds and would never be invested or put in a fund waiting to be drawn out. George Bush’s lack of a response was as shameful as Al Gore’s. Instead of telling the people the truth and pointing out how ridiculous Gore’s comments were he mostly ignored his claims.
Will the politicians ever take action to solve the problems with Social Security? Not likely. When will the well run dry? The old saying is when you are up to your butt in alligators it is not a good time to make plans to drain the swamp.
This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.