Slow Walking the Biden Impeachment

The Republicans have a gold mine of information coming in implicating Joe Biden is corrupt. Why are they taking to long to bring charges? They seem to infer that they want to have solid information to present in an impeachment trial and are going slowly. Maybe. We do know the Democrats are 100 percent corrupt and would not vote to impeach one of their own no matter how much evidence is presented. We also know that some Republicans are also corrupt and would not vote to convict Joe if they feel it would hurt them politically regardless of how much damaging evidenced is presented. That type of Republican would likely also consider a bribe offer to vote against impeachment if the money was right. Are the Republicans slow walking the impeachment process because they ae not sure the all the Republicans in the House and Senate are willing to rock someone’s boat by voting to impeach? Do the Republican Leaders need more time to attempt to convince their fellow party members to do what is right?

According to polls about 35 percent of the people actually think Biden is doing a good job. Could it be that some Republicans do not want to make these brain dead people mad? Or if they do vote to impeach are they afraid the left wing news media will attempt to destroy them politically? They do know how corrupt news media works.

Let’s get this show on the road. Biden has earned an impeachment process. The Republicans should take a page from the Democrat Party Playbook on harassment of Donald Trump and bring as many charges against Biden as they can dream up. Apparently the Democrat Theory is the brain dead will think Trump must be guilty of something since so many charges have been brought against him. They are also hoping something might stick. Bringing a lot of charges against Biden might convince the brain dead that Biden must be guilty because so many charges are being brought against him.

I would hope that some of the things that might be included in charging Biden in an impeachment action would include:

Receiving bribes from foreign entities in exchange for influence.

Promoting sex trafficking

Promoting the illegal importing of dangerous drugs.

Weakening our armed forces to give China an advantage.

Refusing to enforce our immigration laws.

Being mentally incapable of functioning as President.

Income tax evasion.

Supporting deficit spending in an attempt to bankrupt the United States.

Allowing security risks to come into the United States.

Lying to the Citizens of the United States.

Putting the interests of China ahead of the interests of the United States.


Add your own charges. I am sure we can come with hundreds of reasons Biden should be impeached.

The Democrats are currently in a panic mode with so revelations coming in on Biden’s misdeeds. They fear they will not be able to manufacture enough unverifiable mail in ballots or harvested votes to get Biden back in office for a second term. Look for them to find an alternate and have their puppet Biden declare he will not seek a second term. I feel confident they will find someone just as corrupt and incompetent as Joe. There is no shortage of them in the Democrat Party.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.