Should the Democratic Party Be Designated a Domestic Terror Organization?

The people of the United States have been abused by the Democratic party for a long time. Finally, some Democrats have recognized this and voted Republican in the recent election allowing Donald Trump win by a landslide. Donald Trump, unlike most politicians who win, went to work immediately on carrying out his promises to the Citizens of the United States. He issued executive orders reversing the executive orders Joe Biden made in an effort to destroy the United States. He started reversing trade agreements the Democrats promoted that gave unfair advantages to our enemies and even our allies. He has made it plain that those countries who take advantage of us will pay heavy penalties.

He has been working on removing government over regulation that hampers economic development. He has been working to eliminate all the money flowing to Democratic Party Supporters for their unscientific green agenda. He is exiting us from organizations who use our money for propaganda purposes and to promote counties or organizations whose goal is to destroy us. He is working to end the corruption of the FBI and the Justice Department. He is trying to make the United States safe by making our military strong again. Trump will be a Commander in Chief, not a Commander in Retreat.

He will either do away with the Department of Education or turn it into an organization that supports parents in making sure their children are educated. Under Trump the United States should be energy independent again. He is even now closing the opens borders for illegals the Democrats promoted. Trump will stop the money giveaways to foreign interests that do not benefit our country’s interests. Trump is an advocate for shrinking our bloated government which we do not need nor can afford. The Democrats are screaming like a stuck pig as Trump attempts to dismantle their criminal organization. They see money and power leaving them. The Democrats were involved in so many criminal activities I do not believe they can be reformed. Joe Biden had millions flowing to his family and himself through businesses that seem to be money laundering organizations. Nancy Pelosi’s husband always seemed to know where to invest his money as if he had inside information. If we convicted the Democrats for all the crimes they committed while drawing a government salary we would likely not have enough federal prisons to house them.

After designating the Democratic Party as a Domestic Terror Organization, we should encourage the formation of a new political party made up of people who believe in the United States Constitution. Otherwise, the Republican Party would have total control and could easily become what the Democrat Party is currently.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.