Should President Biden be Impeached?

President Biden seems to be trying to destroy The United States with his pen. One of his first executive orders or executive executions was the killing of thousands of jobs of people working on a pipeline that would help insure energy independence for the United States. This indicates his subservience to leftists who want to weaken the United States economically.

This pipe line after going through hearing after hearing and court case after court case was finally approved. With the stroke of his poison pen Biden destroyed thousands of jobs and undid years of hard work by people who care about the economic success of the United States. Now he will be likely to support the bad new green deal which radicals are supporting to attempt to control energy in our country and force us to pay exorbitant energy costs for inefficient expensive energy in their attempt to harm our economy.

Biden also wants to increase our taxes and that along with destroying employment in a time of economic downturn should be considered a crime against the people of the United States. Biden is a wealthy man and because of this he will still be able to enjoy a lavish life style while the citizens of the United States suffer from his mis deeds. How did he become wealthy serving as a government employee?

While incompetence might not be an impeachable offence breaking the laws of the land by a president should be. We have laws against illegal immigration and Biden is using his pen of supression against the people of the United States to circumvent the law and allow illegals to come into the United States. He even has said that no illegal immigrant would be sent back to their own country and would be allowed to enter the U.S.

Why should we citizens be horrified at Biden’s action. First he is trying to circumvent immigration laws by executive orders which should be an impeachable act. Biden and his leftist associates think that if we allow these illegal immigrants to come into this country they will eventually be allowed to become citizens and hope they will vote Democrat. Of course they would not bite the hand that feeds them. This would work wonderfully for Democratic/Leftist/Marxists who want one party rule that will give them complete control over everybody and everything in our nation.

There are other issues becides the Democrat attempted power grab. There is no way to vet these illegal trespassers. We do not know how many are criminals or have communicatiable diseases. Biden is putting U.S. citizens in peril as he attempts his political power grab. In addition his actions will cause millions of people to come here illegally. Our country has a huge debt from Socialist freebies which the Democrat/Marxists who control the Democratic Party promote. It is likely the only way this debt can be dealt with evertually is to print more money eroding the value of and confidence of the dollar or repudiating Government debt to U.S. debtors including government bondholders.

Biden’s illegal immigrants come here in poverty. They will need billions in aid from unwilling U.S. taxpayers for food, clothing, housing, medical care, education,welfare payments and legal expences to prevent deportation and to make their case that they deserve asylum. Unfortunately their are millions of people in the U.S. who think we can afford to support every one who wants come to the United States.

President Biden and his Maxists supporters could destroy the United States in four years. Consider how quickly Hitler siezed power in Germany after he succeeded in being elected to office in Germany. Biden needs to be impeached now before he and the Marxists can do more damage.

This is an opinion blog for conservatives and people of faith. We welcome your comments.