Joe Biden has been breaking our immigration laws from day one and should be impeached. Some feel it is fruitless since his heir apparent is Kamala Harris, a leftist radical. But I say he is breaking the law and should be impeached. If Kamala breaks the law then impeach her as well. We are in a situation the founding father never anticipated. The majority in Congress and the Senate are totally corrupt. They will not impeach their own kind. Neither do they want to chance not being able to enrich themselves with taxes paid by hard working Americans if their partner in crime is impeached.
The quick answer to whether Biden will be impeached with Democrats in control of the House and Senate is not a chance. However, there is a great opportunity to impeach the law breaker when the legislatures convene after the beginning of next year. Biden is so unpopular that even Democrats are turning against him if you can believe that.
Last Presidential Election, as shown in 2,000 mules, many ballots came in at the last minute and some after state laws prohibited them from being counted. Election officials still counted these untraceable, unverifiable and illegal ballots. In addition, ballot harvesters dropped many ballots of unknown origin into drop boxes.
This coming November election finds the Democrats worried that the land slide voting against Democrats some are predicting will happen. If so they might not be able to come up with enough untraceable, unverifiable or illegal votes to win although they will try. If the landslide happens Biden could be impeached right away. There are a lot of unanswered questions about Biden and his son’s dealings in China and Ukraine that needs to be investigated. Did criminal activity occur? Already we know that Joe claimed he never discussed him son’s business dealings when a voice mail on his son’s computer says otherwise. Should charges be brought against Joe?
Since the Democrats have embraced Communism they have done a lot to destroy our Republic. So many things have happened that are detrimental to the U.S. it is hard to point solely to incompetence. It had to be done by design. When the Communists assumed power in The White House, one of the first things the Communists got their puppet Biden to do was to cancel the pipelines and restrict gas drilling. You know how badly that went with us suddenly going from energy independence to high gas prices and Biden begging other nations, including Communist Venezuela, to bail him out. Apparently, Joe is too cognitively challenged to realize that listening to his Communist advisors is what got us where we are right now. Joe’s advisors knew that these actions he took would be followed by high gas prices which would affect most food and retail goods. In a Communist Country you do not need a middle class. You need a privileged class of “great leaders” who exploit to other class who are the slaves. The great leaders have great wisdom and make all the decisions for the slaves. If the great leaders cannot manipulate the slaves there is always re-education camps, brutal treatment in prison and when all else fails, elimination. For the middle class they can be eliminated by high taxes and restrictions on business that essentially make it impractical to go into business. Communists consider small business people a threat to their lust for power and wealth.

The communists also consider people of faith a threat. They want no competition for total loyalty to them. They even banned religious worship in places of worship under the guise of keeping us safe. Were they trying to keep us safe from infection or what Communist insist is misinformation? No surprise here since 40 per cent of Democrats admit they do not believe in God.
For many years the Communists have owned higher education with their followers indoctrinating millions of students. Their success is now apparent as surveys of miseducated young adults believe, contrary to rational thought, that Communism is superior to our Republican form of government. Now the Communists are spreading their poison in K-12 grades as critical race theory, a communist plot to divide us by race, is being taught. The Communists are also trying to destroy families because families divide the slaves allegiance between families and the party. The slaves in K-12 are now being taught that sexual deviancy is normal. They are now being taught everything the Communists want them to know about the LGBTQ25+ community. {the letters change so often it is hard to keep up} First the Communists and their useful idiots in education banned mention of God or his commandments in schools. Now they are promoting Un-Godly behavior. You had to know that was coming given who is in charge of education. Many people think public school education is detrimental to students for good reason.
This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.