Senator Kaine a Liability to Virginia

This blog dissects a form letter that Senator Kaine of Virginia sends to everyone who complains about the chaos on our Southern Border caused by the incompetence of Joe Biden. Kaine’s reply will be in quotation marks while our response will not be.
“Thank you for contacting us about our nation’s immigration system. The United States takes pride in being a nation of immigrants. In 2019 Virginia was home to over one million immigrants making up 12.5 % of the state’s population. Immigrants are an integral part of our foundation, culture, society, and economy and making up 17% of Virginia’s work force. The skills and talents they bring are critical in assuring our country continues to lead in world class innovations in competitive areas such as science, medicine and technology.”
Let us respond to this false and misleading propaganda in Kaine’s first paragraph. The issue is illegal immigration which Kaine falsely claims is part of our immigration system. In spite of the Marxist/Democrat narrative illegals do not have a seat at the immigration system table. Second Kaine claims the U.S. is a nation of immigrants. Even with millions of illegal immigrants The Marxist/Democrats are encouraging to come in the great majority of people living in the United States were born here. Illegal immigration supporters are anti-American. They used to say we need illegal immigrants to do menial jobs citizens would not do. Now Kaine is claiming that hordes of mostly uneducated illegal immigrants come in with skills and talents that will help the U.S. lead the world in areas such as science, medicine and technology and he expects us to believe those lies. Donald Trump encouraged bringing in immigrants legally who had skills that would help build a strong economy. The United States will be destroyed by letting in millions of people who will be dependent on government handouts to survive that will cost us trillions. This is in a country where we will soon not have the resources to pay social security to elderly Americans.
Senator Kaine and his fellow Marxist/Democrats have one goal in mind and that is to flood the country with dependent people who would vote for them and keep them in power. In addition to having power serving in a public office it is very rewarding financially. How does one become wealthy serving in a public office? Another problem with Kaine’s reasoning is that people who oppose Biden’s excesses are anti-immigration. Most U.S. citizens favor legal immigration of people who have the skills to help us build a strong economy.
“After four years of the Trump Administration our immigration system is in dire need of immediate reform and rehabilitation. I believe President Trump’s anti-immigration rhetoric and heartless treatment of immigrants did not reflect the values of this nation. After the cruel zero tolerance policy that led to family separation, the detainment of children in cages, the construction of a border wall and militarization along our southern Borders and leaving DACA and Temporary Protected Status {TPS]
recipients in limbo, the time to rectify the moral and humanitarian abuses of the past is now.”
Let us take a close look at the lies Senator Kaine tells in the second paragraph of his propaganda letter. First, he never mentions that these people are entering the country illegally and should not have rights U.S. citizens enjoy.

Four years of Donald Trump finally resulted in our getting control of our borders keeping swarming invaders out of our lands. Comes Biden and our Southern Borders are suddenly a humanitarian Crisis. We think Biden is illegally bringing people into the U.S. and Kaine supports that. Biden and Kaine’s attitudes do not reflect the values of this nation. The majority of the people are not in favor of open borders or people coming in illegally.
Donald Trump built a border wall to protect us from illegal entry, drugs and criminals. We believe Senator Kaine does not want any restrictions on anyone who wants to come here illegally and does not care about the safety of our citizens but only wants the vote of these potential Marxist/Democrats. We could write pages on the distortions in the second paragraph Kaine’s letter, but we will only mention two more things. Kaine talked about the detainment of children in cages during the Trump Administration. A photo was widely circulated by the Marxist/Democrat Party and the propaganda arm of the party, the Marxist News Media during the Trump Administration of children within a chain link enclosure, thus was born the Trump Cages. A funny thing happened on the ride down the Marxist/Democrat highway of lies. A non-Marxist reporter recognized the photo as one taken during the Obama Administration. It got a lot of attention from the non-Marxist new media but little from the Marxist news Media. Apparently, the Marxist/Democrats are still repeating that lie. We understand the Marxist/Democrats are now calling the chain link fence which lives on an enclosure. And did you see on the news a Biden operative who was sent to the border to try to block cameras taking videos of the enclosure?
Kaine says the moral and humanitarian abuses must stop. We agree. Encouraging people to enter the country illegally, remaining silent while cartels are making millions trafficking people, bringing minors on long dangerous journeys without their parents and turning a blind eye to reports that one third of the women in the Biden Caravans are raped we think amounts to crimes against humanity. We think we need something like the Nuremburg Trials in Germany to brings these evil politicians to trial for crimes against humanity.
We will not quote Kaine’s last paragraph but briefly he promotes Biden’s US. Citizen Act of 2021 which appears to us to legalize Biden’s illegal and heartless crimes. You may live in a geographic area that is represented by a Marxist/ Democrat but if not write to your representative demanding that these perpetrators be brought to trial.

This is an opinion blog for conservatives and people of faith. Do not forget to write your elected representatives encouraging them to stand against evil.