Rumors of War-A Racist Symbol?

The Management of the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts and their donors paid a lot of money for a statue entitled Rumors of War. To what end? There was once a Statue of Confederate Military Leader Jeb Stuart in Richmond, Virginia. Mayor Stoney and his Radical Friends removed all the statues of white people, except Robert E. Lee, including Christopher Columbus , apparently for being white. Governor Northan and his partners in crime are trying to figure out how to get rid of the other white guy, Robert E Lee which is owned by the State of Virginia. There are some other white statues in Richmond. There are some white children playing on a downed log at Maymont Park. We realize they are children, but they are white. Flouting their white priviledge playing on a tree in the surburbs. Children in the inner city don’t get to do that.

Getting back to the Jeb Stuart Statue, The Black Guy on horseback seems to be mocking Jeb Stuart and since Jeb Stuart was removed it is no longer a reference point. Rumors of War seems to have been designed to offend white southernors who have an affection for their Ancestors and those who led them during the days of the Confederacy. Stuart was immaculately dressed in his officers uniform. The Black Guy is wearing tennis shoes and ragged jeans which seems to be mocking White People’s attempt to look their best in public.

Then there is the title Rumors of War. Who is the Black Guy going to war against? The most likely culprit seems to be White People. In spite of what you have always heard that only white people are racist this statue is racist in every way and needs to be removed. We are puzzled as to why the Black Guy is mounted on a horse. Owning and boarding a horse is expensive and it requires some wealth to do that. Is the statue also mocking White people who earn enough money to own a horse?

We once met a Northernor who came to Richmond to work who had contempt for White Southernors. He proudly proclaimed that none of his neighbors in his white neighborhood in the suburbs were from here. Is that the type of people we have managing the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts. Is that why we have a Racist Statue on the Museum Grounds. And what about the people who paid a lot of money to finance the statue? Are they showing their contempt for White Southernors?

White people are under attack by Radicals. Recently we read an article by a Black Syndicated Coluumist who said her husband was playing with their child in a pool and a White Man complimented him on spending time with his child. Both husband and wife immediately concluded the White Guy was implying that Black People do not usually do that. We guess if you consider all White People Racist it would be easy to reach that conclusion.

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