Richmond, Virginia had a lot of things going for it in the past. Home to Maymont Park on the James River a favorite visiting place for many in the Metropolitan area. Home to Lewis Ginter Botanical Gardens another favorite place for visitors. The Virginia Museum of fine Arts and the Virginia Museum of History and Culture are also located there. The city has parks with access to the falls of the James for biking and and hiking. Sounds like a great place to live doesn’t it?
Recently a great stain was placed upon a once great city. The Marxist groups Black Lives Matter and Antifa decided to come to Richmond and tear down all the statues of all the white people in the city and while they were at that to destroy parts of the city as well. These Godless people were on a rampage. What a contrast to the teachings of Jesus to obey the laws of the land. Monument Avenue, once considered a beautiful avenue was the place where most of the statues were located. The lawless Marxists along with a lot of useful idiots joined in tearing down the statues and destroying the city. And where were the police while they were doing their criminal activity? Apparently they were told by their boss the mayor not to interfere. According to news reports Mayor Stoney was in the midst of the riots encouraging them on with a bull horn. What a spectacle! The mayor encouraging them in their law breaking. Why was he not charged with inciting a riot and sent to jail?

Later when the mayor’s friends did not get all the statues down the mayor paid one of his campaign contributors a lot of money from city taxes to complete the job. What the mayor did was against state law. Why was not the mayor charged with any of his crimes? Could it be Black Privilege? It also helped that he knew the Governor and his partner in crime the Attorney General of Virginia would do nothing.
What is amazing is that after Mayor Stoney did all his misdeeds he was re-elected to office. Do the citizens of Richmond have no credibility? Or is this evidence of a moral decline of the people? It is bad form to elect someone who is either incompetent or corrupt. Richmond city has become an unwelcome place for white people.
To compound the negative things about Richmond’s Leadership it has a leftist leaning daily paper the Richmond Times Dispatch. They love the Marxist Black Lives matter Movement. They never saw a destructive riot they did not approve of. They love to call destructive riots peaceful protests.
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