Richmond Bureaucrats and the Confederate Statues

Richmond, Virginia City Officials bowed to the demands of Black Lives Matter and Antifa like puppets and removed all the Confederate Monuments in Richmond. Now they cannot decide what to do with them. Some even have the audacity to want to sell the monuments after tearing down the momuments of those Hated White Men. Can you imagine after demonizing these men they want people to pay them money to take them away. If these men were so evil wouldn’t the money the city made on them be tainted? Should their greed be considered a character flaw? Why should anyone pay city officials for their stupidity?

News articles indicate the city paid 1.8 million dollars to do the “Taliban Takedowns”. This is money that might have been used to improve educational opportunites for poor Black Children.

City Officials are not satisified in removing statues of hated white men, They are even trying to get a court order to remove the remains of one hated Dead White Man who was buried at the site of his statue. Does their hate have no end? What’s next? Will they try to remove the remains of White People buried in Hollywood Cemetery?

Some are even advocating control over the monuments even after they are taken away. Some apparently hate the Dead White Men so intensly they want to have them further demonized by whoever will display them in the future. Hating people dead or alive is not a Christian Virtue.

Mayor Stoney was quoted in the news media as saying the lives of these men should not be celebrated on public squares or public places. We are sure he meant their lives anr not worthy of remembrance. Will people feel the same way about Stoney when he is gone. We are happy someone is requesting an investigation of Stoney and his handling of the takedowns.

If the city has not wasted enough money on tearing down and storing these statues they are not through yet. According to news reports lawyers will be
involved in negotiating terms with anyone who wants the statues which will cost a lot of money that could be used for educating children. Competent people would have involved the citizens and if the majority wanted removal it would could have been done in an orderly manner. Can you spell corruption?

We are not impressed with the Valetine Musuem wanting to exhibit the Jefferson Davis Statue the way it was partially destroyed by rioters.
Did they consider displaying it as the act of depraved, hateing people?

An article in the Richmond Times Dispatch quoted Jalane Schmidt, a professor at UVA saying that statues should be compared to when a person moves and decided what items they should consider junk, She apparently even suggested serious consideration be given to breaking the statues in pieces and selling the pieces. Sounds like she has contempt for Dead White Men or perhaps she is not a cultered person. This is a Professor of Religion?

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