Retribution, A new Leftist Propaganda Campaign

The Leftists are very concerned losing the upcoming Presidential Election. They fear Donald Trump might win and insist those who broke the law during the Biden Regime be tried in a court of law. Criminals who break the law while holding public office are rarely held accountable. They either agree to resign and draw their fat government pension or fight to hold on to their job and get recalled by the citizens. Then when that happens, they can still draw their fat government pension. They think Trump may be a dirty pool player by insisting they be held accountable. How dare anyone question their actions. They think they have more wisdom than the American People and therefore should be able to accomplish their agenda by any means possible.

So what are the Leftists doing about this potential threat? They are working with their fellow criminals in the news media to create the illusion that if they are tried in a court of law for breaking the law it is actually Trump taking retribution for them pushing charges against him in the past three years for allegedly breaking the law. They are also horrified that their campaign to get Trump convicted of some bogus crime is unraveling.

Some like to call the left-wing news media the Main- Stream media or the Legacy News media. Both those titles are misnomers. First the majority of the news media is not main stream. The majority of the American People do not agree with them. Indeed, if many of them were not propped up by charitable organizations, controlled by leftists, they would go bankrupt. And calling them the Legacy news Media is an insult to the Journalists of yesteryear who were after truth. Many of a today’s media personalities are propagandists. We would come closer to accuracy by calling them the Marxist News Media.

I suspect the Democrat/Marxists are working hard on what worked so well last election. Polls will tell them how many votes they need in the election in each state so they will know how many votes they will have to come up with. I suspect their new twist this coming election will be registering millions of illegal immigrants. Preventing any investigation of this approach is likely already being planned. Remember the last election when millions of unverifiable votes and unverifiable harvested votes came in? Remember the Democrats/Marxists and the Marxist News Media attempting to prevent any investigation by accusing anyone who questioned the vote, vote suppressors? Today some “Blue States” are even trying to give these illegals the right to vote in the next national election. Do not expect much help from the Republicans. They were asleep leading up to the last election as the Democrat/Marxists planned their mail in ballot and ballot harvesting scheme and will probably be asleep this time around..

Another reason the guilty probably have no reason to fear is to look at the Biden Impeachment Inquiry. We keep hearing about all the questionable things Joe Biden has done and yet the Republicans cannot hold him accountable. I could be judging the Republican unfairly. Perhaps they have not brought impeachment charges against Joe because they know his fellow criminals in the Senate will protect him from justice. Maybe they realize all they can effectively do is to bring up all his misdeeds before the people and let them vote him out of office. This may be a fool’s errand. The Democrats have embraced Marxism in their “big tent” and the Marxists are experts a getting a favorable vote. They have won every election in Communist China since they seized control. Of course, they are the only ones on the ballot by why stumble over unimportant details?

Our beloved Democrats/Marxists and their criminal allies in the news media assured us after the last election that it was the most secure election ever. One thing about lying is your lies will eventually be exposed. Recently a Heartland/Rasmussen survey showed that one fifth of all voters surveyed admitted that they had done something illegal when voting in the last national election. If you apply that sample in the survey to the nation you are talking about millions of people. In Democrat/Marxist terminology cheating makes the election secure. What is sad is the liars will not be held accountable for their lies.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and people of Faith.