Reflections on the Recent Republican Governors Race in Virginia

On October 22, 2021 I had a serious operation from which I was expected to survive. Nine days after the operation I was released to go home. After returning home I became seriously ill and was rushed back to the hospital. Finally after several days the medical personnel were able to determine I had three infections and were able to prescribe antibodies which enabled me to survive. After a slow recovery I am mending. It is good to be able to return to my blog.

I would like to revisit Glenn Youngkin’s victory over Terry McAulliffe, who had previously served as Governor of Virginia but could not by law serve consecutive terms. In the beginning McAulliffe had a commanding lead in the Governor’s Race. He had name recognition, and his party controlled the House, Senate and the Presidency and Virginia had not elected a statewide non Democrat office holder for 15 years. With all those things going for him how could he lose?

Since the Biden Regime came into power Democrats have been expert at shooting themselves in the foot. They have been pushing national agendas that are wildly unpopular among the citizens of the United States. First Joe cancelled the pipeline which was bringing energy independence to the United States. This forced up gas prices which have not endeared Joe to the Citizens. Then corrupt Joe opened our borders to anyone who wanted to come and could afford to bribe the cartels. One wonders if Joe is getting a kickback from the cartels funneled through his family members. Big lie Joe claims requiring illegals to follow the law is against out values. What he means is preventing people from entering the country illegally is against his corrupt values. Every action taken by this illegitimate con man should be challenged in court.

Youngkin ran an intelligent campaign against some of the most corrupt people who have served in public office in The United States. Terry McAulliffe claimed parents had no right to determine what their children were being taught in school. Glenn Youngkin listened to the people of Virginia and supported them. Then the people had their say.

Did the Democrats learn anything from this crushing defeat? Of course not. Their superiority complexes are so fixed they even called Virginia Voters Racist for voting for a black Lieutenant Governor. In the twisted minds of Democrats only they could describe voting for a black person as raciest.

This is an opinion blog for conservatives and people of faith.