Random Thoughts About the United States

Joe Biden. The Democrats plan to run Joe for President again in spite of the fact that polls show the majority of the citizens do not want him to run. Why? Two reasons I see. First the Marxists, who now control the Democratic Party, like having someone who is so mentally impaired he will do whatever his puppeteers tell him to do to keep them in power and enjoying the government gravy train. Second they are sure they can bring enough unverifiable mail in or harvested votes to get Joe re-elected. Joe is their inspiration. He became a multi-millionaire in public service. Criminal minds can come up with brilliant moves. The Republicans were outsmarted as the Democrats brilliantly planned unverifiable mail in ballots and ballot harvesting, also unverifiable votes. They also carefully planned the aftermath of their fraud by working with most of the news media to attack anyone who questioned the validity of the votes. By careful planning they were able to lock down nearly all attempts to investigate fraud.

Higher Education. The Marxists have taken control of higher education Nearly all the Professors and Administration are Radical Leftists and according to researchers predominately Democrats. Birds of a feather? If you can believe the research that has been done on college students most are ignorant of Democratic Principles and think Communism is the best system of government. College professors and Administration have enormous power to do evil. Communism is one of the most evil systems ever designed by evil people and many college students are too ignorant to know that, and believe whatever their professors or administrators tell them.

K-12 Education. After having so much success in college education The Marxists are now taking control of indoctrinating our children while many parents are unaware. Critical Race Theory is being taught often with another name teaching children that if they are white they are racist. The Marxists are also rewriting text books telling young minds that the founding fathers were racists and that the Constitution is a Racist Document. These people have infiltrated every institution in the United States from government, to education to labor unions to news media, to social media to even the corporation boardrooms. Many of these evil people, such as federal law enforcement, have tremendous power to abuse those the Biden Regime considers their enemies. Think of the swat teams who show up early in the morning at residences to terrorize innocent people.

FBI. This organization has become so corrupt it likely cannot be reformed. The Director refuses to release information that likely is damaging to Joe Biden. He should be fired but his boss is just as corrupt as he is so that will not happen. The Republicans have the power to de-fund the FBI but probably not the courage to do so. We do not need an organization led by a man that thinks he is not accountable to Congress and the people of the U.S. Defund the FBI. We may find out we really do not need them.

The Justice Department. This organization even attempted to intimidate parents who were concerned about the false information their children were being taught in school. It looks more like the old secret police of the Soviet Union and the Chinese Police every day. Defund them. We do not need the secret police in the U.S.

Mutilation of Children. As near as I can tell this only happens in states where Democrats have control. This happens when mentally ill adults try to convince young children whose minds have not fully formed that they can change their sex by operations and they can decide what sex they want to be. This is the very worst form of child abuse and perfectly legal in some states even withholding from parents what they are doing. These adults are the very worst child abusers and should go to jail.

Sexual pervasion. The Bible tells us God made male and female. He did not assign anyone to be anything else. Time once was when anyone who thought otherwise was considered a sexual deviant. Now abnormal behavior is considered normal. And people educated in Psychology are leading the parade. The old saying is first we tolerate, then we embrace and then we promote. I am not advocating hunting these people down and burning them at the stake but I take issue with people who claim we discriminate by not accepting and embracing their behavior. Non believers in God will often misuse the teachings of Jesus to advance their causes. They often cite the case of the woman taken in adultery, who the people wanted to stone, where Jesus loved her and forgave her. What they leave out is Jesus did not excuse her behavior. His message to her was go and sin no more. Part of the repentance process is to feel remorse for sin and not continue to sin. He also drove the people out of the Temple who were making money in the temple by selling things. The Temple was a place of worship and Jesus did not tolerate anything else there.

Now there is a movement of evil people to indoctrinate children in accepting sexual deviance by bringing in cross dressers into public schools to interact with children. Evil people are now attempting to lower the age of consent to give them legal authority to abuse younger children. God does not fellowship these people.

Federal Debt Ceiling. The Republicans who were elected to the House to reign in abuses by the Democrats to bankrupt the country, by running up huge federal debts, have totally failed us. Because the increase in spending is supposed have some limits, which may not happen, the Republicans are considering their “compromise” a great victory. The Democrats are pleased with the “compromise” which is telling. They can still run up debts far in excess of money coming in and continue their quest to bankrupt the United States. All they have to do is print more money which is destroying savings and retirements funds which many need to pay for the necessities of life. The Chinese will be pleased to see the United States go bankrupt. Are the Democrats working for the Chinese Communists?

Chinese Communists. The Chinese seek world dominion and enslavement of billions. They depend on money coming in for goods sold in the United States to enable them to accomplish this. Most politicians in both parties do not seem very concerned about this. We now know the Biden family has received millions from the Chinese Communists for no apparent reason other than buying influence. Are many in the House and Senate also getting money from the Chinese? We need a a concerted effort by our government to buy from friendly nations to keep our money from misuse by the Communists.

Abortion. This is an ugly sin. How could anyone kill their own baby and pretend there was really no life involved. God said, “Thou shall not kill” and did not say unless the child has not been born yet, or unless the baby will be inconvenient. A woman’s “right to choose” as pro abortion advocates frame it does not excuse the sin.

Businesses promoting abnormal behavior. A lot of businesses have deviants in places of power promoting deviant behavior. Budweiser, Disney and Target are some of the companies who have seen a loss of sales and loss of stock value from promoting deviant behavior. It is a good thing that people are responding to abuse by these companies by refusing to buy from them. It proves that decent people can take individual action against these companies who attempt to abuse them without having organizations promoting boycotts.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.