Radicals Pocket Dictionary

Here is a Pocket Dictionary used by Radicals as a guide in overthrowing our Democracy and installing a Socialist Government.

Capitalist- a person who has accumulated wealth by exploiting others. a person who does not accept the theories of Karl Marx.

Christians- facists, ridicule them, burn their churches

Conservatives- facists, deplorables

Bernie Saunders- our inspiration. a man who shows devotion to Communison by praising. Fidel Castro.

By any means- a placard we carry when we are rioting to indicate we are even willing to murder to achieve the takeover of the United States.’

Communist- a follower of Karl Marx, but a term we should avoid using because it brings images of the brutality of the Russian, Chinese, Cuban and North Korean Communists governments.

Facist-conservative, person of faith, people who believe in the Bill of Rights, people who have accumulated wealth.

Founding fathers in America- the first facists.

Guaranteed annual income- what we need from the new Socialist Government to support ourselves. our capitalist parents will not be able to afford to support us under socialism.

Hands up don’t shoot- a useful slogan and lie we and the radical press invented to claim a black man was shot by the police when he held up his hands to surender.when repeating that lie do it with vigor, many people love a lie.

Hate speech-any critisism of our goals.

Jesus- a guy we do not follow. Ignore his teachings of obeying the laws of the land,loving our neighbors, forgiviness, and a house divided cannot stand. His teachings are a distraction to our goals of controlling every aspect of other peoples’s lives.

Jews- a group of people who believe in capitalism and many have become wealthy preying on the poor and people of color. Condemn them often.

Lies- something useful to us in getting fools to support us.

News media- two kinds . those who support out efforts to destroy freedom and facist news organizations.

Peaceful demonstrators-what we and the left leaning news organiztions call us when we are destroying property, setting fires, tearing down and defacing statues and any work of art on the street, looting and attacking police.

People of color-those who are oppressed daily by white people.

People of faith-facists

Police brutality- a slogan invented by us and the radical news media to take attention away from our goal of destroying this facist society, use it often.

Progressive-a new name for communists.

Raciest-white people. only white people can be prejudiced.

Small businesses- shops owned by evil capitalists that should be burned or looted.

Social justice- a slogan we use to hide from fools our real goal to take over the United States.

Socialist-a communist who wants a softer name for what he is trying to accomplish.

Statues- monuments to facists that need to be destroyed.

Systemic racism- systemic means doing or acting according to a plan or system, methodical. when no proof of racism exists use this term. Most people do not what it means and will assume you do.

Useful idiots-people who contribute money to us or riot with us. The leftist news media. Radical politicians.

White priviledge-White people who have achieved success not by hard work but by explioting others.

Work- something deplorables do.

We invite conservatives and people of faith to add to the dictionary and also to send in you opinions supporting conservatives and people of faith.