Radical Left Influence in the United States

Radical leftists have infiltrated every institution in our nation. Some are bought and paid for by our own money which goes to buy Chinese goods. The Chinese use some of that money to do cyber theft of our technology, to steal private information on our citizens, to bully smaller countries and to buy influence from crooked politicians throughout the world including our own country. Think Joe Biden. In Virginia the radical left has a lot of influence in education.  The leftist ideology including critical race theory which teaches white people are oppressors and Black people are victims  including the 1519 project alleging this country was founded to preserve slavery has been taught in Virginia. The education unions defended these false teachings which indicates that radical leftists have infiltrated and taken control of these unions. If you have children in the public schools they are at great risks of being indoctrinated with false teachings.

Our college boards are doing their part in attacking our educational system. The Board of the Community Colleges in Virginia is now on a vendetta against white men which works well with the Marxist Playbook of dividing people by class, but in the U.S. dividing by race works better for them. If I am not mistaken the Democrats appointed all the boards since they have controlled Virginia with their tyranny for a number of years. This is the party that embraced Bernie Sanders who wants to called a socialist buts every else considers him to be a Marxist.

The Community College Board was supposed to make sure Virginia has a quality Community College System, but instead they are changing the names of community colleges of people who served our state and nation. They are even changing the names of streets and buildings on campus to cancel out the white guys likely hoping it will cause contention among the races and help weaken our nation.

One of the names they want to remove is John Tyler, a Virginian, who was president of the United States. What did they come up with? Brightpoint. I could not find that word in the dictionary. It is very Marxist to slip in an ideological theme. As far as I can tell it is a made up name to fit a Marxist theme which they teach but do not practice meaning equity for all. The only way equity is practiced in a Marxist Society is everyone , but the leaders, is treated equality bad.  I thought with Youngkin as the new governor we could get rid of Marxism but even some republicans are trying to preserve critical race theory and other communist teachings. If the Republicans are like Democrats why should we vote for them?

Changing names of community colleges does not improve education but it does give community college boards a break from the hard work of making sure our community colleges are quality education institutions. Why do politicians appoint people to the boards that are only interested in ideology? The only reason I can think for this name changing is to support Marxist practices of cancelling people who they consider their enemies.

Let us tackle the issue of cancelling other people. They are taking the position that someone is not worth remembering. How arrogant! How hypocritical! How ungodly! Here we have a group of people who are likely badly flawed who are deciding someone else is flawed. I am sure all of them have done things they would not want the public to know about. Does not this make them unworthy to serve the citizens or to be remembered?

We can suspect they are not worthy to serve the people and not worthy of being remembered when they put their own ideology or of people who have control over them above the educational needs of the people of Virginia. Changing names of schools is not a hot button issue with Most Virginians but it is with Marxists.

Jesus taught about hypocrisy many times which indicates it is a sin that needs much attention. He taught not to judge others and I am sure that applied to the living and the dead. He also taught we should first be concerned about the “beam” in our own eyes rather than the “moat” in their’s. That is a sin in our lives could be compared to a wooden beam while someone we are condemning had a sin more like a splinter.

Did the members of the board ever hear Jesus’ teachings in their homes where they grew up? Did they hear them and reject them for the false allures of Marxism? These cancel cultists are condemning the ancestors of us Virginians. Most of us had ancestors who owned slaves. And cancel cultists are implying they are not worthy of remembrance. Members of the board should vetted now to determine if they have skeletons in their closets or ancestors who owned slaves. Then using their reasoning it would make them unfit to serve.

Jesus used the term hypocrisy towards people who accused others of evil when they did evil themselves. Today we also use the term virtue signaling for people wo think they are superior morally and expect others to believe that falsehood. We need leaders who will follow the teachings of Jesus and not ideologies that are contrary to the benefit of mankind.

This is an opinion blog for conservatives and people of faith.