Questions U.S. citizens Need Answered

How did Joe Biden become a multi-millionaire as an elected Federal Politician?

Are all Democrat Politicians crooks or do only crooks run as Democrats?

Are the Republicans investigating corruption in the Biden Regime or just name calling?

Was the big guy mentioned on Hunter Biden’s E-mails Donald Trump or Joe Biden?

With evidence mounting of corruption in the FBI and Justice Department why do not the Republicans who control the House, and therefore funding, defund both agencies?

If the FBI and the Justice Department were dismantled would anyone miss them other than dishonest people?

When Federal Agencies refuse to give information to Congressional Commissions investigating them for wrongdoing why are the Republicans afraid to immediately defund them?

With polls indicating most US Citizen are dissatisfied with the policies of Joe Biden, why are polls showing a close race between him and Donald Trump?.

Is a large percentage of U.S. Citizens too dumb to come in out of the rain.

Under Governor Newsome, California has become one of the worst places to live in the United States. Does the citizens continuing to vote him into office indicate that Californians are hopeless?

Joe Biden is a criminal who continues to violate our laws. Why are the Republicans too incompetent to remove him from office?

What did Joe Biden promise the Chinese Communist Party in exchange for the millions of dollars flowing from China to the Biden Crime Family?

With employees throughout the United States begging for competent workers why are there beggars on every street corner.

With Government Social Service Agencies Claiming to have services available for the needy, are the hoards of beggars in need or in greed?

With the Democrats backing a man for President who is incompetent or dishonest does that mean they think they can “deliver” any amount of votes needed to get him elected.

Is the Biden Regime the most corrupt in the history of the United States?

Most of the news media in the United States is corrupt. Is it all ideology or do the decision makers also receive bribes from the Chinese?

With our welfare system, which doles out money without any interest in teaching people to become self reliant, have we created a permanent class of leeches?

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and people of Faith.