Presidential Debates, A Waste of Time?

As I watched the so called Presidential Debate a few impressions came to me. Kamela Harris spent a lot of time with her corrupt advisors preparing to attack Donald Trump for many things, most of which he was not guilty of. She could not debate her positions because most voters do not agree with them. She could not talk about her accomplishments because she has none. She talked to the stupid and naive about the great things she was going to accomplish. One of the most poignant moments was when Donald Trump asked why she had not done those things in the last 3 and a half years. Without being able to talk about the things mentioned above, she was left to look like an attack dog. She did what she did hoping to deflect attention away from her total failure as a Vice President.

She talked about turning the page. That is what the citizens need to do in the United States by putting Joe Biden and Kamela Harris in the rear-view mirror. It is interesting that she talks about turning the page that she has been on for 3 and a half years. She was border Czar in the Biden Regime. She owns the legacy of the Biden Regime, which was breaking the law in allowing all those people in with the support of the Criminal Organization known as the Democrat Partly. She owns the crime rate that has risen with so many criminals coming into the United States. She owns the gang behavior that has intensified in our land. She owns the deaths that are being caused by drugs pouring across the border with these illegal invaders. She owns the huge inflation we are suffering as the result of her and Joe Biden. She owns the huge debt that some think we can never repay brought to us by the Biden Regime with the support of the Democrat Criminal Organization. She owns the debts being placed on our citizens in having to support all these illegals with our tax money. She owns the almost certain likelihood that terrorists coming across our borders are now being organized to attack us in our own lands.

Kamala was well schooled in being deceitful and a fraudster. She could not have done a better acting job after going to the Democrat Party Fraud Acting Classes. The problem is only a fool would believe her. Her actions in the past 3 and a half years betray her. I never got the feeling she was telling the truth. As a matter of fact, some of the things she claimed have already been debunked. I also noticed how the so called moderators accused Trump of not telling the truth but when Kamala made an outlandish statement they said nothing. Bias anyone? I strongly suspect Kamala’s handlers were given the questions that were going to be asked so she could rehearse answering them. I doubt that either of ABC’s moderators were Republicans. And should I mention that one moderator was Black and 90 per cent of them support Democrats. This does not look like an interviewing panel but a lynching panel.

The Democrat Strategy was attacking Trump rather than discussing issues. I would have preferred for Trump to not spend time defending himself and spend his time attacking her record. Given the way this debate turned out I think it was a waste of time. Many pollsters do not feel that debates change anyone’s mind and if the candidates spend their time attacking their opponent, rather than talk about the issues the people care about, why have them?

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and people of Faith.