President Biden, the Pleaser

President, the Pleaser.

Should not that make the citizens of the U.S. get excited. Well we would be if Biden wanted to please the citizens of the united States, but he wants to please people from other nations. What has Blundering Joe done lately to please our enemies? Well, the Russians are making war against the civilians of Ukraine. Joe kept saying a Russian attack was imminent. What did he do while the Russians were massing troops on the Ukraine Border? Apparently he slept through most of the preparations. He is called sleepy Joe isn’t he? To further please the Russians he said we should not get involved because it might upset the Russians and they might attack us.

Does not that frighten you to have Joe Biden as Commander in Chief? If the Russians did attack us he might refuse to do anything because it might make the Russians mad. After all Biden is a pleaser when he deals with non-Americans. Then when Poland wanted to transfer Jet aircraft to the Ukrainians through U.S. airbases, so they could defend themselves, good ole Joe said no. He said it might offend the Russians. Another move by Biden to please our enemies. Remember when General Milley promised a Chinese General he would tell him if the U.S. decided to attack China? That tells us a lot about the Biden Regime. Milley should have been court martialed and charged with treason. Biden did not have any problem with Milley’s comments which probably pleased a lot of haters of the United States. Biden’s family makes a lot of money in Chinese Business Interests and apparently that is a lot more important to him than the interests of the Citizens of our country.

What else has Biden done to please our enemies? Our energy production has been greatly curtailed. Now Biden is begging countries who hate us to sell us more oil. That is sure to please our enemies to see the President of the United States groveling. Always the pleaser is Biden. And, of course, pleasing is what got us huge gas prices at the pump. Biden wanted to please the radical environmentalists who want the country to fail as well as the Radical Marxists in his party whose goal is to destroy democracy.

What about Biden pleasing millions of people from other countries who wanted to come to this country illegally? His bringing these people into the United States is not only illegal but is treason and he should have been impeached long ago. It will not happen because the house and senate is controlled by Democrats in his party, who being corrupt themselves, support his corruption.

Biden’s illegal actions are costing the taxpayers billions of dollars in welfare benefits in an already bankrupt country and of course we do not know how many Mexican Cartel Members he is bringing in. Expect even more crime and deaths of our citizens from drugs brought into our country by the cartels. Is Biden getting some pay from the drug cartels for pleasing them?

Biden did a lot of pleasing in Afghanistan. He pulled all our troops out of Afghanistan allowing the Taliban to take power greatly pleasing them. The Taliban had either exited the country or gone into hiding before Biden arrived. With our troops gone the Taliban were able to ride into town in pick up trucks and guns and take control. Biden, in an effort to be a world class pleaser, left the Taliban 80 dollars in military hardware. Now the Taliban will be able to travel in armored vehicles, no doubt, with gas supplied by China. Time Magazine should have an award for the Pleaser of the Year. Biden would get the award every year.

Biden has pushed through billions of federal spending with the support of corrupt Democrat Legislators. There is not enough tax money coming in through taxes to pay for his spending, so the government is borrowing money even though we have a national debt of over $90,720 for every citizen in our country. With so much money pursuing scarce goods the price of everything has skyrocketed. To add more pain the government is printing more dollars making your money worth less to buy goods B.D.(Before Biden). Even some Americans are pleased with Biden for doing these things. The people who depend on government contracts are pleased with a lot of money being spent on government projects of dubious value. Those who get the contracts do not care how the Biden Regime’s recklessness affects the people as long as their money keeps coming in. A lot of politicians are pleased by Biden’s actions. They get a lot of money from those who depend on government contracts for their income. We do not call it bribes because that would be too crass. We sanitize the money by calling it campaign contributions. Or is it money laundering? Can you think of other ways Joe is a pleaser?

This is an opinion blog for conservatives and people of faith.