Politics In These United States

Crooked Joe Biden is now further trying to bankrupt the United States by forgiving millions in education loans. His equally crooked legal advisors will probably claim the citizens have the right to the pursuit of happiness mentioned in the Constitution and cannot pursue happiness if they have a huge college debt. Therefore his actions are Constitutional. Joe’s stated reason was the college that offered the degrees lied to those who enrolled telling them they would make a lot of money if they completed the program making them victims. If they lied I am sorry, but I am not the one who lied so I do not feel any obligation to contribute by tax money to cover people I did not lie to. Neither did I fail to be diligent in researching since I had no interest in the college offerings and their record of success. I do not feel I am responsible for the lack of due diligence on the part of the students.

What is Joe up to? Does buying votes come to mind. I think I heard up to $25,000 per student might bring them happiness and a vote for Joe. Is Joe taking our tax money and paying $25,000 per vote for well pleased former college students? One family member who has a huge college debt thinks forgiveness of college debt is something he deserves. He was upset that other family members did not share his enthusiasm. Even is he does not get his windfall you can bet he will vote for Joe for his attempt to shake down the taxpayers. What else might be involved. The Chinese Communist Party has vowed to destroy us. War is too costly and they might lose. However if they can bankrupt us that would be a wonderful solution. They have a wonderful ally in the Biden Regime. Recent revelations seem to indicate the Biden Crime Family has received millions from Communist China for no recognizable product. How much “cooperation” will he give to the Chinese Communists for the money that is flowing his way?

Joe has been saying for years he had never discussed son Hunter’s business deals with Chinese and other bad actors with him. Now it appears Hunter’s former business partner contradicts that. The White House now amends Joe’s position and says that he was not a business partner with Hunter. Which brings up the question of how Joe became a multi-millionaire in government service. Did he cut deals through his influence in government or was he just a very smart businessman. If you choose smart businessman I have a dunce hat you can wear.

The Southern Border continues to be a disaster. Joe is breaking our immigration laws and the Republicans are still confused about what to do about it. The solution is simple. Joe should be in jail. The latest estimates on the cost of illegal immigrants to US taxpayers is $151,000,000,000 per year. That comes out to over $4000 to every citizen in the US. Bare in mind that most of the citizens do not pay taxes so the burden on those who pay taxes is immense. What motivates Joe in this illegal activity? He hopes the Democrats can retake the House and hold on to the Senate and Presidency. Then the Democrats can give the illegals citizenship who will gladly vote them into office until they can set up a one party Marxist Society.

Corruption in government is being investigated now that the Republicans control the House. It was not being investigate when the Democrats were in control because they embrace corruption. The extent of government corruption is now being exposed in hearings in the House. Government agencies have become so powerful and corrupt that they refuse to give in- formation to those conducting hearings in Congress. It is obvious they have been doing illegal things or they would not refuse to turn over information. Even when they do turn over information so much has been redacted to cover their illegal activities it is difficult to determine what illegal activities they were involved in. Government bureaucrats have a good old boy network where the protect each other from being exposed in their corruption. We need to finally have a justice system where wrong doers in government are punished rather that have their sins covered by fellow corrupt government workers. Lying to the public or news media should result in immediate firing.

We learned from the Covid Years how dishonest and controlling government agencies can be. No one has been held been held responsible for the lies and cover up these government workers did to deceive the public. They actually did a disservice to the Citizen of this nation. There does not seem to be any limit to what bureaucrats will do to control the citizens. They even restricted movement of people and obstructed worship to control our lives.

We need a major overhaul in our political parties in the United States. The Democrat Party has become so corrupt it needs to disbanded and a new party of people of character needs to be formed. The Republicans need reformation as well. Just like churches that can excommunicate people who do not follow the teachings of Jesus the Republicans should have a code of conduct for whoever is allowed to represent them. Those who do not represent the best interests of the people should be bounced. With a very corrupt Joe Biden in the Presidency some Republicans are reluctant to rock the boat with impeachment proceedings. If they are not willing to do what is best for the Citizens of the united States they should not be Republicans.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith