People of Virginia vs. the Communists

The Democratic party masquerading as the party of the people won the top three offices in the state of Virginia in 2014 and held on to those offices until the election of 2021. During that time the state government turned radically left. Here is what they delivered to the State of Virginia. Working with radical leftist politicians the cities and counties they brought in critical race theory to the public schools. That is the teaching that white people are oppressors and non-whites are their victims. This doctrine of the devil was not only detrimental to white children to be told that lie, but also non-white children who then believed there is no avenue for them to succeed. This evil is pure Marxist in intent. Marxist in the past have tried to create discord between the haves and the have nots by trying to convince the have nots that the haves (in Democrat terminology that is the middle class) stole from the have nots. This did not play well in a prosperous country like the United States so the Commies switched to critical race theory in an attempt to divide people by race.  

The National Democrats also embraced Marxism during the years the Democrats controlled Virginia. As you know an avowed Marxist who prefers to be called a Socialist, Bernie Saunders, was invited by the Democratic Party to Caucus with them. Four Marxist infamously know as the squad, were actually elected to congress as Democrats and were excitedly embraced by the Democrats. In the Democrat’s “big tent” even if people want to take away our freedoms or overthrow our government there is always room for them.

One of the evils of the Virginia Democrats was embracing Black Lives Matter a known Marxist organization. We do not know if those who started Black Lives Matter were recruited and trained by the Chinese Communist Party. What we do know is under the guise of being a social justice organization they organized many demonstrations in cities throughout the United States. In most of these demonstrations property was destroyed and fires were set. Some lives were also lost. This organization needs to be classified as a domestic terror organization.

Do we need to be reminded in these Democratic cities the politicians ordered the police to “stand down” as their partners in crime were breaking the law? Do we need to be reminded that when the very few criminals were arrested most were not prosecuted? Do we need to be reminded that Marxists funded the legal fees of the few who were prosecuted? Do we need to be reminded that Democratic Politicians in Virginia did not condemn the criminals. One Democratic Mayor in Virginia even got on a bull horn to encourage the rioters.

Black Lives Matter has been setting the agenda for the Democrats in Virginia in recent years. They hate native born white people and have been trying to cancel out dead white people from history with the help of the Democrat Party. Richmond once had some magnificent and priceless statues of Confederate Military and Government Leaders. The white hating Black Lives Matter People tried to destroy them while elected officials did nothing but encourage them. After failing to destroy the statues they turned to their allies in the Marxist Democratic Party. The City has a Black Democratic Mayor who many consider incompetent and a bigot. He was on board and even removed some statues which was against state law. He had nothing to worry about. The top three politicians in Virginia were Democrats and no way were they going to hold him responsible. He even had a campaign donor remove the statues at a huge fee the City had to pay.

The Robert E. Lee Statue was owned by the State of Virginia. We do not know if Governor Northam met secretly with Black Lives Matter  and agreed to remove the Statue but he was in a big hurry to remove it. He did not care what white native born Virginians thought about removing the statue. Governor Northam is so corrupt he made the Black History Museum one of the recipients of the Lee Statute to make sure it is never re-erected.

The people of Virginia have had enough of Marxist Democrats and in the recent election voted all Republicans to the top three offices in Virginia. We hope we set the standard for what the nation will do in the next election.

This is an opinion blog for conservatives and people of faith.