Another Unfavorable Poll for Joe Biden

Just when you would think Joe Biden could not get more unpopular the latest polls give him a 38 per cent approval rating. It is truly shocking that 38 percent of the people in the United States give him an approval rating. It makes you wonder who these people are. It makes you wonder if those surveys were secretly sent to China, Russia, Iran or to members of the Mexican Cartels. Are there that many people who get gain by bribing politicians who are currently holding office for favors? Are there that many people who depend on free governments handouts to support them? Is there a grand coalition of people who either cannot or will not try make it in this world without government help?

Joe Biden has nearly destroyed this country since he has been in office. While he is incompetent and mentally incapable of leading this country it is hard not to believe much of what he is doing is deliberate with the goal of destroying the United States. What is his motivation? Follow the money. Joe has become a multimillionaire in government. How would you do that without taking bribes and using influence to enrich himself? I have yet to hear anyone argue that Biden got rich because of his talent in Business, for good reason.

Does Biden care where the money comes from as long as he gets a cut? A lot of money is flowing to the Biden Family from Communist China. China does not give out money unless they are buying influence. Even if Biden were not a puppet of the Communist Regime in China his earnings and “contributions” for his Presidential Library from the Chinese would raise a lot of questions. What is the relationship between the Cartels and the Communist Party in China? The Cartels send a lot of money to China for the ingredients in the drugs they sell in he United States. With Biden’s open borders policy the Cartels are making billions easily moving drugs across our borders and killing many of our citizens. They also are making billions moving people to our borders where Biden protects them from deportment. Is there a tie in between Biden with the Chinese communists and the Cartels. Dare we ask if Biden is receiving money for the help he is giving the Communists and the Cartels? We believe Biden is engaging in criminal conduct in ignoring our laws. The Republicans have been hampered by having an illegitimate government in power who rose to power through unverified mail in ballots. Now is the time for the Republicans to stamp our corruption.

Not only are we at risk from drugs and Chinese Influence but we are burdened with supporting millions of illegals, many of whom will be dependent on governments all their lives. This alone may bankrupt the country. We believe Biden is a criminal who belongs on jail.

Biden spent billions, with the support from his Democrat Partners in crime. We did not have the money so they printed more money causing severe inflation. This is adversely effecting every citizen, even the fools who support him.

Biden has been appointing Communist sympathizers to government agencies who in turn are attempting to take away our freedoms. Impeach him now! We need a two party system in this country but one of the should not be the Democratic Party. In a recent attempt to pass a bill giving parents rights in deciding what their children can be taught in secondary schools the Democrats were 100 per cent against it. This indicates to us total corruption of the Democratic Party. Teachers Unions, who have been taken over by radical leftists, give the Democratic party a lot of money. Money is the Democratic Party’s number one pursuit. What do they care about the citizens of our country? For the radicals in the Teacher’s Unions their goals are very simple. Change the United States into a Marxist Society and they want free reign in indoctrinating children in Marxism.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.

Breaking the China Addiction

The goal of the Chinese Communist Party is to take control of the United States and the world by any means possible, to use a phrase popular with the Never Trumpers. . The only way to do this is to infiltrate all our institutions with people in power who are loyal to them or at least to the false teachings of Karl Marx. I have doubts that China could even come close to winning against the US military. But having said this it is likely the Chinese also realize the same and know they have to have traitors in place in the United States to enable them to take over our country without a war. With Biden in power they may decide to attack the United States since he would probably do nothing as missiles are sent toward the U.S.

How are the Chinese doing with plan B? Very well. We know how they have taken over most of higher education. Most of the so called educators are banning free speech on their campuses unless that speech supports radical left theology. With administration support radical students prevent any campus speakers from delivering any ideas contrary to Marxism. Professors ridicule students who have religious views or have views supporting the freedoms enumerated in the Bill of Rights. How do we combat the radical left’s control over higher education. One way is to starve the education establishment of money. Graduates of institutions who have turned left should not contribute money to these institutions. We should enforce freedom of speech on campuses by turning off federal support to those institutions that suppress freedom of speech. Write letters to your representatives in Congress and the Senate demanding that this be done. Nearly all of the People in higher Education are Democrats which is not the case in the general population. Half the population does not have a voice in college education. This requires grass roots efforts in the states to correct. We the people need to write letters to our state representatives demanding a voice in college education.

There is now a push from the radical left to take control on education in K-12. Their associates in school Boards all across the United States are pushing their Critical Race Theory, sexual deviancy theories and other radical left teachings to destroy families working closely with teachers unions which are now headed by radical leftists. Parents are fighting back all over the country even recalling some of these leftist propagandists. All parents of school age children need to be involved to stop these radicals.

China takes in billions each year from selling goods to the US. and then using that money to attempt to weaken the United States. It is time for us to find other suppliers and this should be from countries that do not hate us or want to destroy us. We need to have a policy to prevent China from having great amounts of money coming in so they cannot afford to buy off people in power in this country or work with their agents or sympathizers to propagandize us.

We have many people in federal government agencies under Biden who are very pro China. Dr. Fauci, who just retired, was trying to protect China by ridiculing any notion that the China Virus came from the Hunan Lab while evidence indicates it likely did. General Miley even admitted he told his counterpart in China that he would warn him if the United States planned a secret attack on China. What these two people did was treason. These people should not be in government employment but Biden protects them. Why? I have always heard not to bit the hand that feeds you. The Biden Crime Family rakes in millions from China each year. If China can buy up the President of the United States they have smooth sailing to destroy us.

Communist China has great relations with the Communist News Media often called the mainstream news media. They often support propaganda like Trump colluded with the Russians even when there was no evidence that this happened. Our laws need to be changed so news reporters can go to prison when they knowingly report falsely on things they know are not true. Prison time would discourage the fraud they are perpetuating.

Our justice Department and FBI have become a tool of the corrupt Biden Regime. These agencies need to be either pared down or disbanded. All the corrupt members should be fired. The most important thing we can do is fire Joe Biden and all the Communists who work with him. The Democrats in the house and Senate are usually unanimous in support of Biden and his corruption. They need to go as well.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.

Are Republican Congress People Earning their Pay?

The people of the United States hired new management for Congress in November of 2021. People who are dependent on the government dole and those who benefit from corrupt management to keep money flowing their way turned out to be in the minority. Now that the Republicans have a mandate in Congress to clean up corruption what will we get from those we have hired? The Democrats were lock step in supporting corruption. Nance Pelosi always had all the Democrats supporting all her bad bills that were and are destroying our country. Are we seeing the same unity from Republicans in Congress? It would seem that some Republicans are like the Democrats in pursuing personal riches rather than serving those who sent them to Congress.

The Republicans have started having hearings on corrupt actions by the Democrats. Is this just for show or will they do indictments against the abusers. No hearing should be undertaken unless the goal is to verify wrong doing and bring criminal charges against the evil ones. Already Dr. Fauci after being accused of lying to the people of the United States. suppressing facts, doctoring facts, supporting giving US tax dollars to a Lab in China that was doing gain of function research and then claiming he knew little about it and encouraging suppressing of information of any medical opinion contrary to official government positions was allowed to retire and collect a retirement from the government far in excess of what most of the citizens get. He never had to stand trial for the things he was accused of.

Biden’s Library has received millions of dollars from Chinese “Citizens” His son has business interests in China. Gee, maybe a lot of people in China admire Joe and contributed to his library. Another thought is Joe has been compromised by Chinese money. An investigation into Chinese money flowing to the Biden Library and the Biden Family Business needs to to be looked at or maybe we need Biden’s press secretary to explain how much Biden is revered by the Chinese People.

Joe became a multi-millionaire in government service. How did that happen? We need a record of his financial dealings. The Democrats set the precedent by demanding Trump’s business records and the Republicans need to follow precedent. They also need to take a closer look at the infamous Hunter Biden laptop that the FBI is hiding from public view. There are allegations from Hunter that he had to give part of his take from his Chinese Business Dealings to the “Big Guy”.

Joe has been breaking the law by inviting illegal immigrants to come to the US and letting them cross the border illegally. That is criminal conduct and Joe should be in Jail. The Mexican Cartels are sending drugs in with the immigrants that are killing thousands of citizens. Joe should be impeached. Kamela Harris is alleged to be in charge of border security but is totally uninvolved and should also be impeached for malfeasance office. Once we get rid of these two bad actors we will have come a long way toward cleaning up corruption.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and people of Faith.

The Fall of the United States

The once great nation called the United States is in decline. Once the beacon of freedom for the world we have now lost our soul. Our demise begins with the family. Family is the basic and most important unit in our society. That is where we are supposed to be taught as children and prepared to go out into the world be responsible for our selves and help our fellow man. God created Adam and Eve and commanded them to have children for a reason. God knew that a family setting was the best place for children to be nurtured and taught and prepared to leave that environment and form their own family unit.. What has happened in the United States? That unit that God created is now under attack. Many people in positions of influence are portraying women as victims of men and suggesting women are better off unmarried to reach their full potential. Many are divorced breaking up that family unit. Someone failed to teach men their God Given command to get married and form their own family units. There is now an indifference toward marriage as many have become self centered, only interested in pursuit of self indulgence. Can the United States be a strong nation without families? No chance of that. As we move away from God our demise will be accelerated. We can learn from history. When the Israelites obeyed God’s Commandments he protected them from their enemies and they were a free nation. You know the rest of the story. They stopped being obedient to God’s commandments and God stopped protecting them from their enemies. Eventually they were conquered and scattered among the nations.

Many of our citizens have developed habits that interfere with their ability to care for themselves and their family. According to information I have read, somewhere between 10 to 20 percent of our population has problems with drug and alcohol issues. That translates into millions of people. Along with this comes abuse of spouse or children or other members of the family. Crime often follows as the addicted often turn to crime to get funds to feed their addiction. Many innocent are also affected as they sustain injuries from people under the influence of drugs. There is a huge economic loss as the addicted have loss of income and medical bills which are not paid by the addicted but by the general public. I might add that millions are still addicted to nicotine. Each time someone uses a nicotine product they are slowly killing themselves. They will eventually develop diseases and the treatment will be paid for by the general public. All of the above are caused by people who have never learned to be responsible citizens. Why did they not learn this in a family unit? Would turning to the commandments of God help these people?

No society can survive where there is chaos instead of law and order. Chaos describes our cities currently. Rioters are allowed to go unchecked by corrupt city officials who are more concerned about getting re-elected than keeping people safe. Career criminals are arrested and set free on bail before their victims are finished getting emergency medical treatment. City officials have taxpayer paid body guards while the average citizen has no place to find safety.

Our society is addicted to material things. Our personal debt is at an all time high. We have become slaves to those who dole out credit card debt. How could we be anything but miserable as we constantly worry about paying our debts? Who failed to teach the debtors to live within their income? Were they ever taught self control? Our national debt is out of control. Politicians are spending our money to enrich themselves. When will the people of the US. learn that those people need to be voted our of office? Failure to control our spending addiction both private and governmental will eventually lead to our downfall.

We are being bankrupted by millions of illegal immigrants pouring into out country, invited in by Joe Biden who should be in prison. These Bidens will need billions in public support at a time when our social security is on the way to bankruptcy. The Republicans do not have any plan to put Biden and his corrupt regime in prison. Biden is so confident his party can steal enough votes to get him re-elected he is even talking about running for president again.

We have a huge national debt thanks to Biden are his fellow criminals in public office. Some feel the debt is so high it can never be repaid. Biden and his illegal regime want to create more debt. The only solution may be to refuse to pay our debts or print more money to pay it off.

Religious liberty is under attack in this country by Godless politicians. No wonder. Surveys seem to indicate that 40 percent of Democrats do not believe in God and they had total political control of the country for two years.

We have developed a welfare dependent society. Some people spend their entire lives on the government dole. During the height of the government induced pandemic the Biden Regime was handing out billions to people to loaf. Now evidence has surfaced that millions of dollars were paid to people who did not even qualify for government handouts. And now we are told that the money, stolen from taxpayers, will never be repaid. This is typical of the abuse heaped upon the taxpayers by the Biden Regime.

It gets worse. Those who want to destroy the United Stats control our education process. They can make sure students are not taught the truth and become government robots like they are in China.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and people of Faith.

An Interview With an Anonymous CCP Official

This week I found a note on my desk from someone who did not self identify, along with an transcript of an interview this person claimed to do with an official in the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party. The interviewer explained that the person he interviewed would only give a first given name which was not his real name. According to the person who was interviewed if his identify is discovered he will be kidnapped, tortured and his body will be cremated. He said his family would have no knowledge of his whereabouts. The interviewer said if his identify is discovered he will also be in grave danger since the Chinese Secret Police have a clandestine operation in the United States. The Central Committee Official told the interviewer that our government agencies know about the clandestine operations but are keeping it secret to make sure they do not upset the Chinese and have it harm our trade relations with China. A lot of our government office holders have stock in companies that make a lot of money from trading with China and the Biden Regime looks the other way for obvious reasons.

This alleged interview poses ethical problem for The Forum. A journalist should verify his source to make sure the information appears to be true. However, if we had more information on the person interviewed it might allow the Chinese Communists to identify and destroy the interviewee. We also do not know the motivation for the Chinese Official giving the interview. Even an opinion forum, as we bill ourselves, should attempt to have sound reasoning and a high probability of the information being accurate. After mulling this problem over we finally decided to print the interview with an admission that we have no way to determine if it is accurate. We will leave it up to our readers to decide if it sounds reasonable. A key might be to compare what the interviewee says with what we know of the Chinese Communists, what they have done in the past and what the evil philosophies of Karl Marx are that guide them today. We will call the interviewer Jim and the Central Committee Official Lin.

Jim: What are some of your concerns about the Chinese Communist Party?

Lin: I joined the Communist Party as a youth because I was impressed with their concern for the downtrodden. I wanted to be part of that great movement to have everyone equal and share so their would be no poor among us. I have been disillusioned with what I have experienced as far as sharing everything and making everyone equal. What I see in the leadership of the Communist Party is greed for power and money. The leaders have an income that gives them a life of ease and luxuries that is not attainable to most Chinese. Many Chinese are going hungry and without the necessities of life while the leaders in the government have what they need. Even with an income that gives them a comfortable lifestyle they are not satisfied. Many of them are taking bribes to enrich themselves which grinds upon the faces of those who are struggling. I have found that most of the leaders do not care about the ordinary Chinese Citizen. They are only interested in enriching themselves.

Jim: The greed for money surely flies in the face of Communisions’s claim to make everyone equal. What are your concerns about the freedom of people in China?

Lin: Karl Marx envisioned a people dedicated to working together to have a happy people and I am not seeing that in China. Everything is about control by the leaders. They do not have any concern about anyone but themselves. China has lost it’s soul. China once had a beautiful culture. That culture has been destroyed by abusive leaders trying to control every aspect of people’s lives. People are indoctrinated to believe everything the leaders tell them, even telling them what to do and say. The people have lost their ability to create. That is why we Chinese have to steal ideas from the rest of the world to survive. If a Chinese Citizen tries to think for himself and oppose the abuses of the leaders he will be severely punished and even killed if he does not submit. The Chinese only know fear. They consider themselves without hope. Karl Marx did not understand human nature. He believed man would look out for his fellow man and he was wrong. It has been said that as soon as most men get a little authority they will take unrighteous dominion which explains what is coming from the leaders in communist China. Your Christian Philosophers were correct. The said that the natural man is evil and that only by making a change within and putting off the natural man will they become a changed creature. That change came by following the teachings of your leader Jesus which included following his instructions such as loving your neighbor as yourself.

Jim: A lot of money has been flowing from China into the Biden Family Coffers. First was son Hunter’s sweetheart deal of a high paying board assignment on a Chinese Company, in spite of having no experience, and then millions to Joe’s library at the University of Pennsylvania. Do you think those payments are buying influence with Joe?

Lin: Our leaders are evil not stupid. They get a lot in return for a few million. Joe has made China the leader in electrical car technology. If we ever have a war with the United States we can cut off imports to the US. and greatly diminish their ability to wage war. You are aware of our recent spy balloon over the US. Joe knew about it and ordered our military to keep it secret from the people. It was only because people saw the balloon that the public found out. After it passed through the US gathering the information the Chinese were seeking Joe under pressure from the American People finally had it shot down, but by them we had the information we were seeking.

Jim: Are the Chinese Communists confident they can take control of the United States Government?

Lin: There is no doubt in their minds. Every institution from Religion to Government has been infiltrated by Marxists. Their success have been far beyond what they have expected. Who would have thought the Chinese would actually have police stations in the United States? Who would have expected the Democrat Party to embrace Marxism? Who would have expected colleges in the United States would be teaching Marxism? Who would have thought that colleges in the US would for money allow Confucius Institutes teaching Marxism under the guise of being a culture center? Who would have thought elementary schools would be teaching little children critical race theory? Who would have thought that teachers unions would be controlled by Marxists? Would have thought a organization called Black Lives Matter, set up by alleged Marxists, could get thousands of useful idiots to march with them in our streets? Who would have thought we would have a Justice Department, FBI and Center for Disease Control so corrupt the People in the US no longer have confidence in them? Most of your news media and social media are under control of Marxists who either lie to you or try to prevent us from hearing the truth. And you ask if the Chinese are confident they will control the US? It is not if, it is when. We may be able to accomplish this while Biden is in office.

Jim: Thank you for interviewing with me Lin.

This is a blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.

Biden’s Balloon

It has been revealed that the Chinese have a Spy Balloon Navigating over the United States. If you are incredibly stupid you might believe our military did not know the balloon was over the U.S. until citizens noticed the balloon and began asking what it was. If you are smart you will realize Biden knew about the balloon but chose to ignore it. What would have happened if a U.S. had a balloon drifting toward China? Since they do not have stupid people leading them they would have immediately shoot it down. Then the Chinese would have threatened us with a nuclear attack.

The Communists will even shoot down airliners murdering everyone on board it a plane accidently comes in their air space. What is Biden’s response through his Communist Advisors in our government? No problem here. The balloon will be gone in a few days. The Chinese claim it drifted off course in spite of it having navigation controls. Even a mental impaired Joe Biden would know that is not the truth. Communist are all about lying. The best bet is not to believe anything the Communists say. Then you will be right most of the time.

Is this a Chinese Trial Balloon? If so it is working perfectly. Our incompetent Biden Regime is trying to convince the American People there is nothing to see here. It is just a weather balloon that blew off course and will be gone in a few days. Dare we suspect some money came secretly from China to Joe to do nothing? There is a lot of money flowing to the Biden’s from son Hunter’s business dealings in China to Joe’s library at the University of Pennsylvania. The Chinese do not invest a lot of money in something unless they expect a payback. Do the Chinese feel emboldened by Joe’s response? Will we see more Chinese balloons blown “off course” over the U.S.? Will they be testing missiles for accuracy by firing them over our air space? Will we hear the Chinese say the missiles got off course? Would Biden tell us the missiles would only be over our air space a few minutes?

Having Biden as Commander in Chief is frightening. With so many Chinese allies in our government will they decide this is a great time to attack the United States? Will they be able to completely destroy us while Biden seeks to negotiate? It has been said that evil leaders can lead entire nations to destruction. Is that what is happening in the U.S. today? Germany had it’s Hitler and the United States has it’s Biden.

We have a serious problem in the United States today and that is corruption of political leaders. Our Founding Fathers set up a system for removing corrupt people from political office. That system made an assumption that the people doing the removing would not be corrupt. The Founding Fathers would be shocked at how corrupt politicians are in our modern society. When Biden’s incompetence and criminal activities and attempts to take away our freedoms and destroy the United States happens with no dissent from fellow Democrats, we have a serious problem. I would hope that the states could have a Constitutional Convention to allow the Citizens to petition to have someone removed from office and bypass corrupt politicians. But then corrupt Democrats could prevent that from happening in state legislatures as well. I pray that our only choice would not be an uprising of the citizens to destroy the corrupt people holding public office.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.

Corrupt Practices in the U.S Government

 The number one element in Marxist Theory was the economic interpretation of history. That was, the economic organization of any society was the basic aspect of that society. My position is this is incorrect God gave Adam a helpmate and commanded them to multiply. There was no commandment to organize themselves into an economic unit. Since Karl Marx got this wrong there is no reason to believe his other theories are correct either. But then if you argue that God does not exist, what God decrees is not important. Karl Marx’s theory was, the workers were being exploited by the capitalists and would rise up and take power from the capitalists and would become the new capitalists. Then the new capitalists would be overthrown and the world would always be in commotion. What idealistic Karl did not realize was the so called new capitalists would manipulate and brutalize any opposition and would remain in power for 80 years like the Communist Rulers in China have.

Marx was likely right on one thing. It has been said that as soon as people get power they will immediately take unrighteous dominion. We can see that is happening in the United States. The Democratic Party has always claimed to be an advocate for the so called working class. They succeeded in controlling the Presidency, the House and the Senate in 2020.What were the results of this? One was the breaking of our laws by the party in power. First Comrade Biden invited the world to illegally enter the United States and he is breaking the law by letting them come in. He should be in jail but he is protected by Democrats in the House and Senate who are as corrupt as he is and have enough power to prevent any action against Biden.  These Democrats are only interested in staying in power and enriching themselves. Any action against Biden is considered to be a threat to their power and gravy train. We honest Americans hope the Congressional Hearings will show how Biden became a multi-millionaire in government service.

Another crime of the Marxists in power is censoring to keep the masses from the truth. Marxists, whom the Democratics have embraced, have infiltrated and taken control of education, social media and most of the news media are censoring anyone whose opinions deviate from Marxist Ideology. They either get banned from social media or are attacked by people in the news media. Some of these Marxist Organizations are so powerful they can influence whether a person can make a living by getting them blacklisted. It does not just happen in China.

Joe Biden is solidly behind the leftist inspired green movement. He has bowed to his Communist Overlords by attempting to destroy America’s energy production. A big part of this is likely because many of his Democrat Fellow Travelers have stock in alternative energy companies. The more restrictions Biden puts on our main resources of energy the more his partners in crime can make in their investments in alternative energy. Biden’s policies are making the middle class poorer as they pay more for auto gas, electricity and everything that has to be transported.

One of the Democrats greatest crimes against the people was developing a permanent underclass that depend on welfare to survive. Ever since Lyndon Johnson began the Great Society Welfare programs the welfare state has been continuously expanding. The old adage is give a man a fish and he will have one meal. Teach him to fish and he can eat for a lifetime. Democrats have no interest in preparing people to become self- sufficient. They know if you have a large pool of poor, uneducated underclass they will likely vote Democrat, the party which believes in cradle to grave welfare.  If they have a large group of welfare dependent people they will likely keep voting for free hand outs. Then the politicians will have lots of votes to keep them in power. In addition politicians can award contracts to people in the poverty business who will make lots of money. Some of that money can be donated to politicians election funds who can use it to help them stay in power.

Then there is the unsustainable federal debt. Social Security is scheduled to go bankrupt in a few years. Remember Al Gore’s statement about putting a lock box on social security funds so they would be available when people retire? The Democrats were spending that money as soon as it was collected and not savings any on it for people when they retired. Now people are having less than two children per family and there will not be enough payments into it to support people when they retire. The national debt is now so huge that we will be hard pressed to pay interest payments.

In spite of our huge national debt some leftist economists claim there is no problem because we are only borrowing from ourseves. Problem is when we retire we cannot buy food and other necessities with money we own ourselves. Expect a big drop off in our standard of living as the government takes more of our resource to pay the excessive obligations of the United States Government.  We need a gigantic effort to rid this nation of incompetent and corrupt politicians.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives.

The Government Documents in Joe Biden’s Garage

Joe Biden’s Classified Government Documents

CNN, the Communist News Network, just released a bombshell report on the classified government   documents discovered in Joe Biden’s garage. The report may indicate Donald Trump could be involved in the sudden appearance of unauthorized documents in Joe Biden’s garage. Just prior to the discovery of the documents, which were illegal for Joe Biden to possess, a private jet landed at an airport close to Biden’s home. It is not known at this time who the owner of the jet is, but sources say it is the same type of private jet owned by Donald Trump. CNN contacted the airport manager who said he was asked by law enforcement not to make any statements since the incident is under investigation. CNN learned that a parcel delivery truck was making a delivery when a passenger exited the airplane. The delivery person agreed to make a statement as long as she and her company were not identified. She said the passenger, who looked a lot like Donald Trump, got into a waiting limousine after getting off the airplane.

After the raid at Donald Trump’s home by an army of brave FBI agents, the FBI suggested that other classified documents may have been stored elsewhere. This leads to speculation that Donald had more classified documents and could have easily planted them in Biden’s garage. News reporters contacted all the local limousine companies, but none admitted they sent a limousine to the airport on the day the plane landed.

CNN attempted to contact Joe Biden’s garage maid, gardener, cook and butler but were unsuccessful. An anonymous source revealed that the Justice Department and the FBI are investigating Donald Trump on suspicion of planting stolen government Documents in Joe Biden’s garage. A separate anonymous source indicated that neither the garage maid nor the gardener remembers seeing any documents In the garage

CNN also talked to Joe Biden’s neighbors who only spoke if they agreed not to name them. One neighbor remembered seeing a limousine in the neighborhood recently which he thought odd since the only vehicles he saw in the neighborhood were high end personal vehicles and delivery vehicles. Another neighbor said he saw a man who looked like Donald Trump driving a Corvette the same color as Joe Biden’s through the neighborhood on that same day.  The neighbor said the driver did not seem to have any particular destination but appeared to be joy riding. A source said the FBI is trying to determine if Trump’s DNA appears on Joe Biden’s Corvette or on the classified government documents believed to have been planted in Joe Biden’s garage.

CNN also revealed that the Proud boys, an organization of extreme right wing right terrorists, had a recent meeting at the home of one of their leaders, who is a locksmith. The proud Boys are under constant surveillance by the FBI because of their violent nature and it was observed that Dan B. Shifty, who is an employee of Donald Trump, was at that meeting. Speculation is he sent Donald Trump keys to fit Joe’s Corvette and Joe’s house to plant the documents.

Democratic House Representative John A. Crook held a news conference and stated he believes the documents were planted in Joe Biden’s garage by Donald Trump. He further asserted that Donald Trump’s collusion with corrupts leaders in Russia and Ukraine, along with his other misdeeds to numerous to mention, and his using government influence to get his family members in business dealings in China Russia and Ukraine shows Donald Trump will do anything corrupt or illegal. A reporter mentioned to Mr. Crook that Donald Trump has not been convicted of anything and the Biden family is accused of the illegal business dealings. Mr. Crook responded that none of that matters because the press has already shown Donald Trump is guilty. When the reporter reminded Mr. Crook that the new normal is a person is not guilty until the FBI or Justice Department investigates them and they have not officially said Trump is under investigation for planting the documents, Mr. Crook responded,” we know Trump is guilty and no investigation is needed, and this news conference is over.

The Forum has recently learned that the American Society for Animal Rights is investigating reports that Donald Trump is mistreating Squirrels on the grounds of his estate in Florida. They plan on turning this information over to the FBI and Justice Department. We have also heard that the FBI is investigating whether the underwear they stole from the raid on President Trump’s home was made by slave labor in China. It has not been determined what charges will be brought against Trump or his wife but we know they are guilty or the FBI would not be investigating them.

A whistle blower has informed the Forum that the Environmental Protection Agency is investigating Donald Trump for encouraging the manufacturing and distribution of fossil fuel. It is not known what crimes he will be charged with. It may be that new laws will have to be made to fit this crime. China has laws against being hostile to the government and the Democrats may need to pass such a law.

Disclaimer: All the things mentioned in this blog have not been verified. We present the information to enable you to decide what is plausible.

This is a blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.

Corruption in High Places in the United States

Corruption in High places in the United States

Now that the Republicans have re-taken the House and have finally elected a speaker will they be a force in attacking the corruption of the Democrat party? Will they succumb to the temptation of personal wealth building and power that defines the Democrat Party? Some members of the Republican Partly have shown they will by voting for the last Democrat Multi Billion Spending Bill that enriches Democratic Politicians and their supporters who benefit from the heist of taxpayer funds. The recent choosing of a Minority and Majority Leader in the House are instructive. The Democrat great leaders chose someone reliability leftist to be minority leader and told everyone else to vote for him. The result was a unanimous vote. The Democratic Party loves to look to the Chinese Communist Party for inspiration, so it is not surprising they did it the same way the Chinese Communists do it. The Republicans on the other hand have elected people who are not puppets. These non puppets opposed Kevin McCarty and refused to vote for him until he agreed to make compromises to protect the rights of the people in the United States. It has been said that as soon as most people get a little authority, they will immediately take unrighteous dominion. This is how Nancy Pelosi did things.

In Communist China people who oppose the great leaders are beaten, confined to their homes, imprisoned, forced to confess wrongdoing, and killed. The Democrats are slowly working toward those goals. The twitter revelations have proven how corrupt the Democrats are. Those who dissented from the Democrat Narrative found themselves being cancelled on twitter, which was working with Democrat Government Officials to repress free speech. The other big social media corporations were doing the same. Google was manipulating their search engines to prevent people from getting information that differed from narratives being pushed by the Democrats. This was being encouraged by our Democrat Controlled Federal Government.

Democrats were very supportive of communist controlled organizations like Black lives matter and Antifa as they rioted in our cities by working to prevent them from being held accountable for the destruction they caused. By contrast the Democrats were arresting people who occupied the Capitol Building and holding them in prison without bail until they agreed to plead guilty to some crime, a tactic of communists. I do not approve of occupying buildings as an act of protest, but the police made no effort to prevent the protestors from entering the Capitol. The aftermath of the occupying was many people being arrested and called insurrectionists by the Democrats and their partners in crime, the news media. There were no charges on insurrection against anyone.

Contrast that with the treatment Black Lives Matter and Antifa rioters got from the Democrats in letting them go Scott Free. The difference was the Black Lives Matter and Antifa rioters are reliable Democrat voters.

It is time to get down to business. First order of business should be investigation into government corruption. We need to start with the people at the top. That puts Joe Biden in the crosshairs. We have long heard of accusations of illegal activity of government officials in repressing free speech through cooperation of news media and social media organizations. We have heard enough rumors about Joe Biden and his crime family and their corruption. With Republicans in control of the House let’s have a hearing on Joe Biden and his son and their family members mixing political influence and personal gain. Why not do an investigation of members of the house in influence peddling. There would be a lot to glean from such an investigation.

My big concern is there is so much corruption in government it is hard to determine where to start. Have the majority of elected officials and bureaucrats become so corrupt that the only cure is a Civil War again. I hope that is not the case. I think Jesus would have the cure for corruption. That would be for the people to follow the commandments of God. What a wonderful world this would be if everyone lived the ten commandments. There would be no abuse, no hunger, no prisons, and a safe environment for everyone. The ideal world will not come until Jesus comes and slays the wicked. Until he comes each of us can make the world a better place by deciding to follow the teaching of Jesus.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and people of Faith.

The Challenges of a Republican Congress

January 3, 2023 is the beginning of the new Congress. The American People have spoken and chosen the Republican Party to lead the Congress for the next two years. After suffering through two years of what may be the most corrupt administration in our history, we have high expectations of competence on the part of the Republicans.

Joe Biden has been a disaster for the United States. In two short years we have gone from an energy independent prosperous country to a country heading toward becoming a third world country. How could one man do so much damage? We have runaway inflation, shortages, loss of personal freedom and a regime intent of controlling every aspect of our life. Biden has become an advocate for Communism by promoting a so called Green Agenda. This is a scheme promoted by the Communists to destroy the economies of the free world by denying them energy needed for production. Biden has become an effective front man for Communism. He has taken us from energy independence to a country begging other countries for oil. The Communists in China have no intention of following the rules established by Green Agenda Communists in the United States giving them a competitive advantage, thanks to their fellow communists in the United States. We became an industrial giant because we had abundant and affordable energy to power our industries.

Thanks to Joe Biden and his Communist Advisors, we are less competitive with Communist China as those crooks are suppressing the availability of energy. Only brain-dead people think the Biden Energy Policies are a good idea. The high energy prices have caused a huge increase in everything we buy. We cannot blame Joe Biden and his Communist Advisors alone for our negative outcomes. All the Democrats in the House and Senate approved all Biden’s plans to destroy our country. Democrats are a threat to the survival of our Republic.

In addition to the sins of Biden concerning energy he also pushed spending billions of dollars to enrich himself and his supporters. Some of his most enthusiastic supporters were Democrats in the Congress and Senate. These Democrats high spending bills which forced billions of dollars into our economy resulted in runaway inflation. Millions have seen their retirement funds lose purchasing power thanks to the Democrats. Not a very comforting thought when the Social Security Fund will soon be depleted.

Biden and his appointed government agencies heads have been involved in illegal propaganda and suppressing information working with social media as revealed by the twitter revelations. Can you see how the Biden Regime is lock step with communist Ideology in manipulating the people?

Biden and his family have made very lucrative business deals through Joe’s government connections. Hunter, his son, revealed to his family through an e-mail that he had to share his ill-gotten gains with the big guy. The FBI has kept the Hunter Biden laptop hidden from public view for a long time.

Joe also broke the law in bringing in illegal immigrants he apparently believed his fellow Democrats could give immediate citizenship to and they would vote for Democrats.  illegals are bringing in tons drugs which are killing thousands of our citizens. The Mexican Cartels are making millions on these drugs. You would think Joe is on the Cartel payroll.

Now that the Republicans will have power in the House what will the Republicans do about Joe Biden’s illegal activities and his attempt to destroy the United States? Will they be too divided to take any action?  A number of Republican’s supported Joe’s last pork barrel spending bills. Will these corrupt Republicans continue to support the corruption of Biden and cause a division in the Republican Party? Will the Republicans do a dog and pony show hearing like the Democrats Jan. 6 hearings and then disappear? Will they be more concerned with being on the take than doing what we citizens want?

Most of the news media and social media are controlled by people in sympathy with the goals of the Communist Party. Will the Republicans be afraid to take on corruption because of the bad ink they will get from the news media and social media who support Democrat Corruption? We want real action.

The Twitter revelations have proven what most of us already knew existed. We need Republicans who have courage and will get the facts and hold corrupt Democrats accountable. In short, we need criminal indictments against all who broke the law. Jan. 3 is looming. Will the Republicans have the courage and integrity to aggressively pursue those who broke the law and see them brought before a court of law?

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.