The Crucible of Debt

Debt has often been compared to bondage. Slavery was once the norm for many nations and kingdoms in the world. People who were slaves had their lives completely controlled by those who legally owned them. A lot of people waste their lives away being obsessed by something that no longer exists in the United States. But where is their outrage about themselves, or other people being in bondage to debt? When people are in debt they are truly slaves to those they owe money to. They have no peace of mind as they have to labor to pay their debts. The sad thing is they have made themselves slaves by their own doing.

People do not like to be called incompetent or even to admit their incompetence, but most people who are in debt are there because they are incompetent in handling money. Some people, of course, suddenly find themselves insolvent because of an unforeseen accident or illness but they are not the focus this article.

A lot of debt happens because of pride. The Bible often condemns pride. A good example of pride is your neighbor buys a new expensive truck he does not need and cannot afford hoping to impress others. Then you buy a new expensive truck you do not need and cannot afford hoping you can impress others. Then you struggle for years to pay off the debt only finding yourself in “need” of a new truck when you finally pay your last payment. Why does someone living in a city or subdivision need a truck? Likely few do. In the rare circumstances when they need a truck to haul something it would be much cheaper to rent a truck or pay someone to haul whatever they need hauled.

Then there is he brand new car that costs a lot of money and takes years to pay off that a lot of people think they absolutely need. Is there not good used cars available for a lot less money. Families are getting smaller but houses are getting bigger. Would it be better for people to buy houses that are big enough for their needs which they can afford rather than struggle for years to pay off a huge mortgage? I once talked to a woman who wanted to move from the city to the suburbs because her friends had bigger houses in the suburbs than she did. Is not that pride?

Financial advisors tell us to pay off our debt. Pay the ones with the highest interest first. It might take a while to get out of debt, but with determination it can be done.

Financial experts give us some strategies to use to avoid debt. Before buying something expensive take some time to think about it. Ask yourself, and if you are married in consultation with your spouse. Do I really need this and can I afford it? If you do that, chances are good you will decide not to buy it creating more debt. You may also consider buying something used or on sale. Also most things you think you need immediately can wait such as the car that has 120,000 miles on the odometer. The experts also recommend having a budget and sticking to it. Having a budget forces you to plan all your purchases.

Dr. E. Jeffrey Hill, a professor who teaches Family Finance in college, gives his students three things to remember as they plan their financial future:

  1. Life is hard, but you can do hard things, even balance a budget.
  2. When life does not go as planned, make the best of it.
  3. Remember TTT. Things take time. The best financial plan is a get rich slowly approach.

It has been suggested by some that a home, an education and transportation are the three things that might justify borrowing money to buy with a lot saying some educational majors are not worth the investment.

Another good tip for saving money is learning to do yourself. People can save a lot of money on home and auto repairs by learning to do the work themselves. You can find a video on u tube that will teach you how to do many things. Recently my dryer stopped heating. I found a video showing me how to find the problem with a meter that cost less then $20.00 and a part that cost less than $12.00. The repair company charges $100.00 just for a house call. My advice to free yourself from bondage.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.

Random Thoughts About the United States

Joe Biden. The Democrats plan to run Joe for President again in spite of the fact that polls show the majority of the citizens do not want him to run. Why? Two reasons I see. First the Marxists, who now control the Democratic Party, like having someone who is so mentally impaired he will do whatever his puppeteers tell him to do to keep them in power and enjoying the government gravy train. Second they are sure they can bring enough unverifiable mail in or harvested votes to get Joe re-elected. Joe is their inspiration. He became a multi-millionaire in public service. Criminal minds can come up with brilliant moves. The Republicans were outsmarted as the Democrats brilliantly planned unverifiable mail in ballots and ballot harvesting, also unverifiable votes. They also carefully planned the aftermath of their fraud by working with most of the news media to attack anyone who questioned the validity of the votes. By careful planning they were able to lock down nearly all attempts to investigate fraud.

Higher Education. The Marxists have taken control of higher education Nearly all the Professors and Administration are Radical Leftists and according to researchers predominately Democrats. Birds of a feather? If you can believe the research that has been done on college students most are ignorant of Democratic Principles and think Communism is the best system of government. College professors and Administration have enormous power to do evil. Communism is one of the most evil systems ever designed by evil people and many college students are too ignorant to know that, and believe whatever their professors or administrators tell them.

K-12 Education. After having so much success in college education The Marxists are now taking control of indoctrinating our children while many parents are unaware. Critical Race Theory is being taught often with another name teaching children that if they are white they are racist. The Marxists are also rewriting text books telling young minds that the founding fathers were racists and that the Constitution is a Racist Document. These people have infiltrated every institution in the United States from government, to education to labor unions to news media, to social media to even the corporation boardrooms. Many of these evil people, such as federal law enforcement, have tremendous power to abuse those the Biden Regime considers their enemies. Think of the swat teams who show up early in the morning at residences to terrorize innocent people.

FBI. This organization has become so corrupt it likely cannot be reformed. The Director refuses to release information that likely is damaging to Joe Biden. He should be fired but his boss is just as corrupt as he is so that will not happen. The Republicans have the power to de-fund the FBI but probably not the courage to do so. We do not need an organization led by a man that thinks he is not accountable to Congress and the people of the U.S. Defund the FBI. We may find out we really do not need them.

The Justice Department. This organization even attempted to intimidate parents who were concerned about the false information their children were being taught in school. It looks more like the old secret police of the Soviet Union and the Chinese Police every day. Defund them. We do not need the secret police in the U.S.

Mutilation of Children. As near as I can tell this only happens in states where Democrats have control. This happens when mentally ill adults try to convince young children whose minds have not fully formed that they can change their sex by operations and they can decide what sex they want to be. This is the very worst form of child abuse and perfectly legal in some states even withholding from parents what they are doing. These adults are the very worst child abusers and should go to jail.

Sexual pervasion. The Bible tells us God made male and female. He did not assign anyone to be anything else. Time once was when anyone who thought otherwise was considered a sexual deviant. Now abnormal behavior is considered normal. And people educated in Psychology are leading the parade. The old saying is first we tolerate, then we embrace and then we promote. I am not advocating hunting these people down and burning them at the stake but I take issue with people who claim we discriminate by not accepting and embracing their behavior. Non believers in God will often misuse the teachings of Jesus to advance their causes. They often cite the case of the woman taken in adultery, who the people wanted to stone, where Jesus loved her and forgave her. What they leave out is Jesus did not excuse her behavior. His message to her was go and sin no more. Part of the repentance process is to feel remorse for sin and not continue to sin. He also drove the people out of the Temple who were making money in the temple by selling things. The Temple was a place of worship and Jesus did not tolerate anything else there.

Now there is a movement of evil people to indoctrinate children in accepting sexual deviance by bringing in cross dressers into public schools to interact with children. Evil people are now attempting to lower the age of consent to give them legal authority to abuse younger children. God does not fellowship these people.

Federal Debt Ceiling. The Republicans who were elected to the House to reign in abuses by the Democrats to bankrupt the country, by running up huge federal debts, have totally failed us. Because the increase in spending is supposed have some limits, which may not happen, the Republicans are considering their “compromise” a great victory. The Democrats are pleased with the “compromise” which is telling. They can still run up debts far in excess of money coming in and continue their quest to bankrupt the United States. All they have to do is print more money which is destroying savings and retirements funds which many need to pay for the necessities of life. The Chinese will be pleased to see the United States go bankrupt. Are the Democrats working for the Chinese Communists?

Chinese Communists. The Chinese seek world dominion and enslavement of billions. They depend on money coming in for goods sold in the United States to enable them to accomplish this. Most politicians in both parties do not seem very concerned about this. We now know the Biden family has received millions from the Chinese Communists for no apparent reason other than buying influence. Are many in the House and Senate also getting money from the Chinese? We need a a concerted effort by our government to buy from friendly nations to keep our money from misuse by the Communists.

Abortion. This is an ugly sin. How could anyone kill their own baby and pretend there was really no life involved. God said, “Thou shall not kill” and did not say unless the child has not been born yet, or unless the baby will be inconvenient. A woman’s “right to choose” as pro abortion advocates frame it does not excuse the sin.

Businesses promoting abnormal behavior. A lot of businesses have deviants in places of power promoting deviant behavior. Budweiser, Disney and Target are some of the companies who have seen a loss of sales and loss of stock value from promoting deviant behavior. It is a good thing that people are responding to abuse by these companies by refusing to buy from them. It proves that decent people can take individual action against these companies who attempt to abuse them without having organizations promoting boycotts.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.

Employment Opportunity. CEO of the Democrat Party

We are the Democratic Party and we have an outstanding employment opportunity for a CEO of the Democratic Party. The current CEO no longer responds to his name and will be unable to serve past his current term. Until the end of his current term, decisions that benefit all citizens of the U.S. will be made by a committee made up of U.S. and Chinese advisors. These decisions will be carried out by Executive Order and signed by our current CEO. The official title of the CEO is President of the United States. Applicants should understand they are required to run for President of the United States as indicated in the Constitution. This is a mere formality as we can guarantee the person we select will receive enough votes to be elected. Campaigning will require minimal time since the CEO’s election to President is assured. The CEO can spend most of his time at his resort property during the campaign. It is anticipated you will not have to run for re-election since we expect to have enough political power by then to cancel the racially motivated Constitution.


Being the political leader of the United States.

Make the U.S. a more equitable society

Integrate The Communist Manifesto into all K-12 curricula in the United States

Enlarge the Justice Dept. and FBI to enable them to eliminate domestic terrorists.

Work to have a close cooperative relationship with China.

Work to have Republicans, People who believe in God, People who not approve of aborting a helpless Child or who criticize government be labeled Domestic Terrorists.

Set up nationwide Re-education Camps for those who do not readily accept politically correct thought.


Salary $400,000 yearly with a generous pension( please note this is low for most CEO’s in the United States but most former presidents get book contracts worth millions. In addition many foreign countries feel sorry for the president and his low salary and give him gifts. According to a House report China is alleged to have donated $10,000,000 to companies owned by the Biden Family. So do not be put off by the low salary if you are not a millionaire before you become president you will soon be a multi-millionaire.

Free medical benefits

Free Jet to travel

Free food

Free Housing which is not taxed as income.

Government provided servants in the White House which probably averages 20 people for each member of the President’s family.


No education requirements unless you went to college. If you attended a religious college you do not qualify. You do not need a functioning brain for this job, however you must have a ticking heart.

White people will no longer qualify to eliminate any question of white privilege.

Candidate must be a believer in the philosophy of Karl Marx.

Frequent participation in riots, demonstrations whether peaceful or not or burning of police cars would be a plus.

If you feel you qualify for this position please fax your resume to the Democratic Party Office at the Karl Marx Office Building in Washington, D.C.

This is an opinion blog and all to real satirical composition for Conservatives and People of Faith.

A Biden , Harris Impeachment is Imperative

The House Oversight Committee claims that $10,000,000 in payments from China went to the Biden Family, which we refer to as the Biden Crime Family, with no discernable exchange of goods or services. It is also alleged that the Department of Justice knew there were payments going from China to the Biden Family but would not do an investigation. Is anybody surprised that Justice Department, with many employees hired during the eight years of the Obama Regime were Marxist. After all Obama’s favorite teacher in college was a Marxist. Why would not he nominate a Marxist leaning leader who hired people just like himself. Is not this the same government organization that alleged that parents irate with a leftist school board were domestic terrorists? Two declared Republican candidates for president, Trump and Ramaswamy are calling for abolishing the Justice Department. Why not separate the good guys from the bad guys in the Justice Department and charge the bad guys as domestic terrorists? Then rebuild the Department of Justice into an organization that protects citizens from abuse.

Biden killed pipeline projects, would not grant oil leases or approve drilling and limited the ability of oil energy companies to get financing. He took us from an energy independent country to an energy dependent country causing inflated prices at the gas pump. This caused great pain for millions of citizens not only at the gas pump but for inflated prices for goods transported. A great beneficiary of his green energy scheme was China, who make most of the electrical cars and batteries in the world. Is this what China received for its $10,000,000 “gift” to the Biden Crime Family? Sounds like the Chinese made a great investment in Joe.

Then there was Joe’s reckless spending with printed money that caused runaway inflation. He was supported by all the Corrupt Democrat officeholders who are trying to turn the country into a Marxist Society with themselves in total control. And did you notice that he called this inflation inducing spending act the Inflation Control Act? How about the parallel between the Biden Regime’s coining of words to glorify something as beneficial when it is detrimental and what the Chinese Communist Regimes does? The Republicans also have a few office holders that feed at same Democrat Hog Trough and support them. When I was a kid farmers built Hog Pens on land less desirable for farming like swamp land. Does that conjure up images of the current use of the term “The Swamp”?

Good ole Joe is now trying to raise the debt ceiling so he can spend more money on buying votes from the welfare recipients and government contractors who vote for him. Corrupt Democrats are now claiming the 14th amendment gives Biden authority to raise the debt limit. It is another lie by the Corrupt Democrats. But Biden has proven his is not bound by law. I am in favor of the House, which is now controlled by sane people, refusing to raise the debt limit forcing the government to live within the budget.

The Durham report is now public. Another black eye for Joe. Durham reported shoddy work and bias in the investigation of Donald Trump in their fake Russian Collusion investigation. The outrage is even though Donald Trump”s Civil Rights were violated and the FBI violated their own rules and likely broke other laws Durham recommend no charges be filed. If government officials break rules and laws and no punishment happens they will do the same or worse later. The charges against Trump have now been debunked. But as the Democrats like to say, “no man is above the law” and then whisper, “unless he is trying to destroy Trump” There is some indication that Barak Obama, Hilary Clinton and Joe Biden were involved in this now proven hoax. If so they all should be criminally charged.

The Biden Regime is in the process of stealing billions of dollars from American Taxpayers to support the millions of illegal immigrants he invited to cross our borders. A lot of them are criminals. Most of them are poverty stricken uneducated people who will likely always need welfare. The strain on public resources are so great even liberal Democrat Politicians are complaining. Biden is breaking the law and should be impeached.

Joe Biden seems to be a hopeless puppet of the Communists who have become the leaders of the Democrat Party. Joe is so mentally impaired if he were ever arrested a court would likely deem him to be too impaired to stand trial. Our beloved nation is going down hill so fast we may be in total collapse if Biden is allowed to remain president. Kamala Harris is more of the same. She should be removed from office as well. This should be the Republicans number one priority. If something is not dome immediately Biden may get 400,00,000 votes in the next election. I know the population of the country is estimated at only 336,554,983, but as the Democrats and the American Communist News Media will explain to the public, who they consider to be stupid, the estimated figures have to be wrong since Joe got 400,000,000 million votes.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.

The Fox is Guarding the Henhouse in the United States

There is an old saying that you do not want a Fox guarding your henhouse. Unlike some animals, chickens do not have claws or big teeth to fight off predators. Foxes love eating chicken so you would never hire a fox to guard your chickens. We citizens of the U. S. find ourselves in much the same position as the chickens in the henhouse in having people whom we cannot trust to be responsible for our welfare and safety. Who are the foxes? Why the Democrat Party of course. You might protest that it is not fair to call all Democrats Office Holders Foxes but I think this position is warranted. With the Biden Regime in charge, and support from Democrat Majorities in the house and Senate all three entities were unanimous in seeking to destroy our nation. As one infamous Democrat, whom I consider to be a dedicated Marxist, said after the Foxes took control of the Presidency, House and Senate, “Now we can fundamentally change the United States”. I think everyone knows he meant change to a Marxist Society.

The Democrats have embraced Marxism. They have four members of the House that most rational people consider Marxist and they fully embrace them. They also invited Bernie Sanders to caucus with them. Yes, I know that Bernie calls himself a Socialist but he could also call himself a Christian but that would not make him one. Apparently the Democrats believe that the best way to ensure themselves more wealth and perpetual power is to change our form of government to a Marxist one.

Breaking our immigration laws, destroying our energy independence, running up debts we cannot repay, printing money causing runaway inflation, weakening our military, destroying our retirement security and losing respect of most of the world is not an accident. It was coldly calculated to destroy our society. Finally some Republican Office Holders have the courage to say that. I applaud their courage although it is coming late in the game. Too many were afraid to speak out because they knew the American Communist News Media would try to destroy them.

We need some real positive action by the Republicans. They have been having hearings on the abuses of the Biden Regime bringing to light criminal activity of the Biden Regime. Now is the time to take legal action. These criminals need to be charged in a court of law. Joe Biden should be the first one to be charged.

The Democrats are planning on supporting Joe Biden in another election even though only about 36 per cent of the population are in favor of Joe running again. It is hard to believe that 36 per cent of our population are brain dead. It is amazing that the Democrats do not run away from Joe. This tells us two things. One is they have a puppet in the White House they can manipulate to support their Marxist Agenda. Two, through the miracle of vote harvesting and unverified mail in ballots they feel confident they can win and with the help of the American Communist News Media they can shame us into not questioning the results. I see little difference between what happens politically in the United States and China. I see two types of people who support these corrupt Democrats. Those who use politics to gain wealth and authority over others for their gain and those who are too stupid to recognize it. And do I need to remind you Joe Biden became a multi-millionaire in government service.

This is a opinion blog for Conservatives and people of Faith.

An Interview With a Chinese Insider

The Forum has secretly interviewed a Chinese Man who works for the Chinese Secret Police. He has extensive knowledge of the evil plans of the Chinese Communist Party. We cannot reveal his name because he and his family would disappear. We will refer to him as Mr. Chin.

Forum: Mr. Chin, why are you willing to reveal the secret operations of the Chinese Communist Party?

Mr. Chin: I was brought up in China where I was taught that Communism was the very best system in the world for looking our for the rights of all people. I wanted to work for the party so I could be a part of his wonderful system. I worked hard in school and supported the party and was thrilled to be rewarded by being hired by the Secret Police. I worked hard to bring people to justice who opposed the party. One day I visited a childhood friend who had worked outside of China on a construction project. He confided in me that he had become a Christian. I was shocked that someone so intelligent as he could be mislead. He had a book he called a Bible he wanted me to read. I eagerly took it so I could read it and point out yo him how foolish he was for becoming a Christian. As I began reading I was introduced to the philosophy of a man called Jesus. His teachings penetrated to my heart. Never had I heard of anything so wonderful. He taught about loving others as yourself. He told everyone to forgive their enemies and even to love them. He told of a man beaten by thieves and left to die being rescued by a compassionate man. He taught everyone to help the poor and downtrodden. He taught every one to follow him as he spent all his days serving others. He taught that every man sins but could repent. He taught of a glorious afterlife if we would follow his example. He told his followers that everyone was precious in the sight of God. He even gave his own life to atone for our sins. He never sought riches but only wanted to serve his God and his fellow man. Suddenly I saw a huge contrast between Communism and Christianity. Christianity recognizes everyone as a precious child of God who has great worth. Christianity values people for their wiliness to serve others, not for monetary rewards but because of their love for them. On the other hand Communism only values people for what they can do to keep the Communist Party in Control. I then realized that the people in a Communist Country are only being used by the people in power to gain wealth and control for themselves.

Forum: Mr. Chin. Now that this transformation has come in you life what can you do to give dignity to the people of China?

Mr. Chin: I am looking for God to direct me in how I can serve him and my fellow man. If I reveal that I am a Christian I will be removed from my position and my life will be in danger. What I can do until God speaks to my heart is to do my best in the position I hold to to treat everyone in the way Jesus taught. Being an example of what Jesus expects me to be may influence others I work with to do like wise.

Forum: Mr. Chin, you mentioned the evils of Communism. What are some of your concerns right now?

Mr. Chin: There are rumors that our Communist Leadership has feared a counter attack from the United States if we ever invade Taiwan. After the balloon incident and Biden’s incompetence in dealing with it, the discussion within the party is whether we should attack the United States while Biden is President. There is a large contingent in the military who feel that a surprise attack on the U.S. could knock out our only real obstacle to world dominance and control. We also have sympathizers in the United States Government and in the U. S. military who would warn us if there is any preparation for a suspected attack from China. I fear that millions of people in the United States would die, and depending on whether the U.S could respond and even though we have sympathizers in the U.S. to help prevent a retaliation, millions in China. Our military leaders realize there is some risk in making a surprise attack on the U.S. but they feel the likelihood of success far surpasses the risk.

Forum: Mr. Chin. How likely do you think it is that China will do a surprise attack?

Mr. Chin: I would think it is about 3 to 1 that an attack will come. Some in our military realize that if the United States is crippled China would be the lone super power and no nation could stand up to them. The military lusts for that kind of power. They are also confident their are enough Marxist Sympathizers in the United States Government and Military to prevent a counter attack. Just like the Marxist Sympathizers convinced Biden not to shoot down the balloon lest some citizens would be harmed they will likely convince Biden to surrender to China to save “millions of lives”.

Forum: Mr. Chin. Do you think Joe Biden would surrender if China attacked the United States.

Mr. Chin: Yes. And so do many of our military leaders.

Forum: We have no way to verify whether the information from Mr. Chin is accurate since we could not interview others in China because it is a closed society. His statements seem to be plausible so we are printing the interview.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.

The Latest Democratic Party Outrage

As if we needed any further evidence of the corruption of the Democratic Party they are now backing Joe Biden for re-election. What is wrong with that? Let me count the ways. Joe Biden is severely mentally incapacitated. While we should be compassionate toward individuals suffering like he is it is dangerous to have him as president. Recently Biden was caught on camera calling on a reporter who had preplanned with the Biden Regime a question that Biden had a crib sheet for. These are people we can really trust aren’t they? A good example of the danger of having Biden as President is the recent incursion of the Chinese Spy Balloon travelling across the United States. We do not know if Biden understood how serious this was. In his mental condition he is merely a puppet of his Corrupt Democratic Handlers. Their goals may be to appease the Chinese Communists in their goal to dominate the world with Communist Ideology, which is fine with many Democrats. If they can stay in power they are fine with that.

They whole world was watching news coverage of the balloons including the Chinese Communist Regime and the Russian Regime. If the Biden Regime would do nothing about the balloon until it’s spy mission was complete what would the Biden Regime do if a nuclear attack occurred? Are we in grave danger? The Russians and the Chinese have shown a wiliness to work together to advance their individual evils. Might this be an ideal time to knock out competition from the United States with a joint Russian and Chinese nuclear attack with a mentally incapaciated President and regime of questionable loyalty in power in the United States?

The President’s wife is surely aware of his mental incapacity. Why is she supporting his re-election? Does she enjoy the luxurious living she gets as the President’s Wife? Does she love the attention she is getting as the presidents wife. Is her vanity more important to her than the safety of the people of the United States?

In addition Joe Biden is breaking our immigration laws with the full support of the Democratic Party. This is an impeachable offence of both Biden and his regime. Biden and his regime are violating our bill of rights through prosecuting their political enemies in courts of law. Again they should go to jail for this.

Biden is receiving money from the Chinese Communist both in business dealings and through his Presidential Library. Does anyone think the Chinese do not get a pay off for these generous contributions? Biden’s corrupt political cronies in the FBI are keeping the Hunter Biden Laptop in their control to keep damming evidence on the Chinese Dealings from the public. It is time to defund the FBI. Without money they can do no evil.

The Biden Regime is involved in Marxist Propaganda being forced on those serving in the military as well as children in our public schools. This is contrary to our ideals of freedom in our Bill of Rights. Not only is this treason but it is also breaking the law. They are so corrupt the entire Democratic Party supports these things.

We should also remind everyone how the Biden Regime has destroyed our economy, racked up huge debts that we cannot repay and made us energy dependent pursuing a Marxist Green Energy Policy. All these things should make it obvious that no regime could be that incompetent. There is a deliberate plan to destroy our free society as we know it. As the infamous Senator Charles Schumer said the Democratic Party wants to fundamentally change our government. What he did not say was the fundamental charge was to Marxism.

All the polls, even those with a liberal bias, indicate the majority of the people in the United States do not want Joe Biden to run for office again. Why then would the Democrat Professional Politicians back him in running for office again when they know he is mentally impaired and the majority of the people do not favor him.

Could it be that the Marxists who now have operational control of the Democratic Party like having a puppet in the office of President? Do they not care what the majority think as long as they have someone in the President’s office they can manipulate. Are they willing to enslave the people of the United States in order to enrich themselves in public service and to be able to control other people’s lives? I think the answer is yes. Remember, two of the greatest temptations of man to do evil is the quest for power and money. Holding an elected position gives one a great opportunity to accomplish both. With the Democratic Party backing an unpopular Biden we get another clue of their plans. They are confident enough to believe they can get enough unverifiable votes to get him in office. With drop boxes available in many states, vote harvesting and unverifiable mail in votes coming in the Democrats may be able to get more votes for Biden than the population of the United States. As the Democrats and their Unholy co-conspirators in the news media will likely tell us population numbers are just estimates.

Who will take down the corrupt Democrats? The Republicans are doing a lot of hearings in Congress where they now have operational control over the Corrupt Democrats. But are these show trials like the Democrats were holding when they had control of both the Senate and Congress? Until I see some indictments come out of these hearings or see some government elected or appointed officials resign because of exposure of their corruption, I will consider the hearings show trials. That would mean the Republicans are a corrupt movement like the Democrats. And in spite of Biden’s mental condition and the attempts of his regime to destroy the United States we still await any efforts at impeaching Joe by the Republicans.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.

Who will Rescue the United States?

Years ago when “western movies” were popular there was a TV series about the Lone Ranger. The Lone Ranger was always available when someone needed a rescue. Immaculately dressed in black with a mask that stayed perfectly in place regardless of what kind of scuffle the great Lone Ranger was involved in, our hero would take down the bad guys. Where is the Lone Ranger when we need him to take down the Democrats.

The Democrats are at war with the people of the United States. They are fervid supporters of deficit spending which is bankrupting the country. In a few years the social security trust fund will not be able to support the elderly. And what is the Democrats response? They want more deficit spending to put the United States further in debt. Since we do not have taxes coming in to pay for all this government spending the government is printing money, flooding our economy with dollars that is causing runaway inflation. Do the Democrat Politicians care? No. They can vote themselves salary increases to keep up with rising prices while the rest of us cannot. They support printing more money.

What the Democrats care about is staying in power to enrich themselves. They came up with a brilliant plan to do unverifiable mail in votes to insure they won the Presidency, and control of the House and Senate. They made the Republicans look like complete fools as they pulled off this massive fraud. The Democrats worked closely with their allies in the press to demonize anyone who dared to suggest an audit. The inept Republicans did not know what to do after they fumbled.

The Democrats committed themselves to Marxism when they embraced Bernie Sanders and the so called squad in the House. They are now pushing Marxist Indoctrination in re-education camps, also know as public schools. Many Democratic Party initiative seem to mesh with what the Communist Party of China is attempting to do.

What is the Republican Party doing about the Democrats trying to fundamentally change our free society into an American Marxist Society? So far they have been having lots of hearings in the House. Until I see some indictments against corruption, I will consider these hearings political theater like the Democrats started doing when Donald Trump was elected and are still doing it.

Joe Biden, as you can tell when he gets in front of a microphone, is not mentally capable of being President. He has made a career out of using political connections to enrich himself and his crime family. He has been compromised by business dealings in Communist China. All of these things make him eligible for impeachment. Yet the Republicans are totally unable or unwilling to take action.

The Lone Ranger is no longer available and the Republicans are too inept to rescue us. The American People will have to step up to the plate and retire all the corrupt Democrats.

This is a opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.

Easter, The Great Event

Each year Christians through out the world celebrate the greatest event that has has happened in our world. This was the atonement and resurrection of Jesus which we call Easter. When God placed man in the world he commanded that we be perfect. This meant we would always do his will. From the time of Adam and Eve he gave us commandments so we would know what was expected of us.

We were born into the world to be tested to determine if we would do God’s will. God said that no unclean thing would be able to enter Heaven. By sinning, which means not doing God’s will, we become spiritually unclean. God also knew that none of us would reach perfection. For this reason Jesus was sent into the world. Jesus was a perfect man which meant he always did the will of the father. Because he was perfect he could atone for our sins giving us the privilege of entering the Kingdom of God even though we have not reached perfection.

This does not mean that everyone will enter the Kingdom of Heaven because Jesus atoned for our sins. Only those who believe in Christ as the Son of God, repent of their sins, are baptized and strive to keep God’s commandment will be eligible to enter the Kingdom of God. Contrary to what many Christians believe, professing Christ as the Son of God will not get you into Heaven. As the scriptures say “even the Devils believe and tremble”.

When Jesus was in Gethsemane he suffered in a way we cannot understand by taking upon himself all the sins of mankind even sweating blood. After Gethsemane he was nailed to cross and suffered excruciating pain before giving up his own life. The reason these events are the most important thing that has ever happened on earth is because of Jesus’s atonement all mankind are eligible to enter Heaven if we will do God’s will in spite of being imperfect. The other event that affects us is the resurrection. Because of the resurrection of Christ all of us will be resurrected regardless of whether we are eligible to enter Heaven. Contrary to what many Christians believe it is not our spirits but our physical bodies that are resurrected. Even though Jesus said to his disciples, “handle me and see, for a spirit has not flesh and bones as ye see me have” many continue to not believe in a literal resurrection.

A friend told me the reason Jesus took up his body was because you cannot see a spirit and the people needed to see him to know he was resurrected. I asked what he did with his body after he was seen ascending into Heaven. He had no answer. I also pointed out many people were risen from the dead according to the scriptures and “went into the Hole City and appeared to many.” I also asked if those people were spirits and could not be seen how was it known that they were resurrected? Again he had no answer.

I add my testimony to that of millions who testify that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God. He lives! We can be with Him and our Father in Heaven if we will keep the commandments.

This is a blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.

China and the United States. Two nations in Decline

People often talk about competition between the United States and China. The question is always raised about when China will overtake the United States as the economic powerhouse of the world. They are asking the wrong question. The real question is which country will implode first in their race to the bottom.

First let us talk about the United States in their race to the bottom. The Democrat Party managed to get power in the Presidency, the House and the Senate two years ago. It is alleged they were able to win by flooding ballot boxes with unverifiable mail in votes. They were able to block most investigations of wrongdoing because they controlled the areas where most of the questionable ballots were cast. They also had the help of their “right arm”, most of the news media, who relentlessly attacked anyone who questioned the results. A very large percentage of the public were convinced the results of the election were doubtful for good reason.

Whether the elections results were accurate or not, having the Democrats with that much power was devastating to the United States. Research has shown that 40 per cent of Democrats do not believe in God. It is likely that the majority of Democrats who hold public office do not believe in God. Why do I say that? In these modern times it appears that most people who run for office are there to get power and enrich themselves. Certainly the action of the Democrats in the first years of the Biden Regime did not reflect people who do unto others as they would like others to do to them. The things they did were not indicative of individuals who had our best interests in mind.

We have a huge national debt in the United States. Many have questioned whether we have the ability to pay it off and meet future obligations. Every child born in this country this year starts off with a debt of $94,064. What is the Democrats response to this situation? They want to spend even more. Social Security is scheduled to go bankrupt in a few years. How do the Democrats deal with this? They do nothing. They accused the Republicans of wanting to do away with Social Security, another Democratic Party lie. Do they think telling lies will solve the problem?

Democrats backed these huge spending bills 100 percent. That is one reason having Democrats in office is bad for the country. What are the results of Democrats spending like a drunken sailor? We did not have the cash to pay for the bills of the spendthrift Democrats so the Fed printed more money. We have all felt the impact of that since it caused runaway inflation. Are you enjoying spending more money for everything while your wages have stayed constant?

How about the prices you are paying for gasoline and gas for cooking and heating. This is a result of the Biden Regime’s push for the radical leftist “Green Agenda”. Is the Green Agenda designed to give the federal government control of all energy resources or is it designed to destroy the economy of the United States. Either way having democrats in control is not a blessing.

Now let us talk about China, our competitor in the race for the bottom. Marxism is a system where people who want to control your lives and enrich themselves lie to the people thy want to exploit by telling them they are protecting them from Capitalists exploiting them. The Marxists are always paranoid because they fear losing power and wealth. Because they are paranoid they trust no one and control every aspect of the lives of those they are exploiting. They also have a system to spy on everyone since no one can be trusted. This system of control stifles creativity which is one one reason the Chinese do so much stealing of technology from the west.

They do central planning because only the “leaders” can be trusted. When you omit the input of people in the field it makes for a very inefficient system which is what Marxism is. It is also very similar to what the Democrats hope for in the United States. Case in point is the Center for Disease Control which is a top down federal bureaucracy which seeks to stifle any input from anyone out of their inner circle. When that happens you usually get lies and distortions from them. Recent news revelations seem to indicate that is the case.

The Chinese Marxists dabble in Capitalist Practices for a while until they feel threatened and then make rules that kill the successes of the Capitalist practices. They have been even more reckless than the Democrats in spending to buy influence. The Chinese Communists are also nearing bankruptcy. Through central planning the “great leaders” some time ago decided to limit the number of children each family should have. Now they do not have enough young people for an adequate work force or enough to support their aging population.

So we have two countries heading for a crash at rock bottom because of incompetent or self serving decisions, the Communists in China and the Democrats in the United States. Both countries are on a collusion course with rock bottom. Both will implode but which one will it happen to first? If I were a betting man I would bet the Uhited States implodes first. That will be bad news for the Chinese because the Biden Regime will not be able to bail them out. As you know Joe always says we need a rising China. I am not sure why. Maybe to keep the millions in Chinese money flowing to the Biden Family intact.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith. It does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Biden Regime.