The 2024 Elections in the U.S.

Recently Rasmussen Reports and the Heartland Institute did a survey of people who voted in the 2020 National Elections in the United States. A strange thing happened. With anonymously and with no fear of being arrested for breaking the law one in five voters admitted they committed fraud in their voting and therefore broke the law. Do you remember when the Democrats and their dishonest enablers in the news media claimed that election was the most secure in history? Do you remember both parties saying there is no proof of fraud after working together to derail any attempts to investigate any fraud? There are deliberate lies and suppression of fact finding like the Democrats did in blocking any attempts to investigate fraud. Suppression of information is also a dishonest practice and is another way of lying. But remember the Democrat Party has embraced Marxism and their code of conduct is it is ok to lie or do anything dishonest for the cause of Marxism.

Now there is proof the Democrats and the so called main stream media(Communist Leaning) lied to us. How do they counteract this exposure of their corruption? They have two methods. One is they talk it over with the Communist News Media in the United States and decide on a game plan. One approach is to attack the messenger as biased, conspiracy theorists or deliberately giving us misinformation. In Communist Terminology Misinformation is the truth. Their other effective way they often agree on is is to ignore the Damming information. The fewer people who know about the corruption the better off they consider themselves. This appears to be their approach to the survey.

The people who committed fraud were not asked their political affiliations so the Democrats and their partners in crime, most of the news media, are relieved there is no proof they are Democrats. This information, not misinformation, on voter practices is mind boggling. One fifth of the voters are manipulating the vote! The safeguards in our voting systems are practically non existent if one fifth of the voters are committing fraud. Remember the Democrats and their partners in crime assured us there was so little fraud it would have no effect on the election. How can we have any confidence in our democratic system as long as these opportunities exist?

Since the Democrat Partly has become corrupt as an institution and the Republican Party is asleep at the switch what hope do we have as a free people? I believe the Democrats, even while the Republicans sleep, are secretly trying to register the millions of invaders Biden invited into the United States to vote in this years election. The Democrats and their allies in the news media will be able to shoot down any investigation of whether people are eligible claiming voter suppression. Some Democrats Politicians in left wing states are even trying to give illegals the right to vote

Our drift toward Communism began in earnest when Barak Obama was president. His favorite teacher in college was a Marxist. When he became president he began putting people in positions who were supportive of the philosophies of Karl Marx. Biden brought many of those people back into office and they are systematically destroying the country now that they have a puppet like Biden.

In a communist Society there are the slaves and the great leaders who control every aspect of our lives. The Great Leaders are able to funnel most of a nations wealth to themselves and to control any dissent from the slaves by torturing them, making them disappear or sending them to prison or slave labor camps. These things are happening now in the United States. Some of the people who engaged in the Jan 6 demonstrations are in jail after three years and have not had a court hearing. And did you notice Joe Biden became a multi-millionaire while in public office. And of course, his supporters will point out there is no proof Joe did anything dishonest, which must mean he is pure as the driven snow..

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.

The Never Coming to a Conclusion Biden Impeachment Probe

The Biden impeachment probe is beginning to look like a difficult murder investigation by police investigators. They spend weeks investigating every possible lead to pinpoint the murderer and every lead they have points to one man. Every investigator is convinced they have the guilty man. There is a problem though. The are dealing with a smart murderer. He knew what to do and destroyed all the evidence after the murder. (In Biden’s case the evidence is being redacted by his federal agencies). Even though everyone involved in the investigation is absolutely convinced they have the right man they cannot accumulate enough forensic or physical evidence to get a conviction in a court of law and the guilty one goes free.

Is this where the congressional investigations of Joe Biden is? I also realize the investigators have to deal with another issue as well. The “jury” will be about half Democrats. This part of the “jury” are in the same political party as Joe Biden. They are not interested in right or wrong , but only in protecting themselves or their party members from any consequences of wrong doing. Therefore the possibility of getting any of them to agree to impeachment of Joe Biden is not going to happen.

The investigating committees are claiming they are taking so much time to insure they have concrete evidence to get a conviction. That may be true, but the white House and the federal agencies are refusing to provide information and when they do redacting information that implicates Joe. I am losing confidence that the investigation will ever conclude due to lack of evidence.

The impeachment committee has done a good job of making the public aware that Joe has been involved in a lot of questionable deals. Indeed if we can believe the polls most Citizens think Joe has been doing illegal things. It is now time to bring this impeachment probe to a conclusion. The committee needs to get tough on government agencies who refuse to cooperate. They need to bring charges that will lead to jail time.
Self preservation takes precedence over protecting your fellow criminals.

It would seem to me that there is enough evidence to convict Joe. The invasion of our country by foreigners and encouraged by Joe should be reason enough to can Crooked Joe. He has broken our laws by letting these people come in unvetted. There are criminals coming in, agents of terrorists countries and organizations. Drugs are coming in killing thousands of our citizens thanks to Joe. Joe has made our country unsafe as millions of unvetted people trespass on our land. Joe is costing us taxpayers billions to support these trespassers. Joe should be in prison for this illegal activity alone.

Evidence has been pouring in that Joe is receiving millions from foreign entities through dozens of “shell” companies his relatives have set up. Millions have been coming in for no recognizable reason. Millions of dollars have been donated to Joe’s Presidential Library from “private citizens” in China. Can you spell money laundering? Joe became a multi-millionaire in public office. How does one do that? Surely there is criminal activity in these things. Should not there be a conviction and jail time for that? There is now evidence that Joe lied about his knowledge of Hunter’s questionable business activities. Is lying to the people OK?

Joe is looking out for the interests of Communist China. A lot of money has flowed from China to the Biden Crime Family. Joe took us from a energy independent country to a country begging our enemies for oil. Joe was supposed to be our Commander in Chief and became our our Commander in Retreat leaving billions in military supplies for the terrorists in Afghanistan. Is there no treason in this?

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and people of Faith.

The Celebration of Christmas

Christmas was originally a day we celebrate the birth of Jesus. Historians do not know when Jesus was born nor can they agree on why we celebrate Christmas on December 25th. You have heard it said that you can line up all the Economists in the world and they would never come to a conclusion. Perhaps that is true of historians as well.

Some suggest the reasons we give gifts on Christmas is because the wise men brought gifts to Jesus. But Jesus had a unique calling to benefit every man or woman born on earth who would give heed to his teachings. He should have been honored for his gift to us. Perhaps the real reason we give gifts is because merchants encouraged gift giving as a way to enrich themselves. Whatever the reason people give gifts, my feeling is it distracts from worshiping Jesus for his sacrifice of his life for us. Christmas has become a time for many to celebrate worldly goods instead of celebrating the birth of Jesus. For children it becomes what will I get for Christmas instead of celebrating the birth of Jesus.

For adults with children, it is showering children with gifts to meet their and society’s expectations. For many adults it is buying gifts on credit cards and incurring huge debts that they struggle to pay off months later. For some it is buying gifts for nearly every family member and friend you have. With that comes more debt to buy a present for someone who will not remember what you gave them in a few days.

Some make Christmas a drinking holiday They spend there time going from one drinking party to another endangering everyone on the highway as they drive after drinking.

The Apostle Paul said there would be great wickedness on earth in the latter days. You can see this happening as more people turn away from God and the Teachings He had Jesus deliver to the world. If every one followed the teachings of Jesus the world would be a safe place for all. But what is happening today? Powerful forces of evil are trying to force everyone to not mention Jesus or his teachings. They are even campaigning to have the name of Christ removed from Christmas and call our Christian Celebration a Holiday Celebration.

These evil people are everywhere. They are in government attempting to suppress freedom of religion.. Some federal agencies have been caught investigating Christian Organizations and even spying on them. They are in education teaching your children in kinder garden through college things that are opposed of what Jesus taught. They are in the leadership of Teacher’s Unions going to war against Christian Beliefs. They are in entertainment pushing Un-Godly conduct that destroys lives, breaks up marriages and forfeits our right to live with God in the next life.

What can you do to make Christmas a celebration of the birth of Jesus? Take a look at why you are obsessed in buying gifts. What can you do to celebrate Jesus’s birth? Why not you or your family do some of the things Jesus encouraged us to do like serving others. Whether it is an elder person or a “shut in” can you or your family visit them or find some way to serve them? Can you donate some time to helping a worthy charitable organization in your area?

Can you ignore the voice of evil people and live the life Jesus taught? Can you be kind and helpful to others? For people with children can you spend some time teaching your children correct principles. If you do not the evil people of the world will be teaching them conduct offensive to God and they will only get one side of the story. Pay no heed to the voices of evil people. Stand with Jesus against those who serve Satan.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and people of Faith.

Xi Jinping and his Puppet Joe Biden

The Chinese Economy is collapsing. What is happening? If you say the Chinese are following the example of the Biden Regime in spending more money than they have you would be covering some of their problems. Rumors are now flying out of China that Xi Jinping’s mishandling of the Chinese Economy puts him in jeopardy of being removed from office by the Communist Party Central Committee. The rumor is they fear an uprising from the people and losing their power. One rumor is Xi asked in a meeting closed to the public in San Francisco with Biden that Joe find a way to get a $900,000,000 in a bailout for China to save his butt. These rumors are said to be from insiders at the Chinese Communist Party Central Committee. Now you might say you cannot put any faith in rumors. So let us talk about rumors in government. I have found that the best source of information on what government people are doing is rumors. When you hear a rumor in government you can rest assured that it is accurate information. Government Officials usually do things in secret. If a reporter asks them anything they will lie or refuse to cooperate or plead the fifth amendment if they are giving testimony. So that is why rumor is the best source of information in government.

Now lets talk about the real reasons Biden’s Communist Advisors and the Democratic Party want to prop up Xi Jinping. First they want Xi as an strong ally to put pressure on nations to adopt Marxism. The Democrat Party adopted Marxism when they accepted Bernie Sanders into their caucus in the Senate and accepted the squad into full fellowship in Congress. They do not want the Big Bully to fail and embarrass the Marxist Movement. When they attempt to change our Republican Form of Government to a Marxist Government the people might raise up armies in rebellion and a dissolved Chinese Army would not be available to send troops to help the American Communists.

Will Biden attempt to bail Xi Out? Could you even doubt that he would not? Millions of dollars in money from China has made its way to the University of Pennsylvania to support Joe’s Presidential Library. Was this money laundered to make it look it came from private donors in China? Are you fool enough to believe Joe is very popular in China? Money has also found its way into shell companies owned by the Biden Family coming from China. The committee investigating Joe for wrongdoing is having problems finding out what services were performed for the money. So far they have not found any thing. Expect the radical left news media to start campaigning for help to China in the form of taxpayer funded grants.

Here are some of the arguments you will be hearing from the Biden Regime or from their corrupt supporters including most of the news media. “We cannot let China fail. We depend on them for so many goods and services if they implode it will cause serious harm to our economy. If the Chinese Economy collapses it will cause a devastating world wide depression. We need China to manufacture clean energy products like cars so we can have clean air and have our civilization survive. China is too big to fail. If China is divided into a lot of small nations some of their nuclear weapons might fall into the wrong hands and their weapons might be aimed at us at us causing millions of deaths in the United States. If China fails millions of Chinese might starve and we cannot let that happen. The United States has always been a generous nation and our citizens will support helping China. If we do not bail out Xi he will get mad and we do not need a leader of a country with lots of nuclear weapons to be mad at us.

Now is the time for the United States to act. For years the Chinese have openly vowed to destroy the United States. Let us stop trading with them. Without United States money they cannot bully or wage war on other nations. The Chinese Communist Party is a Criminal Organization that can be starved from lack of money from the United States. What a grand time to eliminate Chinese Communism. Once they collapse they will have a breakup like the one that happened to Russia. We will do well dealing with a lot of smaller nations rather the the “Big Bully” China.

We hear that the inquiry into Joe’s corrupt dealings in government is revealing damming information on Joe. Apparently the impeaching of Joe is a sure thing. The Republicans have a slim majority in Congress and when you count Republicans who are really Democrats with a Republican title they may not have enough votes to sustain an impeachment attempt. You know what probably every single Democrat in the Congress will do. I think the Democrat Party is an anti American criminal organization. They are not going to sustain taking action against Biden for doing what they themselves are doing or will be dong if they get a chance.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.

A Holiday Called Christmas

I suspect for most people Christmas is a celebration of material things but it was originally supposed to be a celebration of the birth of Jesus. Historians do not know when Jesus was born. Some have suggested that since the Shepherds were in the fields, according to the Bible, it would not have been in December since it was in winter and assume it would have been no earlier than spring when grass would have been abundant. Others have taken the position that winter was not that severe in the area of Bethlehem and there could have been shepherds in the fields. Whatever argument you chose to accept, one thing is sure. Historians do not know when Jesus was born.

Those who are Christians accept Jesus as the son of God. Others merely consider him a great teacher who had an impact on a lot of people. There is little doubt that Jesus did exist as a Historical Figure. One contemporary writer of Jesus even described his physical appearance. Skeptics scoff at the idea of miracles or a resurrection because they have not seen it happen. I would not like to be a skeptic and defend that argument. Remember the man who had been blind since birth, who Jesus healed? Skeptics refused to believe it happened and even verbally attacked the man, who was healed, when he told them Jesus had healed him. The skeptics who saw miracles happen would still not accept them.

Who was this man Jesus? I testify he was the Son of God. From the time of Adam the Lord’s people were commanded to make animal sacrifices as a similitude of the sacrifice the Savior would make of his own life to take upon himself our sins. God said that no unclean person can enter his presence. None of us will become perfect, God in his mercy provided a way for Jesus to suffer for our sins and enable us to go into his presence. This does not mean we have no responsibility to Jesus. We must come to him with a contrite spirit. This means we will repent when we have done wrong and strive to follow Jesus. If we repent when we fail, and strive to keep the commandments, it is the sacrifice of Jesus for out sins that will enable us to enter God’s presence.

Jesus’ coming and manner of death and rejection were for told but the majority of the Jews and the priests had turned from God and either did not recognize him or did and considered him a threat to their power and desire to do evil. So they demanded their own God be crucified. This was a costly decision for the Jews. When God rescued the Jews from Egypt many were not obedient. God had them wander in the desert for forty years until the older disobedient died. The only two faithful from the older generation allowed to go to the promised were faithful Joshua and Caleb. Now God had faithful followers he could bless with prosperity and allow them to see miracles. And prosperity and miracles they did see. They were obedient and God was with them so their enemies could not conquer them.

Fast forward to the time of Christ. Most had once again become a disobedient people. They rejected his teachings and plotted to kill hm. he taught among them and did miracles. He taught us what we need to do to go into the presence of God. Any who served God would have easily recognized him as the promised messiah. Finally they crucified him. Jesus’ mission was completed. By suffering in Gethsemane and being crucified he took upon himself our sins enabling us to go into the presence of God if we keep the commandments. And because he was resurrected we all will be resurrected. Then we will receive the glory we earned through our obedience in this life.

As I mentioned above, rejection of Jesus was a costly decision for the Jews. Their disobedience to God caused him to stop protecting them from their enemies. Not long after the crucifixion the Jews were conquered and the citizens were scattered throughout the world and ceased to be a nation. The Jews were not allowed to have their own nation for nearly 2,000 years when God began restoring them to their homeland before Jesus returns to the earth again.

This is a blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.

Can You Trust the Government?

When Moses was leading the Children of Israel back to the promised land he gave the people ten commandments he received from God. These commandments were given to have order in their society and to bring happiness to them.

1.You shall have no other Gods before me.

2.You shall not make idols.

3.You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.

4.Remember the Sabbath Day and keep it Holy.

5. Honor your father and mother.

6.You shall not murder.

7.You shall not commit adultery.

8.You shall not steal.

9. You shall not bear false witness.

10. You shall not covet.

Jesus was once asked, what was the greatest commandment. His answer not only included the greatest commandment but also the second greatest commandment. He said the greatest commandment was to love God with all our heart and the second was like unto it, and that was to love our neighbor as ourself. What is the significance of what Jesus said? If we love God, we will do his will and that means keeping His Commandments. If we keep His Commandments we will be safe from the bitter consequences that come when people disobey God. If we treat others as we would want to be treated everyone would be safe from abuse and would be helped when they suffer from trials in life. Even evil people would likely agree that these things would make an ideal world.

The scriptures teach us that in the last days preceding the second coming of Jesus to the earth there will be many people doing evil. We are talking about people not obeying the commandments of God. One of the places this is manifested is in government. We are all familiar of the exposure of wrong doing in government. The poster child seems to be Anthony Fauci, the chief medical advisor the President of the United States. By now everyone is familiar with the lies he and his associates in the Center for Disease Control told the public. The public is also aware of his collusion with the media in suppressing any dissent from his official dogma. The federal law enforcement agencies have lost the confidence of the citizens. They had evidence of wrong doing on the part of Joe Biden and kept it secret.

Joe Biden has become a multi-millionaire serving in public office. Most people according to surveys I have read about think Joe is involved in something illegal. The only people defending Joe are the corrupt mews media, the corrupt Democratic Party and those who profit from illegal conduct of the Biden Regime.  What will happen in the Biden impeachment inquiries? Likely Joe will be impeached. Then what? The Democrats are so corrupt they will vote not to impeach Joe regardless of the evidence that will be presented. Corrupt people in high places have their supporters in high places as well. The Democrats feel confident they can manufacture enough unverifiable mail in ballots and harvested ballots to return Biden to the White House. Joe and his Communist Advisors have been trying to destroy the United States for three years. Can they accomplish their goal in four more years?

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.

Joe Biden’s Hot Line to China

Joe Biden’s begging campaign has been elevated recently with Xi Jinping, the head criminal in the criminal organization in China know as the People’s Republic, giving permission to Joe to talk to him by phone. Everyone knows how Biden has screwed up our energy policies that I think were done with purpose. Then he went begging to oil producing nations who hate us to sell us more oil at a reasonable price, we who were energy independent before Biden took office.

Now Biden has direct access to Xi to do more begging. Biden’s begging will no doubt be centered around his family getting money from China rather than the best interests of our citizens. When the hot line is up and going we can well imagine the following conversation between Xi Jinping and Joe Biden:

Biden: Xi how are you feeling today?

Jinping: I am feeling well physically and am much encouraged by the progress we are making to liberate the world and give everyone the benefits of Communism that the Chinese people enjoy.

Biden: That is wonderful Xi. I am excited about that as well. You know Barak Obama’s favorite professor in college was a Marxist and Barak was partial to Marxist Philosophies. Many in the Democrat Party have embraced Marxism and the Democratic National Committee are fully committed embracing all people including those who are Marxists. This is one of the reasons they wanted Barak on the Democratic Presidential Ticket, to solidify American Marxist’s support for the Democrat Party.

Jinping: We appreciated Barak’s support. He did a lot to further strengthen the role of Marxists in the government of the United States. But we are concerned you have not done enough to be friendly to China.

Biden: But Xi, most of the people I appointed to important government posts were from the Obama Administration. He worked with his advisors to ensure that his people were friendly to China.

Jinping: That is true. He even consulted with us to make sure some of his appointees were not objectionable to us. Our citizens have invested a lot of money in you Presidential Library. Some of them are concerned that you are not friendly enough toward China and could cut off funding.

Biden: Please do not cut funding for my Presidential Library. That is very important to me. What can I do to be more friendly to China?

Jinping: We can start with the Confucius Institutes that we have on your American Campuses. We feel they are important to get the message of liberation to college age students. Some of your legislators want to ban these institutes.

Biden: Our Democrat Lawyers have worked hard to use the Constitution to shield Marxist opinions from government interference. With our lawyers, government legislators sympathetic to Marxism and a mostly Marxism news Media, we should be able to work together to prevent the closing of the Institutes. And do not forget that most of our appointees to the Education Department were picked because of their friendliness to China. They are the ones who decide what projects get funded in education. I am sure you will see they will not fund anything in American that is not friendly to China. We have some challenges in the US that we are trying to deal with. One is we have a person named Donald Trump who is leading the opposition to cooperating with China and making the world more peaceful. He has millions of misguided followers in the United States and if we move too fast they may rise up in arms. Right now we are working with our allies in three states to bring criminal charges against him to prevent him from campaigning. Our lawyers are working with our allies in many more states to bring criminal charges against him. We are also bringing charges against people who have worked with him to intimidate others from working with Trump.

Jinping: Some of your legislators want to decouple from china. If the US stops trading with China it will cost us billions and prevent us from having enough money to liberate the world. What do you plan to do about that? I am sure your donors will be watching closely to determine if you are being friendly to China. They will also be watching to see what progress you are making to take guns away from people in the United States. People who own guns are irresponsible and dangerous.

Biden: As you know I have always said that we need a rising China. Now I think we need to follow the example of China. I will veto any bill that seeks to decouple China. I will get on the gun issue immediately. Our lawyers are experts in convincing people the Constitution does not mean what it seems to say. We also have our people working on modifying the Constitution to reflect the views of Karl Marx. Thank you for you help in my understanding what is important to the Chinese People.

Jinping: It was good to talk to you Joe. We will talk soon on the progress you are making toward being more friendly to the Chinese People.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith

Biden Impeachment. The Overdue Justice.

Joe Biden is a career politician. He recognized political office was one of the surest ways to riches many years ago. No one asked how he became rich in government service. The Founding Fathers were honorable men who did not visualize most politicians in latter days would be selling their soul for money from people wanting favors. Joe was a master at this game.

Joe appeared to be using his son Hunter as a front man as Joe took him to lots of countries on the taxpayer supported Air Force 1. Hunter did not look like a tourist so a lot of people began to ask questions about why Hunter was jet setting around the world on Air Force 1. As reporters began investigating they found a lot of strange things happening. Hunter was starting “businesses” in the countries he visited with daddy Joe. Then he was paid a lot of money to be on the board of directors of a company in a foreign nation in an industry he had no experience in. That company was being investigated for fraud. Joe informed the politicians in this country that if they did not fire the prosecutor that they would not get expected aid from the United States. Then Ole Joe bragged about the prosecutor being fired.

One big event in the Biden saga was Hunter left his computer at a repair shop and forgot it was there, and never went back to pick it up, which made it the property of the shop. Was Hunter so spaced out on drugs that he could not remember where his computer was? A big revelation was found where Hunter told his family members he had to give 10 per cent of his take to the Big Guy. Of the Democrats it is said, only 40 per cent believe in God. I suspect most of the Democrat Office Holders are in the 40 per cent. Otherwise they would have claimed that The Lord was the Big Guy and Hunter was giving tithes to Him.

Now an impeachment inquiry is being made in the house. Damning information is beginning to come in on Joe Biden’s illegal conduct. Joe claimed he had no knowledge or involvement in Hunter’s Business Dealings. The House Committee think they have evidence of over 20 million in payments from a variety of foreign entities. They also claim to have information that Hunter put Joe on the phone 20 times when he was conversing with foreign entities. The Democrats claim Joe was talking to people he did not know about weather, family and other things not pertaining to Hunters “Business Dealings”. If you believe that story you are a certified fool.

.Now the House Committee has found direct payments from family members involved in Biden Family Businesses for alleged loan repayments to Joe. The committee claims the Biden Family Businesses did a complex chain of transactions that made it difficult to track the flow of funds.

What will be the results of the House Impeachment Inquiry? The committee will find enough evidence to have an impeachment trial for Joe. The Democrats in the House and Senate are so corrupt they will vote against finding Joe guilty of any crime. Due to the makeup of the house and Senate the Democrats will have the power to protect Joe Biden for being convicted of his crimes. The Democrats like any crime organization will look out for their own kind. With the numbers the Democrats have in the Senate and House Joe will be unimpeachable.

The Democratic Brand will be severely tarnished. however. The Democrats have been so confident they can come up with millions of votes from unverifiable mail in ballots, and harvested ballots that cannot be verified and being able to prevent any audits, they have been backing a very unpopular President for re-election.

The Democrat’s confidence has been shaken. Now they are apparently worrying they cannot come up with enough unverifiable votes to put Biden over the top. Calls are being heard from Democratic insiders to choose another candidate. The one thing you can be assured of they will find a candidate just as corrupt as Joe Biden and whose corruption has been hidden from public view. Expect an announcement soon from Joe that he will not seek re-election in order to spend more time with his family. I cannot wait to see which corrupt individual the Democrats will pick this time.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.

The Terrorists are Active in the United States

Our country is in grave danger. Not from attack from China , Russia or Iran. We are endangered from having Joe Biden in the White House. Joe invited anyone who wanted to come to the United States to show up at our borders. Anyone who says that terrorists are not in the hoards of people massing at our borders is either a liar or a fool. Border Patrol have identified some terrorists even though they have little time to vet people coming in. Joe Biden thinks those people coming in will vote Democratic and thus insure that the criminal organization know as the Democratic Party will continue to get their hands on our money. I think it likely most of those illegally crossing our borders with the support of the criminal Joe Biden will be signed up to vote by Democratic Party Canvassers next election. Of course the Democrats will claim that election will be the most secure even while they work overtime with the help of corrupt news media to prevent any audits.

Terrorists crossing our borders is just part of our problems. We also have Mexican Cartel members coming in to prey on U.S. Citizens with the blessing of Joe. Given the millions of dollars Joe and his crime family have received from foreign entities your wonder if Joe has been receiving money from the Mexican Cartels, Communist China, Radical Islamists or other merchants of evil to let their agents come in to the United States.

We have had a taste of what the Terrorists are capable of with 9/11 and the murders at the Boston Marathon. The Terrorists are here and are just beginning to organize to start attacking our citizens. You see it on the news each night. They are starting with demonstrations. College Campuses are the hot bed of anti-Americans who teach or have infiltrated College Administrations. There they have thousands of immature students they can manipulate to carry out their evil. Students are the victims of our education system, managed by radicals, and many have never learned to think for themselves or even know how to reach rational conclusions.

After demonstrations have started, then physical attacks start on any opposition. This has already happened. They immature students attack anyone who opposes them as you have seen on the news media unless you only watch radical news. They are glorifying those who murdered women and children in Israel. They have become terrorists themselves.

Radicals and useful idiots are now marching in New York and even closed down the Brooklyn Bridge. These people art terrorists. The American Civil Liberties will claim that the Constitution guarantees people the right to demonstrate. That is true but the Constitution does not give people the right to be terrorists. Those demonstrating in favor of terrorists should be in jail. A lot of the demonstrators are people invited to invade our country by the criminal Joe Biden and need to be deported along with him. The Democrats are reluctant to criticize the demonstrators because they do not want to make their own voters mad.

It will likely only be a matter of time before blood and horror is common place in our beloved land. No longer will acts of terror be common in other lands but in the United States as well. Do you think the FBI will protect you? They are too busy trying to take down Catholics, the political enemies of Joe Biden and parents who do not like what the radicals are teaching their children in school. Do you think the Democrats will protect you. The radicals who demonstrate are Democrats voters. They will not action against their own supporters. What do you do when an entire political party is corrupt?

You can vote them out of office. But can you? The Democrats are supporting a Joe Biden who is very unpopular among U.S. voters according to recent polls. That tells me they are confident they can flood the voting places with unverifiable mail in votes and unverifiable harvested votes to keep Joe in office. They are also confident they will have the support of the radical news media to propagandize for them and convince a gullible public that the bad guys are the ones who would question the validity of mail or harvested votes.

This is a opinion blog for Conservatives and people of Faith.

How to Use Other People’s Money to Destroy your Enemies, Manipulate People and Enrich Yourself

If you are a totally corrupt self centered person who has no moral compass and wants to keep being yourself here are some tips. If you want an opportunity to make a lot of money and control other people’s lives and break the law with no consequence either go into politics, work for the Federal Government or get involved with charitable organizations. Two of your best role models are Joe Biden who took the political option and Anthony Fauci whose route to riches and fame came as a Federal Government employee.

Let us look a Anthony Fauci first. Dr. Fauci toiled away as a government bureaucrat for decades finally getting a plum gig as the Director of the National Institute of allergy and infectious Diseases. He became very rich as the highest Government Employee in the land. When Covid came to our shores Dr. Fauci was living the dream. He made a fat salary, had benefits most of us could only dream about and was awaiting a rich mans income in the form of a retirement. He was on TV nightly basking in fame. People were willing to lick his feet or kiss another part of his anatomy. Admiring fans could not get enough of Dr. Fauci.

As Covid worked it s way through things began to unravel for the esteemed Dr. Fauci. First he told us we did not need mask’s. Then he did an about face and insisted everyone wear a mask even toddlers. He quickly started losing credibility except with the left wing news media. Finally he lead a verbal and printed assault against those in the medical professional who disagreed with him and worked with the news media attempt to stifle their free speech. For these things he should have been arrested. Instead he was allowed to continue abusing individuals and the public. Time has proven many of those who disagreed with Fauci were correct. If you want to do evil and work in government there are many in government who will protect you.

There can only be one highest paid government worker but you can still hit pay dirt toiling away in the lower ranks . Statistics indicate Federal workers make more and have more benefits and days off than those doing similar jobs in the private section. The difficulty of firing a Federal Employee is well documented The retirement benefits are the envy of the private section employees.

Then there is the darling of the corrupt politicians named Joe Biden. The corrupt admire him for becoming a multi-millionaire in public service. Joe knew how to work deals with other politicians to gain power in government service. When he rose in the ranks he did favors for other politicians and pay back came when the corrupt Democrats decided to back one of their own kind as a vice presidential candidate and then as a Presidential candidate. First he was Vice President to a man whose favorite Professor in College was a Marxist. This was a great opportunity to get training from the experts in controlling people, Marxists or those sympathetic to their evil goals.

Then the ill advised lockdowns were forced on us by the Fauci Gang and supported by the ill advised. The Democrats in the Blue states wasted no time. This was a perfect storm for them to claim that we needed mail in ballots and ballot harvesting because people were not able to get to the polls. You know the rest of the story. We went to bed hearing that Trump had a lead. Then overnight, and even beyond, unverifiable mail in votes and unverifiable harvested votes came in a flood to take Biden over the top. This had to be a well orchestrated plan. They were also well prepared to meet the challenges they knew would come. They claimed the election was the most secure ever. If so why did the Democrats try to prevent any audits by claiming voter repression. A dubious claim since the voting had ended at that point. The corrupt news media was well prepared to attack anyone who dared claim fraud in voting. It looked like it was preplanned with the Democrat Party. Now we have had a miserable Presidency under Biden. He and his fellow criminals helped him to dole out millions to his friends when our social security system is scheduled to go broke soon. Prices have skyrocketed under Biden. Our retirements are not safe as long as Biden and his fellow criminals are out on the streets

Now Congressional Investigators are finding Biden has taken millions from overseas entities, including our most dangerous enemy China, for no recognizable reason. Will Biden ever be charged with anything illegal? He probably has enough corrupt friends in the Democratic Party to shield him from any consequences.

If you do not like politics or working for the government their is another avenue for gaining power and getting others people’s money flowing your way. How about charitable organizations? Radical Leftists have recognized advantages of infiltrating charitable organizations to get money, power and the ability to control others and propagandize them. Now they have control of organizations that were set up for noble purposes by wealthy people who have long since died. If they were alive they would be horrified at how radical groups were able to take control of their organizations and use money to support groups who are trying to undermine our institutions.

Some formerly respected charitable organizations are giving money to left wing news organizations. The news organizations have had so many subscribers fleeing them they are being propped up by these charitable organizations to prevent bankruptcy. Black Lives Matter is a darling of the political left. It was set up by Marxists and is recognized by the IRS as a reputable charitable organization, even though their goals are the same as the Chinese Communists. In recent years one of the founders was caught buying luxury homes with other people’s money. The explanation given was they would use these mansions to hold conferences. Do you buy that? Apparently the IRS did.

Maybe you do not have the people skills to get yourself imbedded in an existing high profile charitable organization. Do not despair. Get yourself a IRS publication on setting up a charitable organization. Find some needs you can exploit. Come up with a business plan. It will cost you a little money but you need a lawyer to review your plans to make sure it will pass IRS scrutiny. Then apply for approval. If you are not approved get your lawyer’s help in doing an upgrade on your business plan. If you can get the IRS to approve, you are on your way to riches.

I do not know of any regulations the IRS has on what salary the charity can pay or what benefits within reason you can provide to the employees. Pay yourself, or your family members who will work in the charity a salary, benefits and retirement plan that is very generous. Then hire an organization that raises money for charities and watch the money and benefits come your way. You will need to go into the office occasionally so the IRS will not get suspicious, but you can have an in home office.

Maybe some of the readers of this article will think I am a real novice because of my limited coverage of ways to get your hands in other people’s pockets. If you have great success, in other ways, of getting other people’s money to flow to you I would love to hear about it.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.