The Curse of Biden on the United States

How did Joe Biden, as corrupt as he is, become President of the United States? I consider the Democrat Party a criminal organization. Their political office holders are in office for power and to enrich themselves by giving favors to their monetary contributors and giving freebies to people they think will vote for them. Joe Biden’s attempt to cancel debt of college students is an excellent example of these freebies. Let us face facts. Political Office is a great way to becoming wealthy. Joe Biden proved that by becoming a multi-millionaire in political offices. It stands to reason that a criminal organization would choose for their leader someone who would be one of them and help them achieve Joe’s success in become wealthy.

But why would people vote for Joe Biden who he does not enrich or give freebies to? Has the majority of the citizens also become corrupt? Has the majority or near majority of our citizens become so corrupt that they voted for Joe Biden? Is a country where destroying unborn babies meets most people’s approval an indication of depravity? Or were those unverifiable mail in ballots and unverifiable harvested votes the things which Joe elected? The fervor that the Democrats exhibited in fighting against any investigations or audits in the last national election makes them suspect.

What has Joe done for us lately? He has been hosting, celebrating and promoting sexual deviants in the White House. Are you aware of any hosting, celebrating or promotion of strong family units in the White House? Recently he declared a Transgender Day if Visibility to be celebrated on Easter Sunday the same day of a Christian Holiday. All Christians should be concerned that Biden and his Communist Advisors planned that as an attacked on Christian Values.

Let us review some of the Achievements of over three years of the Biden Regime. We were an energy independent country when the corrupt Biden Regime came in. Thanks to Biden’s policies we are now buying oil from our enemies and paying huge prices at the pump for gasoline. Biden and his criminal family have been getting a lot of money flowing in from the enemies of our country including China. Is there any wonder Biden has been so supportive of the Communist Regime in China? The Biden Regime supported printing more money since we could not pay off our huge national debt and they wanted to spend more money to increase our debt. That meant our prices increased significantly while wages did not go up to keep pace.

The Biden Regime invited people to come in illegally which included terrorists and criminals and refused to enforce our laws against illegal entry. The terrorists will soon be organized to make well planned attacks on the people of the United States. We are now having a spike in crime which is partly the result of criminals coming across our borders at the invitation of the Criminal Joe Biden. We ae now in the position of having to support millions of illegal immigrants that Joe invited to come here illegally. Governments at all levels and already deeply in debt. This has to be a plan orchestrated by Joe Biden and his Communist Advisors to destroy the United States. Joe Biden belongs in prison, but his fellow corrupt Democrats will prevent that from happening.

Joe and his Communist Advisors are attacking freedom of speech in the United States. Evidence has been revealed in court hearings that the Biden Regime worked to get Social Media, who has great power on getting information to the public, to suppress the free speech people who attempt the reveal the lies of the Biden Ragime.

The Biden Regime has been active in using lawfare to harass people who they deem to be their political enemies. All the lawsuits against Donald Trump are a prime example. The Biden Regime has secretly met with some of their Democrat Counterparts in State or local Government who are prosecuting charges against Trump. Trump has a lot of money to defend himself but may yet be bankrupted by those who have unlimited funds from taxpayers to pursue their vendettas against Trump. Other political enemies to the Biden Regime may not be so lucky. They may have to get a plea bargain because they do not have the funds to defend themselves against a government agency that has unlimited funds to persecute them, and I mean persecute not prosecute.

Do we need any more reasons to vote against Joe Biden? I cannot think of any reason to vote for him.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.

Thoughts on Joe Biden Seeking a Second Term

As we watch Joe Biden on the news we can see he is so senile he is not fit to be President. The Democrats are so corrupt they are trying to convince the public that Joe is fine and has all his marbles but people who watch TV know differently, although Biden voters are too stupid to even recognize his senility. The Democrats are even able to get Doctors to claim the Joe is fine. I wonder how much they pay them for that. How could any honest person vote for any Democrat who would support anything so dishonest? In addition to Joe’s senility he is breaking our immigration laws by letting anyone who comes to our borders in. Even the government investigator who was supposed to be deciding whether to charge Biden with breaking the law by having classified documents implied that a jury would recognize his senility and not convict him. First Federal Law Enforcement tried to hide information they had on Biden breaking the law and them opted to claim he could not be convicted because a jury would recognize his senility. They did not express it that way but we got the implication. Probably half of all Federal Law Enforcement Officials should be fired.

Joe Biden is plainly corrupt and dishonest. He has signed some executive orders that the courts have ruled were illegal. His response has been to try to find some some way to break the law anyway. Courts have also ruled his agencies have been violating our Constitution by pressuring non governmental organizations like social media and news media to suppress information unfavorable to the Biden Regime. Clearly Joe Biden is a danger to the people of the United States.

Joe has received millions for his Presidential Library from “Chinese Citizens”. Nothing happens in China without permission of the Communist Party. Are all these donations a reason why Joe says we need a rising China? Has he been bought? What would happen if China decided to attack the United States? I think we all know. We would all be killed by Nuclear Bombs while Joe tried to get the head Communist on the phone.

Joe is currently being investigated by Congress for influence peddling. Here is a guy who became a multi-millionaire in government service. How do you do that ? I think we all know. What are Democrats in Congress doing? They are trying to protect Joe from being held accountable and are obstructing the investigation. As for the Republicans they resemble the Keystone Cops by being too inept to convict Joe. Everything about Joe Biden spells trouble for the United States.

The Democrat party knows how inept and corrupt Joe is but they insist on having him rum for office anyway. That tells me two things. They want someone to be a Democrat President who will work closely with China and keep money flowing to them. China has shown a wiliness to pay big money to get favorable treatment. They need U.S. money coming to them from manufacturing to help them dominant the world. The other thing is they are confident they can manufacture enough votes to get Joe back in and suppress any attempts at verifying illegal votes by the Keystone Cops. After all, the Democrats are the ones who coined the phrase “By any means possible”.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.

Joe Loves to Help Our Enemies

Joe Biden told us we need a rising China. Why do we need a rising China? China wants to destroy us preferably through subversion rather that militarily. They do not keep their goals secret. But Joe Biden’s family and Joe himself is on the Chinese Payroll. The Biden Family has business interests in China. Remember when son Hunter sent an e-mail to his family members complaining he had to give 10 percent of his take to the Big Guy? He was not talking about tithing to the Lord. Congressional Investigations revealed some Biden “businesses” did not seem to have any recognizable product. Are we talking about a money laundering set up here?

According to an article on Jan, 11, 2023 in the new Youk Post, the Biden Penn Center at the University of Pennsylvania received over thirty million dollars in donations from “Chinese Citizens”. Nothing happens in China without the permission of the Chinese Communist Party. Is that proof enough that Joe Biden is being bribed to look out for Chinese Interests. Is that proof enough that he will sell out the interests of the people for money? Everyone will recognize that unless they are Democrats.

Why do the Chinese need an asset named Joe Biden in the U.S.? The Chinese have some ambitious plan to dominate the world and overthrow all other nations. This takes money, lots of it. Where do they get most of that money? From the United States of course. Joe must keep the money flowing to China to keep China Money flowing into his pocket. That is why he is pushing trade with the Chinese pure and simple, to enrich himself. That is one of the reasons he is pushing the electric car issue to replace gasoline powered cars. If gasoline powered cars are eliminated the Chinese have market dominance in electric vehicles. More money for China to use to dominate the world and more money from China to Joe.

Dear old Joe gave billions in military supplies when he surrended and retreated in Afghandistan leaving behind all those military supplies for our enemies. Wonder how much of those supplies ended up in the hands of Hamas? Wonder if all those supplies encouraged them to attack Israel? Did Joe and his Communist Advisors plan to retreat as a guise for transferring military supplies to our enemies.

What is the latest on our faithful and devoted President? Now he is apparently looking for a way to help Hamas defeat Israel? Under the guise of building a port to send relief supplies to the people in Gaza he wants to send help to Hamas. Who will control who gets those supplies? If you answered Hamas, go to the head of the class. Most of the people in Gaza are devoted to Hamas and have as their goal annihilation of the Jews. This is likely why Biden is trying to give them aid. If China attacked the United States while Biden is President, you can believe he would not strike back.

Then Biden released Billions to Iran that we had frozen. Who supports Hamas. Iran of course. A lot of that money was no doubt used to equip Hamas. If the truth were known Biden is likely funneling our money to fund Hamas.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.

How to destroy China

The Chinese Communists have plans to destroy the United States. It is no secret . They openly admit it. And what is the reaction to this from many politicians? They openly support China. Foremost supporter is Crooked Joe Biden. He reminds us that we need a rising China. So why does Joe think we need a rising China. Do we need a country that steals our technology? They have stolen our technology through espionage or forcing American Companies to give them our technology secrets in order to access their markets or to manufacture cheaply in China. This diminishes our ability to have a strong market lead over other nations in the World. Is this why Biden thinks we need a rising China?

China has thousands of hackers employed trying to get our national defense secrets, accessing our technology, looking for vulnerabilities in our grid system, and even getting personal information on our citizens. We really need this, don’t we crooked Joe? Now thanks to Joe’s illegal open borders policy many Chinese are pouring across our open borders down south. Why are they coming? No one enters or leaves China without the permission of the Chinese Communist Party. So, is it possible the Chinese Communist party is sending them here? Since crooked Joe’s Regime does not vet people coming in, we do not know what training they received before being sent to the United States. I think, thanks to good ole Joe, terrorists will soon be setting up shop in your neighborhood. We need some well trained terrorists in our neighborhood don’t we Joe?

Why is Joe able to destroy our country in exchange for Chinese money flowing into his pockets and the pockets of family members? The Bidens had multiple companies set up with no business endeavors other than to launder money. Biden’s Presidential Library at the University of Pennsylvania received millions of dollars in donations from “private citizens” from other nations. There are no private citizens in China. Everyone is a slave to the Regime. Big money always comes with strings. Those who are supposed to police the action of the President, that’s federal law enforcement and the majority of those in the House and Senate are so corrupt, they support Joe. The Communists have infiltrated every institution in the United States. Does every decision made by the Biden Regime need to be approved by the Chinese Communists?

How can we take down China without firing a shot. It is very simple. Just acknowledge they are our enemies by their own doing and stop trading with them. They cannot bribe American Elected Officials if they do not have our money to do it. They depend on our money, made by selling us manufactured goods, to also bribe government office holders in other countries. They use our money to build up a huge navy they hope to either intimidate with or defeat us in war.

There are a lot of treasonous people in the United States who profit from either manufacturing in China or selling Chinese made goods. They do not care if China buries us as long as money keeps coming to their pockets right now. They pay a lot of the money they make to support politicians who will protect China from being held accountable for their sins and keep Chinese money flowing to them.

Then we have a lot of stupid people in the United States who listen to their argument that if we take action against China we will harm the citizens of China. To hear them tell their story the Chinese people hate Communism so we should not take any action that will harm these nice people. If apologists for other nations were running the United States during World War II, the rising sun flag would now be flowing over all the states west of the Mississippi and the Nazi Flag over the states east of the Mississippi.

While we are still free all the Citizens of the United States should make it our personal mission to take down the evil that is China and refuse to buy anything made in China.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.

What Was the Best Thing That happened to you Today?

My wife was a schoolteacher. We were married before our last year in college and after graduation she started teaching. Three years later our first child arrived and she stayed at home to rear her and the four other children that followed. When she decided to return to teaching many years later, she was much older and combined with that and a major in a degree that was not in high demand she had difficulty finding employment. Finally, she found employment in a job that many were not interested in, teaching boys in a state juvenile prison. I had concerns about her safety and also the emotional toll of working with boys who likely had little guidance in their homes and probably were never taught to be responsible individuals. I wondered how I could be supportive to her. I came up with a plan I hoped might be a winner.

Each day as we had our evening meal I would ask her, “what was the best experience you had today?”. I had two goals in mind. I could have asked her how her day went but often people will tell you about their frustrations if you ask that question. I wanted her to think about her good experiences. An amazing think happened. Who would have thought you could have great experiences nearly every day with these troubled boys? I am sure talking every day about her good experiences helped her have a positive attitude about what she was accomplishing with her boys. And now that she is retired, she has fond memories about her experiences.

My other goal was to communicate more with my wife. She is a chatty person and she would often tell friends I was her silent partner. My question worked perfectly. I would ask the question and she would answer enthusiastically. I was still silent after I asked the question, but she hardly noticed as she shared her experiences. I highly recommend doing this with a spouse or friend. I felt a great deal of bonding with my wife taking place when I asked this question.

Another great blessing came to my wife that fall into the category of unintended consequences. A large percentage of the boys she taught had learning disabilities. The State offered tuition to those who would get certified in Special Education. The courses were graduate level courses and my wife discovered that if she took them all she only need a couple more classes that she would have to pay for but would complete the requirements for a Master’s Degree in Special Education, which she opted for. She received three blessing in one action. She was paid additional money for being certified in Special Education, additional money for having a Master’s Degree and was trained in understanding how to better realize the needs of her boys.

I once heard a religious leader tell of some advice given him by another religious leader. The advice was to think about every person they ministered to as someone who had challengers in life. The minister giving advice explained that most of the time he would be right. If his position is correct think of how much good you can do for others. Many people need to feel others love them and are concerned about them. Just sharing their good experiences with others helps them feel loved and appreciated.

Remember what Jesus taught? He was once asked, “Master, what is the great commandment?” His answer was to love God with all your heart. This implies that if you love God, you will keep all his commandments. Then Jesus went on to give more information than the questioner asked. He went on to say, the second greatest commandment was to love their neighbor as thyself. He further stated that on these commandments hang all the law and commandments. This meant that if you live these two commandments you would not be breaking any of the others.

People often think of their neighbor as someone they know or lives in the same block. Jesus taught us, in a parable that has become known as the parable of the Good Samaritan, that even strangers are our neighbor. We have many opportunities to be our neighbor’s cheerleader. We can give encouragement to everyone we know to serve God and their fellow man to prepare them to return to that God who gave us life.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.

The Scourge of Biden

Joe Biden’s term as president has likely been the worst curse even to come on the United States. We have had runaway inflation hurting every citizen, massive debt accumulation, unbelievable corruption among politicians and government employees, attacks on our rights enumerated in the Constitution, Marxism being promulgated in our schools by government edict, government law enforcement agencies investigating mothers concerned about the things their children are being taught in schools, government investigation and attempted intimidation of Christian Organizations, redacted information from government agencies when Biden is being investigated, a foreign policy that encourages our enemies to take advantage of us. an administration that wants to give the United Nations, an organization that is infiltrated by Chinese Communist Operatives, control over health decisions in the United States and politicians who are only concerned about having power over others and enriching themselves from public service. Not a pretty picture.

Joe Biden was recently investigated for wrongdoing. Can you imagine Joe Biden doing anything wrong? The person doing the investigation said he would not prosecute Joe and implied people on the jury would recognize his signs of dementia and would not convict him. He was probably under pressure from his corrupt bosses not to bring charges and this was the excuse he came up with. A new right has been invented likely hidden somewhere in the Constitution. The right to not be charged with a crime if you show signs of senility.

Joe Biden has indeed shown obvious signs of senility and should be removed from office. Who is going to do it? Certainly not the Democrats in Congress and the Senate. The Democrats do not think their voters care and are probably right. As long as they can stay in power and enrich themselves through their office, they will not act. What about the Republicans? My guess is they realize the Democrats have the power to block any opportunity for justice for the people of the United States and will exercise that power. That probably accounts for their luke warm attempt to impeach Joe. There is a lot of evidence of Joe Biden breaking the law. But as long as corrupt federal law enforcement agencies can redact incriminating information and the corrupt Democrats control whether Biden gets impeached, Biden will never be removed from office. And, of course, if Biden were ever charged with a crime a judge would probably rule he is not competent to stand trial and probably rightly so.

If Biden is too senile to govern the country who is running the country? How about his Marxists advisors. He is their puppet. He is also the puppet of the Chinese Communist Patry. Was he bought and paid for by the Communists through his son’s business dealings in China? And did not Son, Hunter, tell his family in e-mails on his infamous laptop he had to give ten per cent to the big guy? And what about the millions contributed to his library at the University of Pennsylvania by “Chinese Citizens”? Can you say money laundering?

Biden’s most recent caper is to pay of all student debt for former students in a hardship situation. Is not everyone in a hardship situation? The term hardship is a ploy to get our sympathy without us thinking about the repercussions. Why this new move? Do Biden’s Communist advisors think this might get him more votes from people who would love for someone else to pay their debts? They want to stay in power. They are having so much fun destroying the nation. Or is adding this debt another way they are trying to bankrupt the nation? We do not have the money to pay of these billions of dollars in debt. We would have to print more money causing more inflation. In addition, we would have a huge amount added to our national debt. That should be exciting to the younger generation who will have to pay off this debt.

The Democratic Party is under tremendous pressure to drop Biden as a candidate for President. Why do not they do so? Could it be the Democratic Bosses like having someone in the White House so easy to manipulate? Or do they think through the miracle of unverifiable mail in ballots and ballot harvesting they can get Biden back in the White House?

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.

Marxist Control of the United States

When Barack Obama became President of the United States he was our first Marxist President. It is a well documented fact that his favorite teacher in college was a dedicated Marxist. We do not know whether he became a convert to evil at Columbia or Harvard Law School or whether the schools helped him perfect his conversion to evil. Somewhere along the way he decided to become a missionary for the movement and decided he could do the most damage to the United States as a politician. He started out as a “Community Organizer” which was probably a good place to learn to be a propogandist and learn to manipulate people. Likely, his Communist Friends encouraged him to start there. He had an income from an organization to allow him to pay the bills while he was preparing for his glorious future.

When it came time for Obama to enter politics he did so at the home of Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn, radical leftists from the 60’s known for their involvement with the Weathermen. This organization is best known for planting bombs in government buildings. Bill had a lot of influence with people in politics and the news media who were Marxists and would support Obama. These associates were people of influence who fast tracked Obama into the Senate.

When Obama decided to become President, he had plenty of Marxist influencers to help him on his way. When Obama became President he had plenty of Marxists Helpers to advise him of who to appoint to government cabinet positions who were sympathetic the Marxist movement. Obama had eight years to slowly infiltrate the government with Marxists. He had to move slow because of fear of an uprising by the people. Remember millions of citizens own guns and in an uprising the government forces would be badly outnumbered. This is the reason the Democrats are so keen on outlawing guns, They have embraced Marxists in their “Big Tent”.

The Marxists/Democrats had a temporary setback in their plans to fundamentally change the United States into a Marxist Society when Trump appeared. But it was only temporary. Through the miracle of unverifiable mail in ballots and unverifiable ballot harvesting Biden was able to “win” the election. He immediately began his campaign to destroy the United States. Everything he stands for has been to the detriment of the United States. He put many of Obama’s Marxist Friends back in positions of power. The grip Marxists had on the country has become stronger under Biden than it was under Obama. And the Marxist/Democrats have learned how to win every election with unverifiable votes. I suspect they are now finding illegals to vote in the coming national elections. Biden has illegally invited millions of them into the United States.

The Marxists have infiltrated every institution in the United States. I recently went to the Smithsonian in Washington, D.C. They have found their way in there. On the map of the History Museum you will find the following quote. ” In our museum we strive to be the most inclusive, relevant, accessible, and sustainable public history institution in the nation. We support and encourage critical thinking, as it provides insight and understanding. We treat each other with respect, dignity, and open-mindedness, and we do not tolerate hate speech and harassment”. First it starts with “in our museum” Sounds like the Marxists consider it theirs rather than owned by the people of the United States. Then there is a lot of Marxist buzz words that are used in our Marxists Controlled Education System in the United States. They all sound so impressive until you realize Marxists do not believe in any of those things. Their goal is to take all these freedoms from the people and make them slaves to the state or more correctly to those who think they can get into government positions of power. The other point of interest is they do not tolerate “hate speech.”

Hate speech in Marxist terminology is any opposition to their goals of world enslavement of the people. What would they do if they heard “hate speech”? Call Biden and ask him to have the Justice Department arrest people engaging in hate speech?

There was a huge section dedicated to immigrants. Most were propaganda pieces indicting white people who did not accept new people or actively discriminated against them. It was a masterful attack on white people by the Marxists. Nothing was mentioned about the millions of illegal immigrants that criminal in the White House invited into the United States and who is supporting them with our tax dollars. You can see posters from Black Lives Matter in the Musuem. That is a Marxist Organization that wants to destroy the United States. I suspect they worked with the Marxists in the Musuem, to plan the exhibits.

They also had another propaganda piece on the Capitol Protests. They did not call it an insurrection like their Marxist/Democratic office holders did, but they did say that it was the first time the results of an election had not been accepted in the United States. That was a lie. Their darling Hillary Clinton claimed the election was stolen from her. But then, Marxists think it is ok to lie if it helps them achieve their goals.

We have a lot of house cleaning to do. The Marxist/Democrats are confident they can come up with enough unverifiable votes to get the Criminal Biden back in the White House. The only thing stopping them is the Republicans. I am not sure the Republicans are capable enough to stop them. They cannot even get a criminal removed from the White House.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.

Retribution, A new Leftist Propaganda Campaign

The Leftists are very concerned losing the upcoming Presidential Election. They fear Donald Trump might win and insist those who broke the law during the Biden Regime be tried in a court of law. Criminals who break the law while holding public office are rarely held accountable. They either agree to resign and draw their fat government pension or fight to hold on to their job and get recalled by the citizens. Then when that happens, they can still draw their fat government pension. They think Trump may be a dirty pool player by insisting they be held accountable. How dare anyone question their actions. They think they have more wisdom than the American People and therefore should be able to accomplish their agenda by any means possible.

So what are the Leftists doing about this potential threat? They are working with their fellow criminals in the news media to create the illusion that if they are tried in a court of law for breaking the law it is actually Trump taking retribution for them pushing charges against him in the past three years for allegedly breaking the law. They are also horrified that their campaign to get Trump convicted of some bogus crime is unraveling.

Some like to call the left-wing news media the Main- Stream media or the Legacy News media. Both those titles are misnomers. First the majority of the news media is not main stream. The majority of the American People do not agree with them. Indeed, if many of them were not propped up by charitable organizations, controlled by leftists, they would go bankrupt. And calling them the Legacy news Media is an insult to the Journalists of yesteryear who were after truth. Many of a today’s media personalities are propagandists. We would come closer to accuracy by calling them the Marxist News Media.

I suspect the Democrat/Marxists are working hard on what worked so well last election. Polls will tell them how many votes they need in the election in each state so they will know how many votes they will have to come up with. I suspect their new twist this coming election will be registering millions of illegal immigrants. Preventing any investigation of this approach is likely already being planned. Remember the last election when millions of unverifiable votes and unverifiable harvested votes came in? Remember the Democrats/Marxists and the Marxist News Media attempting to prevent any investigation by accusing anyone who questioned the vote, vote suppressors? Today some “Blue States” are even trying to give these illegals the right to vote in the next national election. Do not expect much help from the Republicans. They were asleep leading up to the last election as the Democrat/Marxists planned their mail in ballot and ballot harvesting scheme and will probably be asleep this time around..

Another reason the guilty probably have no reason to fear is to look at the Biden Impeachment Inquiry. We keep hearing about all the questionable things Joe Biden has done and yet the Republicans cannot hold him accountable. I could be judging the Republican unfairly. Perhaps they have not brought impeachment charges against Joe because they know his fellow criminals in the Senate will protect him from justice. Maybe they realize all they can effectively do is to bring up all his misdeeds before the people and let them vote him out of office. This may be a fool’s errand. The Democrats have embraced Marxism in their “big tent” and the Marxists are experts a getting a favorable vote. They have won every election in Communist China since they seized control. Of course, they are the only ones on the ballot by why stumble over unimportant details?

Our beloved Democrats/Marxists and their criminal allies in the news media assured us after the last election that it was the most secure election ever. One thing about lying is your lies will eventually be exposed. Recently a Heartland/Rasmussen survey showed that one fifth of all voters surveyed admitted that they had done something illegal when voting in the last national election. If you apply that sample in the survey to the nation you are talking about millions of people. In Democrat/Marxist terminology cheating makes the election secure. What is sad is the liars will not be held accountable for their lies.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and people of Faith.

Joe Biden’s Legacy

We have now had three years of misery-with a non legitimate President known as Crooked Joe Biden. His corruption and incompetence has never been equaled. The Democrats and their allies, the corrupt news media, have been spreading the lie that the last election was the most secure ever. This after coming up with the scheme to send out mail-in ballots in Democratic Controlled States without even knowing if those who they sent the ballots were even living at the addresses to which the ballots were mailed. The “Blue States” accepted ballots that were not signed and the signatures on others could not be read. Then when people questioned the ballots as legitimate and wanted to investigate the Democrats and their fellow criminals in the news media went ballistic claiming voter intimidation. As regards to that falsehood, how do you intimidate someone who has allegedly already voted. After the Democrats and their allies started screaming the Republicans quietly returned to their caves. A recent survey of voters in the last election showed that 20 per cent of them admitted they broke the law in their voting. The Democrats and their fellow criminals in the news media claimed it was not a legitimate survey.

The Democrats had so much success in getting in votes that were questionable in the last election expect more of the same this coming November. They are so convinced they can get enough “votes” to get Crooked Joe elected they are backing a man who is probably the least popular incumbent in history. In addition to unverifiable votes expect a new twist. The Democrats will likely be in illegal immigrant neighborhoods in November getting ballots filed out to take to drop boxes. The other dirty trick the Democrats are now engaged in is trying to keep Trump off ballots in “Blue States” for committing a crime he has never been charged with. It is time to put those people involved in this fraud in jail. I apologize for wanting to put all Democrats in jail, but it is for the good of our country.

What will Biden be remembered for? How about releasing billions of dollars of Iranian Money that that had been confiscated. That gave them lots of money to continue their terrorist activities. Using the money to fund Hamas to attack Israel is likely a result.

Biden will be remembered as our Commander in Retreat as he abandoned billions of dollars in military supplies as he got out of Afghanistan in a hurry. Did those supplies go to China, Russian and Iran our common enemies?

A lot of money has been flowing to the Biden Family from China. Not only that but “private citizens” in China have “contributed” a lot of money to Joe’s Library. Will Joe be remembered as the politician China bought?

How about giving aid to the Palestinian People who surveys indicate over whelmingly back the terrorist group that the Israelis are destroying. How about the massive spending Biden and his criminal Democrats backed and the printing of more money that has caused massive inflation. What about turning an energy independent country into a nation begging our enemies for oil.

How about the corrupt leaders Biden and his fellow Democrats picked for federal agencies? What about all the lies the CDC told us? What about the censure of information that exposed their corruption? What about the Biden Regime working with anti-Americans in social media to censure any enlightment about the corruption of the government.

What about all the shell companies set up by the Biden Family to launder money from foreign enemies for favors. How about son Hunter’s laptop where he complained he had to give ten percent of his take to the big guy. Who could the “Big Guy” possibly be? What about Joe using fictitious names in his e-mails? What was he trying to hide? What about Joe breaking our laws and inviting millions of foreigners to invade our country?
What about being anti-family and pushing sexual deviancy in the military? What about parading sexual deviants in the White House. Biden is an embarrassment to this country.

Adolph Hitler was so evil the only good thing said about him was he was good to his dog. I understand the news media, not the criminal ones, reported Joe kicked his dog.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.

Can Every Problem Be Solved With a Pill?

According to the source of all knowledge, the internet, man is plagued with 450 types of mental health issues and 26,000 physical illnesses. With all those maladies do we even want to be on planet Earth? With 450 mental health issues it is likely all of us suffer at least a dozen mental health issues and are in need of treatment. And just thinking about 26,000 physical illnesses could cause depression which is a mental health issue.

For those of us suffering from tired blood, brain fog, low energy, erectile dysfunction, low libido, Trump Derangement Syndrome, restless legs, being ugly. being stupid, sore feet, aching knees, low back pain, being paranoid, neuroticism, being shy, being aggressive, gender confusion, loneliness and many other ailments is there no balm in Gilead?

My wife is always out serving charitable organizations, her church and friends who need someone to talk to. I once confided in a Physican Friend that I felt like I was married to a missing person and asked if he had a pill that would make her stay home. He said if he had a pill like that he would be giving it to his own wife. So it sounds like I am not the only one having that issue.

In the early days of the settlement of the Americas some people were trying to find a fabled fountain of youth. If you watch TV often you might get a feeling that every ailment you get can be cured by a pill. So a pill instead of a fountain seems to be the key to felling energetic, youthful, and pain free. In the early days of our country medicine men traveled from town to town peddling pills that cured nearly every ailment know to man. The result was the medicine men made a lot of money and those who bought the pills were still sick.

So presumably one might watch tv and make a list of all their ailments and order a pill to cure each one. The problem is unless you are rich you could not afford all the pills required to make you whole again with all the mental and physical issues we have. Man has invented many marvelous things to help us do our work, cure our ailments and make our lives comfortable. Would it not be wonderful if we had an affordable pill to cure all our ills

So far Jesus is the only person who has been able to cure every disease known to man and he is not on earth right now. So until Jesus returns or a pill is invented to cure all my ills I will keep my money in my pocket. I feel better already.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.