Radicals Pocket Dictionary

Here is a Pocket Dictionary used by Radicals as a guide in overthrowing our Democracy and installing a Socialist Government.

Capitalist- a person who has accumulated wealth by exploiting others. a person who does not accept the theories of Karl Marx.

Christians- facists, ridicule them, burn their churches

Conservatives- facists, deplorables

Bernie Saunders- our inspiration. a man who shows devotion to Communison by praising. Fidel Castro.

By any means- a placard we carry when we are rioting to indicate we are even willing to murder to achieve the takeover of the United States.’

Communist- a follower of Karl Marx, but a term we should avoid using because it brings images of the brutality of the Russian, Chinese, Cuban and North Korean Communists governments.

Facist-conservative, person of faith, people who believe in the Bill of Rights, people who have accumulated wealth.

Founding fathers in America- the first facists.

Guaranteed annual income- what we need from the new Socialist Government to support ourselves. our capitalist parents will not be able to afford to support us under socialism.

Hands up don’t shoot- a useful slogan and lie we and the radical press invented to claim a black man was shot by the police when he held up his hands to surender.when repeating that lie do it with vigor, many people love a lie.

Hate speech-any critisism of our goals.

Jesus- a guy we do not follow. Ignore his teachings of obeying the laws of the land,loving our neighbors, forgiviness, and a house divided cannot stand. His teachings are a distraction to our goals of controlling every aspect of other peoples’s lives.

Jews- a group of people who believe in capitalism and many have become wealthy preying on the poor and people of color. Condemn them often.

Lies- something useful to us in getting fools to support us.

News media- two kinds . those who support out efforts to destroy freedom and facist news organizations.

Peaceful demonstrators-what we and the left leaning news organiztions call us when we are destroying property, setting fires, tearing down and defacing statues and any work of art on the street, looting and attacking police.

People of color-those who are oppressed daily by white people.

People of faith-facists

Police brutality- a slogan invented by us and the radical news media to take attention away from our goal of destroying this facist society, use it often.

Progressive-a new name for communists.

Raciest-white people. only white people can be prejudiced.

Small businesses- shops owned by evil capitalists that should be burned or looted.

Social justice- a slogan we use to hide from fools our real goal to take over the United States.

Socialist-a communist who wants a softer name for what he is trying to accomplish.

Statues- monuments to facists that need to be destroyed.

Systemic racism- systemic means doing or acting according to a plan or system, methodical. when no proof of racism exists use this term. Most people do not what it means and will assume you do.

Useful idiots-people who contribute money to us or riot with us. The leftist news media. Radical politicians.

White priviledge-White people who have achieved success not by hard work but by explioting others.

Work- something deplorables do.

We invite conservatives and people of faith to add to the dictionary and also to send in you opinions supporting conservatives and people of faith.

What citizens can do about the Radical takeover of Richmond

Edmund Burke was an Irishman, political figure and Philisopher in the 1700’s in Great Britain. He is often quoted as saying “the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing”. Actually he never said that but it was someone’s interpretation of something he once wrote to a friend.

But it is a useful quote for us in this generation when evil people are organizing mobs to destroy our cities and subvert the will of the people by trying to force their will on the rest of us, with the encouragement of radical politicians and the leftist news media.

If you think politicians are going to save you from these people with evil designs you will soon be living ina communist society where the people are slaves to the state, Or a better way to express it is slaves to those who are able to obtain political power. What can we do when evil people are appearing to trumiph? The first thing to remember is the mobs make up a small percentage of the population of the Richmond Community and we don’t how many were imported into Richmond to attempt to force their will on the people of Richmond. The radical politicians and the radical news media want you to believe that nearly everyone supports the mob.

So what are some things yo can do to counteract evil. How many of you have ever written to your elected representatives? They make it easy. Go to their web sites where they have a convenient form for you to express your opinion and then all you do is press a button. You may think you opinion will not make a difference but that is a formula for failure, One thing a politician fears more than anything else is losing power. If enough opinions come in disagreing with their opinions they will quickly change their positions.

Remember when Mayor Stoney said he was against removing the Confererate Statues? What we think happened is he was afraid too many people would oppose the removal and he would votes, Then we think he flipflopped when he began to believe the news media’s “everyone’s on board” propaganda. You can ask the politician’s position on the mob’s destruction or some other subject. Politicians hate these questions and will often ignore them. However if that question comes in often they will be forced to take a positioin. Ask some of them, whose silence is deafening, why they have not critisized these mobs. Ask those poiiticians who want charges dropped against the lawbreakers why they are supporting lawbreakers.

You can even write to old “Taliban” Northam on line, Make his squirm. Ask him why he did not protect the Lee Statue, a magnificant work of art and a National Monument owned by the State of Virginia from being defaced by
people without culture.

Regardles of how you feel about Confederate Statues and the other white guy Columbus, you should be concerned that politicians are caving in to the demands of people who want to take away your freedoms and rule over you. The politicians also don’t seem too concerned about thier mob destructions. As we recal Stoney even grabbed a bull horn to to encourage them at one point.

One thing the good people of Richmond need to decide is should Stoney be removed form office. We do not see any evidence of confidence in his leadership. Remember the city attorney advised Stoney not to remove the statues. One of the city attorney’s responsibilities is to counsel office holders to prevent them from breaking the law, Stoney ignored his counsel and removed them anyway. Don’t expect the Governor or Attorney General to take any action on Stoney’s apparent breaking of the law. Just repeat their knicknames “Rubber Stamp”Herring and “Taliban’ Northam and you will know where they are going. By removing the white guy statues Stoney has sent a clear signal that white people are not welcome in Richmond. We also feel the mayor has pushed some agendas that the city cannot afford and even his city council balked. Do not be lulled into thinking that if the white guy statues are all removed the mobs will go away. They see victory with a mayor they see as an ally. They will come back with other “fake injustices” and will make more demands. With Stoney on the payroll we do not feel safe from the mob. We also feel confident Stoney will do the will of the mob and not the will of the people of Richmond. The best plan for dealing with politicians who support the mob is to vote them out of office.

This is our third opinion blog supporting values of conservatives and people of faith. Share with your friends. Send us your opinions.

Mobs of Richmond

Mobs of Richmond

For days mobs have been raging in Richmond setting fires, destroying property, cursing and threatening police and making demands that government elective officials do their will rather than the will of the people. What is the real goal of these mobs? Who supports them?

The two prominent groups involved in these riots are Black Lives Matter and Antifa .  Black Lives Matter was organized in 2013 by three women who have been described as radical. Antifa is a radical Marxist Organization that wants to overthrow our government and make us slaves to a Socialist{communist} State. They see themselves as leaders of the slaves where they would have power over other people lives. Both groups are similar. They want to reach their goals not by the voice of the people but by mob action.

Black Lives Matter recently claimed that they are not involved in the lawlessness and are blaming ANTIFA. If ANTIFA is so evil and they are so pure why are they hanging out with these people? We do not know who ANTIFA is blaming. Perhaps they will claim it is the Klan trying to frame them. Do not be surprised if the Richmond Times Dispatch joins the debate claiming there is no proof that either group is involved in the lawlessness.

Who supports these groups? Their biggest supporters are the news media. When the mobs were raging reporters from the Times Dispatch seemed to be cheering their every move. One seemed to take great delight on reporting on a radical urinating on a destroyed statue. The reporters called the mobs peaceful demonstrators as they set fires, defaced and destroyed property and cursed and attacked police. We are so glad they were peaceful. What would they have done if they were not peaceful?

Other supporters are radical politicians. One wonders if these politicians had a prior agreement with the violent radicals that they would make sure the police did not interfere with their evil designs.  When the mob was doing one of their “Taliban Takedowns” the police admitted they knew there were people in the area and gave no explanation of why they were not on the scene. Does that make you wonder if Mayor Stoney told them not to interfere?

We believe these lawless acts could have been prevented by the mayor. Some radical politicians have even used bull horns to cheer their radical base on and apologize for police interference in their evil designs. We wish some police would come forth and tell the truth about what has been going on but we realize getting fired In our present economy would not be a good place to be. Why was the police chief fired? Did he encourage his police officers to arrest lawbreakers?

Our “Taliban Twins” Mayor Stoney and Governor Northam are making plans to remove statues with no plans on what to do with them. Can you spell incompetence? Trusting these two guys with statues of white men is like entrusting your soul to the Devil.

Neither of these misguided politicians know if the majority of the people wanted these statues removed.  At the beginning when Taliban Takedowns were being planned some surveys were taken that indicated the majority of the people in the Richmond area did not favor removing the statues. The news media stopped taking surveys and stopped mentioning the surveys. The news media loves to take pictures and videos of people in tight quarters to give the impression that almost everyone in the community is involved. We do not know how many people were imported from out of town to trash Richmond.

We believe the majority of the people in the Richmond Community are honest, law abiding citizens and do not support mob violence. Next week we will talk about what each honest, law abiding citizen can do to counteract these people of evil. This is an opinion blog for conservatives and people of faith. Share it with your friends. Send us your opinion. If you have skills in writing we welcome your blog promoting the values of conservatives and people of faith.

Is the Richmond Times Dispatch hostile to the values of conservatives and people of faith?

This is a new blog that celebrates and values the opinion of conservatives and people of faith. It is our opinion that The Richmond times Dispatch is hostile to our values. Recently the Editor of the opinion page of the Times Dispatch picked a group of advisers to help her decide on content of the editorial page. The group seems to be left leaning which would give them the opportunity to promote their world views, which do not mesh with conservatives and people of faith. You may recall not too long ago a conservative columnist said some things the editor did not like and there was talk the newspaper would drop that columnist from editorial page. We do not remember who the columnist was and if he or she is no longer allowed to express their opinion in the local newspaper. This is one example of hostility to conservative values. The newspaper seems to be promoting what is called LGBT behavior and in one recent editorial the author took to attacking conservatives who do not embrace their life- styles by referring to those conservatives using words like bigots and homophobia. The old adage is first we tolerate, then we accept and then we embrace. The fourth step is then we promote which is what we think the Times Dispatch is doing. This so-called LGBT life is condemned in both the Old Testament and the New Testament and conservatives and people of faith have no obligation to join the parade.
Conservatives and people of faith value the laws of the land. The mobs have been raging in Richmond for days setting fires, defacing property, destroying property, looting, cursing and threatening police and the reporters from the Richmond Times Dispatch have been their cheerleaders even claiming these rioters are peaceful protesters. An example a of recent headline in the Times Dispatch, “Some Racial Justice Advocates Take up Arms to Try to Keep Peace in Richmond” Aren’t you impressed? Are they attempting to give dignity to people intent on doing evil by calling them racial justice advocates? How about a little truth in reporting? A truthful headline could be “Rioters Bring Guns to their Mob Gatherings in an Attempt to Intimidate Police.” Another fantasy headline was “Vandals deface the Arthur Ashe statue.” The article talked about a lone man defacing the statue. Perhaps the journalist thought the man was able to clone himself into more than one person, so vandals defaced the statue.
This is a short blog to introduce our goals. Share it with your friends who are conservative or people of faith. Next week we will do an editorial about the mobs in Richmond and it will not be the hugs and kisses approach we feel the Richmond Times Dispatch is giving. We invite you to share your opinion on the blog. Those who have a talent for writing and would like to write an editorial promoting the values of conservatives and people of faith we welcome.