Richmond, Virginia City Officials bowed to the demands of Black Lives Matter and Antifa like puppets and removed all the Confederate Monuments in Richmond. Now they cannot decide what to do with them. Some even have the audacity to want to sell the monuments after tearing down the momuments of those Hated White Men. Can you imagine after demonizing these men they want people to pay them money to take them away. If these men were so evil wouldn’t the money the city made on them be tainted? Should their greed be considered a character flaw? Why should anyone pay city officials for their stupidity?
News articles indicate the city paid 1.8 million dollars to do the “Taliban Takedowns”. This is money that might have been used to improve educational opportunites for poor Black Children.
City Officials are not satisified in removing statues of hated white men, They are even trying to get a court order to remove the remains of one hated Dead White Man who was buried at the site of his statue. Does their hate have no end? What’s next? Will they try to remove the remains of White People buried in Hollywood Cemetery?
Some are even advocating control over the monuments even after they are taken away. Some apparently hate the Dead White Men so intensly they want to have them further demonized by whoever will display them in the future. Hating people dead or alive is not a Christian Virtue.
Mayor Stoney was quoted in the news media as saying the lives of these men should not be celebrated on public squares or public places. We are sure he meant their lives anr not worthy of remembrance. Will people feel the same way about Stoney when he is gone. We are happy someone is requesting an investigation of Stoney and his handling of the takedowns.
If the city has not wasted enough money on tearing down and storing these statues they are not through yet. According to news reports lawyers will be
involved in negotiating terms with anyone who wants the statues which will cost a lot of money that could be used for educating children. Competent people would have involved the citizens and if the majority wanted removal it would could have been done in an orderly manner. Can you spell corruption?
We are not impressed with the Valetine Musuem wanting to exhibit the Jefferson Davis Statue the way it was partially destroyed by rioters.
Did they consider displaying it as the act of depraved, hateing people?
An article in the Richmond Times Dispatch quoted Jalane Schmidt, a professor at UVA saying that statues should be compared to when a person moves and decided what items they should consider junk, She apparently even suggested serious consideration be given to breaking the statues in pieces and selling the pieces. Sounds like she has contempt for Dead White Men or perhaps she is not a cultered person. This is a Professor of Religion?
This is a opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith. share with a friend. We welcome your opinions.
Is VCU Becomming a Radical Training Center?
Some institutions of higher learning in the United States have become radical training centers. Whether you call a lot of people in education Radicals, Communists, Marxists, Socialists or Progressives their goals are the same. They want power over other people’s lives
Lust for power drives them toward their objectives. In a Marxist Society the few control the many. The noble leaders decide who runs for political office and no opposition is allowed. Since the leaders have absolute power they can take bribes for favors and steal from government funds enriching themselves while the masses live in poverty.
Since Radicals or Marxists could never win an election that is not rigged they have to gain power by force. The earlly stages are now being played out in the United States with violent riots the Marxist and the Radical News Media bill as peaceful protests.
Radicals love occupations where they can manulipate peope such as teaching, news media, social media and government either as employees or professional politicians. Consider the number of Radical politicians who are refusing to allow police to arrest criminal rioters or refusing to prosecute those very few who are arrested. These are people who think the Marxists will allow them to stay in power if they succeed in overthrowing the government. If they stay in power there are great oppportunities to take lucrative bribes for favors.
How are some universities involved in the violent uprising against our government and institutions? Radical Professors are convincing naive youth that our society is unjust and needs to be overthrown. Some schools are even teaching courses that encourage breaking laws. They call the classes Civil Disobedience Classes.
Radicals haave taken taken over completely some universities telling students what they are allowed to say and expelling students who disobey. Free speach is banned on campuses that conflicts with Radical Professors Viewpoints.
Some schools have whole departments dealing with Racial Injustices that do not exist. This gives radicals an opportunity to sow discord among races by convincing some people that they are being discriminated against. They goal of radicals is to overthrow our government and institutions and dividing people is an effective way of getting this done.
VCU seems to be getting a start on becoming a radical training center. Recently the Radical Board of Visitors made recommendations for removing names of Dead White People who lived in Richmond during the Civil War. What is ludicrus about this is a group of flawed people are making judgements that other people are flawed and not worthy of remembrance. What hyporcracy! What arrogance
The Radical are attempting to demonize white people who contributed much to the building of Richmond, The Radicals are even trying to control Dead White People! The Board of Visitors, being able to corruptly yield power,has emboldened other Radicals who want to force all students to take a class on racism. These racism class advocates begin with the false premise that only white people are racists and all white peopole are racists. You can guess the students with be taught that, along with Capitalism is evil and racist. Expect systemic racism to be covered, which as far as we can determine, is a term the Radicals use when no evidence of racism can be found.
What will not be taught is Africans sold into slavery people they captured from enemy tribes and that free blacks in the United States owned slaves.
Why are the Radicals demanding all students take a class on racism? There are several reasons. One is Radicals have a lust for power and forcing all students to take a class on Racism fulfills part of their needs. You can bet their class will also demonize our government and champion the teachings of Karl Marx.
Whether you call the religion of Radicals communsion, Marxism, or Socialism they all need obedient followers who will do what is asked of them without thinking for themselves. These mandatory classes give Radicals an opportunity to teach Marxism. If the Radicals want people to love one another why not have a class on the teachings of Jesus for the students. We will not have any takers on that since Jesus never used force which does not fit Radical Theology.
Whether or not Dr. Roa is a fellow Radical or a puppet of the Radicals they have his full support. Is it time for VCU Alumni to rise up in righteous indignation and rescue their school from the Radicals?
This is a blog for conservatives and people of faith primarily in the Richmond,Virginia area. We welcome you opinion. Share this blog with your friends.
Does VCU Have the Wrong People on its Board of Visitors>
In this world of political correctness the actions of fools has become almost mainstream. A good example is the VCU Boad of Visitors recent action concerning the removal of the names on VCU Buildings of anyone who served in any capacity in the Confederate States of America.
According to reports from the Richmond Times Dispatch the Board of Visitors voted to remove the names of a number of people who lived in the south during the Civil War. We think the newspaper was in error as the Board of Visitors is an advisory committee and has no authority to remove names. We think that authority lies in the President of VCU who appointed a committee who he anticipated would bring in his desired results.
The people whose names appear on VCU Buildings were people of accomplishment and that is why they are there. Now we have a group of very flawed people conspiring together to decide that certain people ‘s lives are not worth remembering. One of them is Hunter Holmes McGuire who spent his life healing people, teaching and started some hospitals in Richmond. He was a surgeon in the Confederate Army and saved lives the VCU Board would probably not think were worth saving.
Judging other people , even dead people is wrong. It is elitist and ignores one’s own faults. These people on the committee need to research their own family tree and they will find some unpleasant surprises. No doubt they would realize because of their ancestors they are unworthy to serve. Our VCU Board needs to be replaced.
The President of VCU, Dr Rao, should apologize to the VCU Students and Alumni whose anacestors are from Virginia for his insensitive implications that our ancestors are not worthy of remembrance. He is not a good fit for a school who has so many students and alumni whose roots are in Virginia.
We are wondering if the constant attack on Dead White Southernors is a mental illiness.
This is a conservative boog of conservatives and people of faith. We welcome your opinions.
Can Black Lives Matter and Antifa overthrow the Government of the United States?
Black lives matter and Antifa are Marxist organizations which have the same goals. They want to overthrow the government and replace it with a Marxist Dictatorship that controls every aspect of our lives. These evil people see themselves as the ones who would be in positions of power to control other people’s lives and of course to enrich themselves since they would have power to steal what others have.
It has been said that most people when they get power or authority will immediately exercise unrighteous dominion over others. This is what you would get if BLM and Antifa gained power. You will recall from reading the scriptures of Satan’s attempts to deter Jesus from his mission. He presented three temptations that lead people away from God. One was he promised kingdoms [power] to Jesus if he would worship him. He also promised great wealth if Jesus would worship him. These are the two biggest motivators of BLM and Antifa Mob, control over others and being in a position to enrich themselves.
The third temptation was physical desires. In the scriptures it was Jesus being tempted to make bread from stones to quench his hunger after a prolonged fast. In our worldly setting physical desires are often manifested with people having sexual desires for someone they are not married to. But this discussion is about desire for power and enrichment with worldly things.
BLM and Antifa followers make up such a small percentage of the population you may ask how they could possibly overthrow the government. The United States is currently a laboratory to show it is possible. If BLM and Antifa told the truth and advised everyone their goals were to overthrow our government and institutions they would suddenly have no support from the citizens. So they had to invent the narrative that they are fighting for social justice. Everyone wants social justice don’t they?
People will ignorantly go out and join their riots without researching what BLM and Antifa are trying to accomplish or even realize how damaging to society these riots they are participating in are to freedom. Then they will go into a self denial mode by claiming to be part of a peaceful demonstration. Remember the communists in Russia were a small percentage of the population in Russia when they toppled the government. The reason they succeed was they were able to dupe people into supporting them with their fake claim of justice for all. Nowadays it is called social justice. Lenin of Russian was very appreciative of people who supported his violent overthrow of the government of Russia affectionally calling them useful idiots. Once Lenin succeeded in his evil plans to gain power he had some of his useful idiots murdered because he didn’t trust them. He also had many other people murdered as part of his “social Justice “ reforms.
If BLM and Antifa really cared about Black People they would be in Black Neighborhoods working to stop the black on black violence that claims the lives of thousands of our black citizens each year. Even fools should recognize that black on black violence that takes the lives of thousands of black people each year is one of the most serious issues facing our black citizens.
The BLM and Antifa Mobs have many willing allies in elected officials. In Richmond, Virginia during the destructive riots there Mayor Stoney took up a bull horn to encourage the rioters. All over our land evil politicians have promoted and protected rioters by attending their riots and keeping police from enforcing the laws and having charges dropped against the evil people in the unlikely possibility they get arrested. BLM and Antifa are even getting financial support from businesses that own their wealth to operating in a free economy. BLM and Antifa are also being promoted by the radical press who would lose their right to free expression if we had a Marxist Society.
You would wonder how people would be ignorant enough to support BLM and Antifa’s evil designs to overthrow our government and become slaves to the state. For elected officials they see themselves as being able to retain power with support from these groups. Also with no free press or anyone to criticize government officials they would be free to steal what they wanted.
What about journalists? They were taught the theories of Karl Marx in college without being told they don’t work in actual practice. During the riots in Richmond ,Virginia, Richmond times dispatch reporters were absolutely giddy over the destruction of property the rioters were committing calling them peaceful protesters and social reformers. Whenever any group gets absolute power you have Communist Russia, China, Cuba or North Korea. Some people are naïve enough to think, in spite of historical evidence, somehow a new try at communism will produce positive results.
What about people of means who contrib ute money to the evil ones. They likely think they will be allowed to continue earning wealth and work unseemly deals in secret to preserve their wealth. So even though BLM and Antifa are small minorities they have a lot of support from corrupt people of influence who will help them if they see gain for themselves in doing so.
Seattle is a good laboratory example of what will happen to our country id BLM and Antifa are not brought to justice. BLM are Antifa are threats to our freedoms, out families, our religion and our society. Few Americans support these forces of evil. If we do nothing they will soon have control over our lives. We the people should remove corrupt politicians from officer and write letters to elected officials demanding they take stands against these forces of evil. We should also refuse to support business that contribute to evil groups and write businesses telling them you will no longer buy their products. Also tune out media that supports evil people trying to destroy our country.
This is an opinion blog supporting conservatives and people of faith. Share your opinions with us. Share this blog with a friend.
Adultery-The Ultimate Betrayal
Adultery- The Ultimate Betrayal
The Scriptures tell us God created earth and provided vegetation and animal life. After that he created Adam and said it was not good for man to be alone. He then created the most beautiful of his creations, woman. He then gave Eve to Adam as a wife and told him to cleave to her and no one else. This is God’s pattern for all mankind to marry and cleave to each other and none else. There are some who have handicaps that prevent them from getting married, but God will heal them in the resurrection. For the rest of us we are expected to be married, care for our spouse and children and cleave to our spouse and no one else.
When we get married, we are committing to love and honor our spouse and put the spouse first in our life before all others. In a religious ceremony some variation of these commitments are spoken and each couple agrees to these commitments usually by saying “I do”. Unfortunately, some chose to do evil and commit adultery, the ultimate betrayal to their spouse, children, other family members and a betrayal to God. They are totally selfish people and lose respect from their spouse, children, other family members, friends they have made over the years and they also lose self respect. This is a very high price to pay for selfishness.
When a person is committing adultery, they also tell despicable lies to cover their depravity. They show total disrespect for their spouse, their children, other family members and God. In spite of all these transgressions some adulterers have no remorse other than for getting caught. Often they will even accuse their spouse of being the cause of their adultery after they have shattered the life of a spouse. This adds to their grievous sins spousal abuse. Some even lie to their family members about the spouse’s being the cause of their infidelity. The family has such a central role in God’s plan, adultery is just behind murder in seriousness.
After discussing the depravity of adulterers, we acknowledge they can still receive forgiveness if they ask for forgiveness of their sins. I’m sorry, “I will never do it again” does not fit the definition of repentance. God requires the guilty one to have deep remorse, confess their sin to Him, the spouse and any one the adulterer has wronged. The sinner is also required to never commit that sin again if he wants forgiveness. If a person is not willing to go through these steps, they will not be forgiven.
The sin of adultery is sexual sin between two people, one or both being married to someone else. There is another sexual sin that is an affront to God which the scriptures call fornication. This is sexual relations between unmarried people. Society generally accepts whatever happens between consenting adults, but this does not meet God’s approval. It does not fit the pattern for what he expects of his children. This is a sin that requires the same repentance process as adultery.
We welcome your comments to this blog championing the opinions of conservatives and people of faith.
Trumpphobia America’s Most Prevelant Mental Illness
Trump phobia. America’s Most Prevalent Mental Illness
There are more than 200 classified forms of mental illness according to information we gleaned from the internet. There are hundreds of physical diseases such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and Covid 19 to name a few. The powers that be in the Psychiatric World even have an alphabetical listing of mental illnesses. What is shocking is that the mental illness that probably affects more people in the United States than any other, Trump phobia, is not listed. Trump phobia is an irrational fear of Donald Trump.
People who suffer from this mental illness exhibit many strange behaviors. The behaviors vary so much it is difficult to determine what they specifically fear from Donald Trump. From the time Trump first announced his candidacy for President, News Media Reporters and Editorialists seemed to be obsessed with the danger of having Trump as President. Who would have thought so many in the news media were suffering from a mental illness? They had to come up with a justification for their irrational fear so they started by accusing him of being corrupt. Apparently making a lot of money is proof enough of corruption. If you are irrational someone who is in business can only become rich if he is dishonest. Maybe the robber barons of yesterday set the tone.
Next the news media focused on Trump’s indiscretions with women before he became President which was a concern for those of us who are not mentally ill as well. We would hope that all spouses would be faithful to one another. We suspect some of those that are pointing the finger of scorn at Trump have their own secrets. It is unfortunate that other Presidents such as Franklin Roosevelt, John Kennedy and Bill Clinton have been indiscrete even while serving as President.
It is amazing to see how reporters and journalists are trying to destroy the credibility of one they irrationally fear. News media people seldom quote Trump without adding “without proof”. We might add they are saying this without proving they are telling the truth. Some Editorial Journalists are so obsessed with Donald Trump they cannot write an editorial without attacking him. Others have such an irrational fear of Trump they cannot carry on a conversation without complaining about Trump. When asking about specifics they cannot seem to come up with anything other than” he is corrupt.” Some rioters carry placards vowing to do whatever is necessary to remove Trump from office. These people are not only a danger to all law abiding citizens but are even a danger to themselves and need treatment now.
Trump phobia should be a concern for all of us because of the debilitating effect it is having on some people. Can you imagine living with an irrational fear? Can you imagine people unable to relax and enjoy life? Can you imagine not being able to plan your future because of irrational fears? If you know someone suffering from Trump phobia please encourage them to get counseling. There is no need to live in constant fear. Psychiatrists have a responsibility to help people who are suffering. Why have they been silent and not classified Trump phobia as a mental illness? How could they have not recognized this serious problem? Could it be that their inaction is self serving? Could it be that so many psychiatrists are suffering from Trump phobia that they are reluctant to classify it as a mental illness? We are counting on them to classify Trump phobia as a mental illness to make the public aware that help is available.
This blog is for conservatives and people of faith. Share it with like minded friends and relatives. Send us your comments or your editorial contributions defending values of conservatives and people of faith.
Corruption in Virginia Politics
Corruption in Virginia Politics
This is an opinion blog for conservatives and people of faith in the Richmond, Virginia area. We welcome your opinions in support of conservatives and people of faith.
It has been said that as soon as some people gain power they will immediately take unrighteous dominion. The colonial term was tyranny and the modern term is corruption.
We think there are some good examples of this in Virginia Politics. Mayor Stoney , the mayor of the city of Richmond, stands out. You will recall when Black Lives Matter started their attacks on dead white men he stated he did not think the statues of white people should be removed. Once the mobs flocked to Richmond and the Radical Times Dispatch assigned their cheerleading reporters to glorify their acts of violence and call them peaceful demonstrators Stoney changed his position. He probably listened to the radical news media and believed everyone was on board for the Taliban Takedowns
There is no evidence Stoney made any effort to find out what the people of Richmond desired concerning the statues. Forty per cent of the of the citizen of Richmond are white and some of them are descendants of the people that Stoney is demonizing. Stoney does not know what the black population thinks about statue removal either. Stoney and his friends have removed all the white guy statues except the one blocked by court order. Wonder how the welcome the white people feel in Richmond. All Stoney knows is Black Lives Matter, a non Richmond political organization, wanted them removed, and so he was obedient to them. He is supposed to do the will of his constituents not people from out of town.
In the recent past he grabbed a bullhorn at one of the mob gatherings and cheered them on. Soon the mobs showed up at his apartment demanding he obediently report to them. Did Stoney learn that you cannot bargain with the Devil? Probably not.
When Stoney decided to flipflop on the statues he sought legal advice from the city attorney and according to news reports he was advised it would not be legal and he did it anyway. He probably knew “Taliban” Northam would not get involved if it appeared he was breaking state law. And “Rubber Stamp” Herring of the State attorney General’s office would sleep through it all. Stoney started his work of Taliban takedowns in secret and in dark of the night..
A trustworthy leader would have consulted with citizens and if there was a consensus on which statues to remove would also have a plan on what to do with the statues removed and would not remove them in secret and in the dark of the night.. For the aforementioned we do not think Stoney is qualified to be mayor of Richmond.
Another prominent unrighteous dominion figure is Eileen Filler-Corn the speaker of the house in Virginia. She also worked in secret and in the dark of the night to remove statues of prominent Dead White Virginians from the state capital Without getting any consensus on her action. No trustworthy leader would work in secret and in the middle of the night to accomplish honest work. These two “workers of darkness ” bring to mind how Adolf Hitler secretly and in the dark of the night sent his SS troops to commit violence against Jews in Germany.
There are two other “bad actors” in Virginia Politics. One is Governor “Taliban” Northam who decided without knowing the will of the people of Virginia to tear down a magnificent work of art, the Robert E. Lee Statue. That was wrong and corrupt. He further compounded his gross corruption by not having a plan for the statue. We feel confident that if the court had not blocked the removal he would have in secret and in the darkness in the middle of the night had the statue removed.
The last bad actor we need to talk about is Mark Herring of the State Attorney General’s Office. He decides what Virginia Laws he does not like and refuses to enforce them. We believe his favorite comment is “that law is on the wrong side of history”. Does anyone have any idea what that means? He can also be counted on when a politician wants to do something of questionable legality to issue an opinion that the person is acting within his authority. He also has a fondness for joining suits filed against the federal government by other Radical Attorney’s General which is costing the state a lot of money.
We do not feel it is in the best interests of the People of Virginia for these people to remain in government and continue to be a threat to the rule of law.
How radicals operate
The internet claims Black Lives Matter was organized by two Marxist women in one article and by three in another. It does not matter how many women founded it ,we just need to understand their goals. The goal of Marxists is to take away our freedoms as agreed to by the Continental Congress and make everyone subject to a Socialist State, {formerly called a Communist State}, a name the Marxists prefer so people would not associate them with brutal communist Regimes.
People who accept Marxist ideas are either fools, naive or very evil. The theory is Marxism provides us with an egalitarian society. History proves Marxism is far more brutal than what it replaces. Anyone opposing a Marxist Society once they gain power is killed, jailed, sent to a concentration camp or prevented from working to support themselves.
A good Marxist realizes that in a land founded on principles of freedom people would never vote them into office. They had to come up with a plan to take over the country by means other than the ballot box. There is a small minority of blacks who hate white people. The Marxists capitalize on this hatred by convincing them that every challenge they have is caused by white people. Then they can get them to tear down statues of hated white people. Then of course they can convince them it is ok to loot since most small businesses on the streets are owned by the hated white people.
The Marxists also convince them that the police are tools of white man’s oppression so they should be attacked and de-funded. One of the keys to gaining power is to divide people by pitting whites against blacks and they are having success. We are amazed at how many white people are buying guns who have never owned guns before to protect themselves.
We recently saw a car stall on a street. the driver was black and was trying push the car off the street. A white driver and then two Hispanic guys stopped. They all worked together to push the car off the street. what a contrast to what the Marxists are attempting to do.
It is amazing to see how Marxists, a small minority in our society, are able to get support from people who are ignorant of the Marxists real goals. Lenin, when he was doing his evil in Russia, had lots of support from naive people. He affectionately called them useful idiots.
A lot of college age people are joining the mobs thinking they are working for social justice when they are helping Marxists destroy America. Al of of them cheerfully heard their college professors talk about the wonderful theories of Karl Marx while failing to notice the brutality of Marxism, which always comes, was never mentioned.
Marxists like to choose professions, when they work, where they can manipulate people like teaching and working in the news media. They have succeeded in taking control of some universities and much of the news media and have become cheerleaders for their radical friends they refer to as peaceful demonstrators.
Some of the Marxists most visible supporters are radical politicians. some of them are currently working to get charges dropped against violent radicals who have been arrested for violent crimes and are facing serious jail time. Pay attention to which politicians, who are supposed to represent you, say on the matter and make sure you write them. And make sure you vote against them in the next election.
Radicals Pocket Dictionary
Here is a Pocket Dictionary used by Radicals as a guide in overthrowing our Democracy and installing a Socialist Government.
Capitalist- a person who has accumulated wealth by exploiting others. a person who does not accept the theories of Karl Marx.
Christians- facists, ridicule them, burn their churches
Conservatives- facists, deplorables
Bernie Saunders- our inspiration. a man who shows devotion to Communison by praising. Fidel Castro.
By any means- a placard we carry when we are rioting to indicate we are even willing to murder to achieve the takeover of the United States.’
Communist- a follower of Karl Marx, but a term we should avoid using because it brings images of the brutality of the Russian, Chinese, Cuban and North Korean Communists governments.
Facist-conservative, person of faith, people who believe in the Bill of Rights, people who have accumulated wealth.
Founding fathers in America- the first facists.
Guaranteed annual income- what we need from the new Socialist Government to support ourselves. our capitalist parents will not be able to afford to support us under socialism.
Hands up don’t shoot- a useful slogan and lie we and the radical press invented to claim a black man was shot by the police when he held up his hands to surender.when repeating that lie do it with vigor, many people love a lie.
Hate speech-any critisism of our goals.
Jesus- a guy we do not follow. Ignore his teachings of obeying the laws of the land,loving our neighbors, forgiviness, and a house divided cannot stand. His teachings are a distraction to our goals of controlling every aspect of other peoples’s lives.
Jews- a group of people who believe in capitalism and many have become wealthy preying on the poor and people of color. Condemn them often.
Lies- something useful to us in getting fools to support us.
News media- two kinds . those who support out efforts to destroy freedom and facist news organizations.
Peaceful demonstrators-what we and the left leaning news organiztions call us when we are destroying property, setting fires, tearing down and defacing statues and any work of art on the street, looting and attacking police.
People of color-those who are oppressed daily by white people.
People of faith-facists
Police brutality- a slogan invented by us and the radical news media to take attention away from our goal of destroying this facist society, use it often.
Progressive-a new name for communists.
Raciest-white people. only white people can be prejudiced.
Small businesses- shops owned by evil capitalists that should be burned or looted.
Social justice- a slogan we use to hide from fools our real goal to take over the United States.
Socialist-a communist who wants a softer name for what he is trying to accomplish.
Statues- monuments to facists that need to be destroyed.
Systemic racism- systemic means doing or acting according to a plan or system, methodical. when no proof of racism exists use this term. Most people do not what it means and will assume you do.
Useful idiots-people who contribute money to us or riot with us. The leftist news media. Radical politicians.
White priviledge-White people who have achieved success not by hard work but by explioting others.
Work- something deplorables do.
We invite conservatives and people of faith to add to the dictionary and also to send in you opinions supporting conservatives and people of faith.
What citizens can do about the Radical takeover of Richmond
Edmund Burke was an Irishman, political figure and Philisopher in the 1700’s in Great Britain. He is often quoted as saying “the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing”. Actually he never said that but it was someone’s interpretation of something he once wrote to a friend.
But it is a useful quote for us in this generation when evil people are organizing mobs to destroy our cities and subvert the will of the people by trying to force their will on the rest of us, with the encouragement of radical politicians and the leftist news media.
If you think politicians are going to save you from these people with evil designs you will soon be living ina communist society where the people are slaves to the state, Or a better way to express it is slaves to those who are able to obtain political power. What can we do when evil people are appearing to trumiph? The first thing to remember is the mobs make up a small percentage of the population of the Richmond Community and we don’t how many were imported into Richmond to attempt to force their will on the people of Richmond. The radical politicians and the radical news media want you to believe that nearly everyone supports the mob.
So what are some things yo can do to counteract evil. How many of you have ever written to your elected representatives? They make it easy. Go to their web sites where they have a convenient form for you to express your opinion and then all you do is press a button. You may think you opinion will not make a difference but that is a formula for failure, One thing a politician fears more than anything else is losing power. If enough opinions come in disagreing with their opinions they will quickly change their positions.
Remember when Mayor Stoney said he was against removing the Confererate Statues? What we think happened is he was afraid too many people would oppose the removal and he would votes, Then we think he flipflopped when he began to believe the news media’s “everyone’s on board” propaganda. You can ask the politician’s position on the mob’s destruction or some other subject. Politicians hate these questions and will often ignore them. However if that question comes in often they will be forced to take a positioin. Ask some of them, whose silence is deafening, why they have not critisized these mobs. Ask those poiiticians who want charges dropped against the lawbreakers why they are supporting lawbreakers.
You can even write to old “Taliban” Northam on line, Make his squirm. Ask him why he did not protect the Lee Statue, a magnificant work of art and a National Monument owned by the State of Virginia from being defaced by
people without culture.
Regardles of how you feel about Confederate Statues and the other white guy Columbus, you should be concerned that politicians are caving in to the demands of people who want to take away your freedoms and rule over you. The politicians also don’t seem too concerned about thier mob destructions. As we recal Stoney even grabbed a bull horn to to encourage them at one point.
One thing the good people of Richmond need to decide is should Stoney be removed form office. We do not see any evidence of confidence in his leadership. Remember the city attorney advised Stoney not to remove the statues. One of the city attorney’s responsibilities is to counsel office holders to prevent them from breaking the law, Stoney ignored his counsel and removed them anyway. Don’t expect the Governor or Attorney General to take any action on Stoney’s apparent breaking of the law. Just repeat their knicknames “Rubber Stamp”Herring and “Taliban’ Northam and you will know where they are going. By removing the white guy statues Stoney has sent a clear signal that white people are not welcome in Richmond. We also feel the mayor has pushed some agendas that the city cannot afford and even his city council balked. Do not be lulled into thinking that if the white guy statues are all removed the mobs will go away. They see victory with a mayor they see as an ally. They will come back with other “fake injustices” and will make more demands. With Stoney on the payroll we do not feel safe from the mob. We also feel confident Stoney will do the will of the mob and not the will of the people of Richmond. The best plan for dealing with politicians who support the mob is to vote them out of office.
This is our third opinion blog supporting values of conservatives and people of faith. Share with your friends. Send us your opinions.