The Confusing United States National Election

We are now ending four disastrous years of a Democratic Regime Controlling the United States. What do we have as a result? A regime that went on a spending spree and our National Debt is so bloated some people think it cannot be repaid. There was no money to pay for this reckless spending spree and the Democrats had to borrow money and print money to pay for their devious plans. As near as I can determine the spending spree benefited mostly Democrat Supporters. With the borrowing a large amount of the wealth of our citizens will have to pay interest on the debts the Democrats accumulated putting a great burden on those still employed. Those interest payments will compete for funds needed to pay Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and other government programs. Social Security may be the first Dominio to fall as it is expected to be bankrupt in a few years. Then there is the printing of money to pay for the spending spree. That resulted in more money being pumped into our economy. With all that money chasing current production, prices started rising. These prices had a negative impact on everyone, even Democrats, as wages did not follow the price increases. Consumers are now paying a lot more for everything we buy without an increase in wages to compensate for the increase in prices.

The Democrats have broken our laws by letting in millions of illegal immigrants and supporting them with our tax dollars. They are coming in unvetted which is a crime against our citizens. Some are criminals and gang members coming to prey on our citizens. Others are terrorists who are likely now being organized to commit terrorist actions against our citizens.

Our freedoms are in jeopardy as the Democratic Regime is working with their partners in the news media to censure information they do not want us to hear and are deceiving the public. The Regime is also working with Social Media media to censure anyone who does not preach Democratic Propaganda. The Democratic Regime is using law agencies to charge their enemies with crimes. It is not only Donald Trump who has been charged with “crimes” in several Democratic Controlled Cities but other people in politics who they consider their enemies.

The Democratic Party has endorsed sexual deviancy, even having Joe Biden invite some of them to the White House. Parents are shocked to find our public schools with the support of the Democrats are even inviting Sexual Deviants to come in the class rooms to interact with young children. The Democrats are also supporters of destroying women sports by allowing men to complete as women.

What is shocking to me is after all these abuses of our citizens the polls seem to indicate the election will be too close to call. How can we survive as a nation if half the country is not outraged by these abuses? Are we becoming a nation like Germany after Hitler became dictator?

The close election concerns me for another reason. The Democratic Party has vowed to stop Trump by any means possible. The possibilities include impeaching him, attacking his character, bringing criminal charges against him and assassination. None of these things worked against Trump in this election cycle. In a close election vote fraud may the last resort for a real knockout punch against Trump. The Democrats invented mail in votes with no way to verify the sender and vote harvesting with no way to verify the honesty of the harvester. Surely the Democrats Bosses are meeting behind closed door to determine how to deliver a knockout punch against Donald Trump.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.

The Puzzlement of the U. S. National election in 2024

The Democratic Party has had either total political control of the United States with majorities in the House and the Senate for the first two of the last four years or Control of the Senate for the last two along with control of the Presidency for nearly four years. With this political power they have unleased much evil on the citizens. My opinion of the Democratic Party is, it is criminal organization that exists to enrich their members.

The “poster boy” for enrichment has been the Democratic Party Leader President Joe Biden. When Joe’s son Hunter forgot where he left his laptop after taking it to a shop for repairs it became the property of the shop. When an examination of the laptop revealed possible lawbreaking on the part of Hunter it was given to the FBI. The FBI is led by a Director appointed by the President. The FBI was accused of trying to keep the contents of the laptop secret. There were leaks to the press on some of the information contained in the laptop. The information which drew most interest was an email from Hunter to his family that he had to give the “Big Guy” ten percent of his take on his “business interests” in foreign countries.

The Democrats immediately began to circle the wagons. A group of Democratic Bureaucrats or former Bureaucrats signed a letter saying the laptop story looked like Russian Misinformation. That story quickly unraveled and the lie was exposed. The House began an investigation of possible criminal activity on the part of Joe Biden. What they found were a number of companies controlled by members of the Biden Family providing no services but still taking in money. They looked like money laundering organizations. It was suspected that millions of dollars were funneled to Joe Biden for favors by foreign entities. Joe Biden has become a multi-millionaire in public service. How does one accomplish that? A salary of the President does not bring in that much money.

The Republicans in the House realized that the Democrat Party would block any attempt to impeach Joe, and thought was too late in his term to follow through anyway. I think it should have been done. If nothing else, it would have exposed the corruption of the Democratic Party.

Under the Democrat Regime of Joe Biden the Democrats went on a spending spree but did not have the money coming in to support it. They had to borrow money for their ill-advised spree. They also had to print more money. With all that funny money being pumped into our economy it caused prices to skyrocket causing great pain on the citizens because their wages did not rise like prices did. The other horrible result was the national debt skyrocketed. That debt must be repaid. Now we are paying more of our taxes in interests payments putting a strain on national budgets which must pay for things like retirement benefits. The Democrats are bringing us closer to National Bankruptcy every day.

The Democratic Regime has been involved in censorship. Investigations have revealed the Democratic Regime was involved with meeting with news media and social media to convince them to conceal information or to falsify information to hide the truth from the public. The Center for Disease Control was one government agency that concealed or falsified information to the public causing harm to many people. None of these criminals in this agency were every charged.

The Democrat Regime was very involved in using law enforcement to suppress their enemies. Criminal charges were brought against Donald Trump in places where corrupt Democrats were in political control. Other people who were considered associates of Donald Trump were also charged. When a political party breaks the law in pursuing their enemies the entire nation is at risk. That is what happens in China. Remember the unofficial slogan of the Democrat Party, “Remove Donald Trump by any means possible”? Any means is criminal indictments, slander, libel, unverifiable mail in ballots, unverifiable ballots from ballot harvesting, “finding” boxes of ballots after the ballots are counted, not purging people from voting rolls who have died or moved to have a source of “votes” if vote totals are not going well, and assassination.

Millions of illegal immigrants pouring across our border are another abuse poured on us by the Democrats Regime of Joe Biden. The Democrats are allowing illegal invaders into our borders for one reason only. They want to give them citizenship hoping they will be rewarded with their votes to cement their political power so they can turn our nation into a Marxist Country and stay in power.

What have the people received from these illegal invaders? For beginners billions of dollars in debt as the Democrats have dumped these people into the welfare system. These people have come into the country unvetted thanks to the Democrat Regime. Some are career criminals continuing their profession and are preying on our citizens. Most of them go to Democrat Controlled Cities where they know if they are arrested for committing a crime they will be bailed out by the time their victims get to the hospital. Thousands of them are illegal drug dealers who are killing about 100,000 of our citizens each year. Many of them have organized gangs which big city police do not seem to know how to deal with. Some of these invaders are terrorists who will soon be unleased on our citizens thanks to the Democrats.

Now the puzzlement. If we can believe the polls about half the citizens plan to vote for Kamala Harris. With all the abuses we have suffered and will continue to suffer how is it that people will vote for someone that many people think will be worse than Joe Biden? Is this an indictment of our educational system where people are no longer taught to think? Are those supporting the Democrats so dumb they have not noticed the bad things that have happened to our country with the Democrats in control? Has half the country become like California where the people cannot save themselves?

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.

The Attacks on Israel

Israel is under attack militarily by its neighbors and politically by non- neighbors. This was prophesied in the Bible anciently. Christians are fortunate because they know how the attacks against Israel will end. In the Old Testament we are told of a Prophet of God named Abraham who was a righteous man. God promised him that his descendants would receive many blessings. One of the blessings was a Messiah would be sent to the world and be one of his descendants. This Messiah would take upon himself the sins of all of us and die on the cross for our sins. If we repent of our sins and follow him we can live with God in the next life. That is not the end of the story. Abraham had a grandson named Jacob who the Lord renamed Israel. He had twelve sons who were called the children of Israel. The descendants of Israel were promised God’s protection as long as they obeyed his commandments.

The Children of Israel grew into many and prospered as long as they followed God’s commandments. They were a powerful nation under God’s protection feared by their enemies. They faithfully sacrificed lambs to remind themselves God’s sinless son would come to die for them. The Children of Israel prospered and then began to set their hearts on worldly goods and thoughts. Eventually the Kings of Israel placed heavy taxes on the people to pay for their wives and concubines. The people tired of the heavy tax burdens and there was a dispute at the death of one King as to who would be his successor.

An agreement could not be reached and the Descendants of Judah and the Descendants of Levi chose one leader the rest of the Children of Israel chose another and the Children of Israel split into two nations. The nation that did include Judah and Levite descendants stopped serving the Lord and he no longer protected them from their enemies. They were later conquered and were scattered among many nations losing their identify.

The Jews and Levites continued to serve the Lord but eventually they followed the other children of Israel in not serving the Lord. The Lord no longer protected them and they were also conquered but unlike the other children of Israel they did not lose their identify when they were exiled from the land of Israel. The Levites were absorbed into the descendants of Judah and are no longer a separate people. The Children of Judah were eventually allowed to return to their homeland of Israel. Jesus was born in the Land of Israel after the Jews were restored.

The Jews continued to make sacrifices as a reminder that a Messiah would come but when Jesus came to preach to them most failed to recognize him. Eventually Jesus was crucified at the insistence of the Jewish Political Leaders. God allowed the enemies of the Jews to defeat them and they were exiled from their homeland. Again the Jews were able to maintain their identify. After World War II the Jews were again restored to their homeland and formed the nation of Israel.

The Bible tells us that the Jews would be restored to their homeland before Jesus returns to the earth and that has happened. The Bible also tells us that before Jesus returns all nations would be allied against Israel. I had heard those prophecies from my youth but as I became an adult I just assumed it meant all the nations surrounding Israel. I could not conceive of Europe and the United States joining in an attack against Israel. A lot of things have happened since I was a child. Millions of people have illegally poured into European countries from nations who hate Jews. Many of those people are close to being a majority in these European Countries. In the United States millions of the same are pouring into our country and are demonstration against our freedoms and even calling for the Jews to be wiped out. One political party is courting political support from these invaders. The Biden Regime is giving financial support to the enemies of Israel. Radical Communist Organizations in the United Nations are taking sides with the enemies of Israel who are calling for Israel to be destroyed.

The eventual military invasion of Israel is building momentum. We know from the Bible how this invasion will end. The invading Army will be larger than the population of Israel. It will sweep across Israel and into Jerusalem. Two prophets will appear prophesying unto the Jewish People and they will be killed by the invading Army. They will lie in the street for three days and then be resurrected. A Man will appear to help fight against the invaders. He will have strange scars in the palms of his hands. Suddenly the Jews will recognize Jesus. He will then lead them to victory against their enemies.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and people of Faith.

The Curse of the Biden Regime

Joe Biden is truly a curse upon the People the United States. Senate hearings revealed that millions of dollars were funneled to companies controlled by the “Biden Crime Family” from foreign entities while he was in office. Were the Biden businesses charities and foreigners were making contributions because they were so kind and charitable? If the Democratic Party would have promoted a story like that millions of uneducated citizens would have bought it. This tells us all we need to know about our education system in the United States. Those who rate education achievements of students in the world give the United States a low rating. The radical leftists took control of most of our universities years ago and went from educating students to having propaganda schools. The leftists who love to control people realized how successful their college campaigns worked so they have now taken over secondary education. This is one of the reasons the Democrats have so much power. So many of our citizens have been so poorly educated they do not have the ability to make rational decisions.

What are the other curses of the Biden Regime? One of them is the breaking of the law by letting anyone who shows up at our border cross. Without any vetting we do not know why these people are coming in. Some of them are terrorists sent by foreign organizations or countries to do harm to the United States. The criminals in the Biden Regime know this but they want poorly educated people coming in who they think will vote Democratic. They hope to control both the Presidency and the House and Senate in the next four years to give these illegal invaders citizenship. Some of these illegal invaders are likely now being organized to carry out attacks on our society.

In addition to the safety of our citizens we are having great financial burdens placed upon us. These illegal invaders come in totally dependent on welfare and we cannot afford them. Our social security system is near collapse and the Democrats are putting those retired at great risks. They are even moving those invaders at the head of the line in government assistance and neglecting our own citizens. What are the Democrats willing to do to buy votes? In addition, local governments are having to pay for the education of the children of these invaders putting a strain on local government budgets.

Mexican, Central American and South American Gangs are invading and setting up shop in the United States to prey on our citizens. Our citizens are in great danger which is made worse by the Democrats practice of letting most criminals go back on the streets within hours of being arrested for a crime.

Our beloved Biden Regime has been working with their partners in crime in the News Media and Social Media to suppress truth and censure free speech in violation of our Constitution. The Biden appointed federal police have been bringing criminal charges against individuals who they consider their political enemies. Sometimes these individuals are kept in prison for over a year without a trial. Likely the thinking of the Regime is the prisoners will began to wonder if they will ever get out and accept a plea agreement. Our military has been so corrupted by woke policies that they cannot get enough people to join to meet their enrollment needs. In recent days it was revealed that an instructor in the military had been teaching that people who were against abortion were terrorists. Foreign countries no longer fear our military. We are not safe under a Democrat Regime.

We have accumulated massive debt under the Biden Regime with the full backing of all the Democrats in the House and Senate. Some people doubt we will ever be able to repay those debts. We have endured massive inflation under the Biden Regime as the Democrats have backed printing more money to pay for the money needed for the Democrat spending spree.

What is amazing about the pain inflicted upon us by the Biden Regime which Kamala Harris was imbedded is current polling. Even though most people did not have much confidence in the way the Biden Regime ran the country the polls seem to indicate a close race between Harris and Trump. Kamala will either give us more of the same or be worse than Biden.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.

Presidential Debates, A Waste of Time?

As I watched the so called Presidential Debate a few impressions came to me. Kamela Harris spent a lot of time with her corrupt advisors preparing to attack Donald Trump for many things, most of which he was not guilty of. She could not debate her positions because most voters do not agree with them. She could not talk about her accomplishments because she has none. She talked to the stupid and naive about the great things she was going to accomplish. One of the most poignant moments was when Donald Trump asked why she had not done those things in the last 3 and a half years. Without being able to talk about the things mentioned above, she was left to look like an attack dog. She did what she did hoping to deflect attention away from her total failure as a Vice President.

She talked about turning the page. That is what the citizens need to do in the United States by putting Joe Biden and Kamela Harris in the rear-view mirror. It is interesting that she talks about turning the page that she has been on for 3 and a half years. She was border Czar in the Biden Regime. She owns the legacy of the Biden Regime, which was breaking the law in allowing all those people in with the support of the Criminal Organization known as the Democrat Partly. She owns the crime rate that has risen with so many criminals coming into the United States. She owns the gang behavior that has intensified in our land. She owns the deaths that are being caused by drugs pouring across the border with these illegal invaders. She owns the huge inflation we are suffering as the result of her and Joe Biden. She owns the huge debt that some think we can never repay brought to us by the Biden Regime with the support of the Democrat Criminal Organization. She owns the debts being placed on our citizens in having to support all these illegals with our tax money. She owns the almost certain likelihood that terrorists coming across our borders are now being organized to attack us in our own lands.

Kamala was well schooled in being deceitful and a fraudster. She could not have done a better acting job after going to the Democrat Party Fraud Acting Classes. The problem is only a fool would believe her. Her actions in the past 3 and a half years betray her. I never got the feeling she was telling the truth. As a matter of fact, some of the things she claimed have already been debunked. I also noticed how the so called moderators accused Trump of not telling the truth but when Kamala made an outlandish statement they said nothing. Bias anyone? I strongly suspect Kamala’s handlers were given the questions that were going to be asked so she could rehearse answering them. I doubt that either of ABC’s moderators were Republicans. And should I mention that one moderator was Black and 90 per cent of them support Democrats. This does not look like an interviewing panel but a lynching panel.

The Democrat Strategy was attacking Trump rather than discussing issues. I would have preferred for Trump to not spend time defending himself and spend his time attacking her record. Given the way this debate turned out I think it was a waste of time. Many pollsters do not feel that debates change anyone’s mind and if the candidates spend their time attacking their opponent, rather than talk about the issues the people care about, why have them?

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and people of Faith.

Are the Policies of the Democrat Party the Cause of a Declining United States?

Can we make the case that the policies of the Democrat Party are causing a declining United States? Or can we make the case that the reason the Democratic Party has so much power currently is because of the declining values of the citizens of the United States.

Let’s examine our decline as a result of the Democratic Party being in control of most of our government post Donald Trump. The Democrats once claimed to be the advocate for the working man and the oppressed. Whether any of that is true may be debatable but my opinion of the Democrat Party is, it is now a criminal organization.

We can start with the invasion of our country by millions of foreigners. The Biden regime, with the support of his fellow criminals in the Democrat Partly invited foreigners to come to the United States illegally. Even though our laws require rules for people entering the United States they totally ignored our laws. Their plans are to quickly give the right to vote to these people assuming they will vote Democratic. While they are trying to consolidate their political power to accomplish this evil design they are giving these invaders billions in welfare benefits. It is likely to bankrupt our nation.

Within these hordes are criminals, gang members, drugs dealers and terrorists. One hundred thousand of our citizens died from illegal drugs smuggled into our country last year. Our open borders are giving the Mexican Cartels a great opportunity to expand their crime organizations into the United States. The invaders are not being vetted. We do not know which ones are a danger to our society. The Democrats put power and getting gain, while they are in office, above the safety of our citizens. Our cities are not safe places to be thanks to the Democrats.

Since the House of Representatives is in Republican Control they are able to investigate questionable activities of the Biden Crime Family. Joe’s son is suspected of peddling influence for money on behalf of Joe Biden. Investigations so far seem to indicate Federal Law Enforcement knew this was happening and hid from the public. The Biden Crime Family is alleged to have laundered as much as $25,000,000 through companies set up to launder money. Joe Biden is now a multi-millionaire. It is interesting that Joe’s son pleaded guilty to tax evasion rather than have his actions scrutinized by a court of law and implicate his father. Will Joe issue a pardon before he leaves office? Think of this. The Democrats have been attempting to get Donald Trump convicted of many crimes. Remember the Democrats slogan, “stop Trump by any means possible”? Yet when Joe Biden is suspected of a real crime they are doing everything possible to prevent any investigation of him.

Joe and his fellow criminals took us from an energy independent country to a President begging our enemies for oil. Since our goods are dependent on transportation, depending on gas or diesel fuel, we had rapid inflation of prices as a result. Then after inflicting so much pain on the citizens Biden and his band of Democratic Robbers went on a spending spree with programs designed to benefit his fellow criminals who vote for Democrats. Since there was not enough money in taxes coming in to pay for these “pork barrel” programs they borrowed money. They also printed money to pay off the borrowed money. With so much money coming into circulation prices were raised to compensate for the loss in value of the dollar. Simple Economics that Democrats cannot grasp. The Democrat Politicians are not intelligent enough to realize that people’s incomes do not automatically go up with the inflation they are causing.

The Democrats in government are also relying on their allies in the news media and social media to lie and distort truth to make them look good. They have pressured these groups who do not fall in line to censure anyone who tries to expose their criminal activity. One of our federal law enforcement agencies was actually investigating parents who complained about the trash their children were being taught in public school. Another was investigating Catholics. With all of the above have Democrats done anything to benefit citizens of the United States? Nothing comes to mind. In fact, it looks like they are trying to destroy the country.

No honest person can say the Democrats being in power for the last four years has been a blessing to this country. But how did they get into office? If we can believe the polls nearly half the country still plan to vote Democrat after all the abuse we have suffered from them. Remember the lessons of history? Rome was once a feared and mighty nation. then moral decay set in. Three things often cited leading to the collapse of the Roman Empire were corruption, division of the empire and invasion by Germanic Tribes. We have the corruption covered as many are turning from God and his commandments that bring happiness and safety when the commandments are obeyed. The politicians are doing their part in being corrupt as well. We have a different method of dividing the empire. Communists tried to gain power by turning economic classes against each other. That model did not play well in the United States so the Democrats came up with plan B. That is to divide us by race or by ethnic groups. Picturing white people as oppressors and black people as the oppressed. is a well- oiled Democrat practice. Our invasion is orchestrated by the Democrat Party and is an illegal migration invasion. There were other reasons why Rome fell and some of the other reasons parallel things happening in the United States currently. A return to God by our citizens may be only way to save us from destruction.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.


A Planet Like Earth

Many years ago the supreme God created a new planet from matter in space. He called the new planet Zeb. After putting vegetation on it and adequate water to sustain life he put humans on it. He realized in order for Humans to be safe and Happy they needed rules to live by. He called these rules commandments and promised humans they would not only be safe and happy if they lived his commandments, but if they did so they would, after death, be resurrected and live on a more beautiful and pleasing planet. Humans started as one family but soon grew to many. As they human population grew many arose hostile to the Supreme God and His Commandments.

Among the commandments the Supreme God gave were: do not kill other humans, do not commit adultery, do not steal, do not lie and do not covet. If all humans kept just these commandments it would have been a safe planet for everyone. However, because of greed and lust for power many humans oppressed their fellow man. Many were organized into evil nations. These evil nations would prosper for a time and then the Great God would send another evil nation or a righteous nation to destroy them. This pattern continued on Planet Zeb.

The Great God even provided a nation for the abused who wanted to escape abuse. It was called the nation of Joy. It had a charter promising humans who lived there freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom to make their own decisions, freedom to vote for those in government and laws to prevent abuse of the citizens. The people of the Nation of Joy loved the land of joy and prospered for many years. Eventually those who opposed the commandments of the Great God were nearly as numerous as those who loved God.

Those who opposed the Great God were people who lusted for money and power over others. They gravitated toward a political party known as the Demon Party. The Demon Party said it was ok to lie and cheat to get into power. They had enough political power to bring false charges against their opponents and jailed some of them. The Demon Party became a crime organization with their leader taking millions in bribes from evil nations. The criminal organization had enough power to prevent their leader from being held accountable. They infiltrated every institution in the Nation of Joy and worked to enslave everyone who was not a member of their criminal organization.

The Demon Party was eventually able to control what was taught in public schools and universities. Students became like robots accepting the false teachings They were willing to riot and do whatever their enslavers directed them to do. The Demon Party attracted most of the faculty of universities and they were very effective in manipulating students. The Demon Party also infiltrated the news media who promoted their evil designs.

The Demon Party was able to find enough useful idiots to vote them into office. If they did not have enough votes they could “find” enough votes to win that suddenly came in after most of the votes were counted. The Demon Party controlled the Nation of Joy for a time nearly bankrupting the Nation and creating debts within having any means to pay. The debts came from programs to enrich the members of the Demon Party. They also worked with their partners in crime in the news media, social media and their members in the courts and law enforcement to suppress free expression. Many of their political opponents were jailed or had non legitimate criminal charges brought against them. Prices skyrocketed under the Demon Party and many citizens struggled to buy basic necessities. Every policy promoted by the Demon Party seemed to be detrimental to the citizens.

There was an opposition party called the Freedom Party. They promoted free Speech, freedom of religion. protection from government abuse and freedom of citizens to make their own choices. They Demon Party felt threatened. They were concerned the Freedom Party would prevent them from enriching themselves with taxes and having complete power over the citizens. The Demon Party’s allies in law enforcement, the courts, news media and social media were called to action to start a smear propaganda campaign against the Freedom Party. An attempt was made to kill the Freedom Party Leader. A motive was never found for the attempt but many suspected the Demon Party was involved.

The story ends here. You can finish it in your mind. Have the majority of the People in the Nation of Joy become so evil that the Great God will allow another evil or righteous nation, if one can be found, to destroy it? Will the citizens of the Nation of Joy recognize that the Demon Party is trying to enslave them and vote them out of office before they take complete control?

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.

Is the Democrat Party a Criminal Organization?

Some countries are run by criminal organizations. China is a good example. The Communist Patry is a criminal organization. The Communist Party rules the country with an iron fist and enrich themselves while millions are in poverty. The income of Xi Jinping, the Chinese Leader, is a secret, but experts on China think he is likely a billionaire. Mexico is another country run by a criminal organizations called cartels. Although officially Mexico has elections the Cartels are calling the shots. Any politician who will not do their bidding is threatened, killed or bribed. The cartels now control our border with Mexico. The cartels control who comes over the border and the illegal immigrants have to pay the cartels for being able to cross. The Democrat Party totally supports illegal immigration. It makes one wonder if Democrat Politicians are receiving money from the cartels. The cartels are not only getting money from bringing illegals across the border but they are also sending their agents to prey on our citizens with a goal of controlling politicians like they do in Mexico and being in control of our country.

Are the Democrats on track to be the mirror image of the Chinese Communist party? They have embraced Communism by allowing Bernie Sanders to caucus with them in the Senate and embracing the so called squad in the House. I realize those mentioned call themselves Socialists but that is a euphuism for Communist. They Democrats hope to give citizenship to the illegals and get their vote to set up a Communist Type government to ensure they can stay in power and continue to enrich themselves.

Joe Biden has been their poster boy for becoming rich in public office. It has been suggested by those investigating Biden in the House that as much as $25,000,000 has been passed to Biden Family businesses set up to launder money. The Republicans realize that the Democrat Criminal Organization will block any attempts to impeach Joe so he will never be tried for any criminal activity. The rest of the Democrats hope to have that kind of money flowing to them. It is a tragedy that nearly half of our voting age population are so corrupt they are planning voting for these Democrats.

What have the Democrats been doing the last four years to set up a Communist Style Government. We mentioned the illegal immigrants who are about to bankrupt our welfare system who the Democrats plan to make loyal Communists to keep them in power. Cartel member and terrorists have been pouring across the borders and are beginning to create havoc. They are suppressing free speech with the action of their agents who have infiltrated social media and are censuring speech they do not like. Their agents in universities, both students and faculty are rioting and demonstrating against our government. And I might add with encouragement from many Democrats who hold public office. They have spent millions we do not have to enrich those who contribute money to them destabilizing our economy and causing debts we may never be able to repay. I greatly fear that since this election is expected to be close they will get millions of illegals registered to vote and use their political power in “Blue States” to block any investigations.

The Democrats had the slogan “stop Trump by any means possible”. As a result, they have tied him up in court for years with fake charges. They were even able to get him convicted in blue New York. Are you shocked by the conduct of the Democrats? You should not be. They have embraced Communism whose mantra is it is ok to lie and cheat to advance Communism. Trump remains out of jail. It makes you wonder if the Democrats were involved in the assassination attempt.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.

Would a Kamala Harris Regime Be Even Worse Than the Biden Regime?

Would a Kamala Harris Regime Be Even

Worse Than the Biden Regime?

The Biden Regime brought much pain and suffering to the people of the United States. We were a country who were not only energy independent but were exporting oil and gas to other nations. When the Biden Regime took power all that changed. The Biden Regime went to war against our energy independence. Suddenly through them suppressing our energy production we saw prices skyrocket on gas to drive our cars and heat our homes. The increase in prices on gas and diesel fuel caused an increase in prices on everything that needed to be transported. Biden ended up begging oil producing nations to sell us cheap oil. That worked about as well as everything else he attempted.

The Biden Regime also supported the “Green Raw Deal”. This is a scheme to route taxpayer dollars to Democrat Supporters who develop expensive alternate energy. Lots of these “Green Raw Deal People” became very rich on taxpayer money, and who of course, made generous contributions to Democrat Candidates for public office. Another benefit that came to Biden Regime Supporters was making money from buying and selling Chinese manufactured alternative energy products. The Chinese have a monopoly in these expensive energy products. These Biden Regime Supporters also made generous contributions to Democrat Candidates for Office. We should also mention that the Biden Crime family made millions from “businesses” in China. Is that the reason Biden said, “We need a Rising China”? When Joe Biden used the word “We”, was he referring to the Biden Crime Family? Biden was against tariffs on goods from a country that has a goal to destroy the United States. They can only do that with money they get from trade from the United States. It has been nice for China to have Joe in the White House.

When Biden went into the White House he went on a tirade to destroy our economy. With full support of Democrats in the House and Senate he got bills passed to spend more money that we had. In order to finance such reckless spending the Democrats’ Allies in the Federal Reserve started printing more dollars. Democrats either do not understand economics or do not care, but what happens when the Fed prints money is it takes more of it to buy things you need. Our incomes do not automatically go up to cover the increase in prices. Suddenly millions of people were not able to meet their basic needs.

Under the Biden Regime millions of people have invaded our country at the invitation of a man who has done more to destroy the United States than any other President. He broke the law by refusing to enforce our immigration laws. He has harmed our citizens by putting millions of these people on welfare. These are costs we cannot afford. Thousands of Chinese Young men have entered the United States under Biden’s watch. No one does anything in China without the Chinese Communist Government’s consent. These young men are terrorists sent by the Chinese Communist Government to attack the United States. Already federal officials have discovered a lab in California set up by Chinese to produce things that will cause illnesses among our citizens.

The Chinese are selling death causing drugs to cartels in Mexico and The Biden Regime is letting cartel members cross our borders to prey on our citizens. Government estimates for people killed in the United States each year from Chinese Drugs distributed by Mexican Cartel is 100,000. If we lost 100,000 people to a war in a single year people would be rioting on our streets creating violence and demanding an end to the war. Why is there no concern about what the Chinese and Mexican Cartels are doing to the people in the United States?

It is difficult to believe any group of people could be as incompetent as the Democrats. It leads us to believe all the things mentioned above are done by design. The Democrats have embraced Marxism in their “Big Tent”. The have no problem accepting Marxists if they think it will keep them in power. They embrace Bernie Sanders, who believes in Marxism but prefers the term Socialist. They even welcomed him into their primaries as a Democrat Candidate for President. They have four members of Congress who prefer the title of Progressive, known as the squad, who champion Marxist views. The Democrat Party should be designated as a subversive organization and banned from office.

After lying about Biden’s fitness for office for months, the Democrat Bosses decided Biden might not win in November and pressured him into not running for re-election. They lied, as usual, and claimed he made the decision himself.  Probably the only people who were dumb enough to believe this are people who normally vote Democrat. The Democrat Bosses decided Kamala Harris should be the person who would run for office for the Democrats completely ignoring what the rank and file members think. No surprise here. Is that not the way the Chinese Communists pick their candidates for office? The Democrats lean heavily on Marxist theology in their decision making.

How bad would a Harris Regime be for the People of the United States? When Harris was in the Senate, she was rated the most Liberal, [think Marxist], Senator, even to the left of Bernie Sanders. Not surprising, considering what kind of Senate Candidate the California Democrat Bosses pick to run on the Democrat ticket. She is reliability Marxist. Running for office in California as a Democrat and Progressive, [think Marxist], is almost a guarantee of election. Did not sweet Nancy Pelosi brag that she could put a D, as in Democrat behind any person’s or object’s name and win an election, presumably in California. If you think Biden was supporting the Communist Regime, Harris would probably be sending them foreign aid.  

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.

The Democrat Party’s Kamala Problem

The Democrat Party’s runaway train is interesting to watch. After lying to the Citizens for months about Biden’s cognitive condition and championing him for re-election, they pressured him not run for re-election. They finally discovered Biden was doing badly in the polls. It is quite late in the game, but Democrats have always had trouble recognizing truth. Remember the line from the Broadway Musical, “There’s trouble here in River City”? There is trouble in the Democrat Party.

First issue is a Vice President succeeds the President when he dies, is incapacitated, resigns or is removed from office. The Democrats Elites, who could not care less what their rank and file think, have decided since Biden is not running for re-election Kamala Harris succeeds him as the Presidental Candidate. In Marxist Organizations the rank and file are supposed to blindly follow their elite leaders. Suddenly one of their partner organizations, the Marxist Black Lives Matter Movement is demanding an open convention in the upcoming Democratic Primary. Could there be trouble right there in Chicago City? Democrat voters are usually robots following their elite leaders. Could there be an open revolt in Chicago?

More troubles confront the Democrat Party. Most everyone, with the exception of the mentally challenged, now accept the fact that the Democrat Elites have been lying to the Citizens about Biden’s senility. That could cause even some robots to go rogue. The number of Independent Voters has been growing larger in recent years. Surely many of them will realize the Democrat Party cannot be trusted. This year the “Democrat Brand” has been severely tarnished. This has to have an effect on the vote.

Now comes the Democrat’s Kamala Problem. It is a well-documented fact that Kamala Harris was tight with the politician Willie Brown in California. She was dating him before she got into politics. Willie had a powerful political position as speaker of the California Assembly and Kamala credited him with helping her win the role of DA in California. Later she became a Senator. Her association with Wille sure seemed to help. Many considered Kamala Willie’s mistress. Willie was married when he was seeing Kamala but was separated from his wife, which means he was still married.

Critics say that Kamala did not earn her political offices but relied on her friendship with Willie for them. She of course did not have to win an election as Vice President. Kamala has no great achievements recommending her as President. When she attempted the Presidential Primary earlier, she drew little interest. Her highly touted assignment as “Border Czar” was a total failure as millions of invaders entered our country on her watch and there is no evidence that she did anything to stop them. She is considered by many as incompetent. She is tied to a regime that was one of the worse in the history of the United States in spite of the lies of the Democrat Elites that Biden was one of our greatest Presidents. The polls indicate she is even less popular than Biden.

What to do? The Democrats have as ally some of the most corrupt, dishonest, devious propagandists on earth in the news media. They could package Kamala as the second coming of Jesus. They have already packaged Trump as the Devil Incarnate so their job is half done. That will ensure the Democrats retain the stupid vote which would include millions of people. Then a few million unverifiable mail-in ballots in Democratic Controlled States could spell victory. The Democrats situation is far from hopeless. What was the infamous quote by Nancy Pelosi that she could put a D behind anything and get it elected? The Democrats also have some friends who can advise them on how to win elections. The Chinese Communists have never lost an election. Surely, they will be flattered if the Democrats contact them for advice if they have not already

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.