Was there Election Fraud in the U.S. Presidential Election?

Was there fraud in the recent Presidential Election? Most Journalists either claim that there was non or too little to change the outcome. Surveys have shown that most Journalists at the most influential news organizations are Democrats so we would not expect to get an unbiased opinion. When the Journalists say there is no proof of fraud they are telling the truth because there have been hearings with people testifying fraud occurred but no real investigation has happened and until an investigation occurrs and charges made and a court of law finds people guilty no proof exists. But the news outlets are being dishonest in implying since no proof exists there was no fraud.

A lot of people have made sworn statements and have testified of corruption in non court hearings. Some corrupt politicians have have accused these people of lying but the news media have chosen not to take this course, Instead they are accusing Donald Trump and his supporters of corruption for asking that the alleged fraud be investigated.

The ironic thing about demands for an investigation is the party that is accussed of fraud has political control over whether an investigation happens. What kind of traction are you going to get on that?

In our country each year thousands of dollars are embezzled from PTAs ,athletic programs for children or teens or service organizations.
Part of this is from lax audit ovesight. Some of the embellezers are not convicted or convicted for stealing a lot less than they actually stole. They manage this by not leaving an audit trail. Transaction are not recorded which leads to no proof of wrong doing in a court of law. How does this apply to election fraud? Mail in ballots are difficult to audit. Voting officials are strict to get an ID from an in person voter but on mail in’s there is no proof of who did the voting. It is highly unlikely that the signaturses on millions of ballots are validated. So you see how the audit trail is missimg. States sent out ballots without knowing if the person is living at the address. Anyone in the neighborhood could have intercepted the ballot and completed it. A lot of people move each year. Some people die. A lot of votes are alleged to have been back dated when they came in after the dead lines. Ballots were counted after observers went home for the night. Ballots were not properly handled by election officials under state laws. One precinct even had more votes come in than there were voters. Do you see any audit trail problems here?

The number of votes cast for Joe Biden supposely made him the most popular Democrat ever. Do you really think that it is possibile for a guy who spent most of his campaigning in his basement?

This is an opinion blog for conservatives and people of faith. We welcome your opinion.

Rumors of War-A Racist Symbol?

The Management of the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts and their donors paid a lot of money for a statue entitled Rumors of War. To what end? There was once a Statue of Confederate Military Leader Jeb Stuart in Richmond, Virginia. Mayor Stoney and his Radical Friends removed all the statues of white people, except Robert E. Lee, including Christopher Columbus , apparently for being white. Governor Northan and his partners in crime are trying to figure out how to get rid of the other white guy, Robert E Lee which is owned by the State of Virginia. There are some other white statues in Richmond. There are some white children playing on a downed log at Maymont Park. We realize they are children, but they are white. Flouting their white priviledge playing on a tree in the surburbs. Children in the inner city don’t get to do that.

Getting back to the Jeb Stuart Statue, The Black Guy on horseback seems to be mocking Jeb Stuart and since Jeb Stuart was removed it is no longer a reference point. Rumors of War seems to have been designed to offend white southernors who have an affection for their Ancestors and those who led them during the days of the Confederacy. Stuart was immaculately dressed in his officers uniform. The Black Guy is wearing tennis shoes and ragged jeans which seems to be mocking White People’s attempt to look their best in public.

Then there is the title Rumors of War. Who is the Black Guy going to war against? The most likely culprit seems to be White People. In spite of what you have always heard that only white people are racist this statue is racist in every way and needs to be removed. We are puzzled as to why the Black Guy is mounted on a horse. Owning and boarding a horse is expensive and it requires some wealth to do that. Is the statue also mocking White people who earn enough money to own a horse?

We once met a Northernor who came to Richmond to work who had contempt for White Southernors. He proudly proclaimed that none of his neighbors in his white neighborhood in the suburbs were from here. Is that the type of people we have managing the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts. Is that why we have a Racist Statue on the Museum Grounds. And what about the people who paid a lot of money to finance the statue? Are they showing their contempt for White Southernors?

White people are under attack by Radicals. Recently we read an article by a Black Syndicated Coluumist who said her husband was playing with their child in a pool and a White Man complimented him on spending time with his child. Both husband and wife immediately concluded the White Guy was implying that Black People do not usually do that. We guess if you consider all White People Racist it would be easy to reach that conclusion.

This is an Opinion Blog for Conservatives and People of Faith. We welcome you comments.

Is Christmas a Celebration of Materialism?

On December 25th each year we, as a predominent Christian Nation celebrate Christmas. Although December 25 is the date we celebrate the birth of Juesu Christ Historians do not know the actual date he was born.

According to information gleaned from the internet is is estimatd that 31 per cent of the world’s population is Christian. Whether a person considers Jesus Divine or just a great teacher it is difficult to not acknowledge the great impact he made on civilization. Christians believe God created the world and all things in it. They also believe we are born and eventually die but we continue as distinct personalities after death.

It is God’s design that we are happy in this life and in the life to come, He called prophets among us to teach us what rules we need to follow and also to make us worthy to live with him in the next life.

We have a record of these teachings in the Bible. In the Old Testament we have the Ten Commandments and guides for taking care of the poor and our treatment of other people. Surely if those in prison had followed these rules they woul not have expeienced the misery of being locked in a small cell for years.

We have been taught as Christians to live a perfect life, living all God’s Commandments. However God knew that we would fall short of reaching perfection. He sent Jesus to pay for the sins of those who were imperfect but striving to live his commandments. Because of Jesus those of us who are trying to live a God Like life can return to his presence.

The Old Testament prophets all prophised of the coming of a Savior. In what we know as the meridian of time Jesus was born in a lowly stable in Bethlehem. We do not know much about his life before he began preaching but it is believed he began his ministry at about thirty years of age. Jesus reiterated the importance of living the Ten Commandments, taught forgiving others and doing good, When asked”what manner of men should we be” Jesus answered even as I am”. Jesus spent his life serving others. He healed the sick, raised the dead, forgave the repentant, taught rules for bringing happiness in our lives , and most of all he sacrificed his life so we could receive forgivness for our sins.

We should honor someone who did so much for mankind. But how much honor are we giving to jesus at Christmas Time? In the United Sstates where we have blended so many practices from cultures all over the world we have the most elaborate Christmas Celebration in the world.

We fear Christmas is more a celebration of material things than it is the contributions of Jesus. We have taught out children that redceiving gifts is the essence of Christmas rather than celebrating the gifts of Jesus.

While a few are drawn to serving others as Jesus did we think most people are totally drawn to the materialistic side of Christmas. Far too many of us go into debt ot buy expensive gifts to impress others. Many childdren want to compare the gifts they received to see who received the most. In a society where so much emphasis is given to material things on Christmas Jesus seems like a distraction.

At this Christmas Time why not think of service you can give to others? why not visit a lonley widow? Why not call someone you know who has been having challenges in life? Why not express appreciation to someone who is doing things to bless the lives of others?

This is an opinion blog for conservatives and people of faith.

Jesus is being removed from Christmas

December is the month we celebrate the birth of Jesus. Historians do not know the date of Jesus’s birth but according to the Bible shepherds were with their flocks when he was born, December is in the middle of winter in the Holy Land and there would have been no forage for the sheep to eat so they would not have been out in the desert with their shepherds. Anyone who grew up on a farm knows that hay has to be fed to livestock in the winter time because of lack of forage in the pasture. This would eliminate winter as Jesus’s birth date. Never the less until Historians locate Jesus’s birth date December will continue to be the month we celebrate his birth.

But how long will we use the name Christmas? Many years ago merchandizers began selling Christmas Cards with the name Christ removed and replaced with Merry Xmas. The attacks on using Christ’s name have intensified over the years. Groups such as the American Civil Liberties Union, which we consider an anti Christian organization, have filed many suits in court to force government agencies to remove any nativity scenes and even references to Jesus under claims it is a violation of the Consitution. Liberal Court Judges have been willing to bow to their demands and even government officials have been willing to bow to their demands. Some groups want to go further and take Christ out of Christmas and refer to it as a December Hojliday.

We expect suits will eventually be brought against businesses that decorate during Christmas time alleging they are fostering a hostile environment for non Christians which is an illegal practice. In a tumultous world when there is a greater need for Jesus’s teachings to be practiced people are turning away from God in greater numbers. Research over the years hs been showing fewer people believe in God as than in years pass. How long will it be before believers are in the minority? Will laws be passed prohibiting mentioning Jesus any place except churches? Too far fetched? We think not. Who would have thought in the past that government officials would be banning the number of people we could entertain in our own homes claiming Covid 19 concerns.

It is instructive to know that in Communist countries Christians are controlled, discriminated againsts, and even banned from sharing their beliefs. There is a reason for that. Jesus never forced anyone to do anything and taught people they were free to choose but if they made the wrong choices they could not dwell with him and God in the next life. Whether a person calls himself a Communist, or the softer, Progressive or Marxist they can only stay in power by force and the idea of free agency is a threat to the power they crave. They may deceive the naive into voting for them but once in power they con only stay there by taking away peoples’s right to choose.

In the United States powerful Marxist Organizations are now organizing riots to force policy changes with the encouragement of radical politicians who hope these groups will allow them to reman in in power if they succeed. The Marxist Oarganizations are a small minority but are skillful in getting support of useful idiots who are deceived into believing they are doing a great service. Everything the Marxists are doing is self serving. They want to take control over other peoples’s live.

This is an opinion blog for conservatives and people of faith. Share with friends. Send us your opinion.

Gratitude Primer

Having a National Holiday of thanksgiving this past week was a time to give thanks to God for all our blessings. Both the Early Colonists in Massachusetts and Virginia had a feast to celebrate the blessings God had given them in a new land and this is the inspiration for our National Holiday.

With more and more people turning away from God, and they have no one to give thanks to, will Thanksgiving disappear? Will the courts of a Pagan Nation rule that Thanksgiving is unconstitutional because it is a celebration of a religious practice? Will the majority of Americans become non believers and demand that Religious Holidays be banned. The trends are pointing toward an eventual majority of the people becomming non believers.

Showing thanks or gratitide was important to Jesus. Luke Chapter 17 tells of an incident when ten lepers stood away from Jesus and begged him for mercy. Jesus told them to show themselves to the Priest and on the way they were cleansed. One turned back after discovering he was healed and glorified God and at the feet of Jesus gave thanks. Jesus said, ” were not ten cleansed, but where are the other nine”‘? Paul the apostle in his letter to the Ephesians, Eph. 5:20 taught them to be “giving thanks for all things unto God in the name of Christ” .

God will bless a thankful people and withhold blessings from the ungreatful. Condider the Children of Israel when God decided to finally free them from bondage to the Egyptians and restore them to the promised land. Instead of showing gratitude to the lord they rebelled against Moses and the Lord. Because of this the Lord confined them to the dessert for years.Finanally when the Lord allowed the Israelites to enter the Promised Land there were only two men he felt were worthy to enter, Joshua and Caleb. All the rest of the Isaraelites originally freed had died in the desert and weren’t able to go with their thankful and obedient decendants to the promised land.

How do we show gratitude? Do you know people who are always complaining? Have you helped someone who them complained about what you didn’t do for them? In constrast do you know people who are always appreciative when you help them and express that to you. Do you know people who have a positive attitude and if things go bad they expect a better day tomorrow? Which ones would rather spend time with?

Some people keep a “Gratitude Journal” and write down things they are grateful for on a regular basis. What a splendid idea to focus on the things that go well rather than things that go wrong. We knew a woman who was a teacher of indifferent teen age boys . If ever there was an opportunity to focus on the negative this was it. This woman’s husband asked her this question at the dinner table every night. What is the best thing that happened to you today? That forced her to look for “rainbows” every day because she knew the question was coming. Her focus was on the positive rather tlhan the negative. And guess what? She loved her job. And guess what else? She rarely had a time when she did not have a great experience.

How often do you express appreciation for someone close to you such as a family member? Do you know anyone who doesn’t need to know they are appreciated? When is the last time you told your spouse or child you love them? If it isn’t daily you are failing miserably.

Are there people in your past that have made a big impact on your life? Did you thank them? If not, why not now? Is there something that your parents taught you or did for you that meant a lot to you that you haven’
t thanked them for? Have you thanked God for talents you have or other blessings he has given you? When you express gratitude to God and obey his commandments he will give you greater blessings.

This is a blog for conservatives and people of faith. Share with a friend. Share your experiences with us .

Is Serving our Fellow Man a Basic Need?

Many years ago as a college student one of the core classes we were required to take was sociology. That was when we learned about Man’s Hierachy of Needs. Abraman Maslow was an American Psychologist who lived from 1908 to 1970. His Hierachy of Needs was a theory of psychological health that he considered necessary for individuals to receive self fulfillment.

The hierachy of five needs was usually illustrated by using a pyramid visual. The bottom part or foundation of the pyramid were physical needs such as food, water, warmth and rest. Once these needs are met the next need rising up the pyramid to tier two is security and safety. Once these two tiers of needs ,or basic needs, are met then we get into two tiers of psychological needs. The third tier is belonginess and love needs such as intimate relationships or relationships with friends.

Then after all these needs are met we move to the forth tier of esteem needs which include prestige and a feeling of accomplishment. Finally our fifth and final tier is self fulfillment needs which is defined as acheiving one’s full potential including creative activities.

These five needs all bring positive benefits to our selves. Could it be that Maslow overlooked another of our needs and that need is to serve others. We realize that the argument can be made that some people are to selfish to help others but that does not prove it is not a basic need. Some people need to stop smoking before it destroys their health and will not, but it is still a need for them.

Christians might be able to readily recognize that helping others is a basic need. We know little about Jesus’s life before he began his three year ministry but we know he spent three years serving others in his ministry. He preached the gospel giving us rules or commandments to live by to help us find happpiness. Some people claim that rules or commandments restrict their freedom. Ask someone who was caught commiting adultery and lost his or her family, the respect of friends and is alienated from family if commiting adultery brought them freedom. Ask someone in prison if violating the law brought them freedom.

Jesus healed the sick, cast out devils, forgave sins of the repentant and counseled sin burdened people. Consider the woman taken in adultery whom he saved from being stoned to death and recognizing that she was sorrowful for her sins forgave her. He aslo cautioned her to go and sin no more so she could retain a remission of her sin.

Jesus taught us two great commandments which were to love god with all our might and love our neighbor as we love ourselves. Neighbor was not confined to people in our neighborhoods. In one of Jesus’s Parables which we refer to as tha Parable of the Good Samaritan a Samaritan rescued someone he did not know.,

If we love God we will obey his commandments. All of his commandments are designed to bring us happiness and keeping his commandments is serving him. So maybe Maslow missed another need and that is serving God. Jesus said the second great commandment is serving our fellow man and is like unto the first. When we understand the concept of serving our fellow man is also serving God’s children we get a glimpse of a need in our lives.

How do we serve our fellow man? We once heard of a spiritual advisor counseling another spiritual advisor to expect every one he met to have some major challenges in life and would usually be right. Some just need a friend to talk to. Some need someone to encourage them and others have more complex problems. If you consdier serving your fellow man your life’s mission we can promise you will have a busy life. We can also promise you a life filled with happiness.

This is a blog for Conservatives and People of Faith. We welcome your opinions. Share this with a friend.

Is Govenor Northam an Embarrassment to the People of Virginia?

Governor Northam has a history of doing stupid things and is still able to stay in public office. First stupid was the blackface picture in his personal space in his college yearbook mocking Black People. He claimed the picture was not him and he knew nothing about it. Now everyone who believes that story raise your hand. Thanks for not raising your hand. We did not think there would be many fools out there.

Stupid two was when Radicals like Black Lives Matter, Antifa and people who support these evil ones demanded the immediate removal of a magnificent work of art, the Robert E. Lee Statue in Richmond, Va. Governor Northam ever the puppet of the Radical Left immediately made plans to remove it. The Statue and the property on which it sets belongs to the Citizens of the Commonwealth of Virginia but the Govenor made no effort to know the desires of the majority of the Citizens of Virginia. Since we are told the majority of the people in Virginai were not born here, it may be that the majority might favor removal. They may have contempt for our history and culture and even for we who are native born. But that is not a given. What kind of leader ignores the people in making decisions to placate Radicals? We call it tyranny or corruption. According to news reports a Richmond Circuit Court Judge ruled an attempt by plaintiffs involving keeping the statue in place is “contary to current public policy”. Is this a legal ruling or a”politically correct” ruling?

Stupid three was when Northam had no plans on what to do with a Statue that has been described as priceless. What knd of incompetence is that? What else would he do if he thought it might get him political support from his base?

Stupid four is when he asked the Superintendent of VMI to resign because some people claimed they felt oppressed because there are Statues of Confererate Military Offficers on campus. Duh! VMI has a long history of training military officers and some of them served in the Confederate Military. If some of their graduates were successful military officers why should they not honor them. People who claim anyone who served in the Confederate Military lived lives not worthy of remembrance are fools. Govenor Northam made no effort to determine if any students of VMI were abused because of their race. We have talked to a lot of VMI graduates who felt they were abused as a “Rat”in their Freshman Year and they are white! Governor Norhtam made no effort to determine if students at VMI are abused because of their race and only listened to his Radical Advisors who have an agenda and asked the Superintendent to resign without any evidence of wrong doing

We encourage all who are offended by Governor Northam’s excesses to wirte hm a letter expressing your displeasure. It is easy. He has a website where your can type with your keyboard on his on line form and send it to him with the click of a button.

This is an opinion blog for conservatives and people of faith. After you write the Governor we invite you to share other Northam stupids. Also share other opinions with us and share this blog with friends.

Richmond Bureaucrats and the Confederate Statues

Richmond, Virginia City Officials bowed to the demands of Black Lives Matter and Antifa like puppets and removed all the Confederate Monuments in Richmond. Now they cannot decide what to do with them. Some even have the audacity to want to sell the monuments after tearing down the momuments of those Hated White Men. Can you imagine after demonizing these men they want people to pay them money to take them away. If these men were so evil wouldn’t the money the city made on them be tainted? Should their greed be considered a character flaw? Why should anyone pay city officials for their stupidity?

News articles indicate the city paid 1.8 million dollars to do the “Taliban Takedowns”. This is money that might have been used to improve educational opportunites for poor Black Children.

City Officials are not satisified in removing statues of hated white men, They are even trying to get a court order to remove the remains of one hated Dead White Man who was buried at the site of his statue. Does their hate have no end? What’s next? Will they try to remove the remains of White People buried in Hollywood Cemetery?

Some are even advocating control over the monuments even after they are taken away. Some apparently hate the Dead White Men so intensly they want to have them further demonized by whoever will display them in the future. Hating people dead or alive is not a Christian Virtue.

Mayor Stoney was quoted in the news media as saying the lives of these men should not be celebrated on public squares or public places. We are sure he meant their lives anr not worthy of remembrance. Will people feel the same way about Stoney when he is gone. We are happy someone is requesting an investigation of Stoney and his handling of the takedowns.

If the city has not wasted enough money on tearing down and storing these statues they are not through yet. According to news reports lawyers will be
involved in negotiating terms with anyone who wants the statues which will cost a lot of money that could be used for educating children. Competent people would have involved the citizens and if the majority wanted removal it would could have been done in an orderly manner. Can you spell corruption?

We are not impressed with the Valetine Musuem wanting to exhibit the Jefferson Davis Statue the way it was partially destroyed by rioters.
Did they consider displaying it as the act of depraved, hateing people?

An article in the Richmond Times Dispatch quoted Jalane Schmidt, a professor at UVA saying that statues should be compared to when a person moves and decided what items they should consider junk, She apparently even suggested serious consideration be given to breaking the statues in pieces and selling the pieces. Sounds like she has contempt for Dead White Men or perhaps she is not a cultered person. This is a Professor of Religion?

This is a opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith. share with a friend. We welcome your opinions.

Is VCU Becomming a Radical Training Center?

Some institutions of higher learning in the United States have become radical training centers. Whether you call a lot of people in education Radicals, Communists, Marxists, Socialists or Progressives their goals are the same. They want power over other people’s lives

Lust for power drives them toward their objectives. In a Marxist Society the few control the many. The noble leaders decide who runs for political office and no opposition is allowed. Since the leaders have absolute power they can take bribes for favors and steal from government funds enriching themselves while the masses live in poverty.

Since Radicals or Marxists could never win an election that is not rigged they have to gain power by force. The earlly stages are now being played out in the United States with violent riots the Marxist and the Radical News Media bill as peaceful protests.

Radicals love occupations where they can manulipate peope such as teaching, news media, social media and government either as employees or professional politicians. Consider the number of Radical politicians who are refusing to allow police to arrest criminal rioters or refusing to prosecute those very few who are arrested. These are people who think the Marxists will allow them to stay in power if they succeed in overthrowing the government. If they stay in power there are great oppportunities to take lucrative bribes for favors.

How are some universities involved in the violent uprising against our government and institutions? Radical Professors are convincing naive youth that our society is unjust and needs to be overthrown. Some schools are even teaching courses that encourage breaking laws. They call the classes Civil Disobedience Classes.

Radicals haave taken taken over completely some universities telling students what they are allowed to say and expelling students who disobey. Free speach is banned on campuses that conflicts with Radical Professors Viewpoints.

Some schools have whole departments dealing with Racial Injustices that do not exist. This gives radicals an opportunity to sow discord among races by convincing some people that they are being discriminated against. They goal of radicals is to overthrow our government and institutions and dividing people is an effective way of getting this done.

VCU seems to be getting a start on becoming a radical training center. Recently the Radical Board of Visitors made recommendations for removing names of Dead White People who lived in Richmond during the Civil War. What is ludicrus about this is a group of flawed people are making judgements that other people are flawed and not worthy of remembrance. What hyporcracy! What arrogance

The Radical are attempting to demonize white people who contributed much to the building of Richmond, The Radicals are even trying to control Dead White People! The Board of Visitors, being able to corruptly yield power,has emboldened other Radicals who want to force all students to take a class on racism. These racism class advocates begin with the false premise that only white people are racists and all white peopole are racists. You can guess the students with be taught that, along with Capitalism is evil and racist. Expect systemic racism to be covered, which as far as we can determine, is a term the Radicals use when no evidence of racism can be found.

What will not be taught is Africans sold into slavery people they captured from enemy tribes and that free blacks in the United States owned slaves.
Why are the Radicals demanding all students take a class on racism? There are several reasons. One is Radicals have a lust for power and forcing all students to take a class on Racism fulfills part of their needs. You can bet their class will also demonize our government and champion the teachings of Karl Marx.

Whether you call the religion of Radicals communsion, Marxism, or Socialism they all need obedient followers who will do what is asked of them without thinking for themselves. These mandatory classes give Radicals an opportunity to teach Marxism. If the Radicals want people to love one another why not have a class on the teachings of Jesus for the students. We will not have any takers on that since Jesus never used force which does not fit Radical Theology.

Whether or not Dr. Roa is a fellow Radical or a puppet of the Radicals they have his full support. Is it time for VCU Alumni to rise up in righteous indignation and rescue their school from the Radicals?

This is a blog for conservatives and people of faith primarily in the Richmond,Virginia area. We welcome you opinion. Share this blog with your friends.

Does VCU Have the Wrong People on its Board of Visitors>

In this world of political correctness the actions of fools has become almost mainstream. A good example is the VCU Boad of Visitors recent action concerning the removal of the names on VCU Buildings of anyone who served in any capacity in the Confederate States of America.

According to reports from the Richmond Times Dispatch the Board of Visitors voted to remove the names of a number of people who lived in the south during the Civil War. We think the newspaper was in error as the Board of Visitors is an advisory committee and has no authority to remove names. We think that authority lies in the President of VCU who appointed a committee who he anticipated would bring in his desired results.

The people whose names appear on VCU Buildings were people of accomplishment and that is why they are there. Now we have a group of very flawed people conspiring together to decide that certain people ‘s lives are not worth remembering. One of them is Hunter Holmes McGuire who spent his life healing people, teaching and started some hospitals in Richmond. He was a surgeon in the Confederate Army and saved lives the VCU Board would probably not think were worth saving.

Judging other people , even dead people is wrong. It is elitist and ignores one’s own faults. These people on the committee need to research their own family tree and they will find some unpleasant surprises. No doubt they would realize because of their ancestors they are unworthy to serve. Our VCU Board needs to be replaced.

The President of VCU, Dr Rao, should apologize to the VCU Students and Alumni whose anacestors are from Virginia for his insensitive implications that our ancestors are not worthy of remembrance. He is not a good fit for a school who has so many students and alumni whose roots are in Virginia.

We are wondering if the constant attack on Dead White Southernors is a mental illiness.

This is a conservative boog of conservatives and people of faith. We welcome your opinions.