Asian Privilege in Virginia

For years Radicals, Communists, Marxists, Liberals, Progressives or whatever People of Evil prefer to be called have been pushing the false narrative of white privilege. We White People who grew up in poor families wish we had known about our white privilege when we were young. We might have enjoyed our poverty more. Now for the shocking news! Apparently other races enjoy privilege as well. In Northern Virginia there was criticism from the above mentioned groups of discrimination against Black High School Students since their representation in a Governor’s Gifted School was less than their proportion of the school population. A ridiculous argument believed only believed by leftists. Further investigation revealed that the majority of the students in the gifted school are Asian.

Circle the wagons radicals. This challenges their false narrative that white people and only white have privilege. Do Asians have Asian privilege in acceptance to a gifted school? Call your partners in crime in the news media . Have them suppress this information immediately. The left also accused Asians of cheating by hiring tutors to help their children improve their scores to help them get into the Governor’s School. How shocking! Demanding academic excellence from you children and hiring tutors to help you children achieve is now considered cheating. How about considering it racist as well?

The Governor’s Schools were set up to give opportunities for high academic achievers to reach their full potential. Now left wingers are demanding a race quota be used to determine who gets accepted. Will this be an end of the Governor’s Schools? How do you justify a gifted school if the admission criteria is based on race. Governor Northam, our racist Governor, will never grasp that concept.

The Radicals are even claiming that the teachers who do the recommendations to Governor School and those who chose which student can attend are biased. Do not be surprised if those two groups will even admit they are biased, not because of any truth in the charges, but because they will not stand up to leftist bullies. Will that mean the two groups will admit they are biased in favor of Asians? The antics of the left bring to mind Garrison Keeler’s Prairie Home Companion of yesteryear. In his fabled town of Lake Woebegone all the students were above average in intelligence. We are aware of one county that considers all its students gifted. If every student is gifted how do you distinguish excellence?

With the left pushing for race based admissions should we not be demanding the Justice Department investigate the Asian Community? Some years ago a survey was conducted in Virginia indicating South Koreans and their descendants had incomes above the average of the state average. Should being Korean be considered systemic racism? Should being Asian be considered a hate crime? Should Asians be censured and shamed for having Asian Privilege?

This is a blog for conservatives and people of faith. Share with your friends. or if you want to be mean share with a left winger.

Richmond, Virginia. A City in Decline

Richmond, Virginia had a lot of things going for it in the past. Home to Maymont Park on the James River a favorite visiting place for many in the Metropolitan area. Home to Lewis Ginter Botanical Gardens another favorite place for visitors. The Virginia Museum of fine Arts and the Virginia Museum of History and Culture are also located there. The city has parks with access to the falls of the James for biking and and hiking. Sounds like a great place to live doesn’t it?

Recently a great stain was placed upon a once great city. The Marxist groups Black Lives Matter and Antifa decided to come to Richmond and tear down all the statues of all the white people in the city and while they were at that to destroy parts of the city as well. These Godless people were on a rampage. What a contrast to the teachings of Jesus to obey the laws of the land. Monument Avenue, once considered a beautiful avenue was the place where most of the statues were located. The lawless Marxists along with a lot of useful idiots joined in tearing down the statues and destroying the city. And where were the police while they were doing their criminal activity? Apparently they were told by their boss the mayor not to interfere. According to news reports Mayor Stoney was in the midst of the riots encouraging them on with a bull horn. What a spectacle! The mayor encouraging them in their law breaking. Why was he not charged with inciting a riot and sent to jail?

Later when the mayor’s friends did not get all the statues down the mayor paid one of his campaign contributors a lot of money from city taxes to complete the job. What the mayor did was against state law. Why was not the mayor charged with any of his crimes? Could it be Black Privilege? It also helped that he knew the Governor and his partner in crime the Attorney General of Virginia would do nothing.

What is amazing is that after Mayor Stoney did all his misdeeds he was re-elected to office. Do the citizens of Richmond have no credibility? Or is this evidence of a moral decline of the people? It is bad form to elect someone who is either incompetent or corrupt. Richmond city has become an unwelcome place for white people.

To compound the negative things about Richmond’s Leadership it has a leftist leaning daily paper the Richmond Times Dispatch. They love the Marxist Black Lives matter Movement. They never saw a destructive riot they did not approve of. They love to call destructive riots peaceful protests.

This is an opinion blog for conservatives and people of faith. Share with your friends or your enemies.

Chinese Influence in the United States

When communism was in full swing in Russia they controlled the Communist Party in the United States which relied on our free speech guarantees for them to exist and support the overthrow of our freedoms. Communism collapsed from its own corruption in Russia and was replace by another evil, a dictatorship without communism. That left The Chinese Communist Party as the driving force to eliminate freedom in the world and replace that with a Marxist Form of Government world wide.

The Chinese are using our own money to destroy this country. The Chinese manufacture goods cheaply and Americans seem to have an unquenchable desire to buy material goods from China sending them billions of dollars. The Chinese know how to use that money. The know that many people will give up their integrity in exchange for wealth. Joe Biden is an excellent case study on how the Chinese use money to buy influence. When Joe as Vice President flew to China under the guise of a political trip it was a family business trip. Joe could not make any business deals in China in his name because it would be to obvious it was unethical. That is why he took his son Hunter with him.

Ten days later according to the New York Post the Chinese
Government issued a business license for Bohai Harvest that Hunter Biden and Devon Archer were trying to launch.. Apparently ten percent of the stock was to be held in the name of Hunter Biden for Joe but the plans were changed to put the shares in the name of Jim Biden, Joe’s brother. Joe has claimed to have no knowledge of his family’s business dealings and if you believe that you get to wear a dunce hat all day. China will not bestow favors on the Biden Family unless they expect payback. We believe these conflicts of interest are detrimental to the United States and Joe Biden should be removed from office.

China is also using our money to buy influence in American Universities. They have made grants to some universities and these grants are being made because the Chinese expect a payback and will get it. According to a Bloomberg analysis 115 Universities in the United States have received money form the Chinese in the past 16 years. If you believe the Chinese are giving the money because they are such nice people you are a fool.

The United States is in grave peril with Joe Biden as President. The Marxists in the United States have gotten a lot smarter than the Russian Communists who had a separate party to do their evil. The Chinese Communists have merged with the Democratic Party who is now doing their bidding. The Democrat Party has not yet changed its party name to the Marxist Democrat Party but they are being driven
by a Marxist Agenda.

It is amazing how quickly the Marxists are taking over. When we had Barack Obama, a President who admitted his favorite professor was a Marxist, he laid a lot of ground work for a Marxist takeover. Now Joe Biden has many of Obama’s staff trying to complete a fundamental change in the United States to a Marxist Dictatorship.

As the people in the United States continue to turn away from God more people are willing to embrace the Godless concepts of Marxism. Jesus never forced people to do anything. The opposite is Marxism, Satan’s Plan, where people are forced to embrace being controlled by people who want power over our lives and whose goals are to take away our freedoms. The Marxists after merging with the Democrat Party are making great strides by also working with their allies in the news media, big business monopolies, social media and radical college campuses.

This is an opinion blog for conservatives and people of faith. Your comments are welcome.

A Look At the Maricopa County Audits

After the recent presidential election there were many accusations of fraud and affidavits signed by people in the electoral process who witnessed law breaking. This alarmed the Marxist/Democrat Party and the Marxist news Media, the Democrats propaganda arm often referred to as the mainstream news media. They leaped into action claiming the “corrupt Donald Trump” and his equally corrupt followers were trying to steal the election and divide the country. They even used the term insurrection a lot complaining about people who suggested voter fraud. It is interesting how there could be an insurrection without guns They also repeated over and over that there was no proof of fraud, failing to admit their had been no investigation of fraud. They also trotted out a government official who assured everyone, fool enough to believe him, that the election was the most secure ever. These same Marxist/Democrats that call Black Lives Matter People who show up with weapons to attack police as peaceful demonstrators and Republicans who showed up at the Capitol without guns as insurrectionists.

Finally we have a Republican Controlled Senate in Arizona with the courage to face off with the Marxists news Media and conduct an election audit. Since then the Marxist/Democrats and their propaganda arm the Marxist News Media have been ridiculing people on the right for promoting false voting fraud theories. Now the Marxist/Democrats have an opportunity to let the right embarrass themselves and expose themselves as frauds when they fail to find any voting fraud. A funny thing happened on the way to the theater of humiliation for the deplorables on the right. The Marxist/Democrats got on stage and panicked by filing lawsuits to stop the audit. Oops! Red flag! Why would they stop an audit that would prove the incompetence of the right? If you guessed they are they are trying to hide their fraud you get an A in class.

Since the audit started we were only getting reports on the voting recount. Now we are getting disturbing reports coming in. Maricopa County officials after refusing to allow the senate to do the audit in county owned buildings are now ignoring a court ordered subpoena. They are also refusing to allow the inspection of the router in the computers which would help determine if fraud occurred. The county claimed they had done an audit of their computer system and found no irregularities. Now when the auditors are asking for the passwords they claim they do not have the passwords which would have been essential if they had actually done an audit. Which lie do you want to believe? Is not having the passwords colossal incompetence or is it a lie showing criminal activity?

Other interesting things the auditors found was a data base had been erased from one computer . Also the main data base for the system has not been found and it is feared that it has been removed. The auditors also discovered that ballot boxes which were required by law to have a seal after counting have seals broken. Some ballot boxes have less than the number required by law.

Where do we go from here? After the county officials ignored the subpoena the Senate Leader wants to have a meeting with county officials . Is anyone going to be charged with wrong doing? Why no criminal charges?

This “most secure election ever” is beginning to smell like rotten fish. There are big implications here. Is this the tip of the iceberg in the United States? Are all the rumors about Biden not winning the election true like half the country believes? Will the Marxist/Democrats and the Marxist News Media work together to to supress audits in other states? Will the courts takes a hands off attitude claiming more audits would divide the country? Will the citizens receive any justice?

Even now the coalition of Marxists are likely meeting behind closed doors to decide which lie to tell. Mayve we could help. We have a stealth bomber that is invisible to radar. Why not a rumor that Trump and his deporables have invented clothing that makes wearers invisible to security cameras and Trump operatives came in where the audits are being done and made changes to implicate county officials. Or maybe the security was breached by Trump operatives at the election office before they were transferred to the auditors. A lot of fools would believe either story. Or perhaps the auditors are Trump Operatives who are now falsifying information. They need to agree on what lie to tell and run with it. These are desperate times for the Democrats and their partners in crime. They could be stopped from stealing future elections if they do not act fast.

Even if widespread fraud is found in Arizona the left who control most of the news media will claim there is no evidence of fraud in other states which would be true if no audits are done. One revelation is a big puzzle. We are told all the members of the election board but one are Republicans. Why are they trying to obstruct the audit? What are they trying to hide? Are they never Trumpers in Republican Clothing? Are they Liz Cheney and Mitt Romney Republicans? An investigation needs to be made of why the election board is attempting to disrupt the audit.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith bringing you truth, justice and the American Way.

Impeach Biden Now

Joe Biden has been in office just over 100 days. So why should he be impeached when he has been in office only a short time? There are four glaring reasons why he should be impeached.

First is when he used his political power to enrich his crime family in China and Ukraine. Hunter Biden got some lucrative business connections in China when Joe took him on a visit to China. Why did he take his son to China on taxpayer expense when Hunter held no federal job connected to Joe’s mission.? What expertise does Hunter have that made him so desirable by Chinese Business Interests.? The Chinese Communist Party expects a return on their investment and they will get a payback from Joe. Also in Ukraine Hunter got a lucrative deal to be on the board of Directors of Burisma an Oil company in Ukraine with no credentials for the assignment. Joe actually bragged on a news clip that most Americans saw if they do not watch the marxist news media media. Joe threatened to withhold U.S. aid from Ukraine if they did not fire a prosecutor who was investigating Burisma for corruption. The investigator was fired. Hunter in his abandoned computer told his family he had to give half of his income to the “Big guy”. W onder who the big guy is? Why did no Federal Government Agency charged with investigating corruption in government do an investigation. Marxists have infiltrated the Democratic Party and have aslo infiltrataed and actually have control of some government agencies. They are not going to investigate someone who suppports their agenda.

Second is the crisis Biden has created at the Southern Border. Donald trump secured our borders from invasion. Biden declared his intent , even before the election, to let anyone who wanted to enter the country illegally to come. Thousands are pouring in and Biden is illegally transporting them to cities in our interior and dumping them. He should be impeached for breaking the law. All the surveys we are aware of indicated the majority of the people in this counry oppose open borders. He is committing crimes against the people of the United States and it is treason.

Number three is his support of Marxism. In a previous blog we talked about the eight things that were needed to flip a democracy to Marxism and Biden’s actions indicate he supports all eight. Is Biden actually an agent of the Communist Party of China? Do we know how much of Hunter’s income from his Chinese connections go to Joe? Should Joe be impeached for treason? Surveys indicate that most of the people in the U.S. oppose Marxism. Biden needs to go for that reason alone.

Fourth is the question of whether he has the cognitive ability to be president. His Democrat handlers kept him from doing much campaiging hoping the people would not notice his mental limitations. Now they control news conferences to keep him out of public view and having to strugle over questions. There is good reason to suspect Joe has a serious impairment which would be grounds for removing his from office.

With all of the above the Republicans are complaining but have been powerless to stop Joe’s destruction of our country. They should immediately move to impeach Biden. With the corrupt Democrat/Marxists in power in the house and senate they would liikely not get an immpeachment but they would signal to the majority of the people in the U.S.. that the Republicans are concerned about their freedoms. The Republicans are not doing enough to remove the Evil Biden Regime from office. The Democrat/Marxists used to say “we need to remove that Dam Capitalist Trump from office by any means necessary”. Now the Republicans need to say”we need to remove that Communist Biden from office by any means necessary”.

This is an opinion blog for conservatives and people of faith.


Biden’s First 100 Days

The first 100 days of Joe Biden has been a total disaster for the citizens of the United States. We can condemn Joe for this but given his cognizant issues he might not even know what is happening. It was evident he was having issues when the campaigning for president was occurring as he was struggling to express himself in public. What happened after that was conspiracy of evil Democrats and the Marxist News Media , often referred to as the main stream news media. The Democrats kept him off the campaign trail hoping the citizens would not recognize Joe’s senility. The Marxist News media knew about the senility but did not report on his issues. How evil can some people be when they hid this important issue from the American people?
The Democrats viewed Joe as the only candidate who might have a chance to unseat Donald Trump. They were willing to deceive the people if there was a chance they would get power. So who is running the country? Based on what the Democrats are doing with executive orders it appears his advisors are dedicated Marxists trying to turn the United States to Communism. It might seem unfair to paint all Democrats in the house and Senate and House as evil but they have been unanimous in backing Joe Biden along with the bills in both houses, with no Republican support, that will bankrupt the country. In our last blog we talked about the blue print of eight things that are needed to turn the country into a Marxist Society and Democrats seem to be actively working on all eight.
One of the biggest crimes ever perpetuated against the people in the United States and a crime against humanity was when Joe Biden invited anyone who wanted to come to the United States illegally to come. This was an illegal act, treason and encouragement for the evil cartels of Mexico to intensify their illegal activities and crimes against humanity. All of these things should be impeachable offences. Joe will not be impeached because the Democrats who hold the majority in the house and in the senate because of Kamala Harris’s tie breaking vote are just as evil as Joe or those who pull his strings are.
Joe’s actions have brought millions of dollars to the evil cartels of Mexico as they have brought people and drugs to the U.S. One would wonder if Joe or his Marxists handlers are on the cartel payroll. Cartels have a history of buying politicians in Mexico. Why not in the U.S.? The Democrats are bringing illegals into the US.A. against the will of the majority of the citizens. Why should not Joe Biden or if he is incompetent, his advisors, be charged with a crime. The Democrats are transporting illegals carrying Covid 19 and criminals or cartel operatives into the cities of our country and dumping them there to become our problems. These people will cost billions of dollars paid for by us taxpayers to support. Some citizens will be victims of violence from the hands of the criminals Biden is forcing on us. The Democrats plan to quickly make them citizens hoping they will vote for them thereby perpetuating their corruption.
The people of the U.S.A. are clearly under assault by a coalition of Marxist and Democrats. The founding fathers recognized that there would be evil people who needed to be removed from office and provided for an impeachment process. What the founding fathers envisioned was office holders who served the people and would do that which was right. They did not anticipate people serving to get power and enrich themselves which seems to be what we have now. The president needs be impeached but when those who could do the impeachment are as evil as the president that will not happen. And if it did what would be the gain if the Vice President is also corrupt?

Do we need a constitutional amendment to provide the people with an alternative method of removing a corrupt office holder? We seem to be in a constitutional crises with people in government trying to take away our constitutional rights and those who can take action to remove them are their partners in crime. Please send us your ideas on how the citizens can remove corrupt people from office when those who have the power to remove them are also their corrupt partners.
This is an opinion blog for conservatives and people of faith.

Democrats Blueprint for a Marxist America

In 1956 Nikita Khrushchev, who was the leader in Communist Russia, said at a press conference “we will take America without firing a shot. We do not have to invade the U.S. We will destroy you from within”. Later in 1959 he said, “we can’t expect American People to jump from Capitalism to Communism, but we can assist their elected leaders by feeding them small doses of socialism until they awaken one day to find they already have communism.” It has taken awhile but Khrushchev” prophesy on the U.S. becoming a communist country in small doses is close to being fulfilled. If he were alive today, he would be shocked that Communism collapsed in Russia because of corruption and Communist China is the main power trying to topple the United States. Communist China has forged many ties with businesses in the United States and with elected officials such as Joe Biden.
A number of people have written of a husband-and-wife team, Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven, Marxist Professors at Columbia University in new York City who devised a blueprint for things that had to happen to create a Socialist State. Here are the eight things they listed which the Democrat party is now trying to implement:

1.Health Care. If government controls health care you can control the people. President Obama, who’s favorite professor was a Marxist, brought us Obama Care which was the Democratic party attempt at accomplishing this control. President Trump temporary derailed Obamacare but with the Democrats in power a new push is being made to do away with private health care and force everyone to be yoked by the government. Our experience in the pandemic illustrates how right this evil couple were. The center for disease control was able to dictate even our social lives by telling us what we could or could not do under the guise of keeping people safe during the pandemic. This even extended to suppressing religious freedom and social activities in the privacy of our own homes.
2. Poverty. Increase the poverty level. Make more people dependent on the government. Biden’s stimulus programs have been sending people free money. Who is going to vote against someone who sends them free money?
3.Debt. Increase the public debt to unstainable levels. Biden’s reckless spending bills is a good example. In order to pay these bills the government will either have to print money causing excessive inflation, increase borrowing to further bankrupt the nation or greatly increase taxes suppressing economic growth. Look for all these things to happen under Biden.
4.Gun control. Remove guns from citizens to prevent them from fighting back against abuse by the government. The guise is protecting people from mass shootings while ignoring the thousands of Black people who are murdered each year by people who ignore gun laws. The Democrats are very involved in trying to restrict the right to bear arms currently.
5.Welfare. Take control over every aspect of poor people’s lives by providing them with food, housing, income, and health care to buy votes from dependent people. The Democratic party is the party of welfare dependence.
6.Education. control what people read, hear and are taught. We are sure what they had in mind is teaching lies to students. However, Marxists have always relied on control of the news media to prevent people from hearing the truth. In recent years Marxists have had success beyond their wildest dreams in controlling what people see and hear on the news media without the government owning the news media. By infiltrating the news media Marxists have been able to control what news people hear. After the last election surveys discovered that up to 30 per cent of the people who voted for Biden had not even heard of his shady dealings benefiting himself and his family in China and Ukraine. Does this shows how effective the Marxist (Mainstream) Media were in not reporting on the suspected illegal dealings by Joe in China and Ukraine? Recently the Democrats have been pushing to take away the rights of states to set voting standards. Their big issue is requiring people to identify themselves to vote. Democrats are alarmed that dead people, non-citizens, ballot stuffers, people who have moved out of state and people who make copies of ballots and take them to drop boxes are getting disenfranchised. These Democrats are even getting support from CEOs of American Businesses criticizing the State of Georgia for requiring people voting to identify themselves. We are familiar with Delta Airlines, Coca Cola and Major League baseball executives sticking their noses where they do not belong. Why would CEO’s even lie when making their statements? There is an old saying if you want to know what motivates people follow the money. Big Business and Big organizations spend millions on lobbyists who find out what it will take to get politicians to enact legislation favorable to their clients. Then the proper bribe (also known as campaign contributions) can be tendered. Why are CEOs involved in Georgia voting laws? The Democrats are trying to turn the U.S. into a one-party Marxist State like those found in Communist Countries. We think the CEO’s’ are trying to curry favor in case they succeed. Remember Communists Countries have to have Capitalist Businesses to pay the bills and enrich the great leaders.
An interesting question comes up as to why those CEOs are not criticizing China for not allowing free elections and abusing minorities. Again, follow the money. The three companies are making millions in China. If these companies are kicked out, they will lose millions of dollars in revenue. If you already understood why these CEO’s do not criticize China go to the head of the class.
This is an opinion blog for conservatives and people of faith.

Senator Kaine a Liability to Virginia

This blog dissects a form letter that Senator Kaine of Virginia sends to everyone who complains about the chaos on our Southern Border caused by the incompetence of Joe Biden. Kaine’s reply will be in quotation marks while our response will not be.
“Thank you for contacting us about our nation’s immigration system. The United States takes pride in being a nation of immigrants. In 2019 Virginia was home to over one million immigrants making up 12.5 % of the state’s population. Immigrants are an integral part of our foundation, culture, society, and economy and making up 17% of Virginia’s work force. The skills and talents they bring are critical in assuring our country continues to lead in world class innovations in competitive areas such as science, medicine and technology.”
Let us respond to this false and misleading propaganda in Kaine’s first paragraph. The issue is illegal immigration which Kaine falsely claims is part of our immigration system. In spite of the Marxist/Democrat narrative illegals do not have a seat at the immigration system table. Second Kaine claims the U.S. is a nation of immigrants. Even with millions of illegal immigrants The Marxist/Democrats are encouraging to come in the great majority of people living in the United States were born here. Illegal immigration supporters are anti-American. They used to say we need illegal immigrants to do menial jobs citizens would not do. Now Kaine is claiming that hordes of mostly uneducated illegal immigrants come in with skills and talents that will help the U.S. lead the world in areas such as science, medicine and technology and he expects us to believe those lies. Donald Trump encouraged bringing in immigrants legally who had skills that would help build a strong economy. The United States will be destroyed by letting in millions of people who will be dependent on government handouts to survive that will cost us trillions. This is in a country where we will soon not have the resources to pay social security to elderly Americans.
Senator Kaine and his fellow Marxist/Democrats have one goal in mind and that is to flood the country with dependent people who would vote for them and keep them in power. In addition to having power serving in a public office it is very rewarding financially. How does one become wealthy serving in a public office? Another problem with Kaine’s reasoning is that people who oppose Biden’s excesses are anti-immigration. Most U.S. citizens favor legal immigration of people who have the skills to help us build a strong economy.
“After four years of the Trump Administration our immigration system is in dire need of immediate reform and rehabilitation. I believe President Trump’s anti-immigration rhetoric and heartless treatment of immigrants did not reflect the values of this nation. After the cruel zero tolerance policy that led to family separation, the detainment of children in cages, the construction of a border wall and militarization along our southern Borders and leaving DACA and Temporary Protected Status {TPS]
recipients in limbo, the time to rectify the moral and humanitarian abuses of the past is now.”
Let us take a close look at the lies Senator Kaine tells in the second paragraph of his propaganda letter. First, he never mentions that these people are entering the country illegally and should not have rights U.S. citizens enjoy.

Four years of Donald Trump finally resulted in our getting control of our borders keeping swarming invaders out of our lands. Comes Biden and our Southern Borders are suddenly a humanitarian Crisis. We think Biden is illegally bringing people into the U.S. and Kaine supports that. Biden and Kaine’s attitudes do not reflect the values of this nation. The majority of the people are not in favor of open borders or people coming in illegally.
Donald Trump built a border wall to protect us from illegal entry, drugs and criminals. We believe Senator Kaine does not want any restrictions on anyone who wants to come here illegally and does not care about the safety of our citizens but only wants the vote of these potential Marxist/Democrats. We could write pages on the distortions in the second paragraph Kaine’s letter, but we will only mention two more things. Kaine talked about the detainment of children in cages during the Trump Administration. A photo was widely circulated by the Marxist/Democrat Party and the propaganda arm of the party, the Marxist News Media during the Trump Administration of children within a chain link enclosure, thus was born the Trump Cages. A funny thing happened on the ride down the Marxist/Democrat highway of lies. A non-Marxist reporter recognized the photo as one taken during the Obama Administration. It got a lot of attention from the non-Marxist new media but little from the Marxist news Media. Apparently, the Marxist/Democrats are still repeating that lie. We understand the Marxist/Democrats are now calling the chain link fence which lives on an enclosure. And did you see on the news a Biden operative who was sent to the border to try to block cameras taking videos of the enclosure?
Kaine says the moral and humanitarian abuses must stop. We agree. Encouraging people to enter the country illegally, remaining silent while cartels are making millions trafficking people, bringing minors on long dangerous journeys without their parents and turning a blind eye to reports that one third of the women in the Biden Caravans are raped we think amounts to crimes against humanity. We think we need something like the Nuremburg Trials in Germany to brings these evil politicians to trial for crimes against humanity.
We will not quote Kaine’s last paragraph but briefly he promotes Biden’s US. Citizen Act of 2021 which appears to us to legalize Biden’s illegal and heartless crimes. You may live in a geographic area that is represented by a Marxist/ Democrat but if not write to your representative demanding that these perpetrators be brought to trial.

This is an opinion blog for conservatives and people of faith. Do not forget to write your elected representatives encouraging them to stand against evil.

Joe Biden. A curse on America.

The administration of Joe Biden is at war with the people of the United States. One of the first things Joe did was to stop construction of a large pipeline that would take oil to refineries to help the U.S. stay energy dependent. With the stroke of a pen Joe helped make us dependent on other countries for our energy needs including our military. Some of these countries hate us and if they cut off our energy supplies how would we defend ourselves against attack? Good job Joe. His actions caused gas prices to jump at the pump and since so much of our commerce depends on truck transportation, he has increased prices on nearly everything. Good job Joe.

We are all familiar with the colossal blunder at our Southern Border. Hopeless Joe promised even before the election he would not turn anyone away, inviting people to come here illegally. Now at the rate people are coming in at Biden’s invitation millions will be coming in illegally costing millions to support these totally dependent people. Border Patrol already caught two people on the terrorist watch list coming across our southern Borders. How many terrorists came in undetected? Cartels are making millions bringing Biden adults and children on dangerous trips to our borders. It was heartbreaking to see a ten-year-old boy on the news pleading for help from a border control officer after he was abandoned.

People have died coming here on these Biden Caravans. Women and children are being raped by cartels members on the trip. Drugs are pouring in while border patrol agents are overwhelmed by Bidens. People are bringing Covid into our country and criminals are allowed in and released to prey on American Citizens. What Joe Biden is doing is not incompetence but is criminal and a crime against humanity. What adds insult to injury is neither Biden nor his equally criminal Vice President will come to the border to witness the chaos.

Democrats happily discovered in the last election there was no way to verify it mail in ballots were legitimate. Georgia decided to prevent this fraud by requiring voter ID. The Democrats and their Marxist allies sprang into action and invented the lie that requiring IDs was racist. The Marxist News Media joined in the chorus. Comrade Biden joined the lie by encouraging businesses to condemn the State of Georgia. If there is not a law against a President interfering with the affairs of a state, there should be.

The Constitution of the United States defines impeachable actions of a President as unfit to serve, unable to discharge his duties, treason, bribery and other crimes and misdemeanors. If you throw into the mix Biden’s shady dealings in China and Ukraine that enriched his family and probably himself and his senility everything seems to apply. On the senility issue we know Biden has that issue because his handlers kept him off the campaign trail as much as possible.

They are now carefully controlling press appearances and questions by reporters. It is highly likely that all Biden’s actions are controlled by his Marxists advisors. There is no way a mental evaluation can be done with the Democrats in control of the house and Senate. The Constitution is probably the greatest document ever written but there are even problems with it. The constitution framers envisioned people serving in government as being there to serve the best interests of the people. They did not envision people serving to get gain. For this reason, if the President should be impeached it will not happen if his party controls the house as is the case now. Could you imagine Nancy Pelosi as speaker of the House allowing impeachment against a fellow party member in crime to go forward?  That leaves the courts. Courts are not always interested in cases that accuse a president of criminal conduct claiming there is redress in house and senate actions which is not the case currently.

Biden’s latest gig is gun banning laws. Since criminals will not obey these laws that means the laws only apply to law abiding citizens. Why would Biden want laws passed to control gun purchases by law abiding people? Could it be that his Marxists Advisors have a goal of removing guns from all Americans? Removing guns from the citizens has worked well in communist countries. It is good for Marxists in the U.S. to not have the people come after them with guns when they try to take away our freedoms.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives.

 and people of faith.

The Marxist/Democrat Plan for America

Marxists have always hoped to take over the United States and control other’s lives for their own gain. One of the greatest desires for many people including Marxists is power over others. Christains will immediately recognize power over people as one of the three temptations of Jesus. After Jesus had a prolonged fast Satan appeared to him hoping to deter him from his calling from God. His mission was to die for our sins so that we could repent and be worthy to live with God in the next life. Satan offered to give Christ all the kingdoms of earth if he would worship him. Lust for power would appeal to many imperfect men. Christains know the rest of the story. Christ ordered him out of his sight and completed his mission.

Marxists have tried to build a political party to offer false promises to people to get their votes. Give credit where credit is due. Marxists learned from their failures. They realized they could not win the support of a freedom loving people. Violet overthrow of the government was not a good option since so many people in the United States own guns and would come after the Marxists if they tried.

Then they went to plan B which has worked well. They would infiltrate all of our institutions with fellow evil ones. You do not have to have a majority in organizations to control the agenda. Once the evil ones get into power they can influence policy and use their influence to get other evil ones into positions in those organizations.

Marxists started where they could have control on what people are taught. Public education was an ideal starting place. This explains the opposition of the power structure in public education to school choice such as charter schools. Now Marxists are determining what is taught in public schools including many of Karl Marx’s theories. Recently a teacher’s union,and remember many unions are controlled by marxists, In Los Angeles have made demands in their contracts that look like a Marxist Playbook. They are demanding a right to decide what students should be taught.

The Marxist are having great success in higher education as well. They have succeeded in flippings entire universities to the left and discliplining and silencing any student who challenges them. They have also managed to keep conservativs out of many schools as surveys have indicated that most of the professors are Democrats.

We pride ourselves for having a free news media. One of the things that keep Marxists in power is they have control over the news media and are able to control what information they want peolpe to hear. Hats off to the Marxists. The have established control withour the government owning the press. What is often called the main stream news media is now the Marxist news media. They are deciding what news they want to omit. A good example is the Marxist news media indifference to the shady dealings of the Biden family in China and Ukraine. Most of the news media is an apologist for Marxism and a propganda outlet for the Democratic Party. Did you ever read a news article from the Associated Press quoting Donald Trump without the editorial comment “without proff” added? Did you ever read an Associated Press article saying “studies have shown” and then not being able to find such a study on the internet?

The Marxists have had great success but probablly their greatest success was marrying into the Democrat Party Family. The Democrats say they have a big tent which means they will get into bed with anyone if they see a political advantage in doing so. Now Marxists Ideas are eminatting like sun rays from he Democrat party. They are proposing strict gun control laws which would protect their allies in crime fron an irate gun tottng public. The Marxists/Democrats are even proposing limits on free speech which seems to be speech that does not conform to Marxist Theology. They had so much success in getting some free speech banned by calling it hate speech that they are becomming bolder. They are also on a power grab with their Democrat lovers to control voting at the federal level which is mandatory if the Marxist/Democrats are to gain and maintain power. Mail in ballots worked well last time with the Marxist/Democrats keeping control of the house, and getting control of the Senate and the White House..

Democrat leaning States that used mail in ballots last election happily discovered their is no way to prove if a mail in vote is vallid . Very convient since photo copies of ballots are so easy to print out. Remember in a Marxist Country the beloved leaders decide who runs to office and since no oposition is allowed they always win. They reason Marxist/Deomocrats are screaming about voter id laws is we can then verify if a vote is fradulent. Even the Marxists who have infilitrated businesses are parroting the lie that voter id is racist. You cannot even get medical care withourt showing an Id . Will the Marxist/Democrats now say requiring an ID’s for anything is racist?

The Marxist/Democrats had a wonderful plan for retaking the white house last election. Their preferred candidate was Bernic sSanders but they knew the people would not vote for him in sufficient numbers so decided on a candidate who was consided more mainstream but has turned into Bernie on sterriods. The Marxist/Democrats had two problems. One is that Joe suffers from dementia. They probably solved that by getting an agreement from the news media to agree not to mention Joe’s dementia. Then they kept hin in his basement and off the campaign trail for most of the campaign. The other problem was how could they get enough votes without joe campaigning?. They might not get enough votes . Mail in votes than cannot be verified might be the ticket to the top and thus was born mail in votes for everyone.

The Marxists picked a VP for Biden in case he becomes incapicated who would support a Marxist agenda and thus came Kamala Harris. It helped that she was from a realiably socialist state with losts of votes and black to insure they would have the black vote.

So if Joe is unable to function who is running the country . Likely the Marxist/Democrats who picked him and Kamala and his reliable Marxist advisors.

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