A Newly Discovered Kind of Discrimination

Recently we were shocked to discover a new type of discrimination. There is a great deal of contemt, hatred towards and abuse of dogs in the United States.
We were introduced to this type of discrimination when we came accross an article written by Dr. Spy On Yu of the Marxist Canine Research Institute of The Peking Peoples’s University in the Peoples Republic of China. Dr. Yu has spent years studying discrimination against Canines in Capitalist Societies. He has written a book entitled “Why Canines are Abused in Capatialist Societies”. We contacted Dr. Yu by phone and asked if Canines are abused in China. According to Dr. Yu this would be a rare occurance in a Marxist Society. If it ever happens the offender would be asked to attend a re-education class. There he would be taught correct principles on showing proper respect for Canines by kind and loving teaches who grew up in a just Marxist Society. Dr. Yu said “everyone in a Capitalist Society is taught to look out for their own selfish interests With this type of incorrect thought it leaves little room for kindness to humans or Canines. Dr. Yu said “in a Marxist Society leaders are chosen who have demonstrated a great love for their fellow man and always make decisions that are best for the people. People resent the corruption of Capitalist Leaders “.

We asked Dr. Yu about the discontent in Hong Kong. Dr Yu pointed out the people in Hong Kong had grown up in a Capitalist Society and learned the false tenants of Capitalism and had not yet given up their Capitalist Greed. He feels certain that, with the patience and kindness of our great leaders, people in hong Kong will in time accept correct principles.

In delving deep into discrimination of Canines we reached out to Dr. Scottie Woof of the Canine Research Analysis Program of Greater Tidewater University in Norfolk, Va. where a number of studies have been made on discrimination against Canines usually known as the Crap Studies. We will use this acronyn is this blog. We asked Dr. Woof what Crap Studies have learned about discrimination against Canines. Dr Woof said “our studies have shown that canines have been discriminated against for a long time and it begins with humans saying that they own a dog. A Canine is not a slave but a companion to humans.. Ownership conjures up images of slavery in this country..” He thinks Federal Laws should be made classifying statements claiming dog ownership a hate crime. We asked Dr. Woof what difference it makes since canines do not understand human speech. Dr Woof told us it is the mindset that was the problem. If you think of owning something you think you can do whatever you want with property.. Buying a dog liscence should be banned in the united States and replaced with a liscense to have a canine companion. A class should be attended by people desiring to have a canine companion taught be a government certified Canine Psychologist similiar to the wonderful re-education classses taught by kind and patient teachers in China to make sure applicants are thinking correctly. Dr. Woof also feels that certain speech hurtful to canines shoud be banned such as dog tired, dog days of summer,that thing is a dog, vicious dog and meaner than a junk yard dog. All these sayings disrespect canines.

Dr Woof claims one form of dog abuse that is very insdious is what he calls muttism. Everyone understands that racism is discrimanation toward non whites and sexism is discrimination against non males. As far as we can determine their is no corollary for discrimination toward white males or non females or un females as the woke people may be calling men today. Dr. Woof defines muttism as discrimination against canines because of birth. In our economically incorrect Capitalist society some canines are second class citizens. The Crap Studies have shown that although dogs do not understand human speech they sense they are being disrespected when they are referred to as Mutts. This is very hurtful to Canines. Dr Woof feels we need a federal cabinet level office to deal with Canine Discrimination. This muttism is the result of White Privilege where People of Non Color have for years disdained dogs who do not have a recorded pedigree.

If you agree that dog discrimination is a problem in the United
States please write your congressperson demanding a cabinet level position to deal with this injustice.

This blog is an opinion blog written to support dog lovers everywhere.

Virginia Discriminates Against White People

A recent report in the Richmond Times Dispatch indicated that Black people are under represented in supervisory roles in the State of Virginia employment based on their percentage of the population. Radical Democratic have sprung into action. Governor Northtan, according to the article, is trying to codify equal representation in supervisory positions. In layman terms he is trying to make it law that supervisory positions be alloted by race.

Sometimes when Democrats and Radicals try to build false narratives, like Black people are discriminated against in state employment by race, they get caught with their “pants down”. This is what happened in this article. According to the article although Black People only make up 20 percent of the population of the State of Virginia they have 29 percent of the State of Virginia’s jobs. For years Democrats and their Marxists Allies-remember the “big tent”?-have been telling us that inequity in representation proves discrimination. Now we have proof of discrimination against non blacks by the State of Virginia with 20 per cent of the black population getting 29 per cent of the jobs. When Democrats make it law that black peopole have equal representation in supervisory politions the racial disparity and discrimination against non blacks will only get worse.

The Democratics, who control the state did not see this revelation about discrimination coming. If they had known they could have refused to give out that iformation citing privacy concerns which is done when the powers that be do not want inconvient facts disclosed.

The Democrats even have set up a high paying job of Director of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Since there is now proof that non blacks are discriminated against what do these highly paid people do? Ovioulsy they are not concerned that non blacks are discriminated against. Govenor Northan has given this office authority to meddle in Department of Health matters. It is alleged that Covid 19 discriminates against non whites. Look for new laws banning Covid 19 from the State of Virginia.

The author of the newspaper article said Black people are well represented in the state classified work force. We do not know what he means by that. Is he saying that discrimination against non blacks is good? Why has not Governor Northan directed the State Director of Diversity and whatever else to look into this blatant discrimination. We would accuse the Govenor of of promoting equal outcome rather than equal opportunity but his record on affording equal outcome for non blacks is dismal. What should non blacks do when they are denied a job with the State of Virginia? They should file a federal discrimination complaint of course.

In another article in the Times Diaspatch a state panel is taking aim at “gifted” education courses in state education.It found-guess what?-that black students are not equally represented in gifted classes. This is of course is proof of discrimination. From what we read students of Asian Decent are over represented in gifted classes and schools. This must mean that Asian Parents have learned to game the system. Also teachers have an important role in recommending students which means they should be removed from the process. One of the members of the panel was quoted as saying parents could pay a private tester to determine if their child is gifted and then demand inclusion in gifted programs. The member of the panel called it “parent hacking” which we assume is a racial slur against Asian Parents. The only way to solve this problem is to designate all classes gifted. That way everyone will be happy.

There is discrimination in High School Athletics that Governor Northan needs to address. Football and basketball are easily the most popular high school sports. Blacks are over representated on these teams. This disparity is proof of discrimination according to what Democrats and Radicals have told us in the past. It is time for these sports team membes to be chosen by lottery. Each boy who wants to play football or basketbal should sign up for a color blind lottery and placed on the team if he wins the lottery. Those who do not win the lottery ? There is always a vacant field or basketball court nearby or they could opt for a private school.

This is an opinion blog. If you agree with the things you read here write you state senator or representative in the Virginia House demanding these changes.

Joe Biden, a threat to the well being of Americans

A Joe Biden Presidency may be one the greatest threats Americans have ever endured. The United States finally reached energy independence after depending on people who mostly hate us for our energy needs. One of the first things Evil Joe did was to cancel the big pipeline that would help the U.S. be energy independent in oil and gas. Have you noticed how quickly gas prices at the pump are rising since Joe took office? Now you can expect rising prices on nearly everything since so much of our commerce depends on transportation driven by gas and oil. Welcome Joe! Welcome inflation!

Bear in mind that Radicals, who seem to be the driving force in the Democratic Party currently, have been advocating doubling or tripling the price of gas for years. Guess where those Radicals are now? If you guessed in the White House advising Joe Biden you are nobody’s fool.

The above indicates gross incompetence and a complete disregard for the well being of the Anerican People. But this is only the beginning of Joe’s Presidency and perhaps the ending of a great nation, Joe and his partners in crime pushed through The House a stimulus bill that in one fell swoop spends more than the costs of funding World War II. One of the problems with this bill is it has more to do with bailing out Democratic Politicians who have amassed huge deficits in their local government by obligating themselves to pay for things they have no money to pay for. How corrupt of Joe and his allies. They belong in jail.

What else is wrong with the Democratic Bail Out? We now have a vaccine for Covid 19 and restrictions should be lifted to get the economy rolling. Didn’t we hear Joe on the news recently threating to keep or reinstate restrictions? We would not be surprised if the Democrats don’t opt for that since they seem bent on maximum abuse of the people they so disdain.

What else is wrong with the bailout? There is no money available which means borrowing money is an option for paying for the bailout. We owed so much money before the Democratic Bailout our debt would be a challenge to pay off. The other option is for the government to print more money. Hello Joe! Hello inflation. Expect to see massive inflation as long as Joe is here to vex us. Now we hear Joe and his partners in crime are starting a “public relations campaign”, really a propaganda campaign, to convince the public that their Democratic Bailout was a wonderful idea. We assume the taxpayers will be paying for this manipulaton as well.

If you think Joe has done enough to abuse the American People he is just beginning. By announcing even before the election he would not refuse admittance to any immigrant, those applying legallly are apparently the exception, he encouraged thousands of people to come here ilegally. In these unvetted hoards will be many criminals, probably including many cartel members who couldn’t get in legally, along with people bringing contagious diseases. Biden is breaking our immigration laws and should be impeached and removed from office. Good luck on that happening. The forces of evil control the House, Senate and the White House.

In addition to making the U.S, unsafe from criminals and deseases after inviting illegals to come, he is burdening taxpayers with millions of dollars to support all these people with money we do not have. In addition to these crimes Joe is a party to child abuse and sexual assualt. We know little about how all the minors got in the Biden Caravans. Did the cartels purchase them? Did they tell their parents that once the children got in the parents would be welcome? According to knews reports a large number of women in the Biden Caravans are sexually assualted. Remember Joe gave the green light for thousands to come.

We may need to be more compassionate toward Joe. We know he is having cognitive problems as evidenced by his handlers keeping him out of public as much as possible during the campaigning as well as not making him available to answer reporters questions currently. It is possible that Joe does not know what is going on and is a puppet of his leftist advisors. Can you understand how it easy it would be for leftists to have complete control over someone with cognitive issues. Should Joe have a complete medical exam to determine is he has the mental ability for the office?

This is an opinion blog for conservatives and people of faith. We welcome your feedback

Beauty Injustice Discrimination

One of the most blatant forms of discrimination in the U.S. is whether or not others consider us beautiful. This is a serious form of dicrimination affecting equal opportunity for many. It starts in elemantary school. Popularity does not depend on accomplishment but on what is set as a standard in our society of beauty. Even the teachers are involved in this systemic beaulty discrimination. Remember the kids other students referred as the teache’s pet? Do you remember they were all considered handsome or beautiful by our faulty social norms?

This discrimination continued into high school. Winning a contest to be an class officer was in reality a beauty contest rather than an acknowledgement of their ability. Remember the High School Cheerleaders? Another beauty contest to get in rather than skill based? Do you remember any girl invited into the club who was not considered pretty by our discriminatory social norms?

And what about girls forced by social norms to fawn over guys society consideres handsome? How hurtful that had to be to to the guys whom society does not consider handsome. And likewise boys fawning over girls who society considers pretty. How hurtful to the other girls. It has been said that ninety per cent of the guys want to date ten per cent of the girls. This systemic discrimination has an adversal effect on ninety percent of youung ladies whose need for self esteem is so critical as teen agers.

The discrimination continues into adulthood. When an interview is required for a job interview or entrance into college. Studies have shown that interviewers are more favorable to those whom society considers beautiful. These aforementioned things are as evil as white privilege. Being born white gives one certain privileges like sucess without effort. It is the same in beauty privilege. If you are born pretty you will have unfair benefits all your life.

You might argue their is nothing we can do about an accident of birth but contary to that defeatist attitude there is much we can do. We can begin in kindergarten teaching children that beauty is ugly and ugly is beauty. Federal Funds should be spent to teach children about the evils of this blatant form of discrimination. In high school cheerleaders should be chosen by lottery to make sure the playing field is level. No longer should there be hurtful feelings from girls who realize they are not considered beautiful by society. Class officers should be chosen by lottery as well. School Boards should be mandated by law to ensure that all boys are considered handsome and all girls are considered beautiful.

In college and employment interviews, in person interviews should be banned to make sure people are not being discriminated against because of looks. Laws have been passed prohibiting discrimination based on sex and race. Beautyism should take its rightful place along with rascism and and sexism as a violation of our civil rights.

“Hollywood” plays a big role in perpetuating this discrimination by oly choosing those our false social norms consider handsome or beautiful for leading roles. Those not consdiered handsome or beautiful are chosed to be the “bad guys” Who wants the role of bad guy? And consider the feelings of those chosen, how shattered they must feel inside as well as the reduced income available for not being pretty. “Hollywood” must be forced to level the playing field.

We propose laws be made punishing people who even have thoughts that others are handsome or beautiful. Making statements that others are handsome or beautiful should be a Federal Crime. Judges should have some latitude in sentencing people for this crime against humanity. Just like judges can sentence people to attend government sponsored re-education classes ,like they have in China, we should have classes on beautyism available here. Participants should be required to take a test to determine if they “see the light”and began to think correctly. If not they should repeat the classs until they become politically correct.

If you agree that this systemic form of discrimination is evil consider sharing this blog with your friends. By all means write your congressmen demanding that they make beauty discrimination a part of the Civil Rights Act.

This is an opinoin blog . The opinions expressed here may not agree with our own opinions.

Democratic Party. Glue for Marxism?

There are a number of organizations in the United States that are working to destoy our freedoms and trying to control our lives. Their guise is racial justice or equality while their real purpose is to gain power over every one else. They promote the idea that Capitalism has failed to bring us equality and Marxism is a better way which is a lie and the promoters know this. None other than Jesus said the poor all always among us and that is true in a Marxist Society as well. There is just more of them under Marxism. But Marxists are not interested in helping the poor, only themselves.

Two of the greatest evils of men is the lust for power and wealth. In a Marxist Society a small minority get to exercise both of these evils. They make all the decisions in central planning and get to use their power to enrich themselves. Thus the masses have equality in being equally improvished while the beloved leaders enjoy more lavish life styles.

Once Marxists take control the leaders have to snuff out freedom of speech, religion and control the news media. This is to insure their corruption will not be revealed to the masses who would, if they still had freedom to do so, vote them out of office.

Some of the most prominent Marxist Organizations in the U.S. are Black Lives Matter, Antifa, some labor unions, some women’s organizations, a lot of social media and much of the news media. They have common goals but have not merged into one organization to make war on freedoms we enjoy as U.S. citizens.

So what is the glue that holds these organizations together to help them
with their evil goals? We submit our belief that it is the Democratic Party. The Democrats like to say they are a “big tent’. What they do not say if they will embrace anyone who they think will help them get power.

Marxist organizations hated Trump because he was a successsful Capitalist whom they perceived as a threat to their attempt to destoy freedoms and enslave the people of the U.S. They relentlessly attacked him the entire time he was in office. The Democrats in an UnHoly alliance with the news media joined the attacks and even attempted to impeach him twice. It is worth noting that some Democrat Politicians actually told the truth and admitted their goal in the last failed attempt was to prevent Trump from running for office again.

The Democrat Party is jumping on the Marxist bandwagon. They are in full support of big Marxist issues like gun control. Why is gun control such a big issue with Marxists? They want to make sure people don’t have guns to fight back when they try to enslave us.

Then there is the Bad New Green Deal. The Democrats are moving slowly to take over control of the energy section of our economy. The first move was Biden’s cancellation of the popeline that would help this country maintain energy independence. Soon to come will be govermment controls to force up energy prices.

The Democrats are big supporters of the Cancel Culture which attempts to denigrate many Americans who contributed much to the building of this nation. It started with attacks on dead white people who served the Confederacy and then expanded to white people such as George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and even the late Senator Harry Byrd who was Democrat. Even their own Democrats are not spared. They encourage tearing down statues, removing names of the deceased from buildings and military instalations. The Marxist’s attacked dead white patriots in print attempting to divide us by race which is a Marxist thing to do. If you think Democrats were cheering on these evil people go to the head of the class.

The latest Democrat/marxist /social media/news media grand coalition is attempting to deny free speech to anyone who does not embrace Marxist thought. The Democrat Lawmakers are even trying to pass bills to suppress news agencies that don’t promote Marxist propaganda. With Democrats in control of the White House, House of Reprsentatives and Congress our freedoms are in grave peril.

This is an opinion blog for conservatives and people of faith. We welcome your comments.

Was the “Capitol Insurrection” Staged?

Corrupt Democrats in the house and Senate, which we believe includes all of them, wasted millions in taxpayer money and everybody’s time in attempting to impeach Donald Trump on trumped up charges-forgive the pun-and failed miserably. That corruption and incompetence should have been a total embarrasement to Democrats but they even tried again to impeach Donald Trump after he left office. They were dumb enough to think they could impeach him of insurrection charges. How could people in a free country elect such fools to office?

Now we have a new revelation that one of the individuals who was arrested and charged in the Capitol Riot was one of their very own- a dedicated Marxist and regular at Black Lives Riots who already had pending charges for his actions in a riot elsewhere. This is the type of people the Democrats praise as peaceful demonstrators and racial justice advocates. According to newspapers reports he was seen on a video calling for revolution and burning down government buildings. He was also reported to be on video encouraging rioters at the Capitol as they broke into government offices. Isn’t that what happens at Black Lives Matter Riots? Now according to newspaper reports some Black Lives people are disowning him and suggesting he was an agent of Donald Trump, we presume to damage the sterling reputation of Black Lives Matter. Now can we expect that grand chorus of most of the News Media and the Democrat Party to chime in right on key singing the same song?

The attorneys for the person arrested, John Earl Sullivan, have released a contract he had to take videos of the “Assault”‘ on the Capitol. from CNN and NBC News. Many people feel most of the news media has become a propaganda arm of the Democratic Party and an apologist for the philophies of Karl Marx. Which brings up some questions about what these so called news organizations were trying to accomplish in hiring John Sullivan. Why did they hire John Sullivan when they had their own experienced camera people? What was agreed to verbally between John Sullivan and CNN anc NBC and not in the contract to avoid a paper traail?

Was this a staged insurrection compliments of CNN and NBC? Why did they hire a person who was already facing charges of inciting a riot in another city? Will John Sullivan’s attorneys work out a plea agreement with law enforcement in exchange for his cooperation in giving all the details of what CNN and NBC wanted him to accomplish?

Will CNN and NBC soon be facing charges of conspiracy to starting a insurection? Will high profile Democrats be implicated in a “staged insurrection” given the unholy alliance that some see between the Democratic Party and most of the news media to bring insurrection charges against Donald Trump?

This in an opinion blog for conservatives and people of faith. We welcome your comments.

Should President Biden be Impeached?

President Biden seems to be trying to destroy The United States with his pen. One of his first executive orders or executive executions was the killing of thousands of jobs of people working on a pipeline that would help insure energy independence for the United States. This indicates his subservience to leftists who want to weaken the United States economically.

This pipe line after going through hearing after hearing and court case after court case was finally approved. With the stroke of his poison pen Biden destroyed thousands of jobs and undid years of hard work by people who care about the economic success of the United States. Now he will be likely to support the bad new green deal which radicals are supporting to attempt to control energy in our country and force us to pay exorbitant energy costs for inefficient expensive energy in their attempt to harm our economy.

Biden also wants to increase our taxes and that along with destroying employment in a time of economic downturn should be considered a crime against the people of the United States. Biden is a wealthy man and because of this he will still be able to enjoy a lavish life style while the citizens of the United States suffer from his mis deeds. How did he become wealthy serving as a government employee?

While incompetence might not be an impeachable offence breaking the laws of the land by a president should be. We have laws against illegal immigration and Biden is using his pen of supression against the people of the United States to circumvent the law and allow illegals to come into the United States. He even has said that no illegal immigrant would be sent back to their own country and would be allowed to enter the U.S.

Why should we citizens be horrified at Biden’s action. First he is trying to circumvent immigration laws by executive orders which should be an impeachable act. Biden and his leftist associates think that if we allow these illegal immigrants to come into this country they will eventually be allowed to become citizens and hope they will vote Democrat. Of course they would not bite the hand that feeds them. This would work wonderfully for Democratic/Leftist/Marxists who want one party rule that will give them complete control over everybody and everything in our nation.

There are other issues becides the Democrat attempted power grab. There is no way to vet these illegal trespassers. We do not know how many are criminals or have communicatiable diseases. Biden is putting U.S. citizens in peril as he attempts his political power grab. In addition his actions will cause millions of people to come here illegally. Our country has a huge debt from Socialist freebies which the Democrat/Marxists who control the Democratic Party promote. It is likely the only way this debt can be dealt with evertually is to print more money eroding the value of and confidence of the dollar or repudiating Government debt to U.S. debtors including government bondholders.

Biden’s illegal immigrants come here in poverty. They will need billions in aid from unwilling U.S. taxpayers for food, clothing, housing, medical care, education,welfare payments and legal expences to prevent deportation and to make their case that they deserve asylum. Unfortunately their are millions of people in the U.S. who think we can afford to support every one who wants come to the United States.

President Biden and his Maxists supporters could destroy the United States in four years. Consider how quickly Hitler siezed power in Germany after he succeeded in being elected to office in Germany. Biden needs to be impeached now before he and the Marxists can do more damage.

This is an opinion blog for conservatives and people of faith. We welcome your comments.

American Oil Independence-And Then Joe Biden Happened

For years the United States was dependent on other nations for oil and gas. Most of these nations manipulated production to keep oil prices artificially high, affecting higher prices for nearly everything in our country. We might add most of those countries had contempt for the people of the United States. The high oil prices had a detrimental effect on our trade balance as well.

Finally we got a President named Trump who started getting rid of restrictions imposed by Democratic Administrations that prevented the United States from becoming gas and oil independent. These actions began to pay dividends and the United States insteading of importing oil and gas began to be an exporter. Marxists of if you prefer the modern term Progressives were alarmed. The goal of Marxists is to destroy the freedom’s we enjoy and take complete control over other people’s lives. With a country that is econonically strong that makes their job harder. With a Joe Biden, whose strings they pull, they set him into immediate action. One of good old Joe’s first order of business was to cancel the pipeline bringing oil to refinineries that would have keep the U.S. oil independent.

Next you can expect Joe to attempt to dismantle the oil and gas industry to jump on the Marxist’s bad new green deal scheme which will cost us taxpayers billions. The bad new green deal is an attempt by Marxists to control energy in the United States. In Marxist or Socialist Countries the government owns most of the means of production which is probably next on the agenda for the evil ones. Every thing Marxists do is not to benefit the people but to give them complete control of everybody and everything in our society. Then they can steal whatever they need to have a lavish life style while the people live in poverty.

Bernie Sanders, who seems to be the face of Socialism/Marxism is a text book example of what Marxists will be like if they gain complete political power. Bernie’s heart bleeds for the poor and the down trodden. So if he is concerned about the poor he is sharing his wealth with them isn’t he? Good luck on that. Bernie has a vacation home and recently got a huge advance on a book in an amount the poor do not earn in a lifetime. No on has asked Bernie why he does not sell his vacation home and give the money to the poor along with the book advance money. Maybe Bernie works so hard on behalf of the poor he feels he deserves a lavish llife style as a reward.

Having a President who is easily manipulated by left leaning radicals ia a frigtening peril.

This is an opinion blog for conservatives and people of faith. We welcome your comments.

Amtrak, Governor Northam’s Money Pit

Governor Northam of Virginia who has a history of doing stupid things without thinking them through, and costing taxpayers a lot of money is at it again. One previous misstep was his decision to remove a priceless piece of art, Robert E. Lee mounted on horseback in Richmond, Virginia which the Radical Marxist who are trying to destroy our cities, wanted removed and that was enough for “Taliban” Northam. This statue belongs to the People of Virginia and without determining what the majority of the people wanted he decided to have it removed to appease his marxist supporters. Now a lawsuit has been filed by a group of citizens to block removal which is costing taxpayers a lot of money. This is occurring because Governor Northam refuses to backdown from appeasing his suppporters. The governor will not likely ever give an accounting of the cost of defending the lawsuit to the people of Virginia.

All of this could have been avoided if if the Governor had made an effort to find out if a majority of Virginians supported removal and it could have done in an orderly manner if the majority so desired. Governor Northam did not even have a plan on what to do with the statue after removal. How incompetent was that?

Now we are reading reports that Governor Northam wants to spend millions of dollars of taxpayer’s money expanding Amtrak to areas of Southwest Virginia. Passenger rail service is a relic of the past. It made sence in the United States when it took days to go long distances before the miracle of air travel. Rail service makes sence in our large metropolitan areas to move commuters from one location to another.

Amtrak is an unecessary money pit. It has never made a profit in it’s existence and has to be subsized by the taxpayers to the tune of millions a year. It should be shut down, We know there are lots of people who advocate for Amtrak such as emplyees, suppliers for Amtrak, contractors who stand to make money for construction projects. the left leaning Richmond Times Dispatch and politicians who get a lot of policical contributions from these groups but that does not justify the existence of Amtrak. We could create employment by paying people to dig holes and cover them up again but who would advocate for that.

If Governor Northam is unchecked your tax dollars will be going down the Amtrak money Pit and then he would need a tax increase for his other projects. The Governor has a website where your can send him your comments. If you love money pits you can cheer him on but if not you can express your disapproval of throwing money into the Amtrak Money Pit.

This is an opinion blog and we welcome your comments to Governor Northam or to us.

Why Democrats hate Trump

Democrats realize this country will not accept a quick change to Socialism/Marxism so their plan is to bring it about slowly. When Donald Trump, the hated Capalist, announced his plans to run for president the Democrats did not take him seriously and were amused. As he began winning primaries they became alarmed and began unrelenting attacks trying to smear him. Soon most of the national news media, who surveys have indicated are mostly Democrats, joined in the fun.

If Donald Trump won the election that would derail their Socialist/Marxist Agenda for four years and possibly eight. Democrats Politicians and most of national news media focused on Donald Trump’s infidelity, which many of his critics along with some former Democratic Presidents have had experience with, and Trump’s Business Dealings.

Most of the news media has become a propaganda organization for the Democratic Party and an apologist for Marxism. They have been relentless in their attacks on Trump. The Associated Press, which was once a respected news agency, in their “news articles” when quoting Trump always added”without proof”. In every article his actions were either illegal illigal or morally wrong. He was even accused of being raciest, which the press likes to accuse people of when they are not advancintg the cause of Socialism/Marxism.

The Democrats, with the backing of most of the press even tried to impeach Trump for Russian Collusion , Even with some FBI Agents breaking rules and probably laws to frame Trump the impeachment failed. Even the FBI admitted their was no evidence sufficient for laws being broken. Not to be deterred the Democrats still tried. Now they are trying again. Trump encouraged his supporters to demonstrate in Washington, D.C. The Democrats have their own dictonary. The Democratic Standard Dictionary defines encouraging Republicans to demonstrate as planning an insurrection.

Where were these Democrats when their allies in Black Lives Matter were trying to destroy our cities? We will tell you. Some of them joined Black Lives Matter, even using bullhorns to encourage them. Most of them referred to the insurrectionists as peaceful protesters or social justice reformers. We hope you noticed that when Democratic followers did violence the Democrats called them peaceful protesters and when Republicians did the same thing they were involved in insurrection.

Now the Democrats are involved in another fake impeachment claiming Trump started an insurrection. Why are they doing this when Trump is leaving office? They are hoping to have enough corrupt politicians to vote for impeachment and banning Trump from running for office again.They fear Trump will again run for President, win and derail their plans for a Socialist/Marxist America.

The Democrats are playing catch up and their radical alllies who control media are doing their part in banning conservative voices under the guise of not meeting their standards for truth. We will intrepret that for you. Their standard of truth is people who oppose a Socialist/Marxist Agneda.

This is a blog for conservatives and people of faith We invite your opinions.