Mike Lindell’s Syposium

I have to confess I saw only a small part of Mike Lindell’s symposium. Our vacation was planned same time as the symposium and the wifi was not working where we were staying on vacation. I saw a small part Wednesday Night while packing and getting other things done before leaving.

Making judgements about people is hazardous when you have no training in human behavior. I will only make observations as a consumer. Two things stand out when Mike gets in front of a camera. Mike seems to be hypoactive. While I have no training in human behavior I have taught children who fit the understanding of what a hypoactive child does. The child is unable to focus and spends his time disrupting the class. The child seems to have no concept of what is means to be disruptive or to need to work with others in the learning process. While watching Mike he seems to want to interrupt his guests and ramble on and on. If his programs were court cases I am sure his lawyer would not want him to testify. He does not appear to be a good witness in my opinion.

The second issue is Mike seems to have a need to be the center of attention and rambles on and on which distracts from the message. I have never put together a documentary or presented facts to a nationwide audience to prove my case, but I have a hard time believing whoever worked with Frank on his presentation feels good about the results from a professional standpoint. I also feel that having a program both day and night for three days is an overkill.

Having said all that I think Dr. Frank’s presentation was convincing. It might have been helpful if the symposium had some kind of peer review to present of Dr. Frank’s findings.  I looked up Mike Lindell on Google but about all I could find was comments on Lindell from the left wing conspiracy theorists attacking him. It would seem Google is only directing their costumers to people presenting a negative picture of Lindell.

I did take their bait and went to the Dispatch Fact Checker and read an article on Lindell by Khayn Himmeriman. I could find no information on that person which I found surprising. What adult could you Google and not find some information on him? The author said Lindell’s claim that Dominion Machines were hooked to the internet was false. To quote the author, “This is false, Dominion Voting Systems clarified on its website that its own voting technology along with voting systems. more generally, are not connected to the internet”. Did you notice the term more generally? That does not mean never. That means the machines can be and are hooked up to the internet. The “fact check” author claims Mike’s statement is false when Dominions own website admits they can be hooked up to the internet, when and how long they do not say. It is interesting a poll watcher said on national television that he saw Dominion machines hooked up to the internet. He also said he told a poll supervisor the machines were hooked up and the supervisor took no interest in checking.

The author advises that a District Judge in Arizona dismissed allegations of voter fraud because the case was wanting of relevant or reliable evidence. Not being a lawyer I cannot evaluate that information. However we do know that the Democrats are fighting to the point of filing suit to block audits. If they were convinced there was no fraud why not encourage audits to prove those wanting them are conspiracy nuts? The author mentioned Dr. Frank , who has a PhD in chemistry[the author did not mention Dr. Frank teaches math which he may feel is not relevant in understanding algorithms]”claims to uncover an algorithm to control how many elections there are in a county”. What? I watched Dr. Franks presentation and as far as I can determine he was only talking about one election ,the 2020 presidential election.

The author also claims having more voters than living a precinct is common during the canvasing period and cited human error and computer malfunctions. If this be the case why were they not corrected before the election.

If the author thinks Dr. Frank’s claims are not creditable why have not Democrats come up with experts to prove Dr. Frank is a quack? The author did not mention that Dr. Frank found the algorithms were used in several states and found an exact percentage of every age group voted in every county of each state. This would not have been in the realm of probability. Surely experts could prove it if he was wrong in his algorithms. More of us should be fact checking the fact checkers.

This is an opinion blog for conservatives and people of faith.

The Timid Republicans and Election Fraud

There were widespread claims of voter fraud in the U.S. 2020 Election. A lot of people involved in the election process signed affidavits that they witnessed illegal activities. Cameras in places where votes were being counted show illegal activity. Voting officials are refusing to cooperate with auditors when when under court order to do so. Democrats and other communists sympathizers such as most of the national news media are putting up a goal line stand against audits. The Justice Department is sending letters trying to intimidate auditors from canvassing to verify people who are alleged to be voters actually exist. Trained computers experts are finding logarithms that are far removed from what is considered normal. Computer experts also allege that voting machines were hooked up to the internet before, during and after the election making them easily vulnerable to hackers. Computer experts were also able to determine that hackers from adversary countries were very active in trying to access the voting machine tabulators during and after the election.

Democrats and their evil partners are claiming people who want an audit are conspiracy theorists. They often quite the guy who claimed the last election was the most secure in history. With all the evidence listed above do they understand what secure means? Does the above listed problems indicate that the Democrats and their big tent allies are the actual conspiracy theorists? Why have not the Democrats pushed for bringing fraud charges against people who signed affidavits that they witnessed voter fraud? Could it be that they do not want these people testifying in court?

The Republicans should be our best hope for getting audits accomplished. However they seem to be timid and even apologetic about doing audits. Some Republicans are even criticizing other Republicans for wanting an audit. When election officials refuse to comply with a court order the Republicans are asking them nicely to cooperate. No one has has ever won a war by being nice to their enemy. Those refusing to comply with a court order should go to jail. The Republicans even implied that if it could be proven Biden did not win they do not plan to overthrow the election. Why not? If Biden’s co-conspirators cheated to get him in office why do they want to reward them by leaving him in office? If the Democrats were able to win by wide spread fraud those involved should go to jail and the office holders should be removed from office.

Republicans are putting their hopes on getting back the house in the 2022 elections. If there was widespread fraud that changed election results in 2020 what would change in 2022? They would just get better at it. Do the timid Republicans have the energy to take down Joe Biden? He is wrecking our economy and allowing millions of people come across our borders. Some are either sick spreading their illnesses across the united States, criminals, terrorist’s, drug dealers for the cartels and most will be dependent on taxpayers support to the tune of billions of dollars for who knows how long. Republicans seem powerless to do anything about the Biden Regimes assault on the American People. Do you feel comfortable having the Republicans protecting your rights?

This is an opinion blog for conservatives and people of faith.

Democrats “Big Tent” Embrace of Communism

As the old saying goes first we tolerate evil, then we accept it and then we embrace it. Such is the current attitude toward Communism in the Democratic Party. Senator Bernie Sanders , who praised Fidel Castro and honeymooned in Russia when it was under the iron fist of Communism, is a cherished member of the Democratic Caucus. Although Bernie prefers to be called a Socialist we know the truth. The Democrats also embrace the “Squad” in Congress who are generally accepted to be Marxists. In addition the Democrats embrace the leftists Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and Adam Shift.

In order to keep Communists in their “big Tent” the Democrats had to embrace Communist Agendas like censorship against non communist thought and gun control to prevent the citizens from having an armed insurrection against their plans to take away our freedoms. Recently a prominent Democrat suggested the people of the United States should pressure the Catholic Church into reversing its belief and opposition to abortion. That is in violation of the citizen’s right to freedom of religion, a very communist thing to do.

Why would the Democrats embrace Communism and become a proxy for Communist Theory? Two of the greatest temptations of man are power and money. The Democrats see the communists as partners in helping them stay in power and other plum they want to suck on is under communism the great leaders control the allocation of wealth and they can channel wealth to themselves while the masses whom they care little about live in poverty.

How did we get to the place where a major political party is a partner with communism? The goal of communists is to have absolute power over people’s lives and to enrich themselves. What Democrat could resist these things?

Communists have a missionary zeal for controlling the world. They have infiltrated every institution in the United States and have control of some of these institutions. They work in government, education, labor union organizations, news media, Hollywood and social media. They become very skilled in lying and finding useful idiots to support their goals.

How does a person support an evil system that abuses so many humans? Of course one reason is they see personal gain for themselves in doing so. Then it becomes easy to rationalize all the evils of communism or completely ignore them. What about useful idiots they need to accomplish their evil goals. Black Lives Matter is a textbook study of how effective communists can be in utilizing useful idiots under the guise of a social justice movement to get white people to demonstrate against themselves and other white people. Black Lives is not only considered a Marxist Movement but also a criminal organization. In a recent documentary on TV a former business owner in a Democratic controlled big city told of how Black Lives Operatives went to businesses and demanded they put up signs that they supported Black Lives matter and give money to the organization or their business might be destroyed. This is extortion and is illegal. While any charges be made? Of course not. Black Lives Matter is a part of the Democrats “big tent”. The Democrats are not going to take action anyone the perceive as helping keep them in power or giving them money. It is interesting that someone who was a major officer is an organization that claims to be a non profit would have thousands of dollars to invest in real estate. Will the IRS investigate? Fat chance. Being in the “big tent” has financial and legal immunity advantages.

What can we do as conservatives and people of faith to combat Democrats and their Communist “big tent” partners. Band together. Show up at school board meetings when the communists on the school board are pushing the Communist Critical Race Theory and voice your disapproval. Remove those on the board who will not back down on their communist ideology. Write letters to brain dead politicians and other brain dead government officials who are trying to destroy our freedoms. They want to ignore you but you have the advantage because they fear losing power. Join organizations such as The Tea Party who actually oppose communism. Vote against evil people.

This is an opinion blog for conservatives and people of faith.

Biden’s 50% Approval Rating. Are half the people mad?

We were shocked to hear a poll was conducted that indicated Joe Biden has a 50% approval rating in the United States. He probably has a 100% rating in China but that is another story. Are the same people doing the polls who predicted that Hillary Clinton was going to win by a landslide against Trump? You know how that turned out. Or what about the polls that indicated Biden would will by a landslide? Now with audits and investigations in progress there is evidence of missing ballots. law breaking and fraud. It brings a lot of doubt about who actually the election.

Let’s review some of the things Biden has done so far. One of the first things Joe did was to cancel the pipeline bringing oil to the refineries to help the United States stay energy independent. Now we understand we are importing oil again after becoming a major oil exporter. Under Biden gas prices have skyrocketed. How could any sane American favor actions that raise gas prices? Much of our goods are moved by truck which will cause a raise in prices to cover additional fuel costs. Is that a great idea?

The Federal Reserve under Biden is printing more money. The more money that is printed , with more money pursing the same amount of goods, prices will rise which is known as inflation. Is 50% of the population too dumb to understand this? Why would people want destabilization of our economy?

Biden is pushing Critical Race Theory on the military. This racist agenda claims white people are born racist. Any one who believes this or teaches this should be removed from society to prevent them from being a danger to others. We cannot believe any decent person of any race could believe this falsity. The Democrats, who claim to follow science, are embracing this lie. How could 50% of the population embrace evil.

Biden even invited the United Nations to investigate racism in the United States. We suggest they start by investigating Biden. What kind of leader
would suggest his own people are racist? What kind of lunatic would approve of this? Obama referred to white people as those who cling to God and guns. Another prominent Democrat, Hillary Clinton, referred to white conservatives as irredeemable and deplorables. Biden refers to white people as white supremacists and racists. With standards so low for their leaders yo might understand how Biden got his approval ratings.

Biden has been suspected of enriching his crime family through his government connections. Exhibit A an B are son Hunter’s lucrative business deals in China and Ukraine. And was there an E-mail on Hunter’s abandoned lap top to his family that he had to give the big guy half of his earnings? Big guy, Big Daddy? And now the White House wants us to believe Hunter has been discovered to be one of the masters and his art is up for auction. But wait. No one will know who bought the art work so there is no chance they will be rewarded politically by the big guy. What is this Comedy Central? Is half of Americans brain dead and do not know about these things?

And the biggest blunder if not out right treason is Biden’s handling of the border. He willfully is breaking the law by bringing in thousands of illegal aliens. His partners in corruption control the House and Senate federal law enforcement so no action will be taken against him. People are coming across the border with covid infections while Democrats are insisting citizens wear masks. Two terrorists’ were caught trying to sneak across the border so you know others have made it in. Criminals are coming across the border to prey on Americans. Cartel operatives are able to freely come in. All these people will have their hand s out for government support and Biden is costing people who pay taxes billions of dollars. Drugs are pouring in which will kill thousands of Americans .Anyone who approves of this should be charged as co-conspirators and sentenced to prison.

Now after all these indictments against Joe Biden we confess it is likely Joe does not have the mental capacity to know what is going on. An interview last week with CNN was very disquieting. Joe could not even carry on a coherent conversation. The Democrat Party is hiding Joe’s mental deficiencies from the public, probably to push a communist agenda through a man who does not understand what is happening. And 50% of Americans approve of this?

This is a blog for conservatives and people of faith. Rise up and conquer evil.

Chinese Strategy

We recently read an article by Gu Feng a media veteran who spent years writing about China’s political, economic, and social issues. He quoted Mao Zedong , dictator and mass murderer of China, who in 1939 wrote the “the United Front, armed struggle and party building are the secret weapons for defeating the enemy”. The enemy is any country the Chinese Communists do not control. The United Front is using money, women, official positions and reputation enhancement to bribe important people. Has the CCP had any success with its United Front? When Joe Biden took his son, Hunter, to China on the presidential jet son Hunter was able to make some great lucrative business deals. In Hunter’s abandoned lap top he sent e-mails to family members telling them he had to share his windfall with the big guy. Everyone, except Democrats, understood the big guy was Daddy Joe. Someone made the mistake of turning the lap top over to the Justice Dept. By now any incriminating evidence implicating Joe of wrong doing has likely be erased from the computer. Gotta be loyal to the boss. Joe had the experience of becoming a millionaire while serving in public office. It was, of course, not from using his government connections he become rich but because Joe is such a brilliant businessman. And did Mao say women? Did not a member of Congress recently have an affair with a Chinese woman with close ties with the CCP? Enough said!

Then there is the armed struggle. In earlier times poor farmers were encouraged to seize the farms of successful farmers convincing them that successful farmers had done an injustice against them. In the United States we do not have enough farmers so the Communists have changed tactics. They now play the race card. They invented the false narrative, supported by the Democratic Party, that all black people are oppressed by white people. They have people marching in the streets, attacking police, white people. destroying property, looting and setting property on fire while being protected by Democratic Elected officials from being convicted. The Communist Front Groups Black Lives Matter and Antifa, who they control, are even able to enlist self loathing white people to their cause. There is an abundant supply of useful idiots in this country.

Party building , the infiltrating of the institutions of their enemies has been very effective in the United States. One venerable institution they have been successful in is The Democratic Party. Democrats have embraced Bernie Sanders who is an admirer of Communism although he prefers to use the term Socialism. Bernie works closely with Biden and his Communist Advisors in the White House. Four members of the house, all Democrats, are considered Marxists. Marxist Lies are the driving force in the Democrat Party currently. We think Mao Zedong would be pleased with the progress CCP has made in the Democratic party. How about the Marxist influence in the teacher’s union? They are pushing Critical Race Theory and in some places are demanding they be allowed to teach it as a union bargaining position. Mao would be pleased. If Mao were alive he would be pleasantly surprised he would not have to force the news media to push Communist Propaganda. Most of the news media do it voluntarily.

Gu Fung listed the top ten targets of CCP in the United States:

1. Members of the U.S. Government. The have Bernie Sanders, The Squad, the Democratic Party and Biden’s advisors.

2. American Military Installations. Biden and his Communists Advisors are now having Critical Race Theory taught to the military in an attempt to
divide the military by race.

3. Key members of social influence, churches and industry association. We all know of the repression of news that does not fit the Communist Narrative that is being done by social media. We are all aware of the baseball association pulling the all star game from Atlantic because Georgia passed laws to prevent cheating in balloting. Control of the balloting process and cheating are central to Communists Control. What we do not know is are the people of power inside baseball dedicated Communists or are they just stupid.

4. The leaders of overseas Chinese Associations. Would you be dumb enough to believe these organizations have not been infiltrated?

5. Investors, executives, editors and scientific research organizations. We have learned from the National Basketball Association and Coke that profit from the Chinese market take precedence over what is best for the world.

6. Experts and scholars from universities and scientific research institutions. The CCP gives money to many universities in the U.S, The universities try to keep this quiet because they do not want public criticism for selling influence to CCP .

7.Wall street financial tycoons and financial executives. For profit these people will turn a blind eye to Chinese Slavery and even agree to cooperate in Chinese Censorship of its Citizens.

8. The United Nations and its officials. These officials worked well with China when China suppressed information about the Covid Pandemic.

9. Investors of multinational companies. These investors would not criticize China in order to business in China.

10. The Hollywood film and television industry. This industry has been fully infiltrated by communists.

Is their any institution in the U.S. that has not been infiltrated by the communist movement? So what can we do? We can refuse to buy the product of any of these organizations that promote communism and it would be helpful to send the an e-mail telling them why. Profit is a better motivator than Communism Ideology.

Now the latest is Joe and his communist advisors are working with communist infiltrated social media to suppress “Misinformation” which is understood to be any anti communist information.

Biden has become rich making deals for pay while in public office. He is breaking our immigration laws with no consequences. He is now in conjunction with his party’s communist members trying to destroy our freedoms.
With so many co-conspirators in government to protect him no one has a plan to bring criminal charges against Joe. Someone needs to come forth with a plan to take down this evil regime.

This an opinion blog for conservatives and people of fa

Is the Democratic Party a Communist Front Organization?

As I grew up I was taught that God inspired the writing of the Constitution and The Holy Spirit guided the founding fathers. I had a reverence for the Constitution and The Bill of Rights and believed they would always be there to protect our rights. Things have radically changed in my life time and it seems the communists, socialists, Marxists or progressives, birds of a feather, are on the ten yard line headed to the end zone. The Democrat Party has embraced these groups in their “big tent” and as a popular song of yesteryear goes, “they all get put in boxes and they all come out the same”.
The Democrat Party long ago embraced Bernie Sanders who honey mooned in Communist Russia and praised Fidel Castro of Cuba. Bernie is an admirer of Marxism and ran for Senate as an independent. Bernie’s admiration for Marxism was enough for the Democrats to consider him a valued friend and invited him to caucus with them. This was a resounding affirmation of their acceptance of Marxism. Since then Marxism has strengthened its grip on the Democrat Party. Four members of the Democrat Party know infamously as the squad have been elected to congress. Nearly all the Democrats have embraced them. They are all considered Marxists. Of the freshmen Democrats in Congress (or perhaps we should obey Democrat Dogma and call them freshpersons) all are members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus which is a fancy name for the Marxist Caucus. Four of these new representatives have close connections to the squad. Currently Marxist Philosophy is the driving force for the Democrat Party. To use a baseball term they seem to have all the bases covered for a Marxist takeover. One of the things needed to put communists in power and keep them there is control of the news Media. Communists usually do this by completely having control of the news they want you to hear. Once they take control the news agencies become one news agency. In our day a shocking thing has happened. The Democrats and their “big tent” allies in what people call the main stream news have become supporters of Marxism and the Democrat Party and give them favorable press. Is the main stream media and the Democrat Party the Marxist’s useful idiots? How did this happen? Marxists have always worked hard to infiltrate our institutions and they have been very successful in the news media social media and the Democrat Party.

The news agencies attack non Marxist opinions and the social media platforms bans non Marxist opinions. Marxists have found many allies in college graduates who have been exposed to leftist teaching to recruit to infiltrate news agencies and social media. Reliable surveys have shown that most college professors and administrators are Democrats so most students get only the left side of political thought.

Marxists usually try to divide people by class to cause discontent and encourage people to overthrow the government. In the U.S. it made more sense to divide people by race to achieve their evil designs. Thus we have the false claims of white privilege , white rage and white supremacy from Democrats and other merchants of evil. We also have Critical Race Theory to make non whites feel they are being abused. Sadly these people of evil are even indoctrinating white children to convince them they are guilty of abuse by being white. This is racial abuse. What could be more Marxist that that? The Biden Regime supports this insidious lie. The Biden Regime is even pushing this lie on the military. General Mark Millay, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, even supported teaching Critical Race Theory in the military. Was he trying to protect his job? It seems so to us. Remember one military leader was fired for expressing an opinion that did not comply with the Marxist agenda of the Biden Regime. Millay admitted studying the works of Marx, Lenis and Mao Zedong, all mass murderers or supporters of mass murder, to understand his own white rage. Sounds like a self loathing white man. What better choice would Comrade Biden have to lead the military to crush the uprising of white people who would fight to prevent the takeover of the country by the Democrat Communists.

White people will be an obstacle to the coming attempt to a takeover by the communists. Obama denigrated white people by referring to them as people who cling to guns and God. May I remind you the communists want to cancel God. Hillary Clinton , the former darling of the left, referred to conservative white people as deplorables and irredeemables. Joe Biden refers to white conservatives as white supremacists.

Another big issue with the Democrats is white people own a lot of guns. If the communists tried to impose their will in a guerrilla war the military and the local police which they would hope to control would be badly out gunned. That is why the Democrats are so keen on passing gun control laws. Using records of gun purchases the communist government could send armed military to individuals homes to confiscate people’s guns and send them to re-education prisons to intimidate them. Children in schools would be taught to report their parents to the authorities if they hid their guns.

Is it too late to stop the communist takeover? Once Hugo Chavis was able to take control of the government of Venezuela he moved quickly to suppress dissent. There were accusations that Chavez did not win the election. Does anyone think that Chavez will be removed from office? Do you see any parallel between Chavez and Biden? Do you think the Democrat Party has become a communist front organization?

This is an opinion blog for conservatives and people of faith.

Is Joe Biden a Modern Karl Marx?

We are indebted to David Limbaugh for a quote from an article he wrote in a view point about the Biden Regime entitled “On a Collision Course With National Disaster”. The quote is as follows: The Administration is creating total societal chaos, and undermining the rule of law at every turn. As the first duty of government is to protect and defend its citizens, we might be alarmed to consider that the administration is engaged in a multi-pronged strategy to do the opposite. It is shrinking our military which defends against foreign threats. It is at war with law enforcement , which ensures domestic tranquility and is destroying our southern borders. It is systemically destroying our liberty and prosperity” Our opinion is the Biden Regime is a snapshot of Marxist Tyranny in action.

How do we stop this Marxist Conspiracy sponsored by the Biden Regime? Under normal situations Biden would be impeached. How ever there is a dilemma. Most Democrats in public office are on board for a Marxist Takeover. Those who have reservations are quickly persuaded to support the takeover. The Democrats currently control the House of Representatives, the Senate and the Presidency. They apparently see support of Marxism as a way to help them retain their power and ability to enrich themselves in office. Ask yourself how Biden became wealthy as a public servant. The Democrats will always choose self interest over protecting the rights of the people.

Should we consider the Democrat Party a domestic terror organization now that they embrace Marxism in their “big tent”? Biden has been accused of enriching himself and his family through his government connections. The federal investigative agencies will not investigate Biden because he controls these agencies and these agencies are not interested in justice but are very interested in keeping their high paying jobs.

Most of the news media were once were a safeguard against government abuses have now become an apologist for Communism and the propaganda arm of the Democratic Party. No help will come from them.

What about the courts? Some judges are aligned with the evils of Democrats and Marxists. Others are reluctant to interfere with government operations or feel an adverse ruling , through correct, would be too disruptive.

What about the Republicans? These are the same people who were caught flatfooted when Democrat Voting officials changed rules against state laws to allow illegal voting. They were also unaware when these same individuals made it difficult to verify who was actually voting. Do not expect much opposition from the Republicans. Now the Democrats are pushing to have the central government control the voting process. Isn’t that what is happening in Communist Countries? Only difference is the Democrats have not passed a law yet which would allow them to decide who could run for public office. Only Marxist supporters need apply.

Our options seem to be very limited in getting evil Joe canned. Republicans seem to be putting their hope on winning the house in 2022. If the Democrats manage to get their For the Communists Bill passed they could control the outcome of all future elections. By the time 2022 comes it might be too late. Consider how quickly Chavez suppressed dissent once he was able to get control of the government in Venezuela.

Our freedoms are in grave danger with a Marxist/Democrat Government in power. Brilliant minds are needed to collaborate now on the best means to remove an illegitimate corrupt, incompetent, lying, evil Joe Biden by legal means from office. Then millions of God Fearing Americans can be enlisted to get this necessary work done.

This is a opinion blog for conservatives and people of faith.

The Accomplishments of Our Great Leader Joe Biden

Republicans love to make false claims about the successes of Donald Trump. We will debunk some of their claims. Under Trump unemployment for blacks and Hispanics were the lowest in history. Yes, but remember earnings for blacks and Hispanics are much lower than that of whites. If they are still at the lower end of wages how can you say that was a success? All that means is more blacks and Hispanics were being exploited by whites to make a profit off them. This is modern day slavery.

Under Trump by January 2020 income rose by $5,000 per family per year. But studies have shown that most gains went to white families who are enjoying white privilege. So blacks and Hispanics are still being victimized.

American Companies brought back to the U.S. more that a trillion dollars of wealth because of the TCJA bill that Trump signed. We think these figures are inflated. We think we lost more than a trillion dollars of good will from other nations as they were shut out of the U.S. market. This is not a success story if other nations hate us. Our primary goal in world trade should be to have everyone love us.

The U.S. became the largest producer and exporter of crude oil under Trump’s watch. This is deplorable. We not only are polluting our own environment but the rest of the world as well. Causing climate change is a serious transgression of the U.S.

There were many complaints about services provided by the Veterans Administration which Trump corrected. We take issue with that. The problems were caused by the incompetence of the Trump Administration. Trump’s response was to discipline and fire 4,000 employees. He needed a scape goat for his incompetence.

The biggest wilderness protection and conservation bill ever came during Trump’s time in office. We consider that inconsequential when you consider Trump failed to consider climate change as the biggest threat facing the U.S.

A number of agreements were made in the middle east to bring peace. We think the biggest threat to peace in the middle east is aggression by Israel. Recently Israel unleased hundreds of rockets against their peaceful neighbors even though their neighbors did not attempt to invade them. Peace is meaningless unless we can curtail aggression by Israel.

The Dow Jones closed at new highs more that 100 times under Trump. How can yo claim that as a success? In a Capitalist Society workers are exploited for profit. Under Trump this exploitation was rampant.

Under Trump historic tax cuts were made. That was a disaster. Taxes should have been raised by a lot . We have so many needs such as infrastructure, climate change. debts of former college students and providing people with their wants and the only way to do this is to raise taxes. People really want taxes raised to meet these needs and Trump betrayed them.

Trump stopped rampant illegal immigration. That was horrible to deny people their right to immigrant to the United States. We should tear down the wall and let anyone who wants to come to the U.S. enter. It is an act of compassion that 100 per cent of immigrants support.

Compare Trumps failures with a little over 100 days of Biden’s Presidency. One of the the first things of our beloved Joe did was to cancel the pope line that would help the U.S. be energy independent and an exporter of oil. We should all write Joe a thank you note for limiting the use of oil and gas so we can have a cleaner environment. The people are willing to have gas prices doubled to prevent climate change.

Biden put an end to Trump’s heartless immigration polices. Biden is welcoming the people who feel it is their right to come to the U.S. Biden is willing to go the extra mile and even send airplanes to Central America to brings them here. He has overwhelming support from the people in the U.S.

Trump was a racist. He did not say racist things in public but we know what he was thinking. Biden on the other hand is proactive in getting the people in the U.S. properly educated. That is why he is promoting Critical Race Theory in our military. He wants everyone in uniform to recognize white privilege, white supremacy ,white rage and the evil effects of whiteness. Once white people in the military recognize their guilt they can make progress toward atoning for their sins.

Biden also wants to raise taxes after the Neanderthal
rates of Trump. Everyone knows that the more the government spends the more we have. We could write pages on the accomplishments of our great chairman Biden but it would make the blog too long.

This blog was was reviewed by the North American Communist Society, eight prominent Democrat who are also Marxists and did not want their identifies revealed and four fact checking organizations that Democrat Operatives set up to combat disinformation. We are proud that all of them gave us five stars for accuracy.

Every Student Should be Classified as Gifted

Those of us who remember Garrison Keeler’s Prairie Home Companion used to chuckle when he talked about the mythical community of Lake Woebegone where all the students were above average in intelligence. Recently we discovered a Lake Woebegone Community actually exists. It is called Loudon County, Virginia which is a suburb of Washington, D.C. At a recent High School Graduation there the principal proudly announced that 80 per cent of the graduating class were members of the National Honor Society. Families and friends of the graduates enthusiastically clapped. We feel it is unlikely that 80 percent of the graduation class had actually earned a 3.65 grade average. We think it could happen in a gifted school that choses those who attend, But in a public school which has to accept every student in a community? No.

However we are intrigued by the concept of every child in school being gifted. In our society where not having hurt feelings and having high self esteem is much more important than achievement, why not disburse grades so that every student gets a 3.65 point average. Think of how proud the parents would be if they could say their child was a member of the National Honor Society. Think of the feeling of high self esteem a student would have just knowing they are in the National Honor Society

This would level the playing field in college admissions. Some racial minorities are shut out of certain school because they do not do as well on their grades as those who have white privilege or Asian privilege. Our grading system should be more comprehensive. Why not give students extra points for participating in demonstrations against injustice, white supremacy or just being a member of an oppressed minority? Committees could be set up in schools to determine what actions or groups should get extra points.

Once we resolve all the issues of systemic disadvantages in high school we should began tackling the same issues in higher education. First is the admission issues. SAT’s and ACT’s prevent a lot of disadvantaged youth from getting into college because of the quality of education they received. It is time to get rid of SAT’s and ACT’s. Colleges should have a more balanced approach to admissions and award slots to their campuses based on the percentage of the population each ethnic or racial group represents. This approach would eliminate the discrimination that is systemic in our society.

Next all students should get A’s and B’s in their classes. This would eliminate the hurt feelings that occur when students get a low grade. Next there should be no class attendance requirements for classes. Each student should be trusted to decide which activities are most important to them. For instance some students may feel their social skills are weak and feel they need to spend more time at parties developing their social skills. There are great advantages for students to know they are trusted to make the right decisions for themselves.

This information in this blog if followed does not guarantee individual success. We take no responsibility if the things we suggest do not make you beautiful, intelligent, personable, sexy, rich, or prevent you from having bad breath. However we believe if all these suggestions are followed we will live happily ever after.

The Biden-Harris Train to No where

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris make a President and Vice President Team that may be the worst in United States History. The Democratic National Committee picked Joe to run because he was alleged to be a moderate and might have a chance to upset someone that they in collaboration with
corrupt organizations, often referred to the main stream news, painted Donald Trump as an extremist and a racist. Neither charge was true but those corrupt organizations do not embrace truth. It has been alleged that the left leaning Democrats along with other left wing organizations committed fraud to get Joe elected. The Democrats and the main stream news organizations went ballistic claiming the people making that claim were extremists and conspiracy theorists. They screamed so loud it appeared they had something to hide. Otherwise they would have relished having audits to prove their claims. The Democrats have been fighting in multiple states to prevents audits. Why are they trying to suppress audits? There have been irregularities in multiple states. Were these enough to flip the election? We will never know if Democrats continue to succeed in preventing audits.

Two big questions remain. Was the fraud enough to flip the election? If wide spread fraud happened were the real conspirators able to destroy the evidence? Maybe no to the second question since Democrats are trying so hard to stop audits.

Now Attorney Garland admitted he wrote a letter to The Arizona Senate Leader Karen Fann expressing concern about having an audit. A plan to canvass voters to determine if they actually live at the listed address on the voter rolls was planned. AG Garland managed to stop that under the guise that voters might be intimidated. Why would someone be intimidated by someone trying to verify their address? Democrats are concerned that the public might find out there was fraud in people voting who did not exist. AG garland is pushing Congress to pass new voting laws. We thought the Justice Department was supposed to enforce laws not make them. Hans Von Spakosky of the Heritage Foundation said Garland’s claims about voting suppression are demonstratively false. Non other than the Attorney General of Virginia, Mark Herring who many consider corrupt, praised Garland’s actions which gives credence to Von Spakosky’s comments.

Biden and Harris. who may be illegitimate office holders , are working hard to destroy the United States. In addition to having his attorney General working to suppress investigations of voter fraud he has committed crimes in ignoring our immigration laws. The Democrats tried to impeach Donald Trump on trumped up charges and now when their own Joe Biden is breaking our immigration laws they looked the other way. We think it likely that Biden’s Marxist Advisors told him to appoint Harris to oversee the border crisis. It is also likely they suggested this arrangement since they thought she was too incompetent for that job or because they thought she could easily be manipulated to do nothing. When she says we need to find the root causes of why illegal immigrants are coming there is a problem. Even a fifth grader would understand illegal immigrants are coming because Biden invited them to hoping to destabilize the United States. Kamala Harris is a dedicated progressive or in today’s definition a dedicated Marxist. Marxists see an open border policy as a way to further weaken the U.S. by bankrupting it through supporting millions of illegal immigrants and allowing criminals and terrorists into the U.S. to destroy law and order.

In addition to Biden’s blunder on the border he is still making them. He just released one billion dollars of our tax money to California for their infamous bullet train which critics have called a “trip to no where”. Federal funding was stopped because of mismanagement from cost over runs and delays. Apparently Biden is not concerned with mismanagement since he is an expert in that field. Can we assume contractors who contributed to a lot of Democrat fund raisers called on good ole Joe to cough up taxpayers money so they could enrich themselves on the train to no where? Do we need to remind you that social security funds are almost depleted? Look for the California Democrats to come back for more money later.

Now Joe is negotiating with Iran, a terrorist nation that promises to do good and continues to do bad. What fool would do that? If you answered Joe Biden you get an A. And did you notice after Biden cancelled the pipe line that would have helped the U.S. be energy independent in oil and gas and approved one for Russia? Apparently Joe in his unparalleled wisdom realized what is bad for the U.S. is good for Russia. Does the Biden crime family still have investments in Russia?

Joe and Kamala need to be removed from office. What are your ideas for legally removing them from office? Remember impeachment is not an option. The Democrats control both the House and Senate and would not impeach a partner in crime.`

This is an opinion blog for conservatives and people of faith.