Can Joe Biden Destroy The United States in Four Years?

When  the Founding Fathers worked together to write a Constitution they envisioned a Republic with elected officials who served in office motivated by love of country and their fellow man. They realized that some would do evil so they set up a system of checks and balances with a President, two legislative bodies and a Supreme Court to thwart the evil designs of men. Never did they realize that so many would seek office just to gain power and seek riches through untoward deals through political connections.

This brings up Joe Biden, Joe Biden has spent most of his life in politics. Somehow he was able to become a multimillionaire in government service. Taking his son with him to China gives a clue to how Joe made his millions. The Chinese needed influence in American Political Circles and saw a great opportunity to help Hunter Biden and a business partner to set up a business in China. But does Joe prosper from Hunter’s business? According to e-mails sent to family on Hunter’s lost laptop he claimed he had to give half of his ill-gotten earnings to the big guy. I wonder who the big guy could be? Then there was the Ukraine adventure. Hunter as placed on the board of a company in Ukraine, although he had no expertise, and was paid a lot of money for his ignorance. When that company was investigated for corruption in Ukraine Joe threatened to cut off aid to Ukraine it the prosecutor was not fired. He was fired. Joe is not the guy in the white hat.

Joe has been compromised by these shady dealings, particularity in China. We have an acute shortage of gasoline. According to Senator Marco Rubio Biden is letting half a billion barrels of oil be exported to China every day. It would be bad to stop exporting oil to the people who hate us in China. They might retaliate by closing the Biden Family Business there.

And who does Joe blame for the high gas prices? Surprisingly enough it was not Donald Trump, but Mr. Putin the Russian Dictator. Many experts say the causes of today’s 40 year record inflation proceeds the war in Ukraine. Biden calls the gas hikes Putin’s Gas hikes when they are The Biden Communist Regime’s gas hikes. Putin was not the one who cancelled the gas pipeline nor set up obstacles to drilling oil. Ross McKitrick, an expert on energy said “Most of the gas price increase was caused by domestic restraint on the supply side”. Biden and his Communist Regime did that.

Now we come back to removing politicians from office. Joe Biden has been involved in shady business deals and illegally allowing foreigners to enter the United States and using taxpayer money to support them. For these two acts alone he should be impeached. But that will not happen. Corrupt people, like a mafia family, look out for each other. If one corrupt politician is impeached they could be next.

When Joe was running for president his corrupt campaign managers kept him out of public view to hide his senility. If Joe were tried in court today the court would likely rule him incapable of understanding the charges against him. Meanwhile the country is being run by a group of communist advisors in the White House. The Democratic Party has, since Barack Obama, whose favorite professor I college was a Marxist, embraced Marxism.

What will happen in the next two and a half years? Will the Marxist feel confident enough, like Hitler, to openly take over all of the government not just the presidency? Or will they feel they need more time to solidify their position? If the latter is their position expect a replay of the last election when millions of un- traceable votes came in by mail to elect Joe. Will the Republicans prevent fraud? They did not last election and likely will not next election.

The Biden Communist Regime has set up a misinformation board to attempt to suppress free speech. He is even threatening schools with loss of funding if they do not teach the communist doctrine known as Critical Race Theory. He is requiring this evil to be taught in the military . To what end? Probably to divide the military by race.

The Marxist are running the country. If you plan on voting them out of office they have plans to stop you. It is called untraceable mail in votes with Democratic Poll Workers certifying them. The 2000 mules documentary gave insight into how ballot boxes were stuffed by people going to dozens of ballot drop boxes. They got away with last election. That will be considered a warm up to the next election when the criminals will be more brazen.  

This is a blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.   

A Dedicated Father in the Home is Irreplaceable

When God placed Adam in the Garden of Eden he then declared it is not good for man to be alone. He did not make that statement because he suddenly realized Adam needed company. He was stating an eternal principle that we all need to be part of a family with a father, mother and children. Indeed, he commanded them to multiply (have children). He gave Adam a wife and commanded him to cleave to her and no other woman. This commandment was meant to apply to all men on earth. When Adam and Eve had children, Adam then became a father. Father is an eternal word and is the word our Father in Heaven wants us to use in referring to him. David Blankenhorn, author of Fatherless America said “Today American Society is fundamentally divided and ambivalent about the fatherhood idea. Some people do not even remember it. Others are offended by it. Others, including more than a few family scholars neglect it or disdain it. Many others are not especially opposed to it nor are especially committed to it. Many people wish we could act on it but believe society simply no longer can or will.”

In spite of the emphasis God put on families many prefer to ignore it. By the will of God the father is to lead their family in love and righteous and to protect their families from danger including spiritual dangers. Fathers are irreplaceable. Study after study of families prove that children growing up in a home without a father tend to have more failures in life than those who do. Whether it is a lack of education to enable them support themselves, a life of in and out of jail or a life of poverty they suffer from not having a father figure in the home. Now some will say they know children who grew up without a father in the home and they did well in life. There are some and I applaud the mothers who reared them and their children’s ambition’s but they are the exceptions rather than the rule. Years of research in families show this. Years ago I was trying to convince a man who had a child out of wedlock that he should be involved in his child’s life. He told me that he did not have a father in his life and he had done fine. His life was living proof of the need of a father in the home. He had little education or training to enable him to support himself or the child. He acted irresponsible by having a child out of wedlock and probably sentencing both the mother and child to a life of poverty. How different his life might have been if he had a devoted father in his home when he was growing up. A good father wants his children to succeed. And I do not consider barely being able to support themselves and having a child out of wedlock makes you a success. Making sacrifices by a father to support and rear children is difficult but brings great rewards as they watch their children succeed.

Children need to experience seeing their father love and take care of them, their mother and others. They need a father who will show by example how to love and respect them and their mother. They need a father who will teach them to work and serve family members and others. They need a father who will teach them how to take care of their property and hopefully repair things needed at home. They need a father to teach them to serve God and their fellow man. When we have strong caring families we have a strong society.

There are many attacks on families in our society done by Marxists in our education system. Children are even being taught to embrace teachings that the family that God decreed is not acceptable. While banning the teachings of God they are indoctrinating children to accept Un Godly life styles. They are promoting their own religion in the schools which is Marxism. They are an important and perhaps the most important group in the Democrats “Big Tent” with their counterfeit religion. Surveys have indicated that about 40% of Democrats do not believe in God. We do not know what percentage of Democrats are Marxist but we do know some Democrats are labeling some Biblical Teachings as hate speech. As you know some crimes receive extra charges if the victim is black and the perpetrator is white. Some Biblical teachings condemn homosexual Behavior. How long will it be before Democrats push through laws punishing anyone who condemns such behavior calling it a hate crime.

The Democrats are fond of quoting what is claimed to be an African Proverb that “It Takes Village to Raise a Child”. I think what appeals to the Democrats is Village really means Government. Democrats feel that Government is superior to the family in raising a child. You hear the Democrats promoting big government but rarely do they mention families influence on children

What this country needs is not more government agencies but encouragement of strong families. A good father is important in teaching children to follow the commandments of God and serve others. When Jesus was asked which is the greatest commandment his answer was to love God which implies the hearer will keep his commandments. He then went on to say the second was like unto it and that was to love our neighbor as ourselves. What a wonderful world this would be if everyone followed the Ten commandments and treated everyone as they wanted to be treated.

I understand that some women have to rear children alone because of death of a husband, or divorce or having a child out of wedlock. I am sorry if that is your lot in life and I appreciate the difficulty of rearing children alone. I am just the messenger. God chose the ideal situation in life and that is to be in a family with a righteous father and mother rearing children to serve him.

This is an opinion blog for conservatives and people of faith.

When God placed Adam in the Garden of Eden he then declared it is not good for man to be alone. He did not make that statement because he suddenly realized Adam needed company. He was stating an eternal principle that we all need to be part of a family with a father, mother and children. Indeed, he commanded them to multiply (have children). He gave Adam a wife and commanded him to cleave to her and no other woman. This commandment was meant to apply to all men on earth. When Adam and Eve had children, Adam then became a father. Father is an eternal word and is the word our Father in Heaven wants us to use in referring to him. David Blankenhorn, author of Fatherless America said “Today American Society is fundamentally divided and ambivalent about the fatherhood idea. Some people do not even remember it. Others are offended by it. Others, including more than a few family scholars neglect it or disdain it. Many others are not especially opposed to it nor are especially committed to it. Many people wish we could act on it but believe society simply no longer can or will.”

In spite of the emphasis God put on families many prefer to ignore it. By the will of God the father is to lead his family in love and righteousness and to protect his family from danger including spiritual dangers. Fathers are irreplaceable. Study after study of families prove that children growing up in a home without a father tend to have more failures in life than those who do. Whether it is a lack of education to enable them support themselves, a life of in and out of jail or a life of poverty they suffer from not having a father figure in the home. Now some will say they know children who grew up without a father in the home and they did well in life. There are some and I applaud the mothers who reared them and their children’s ambition but they are the exceptions rather than the rule. Years of research in families show this. Years ago I was trying to convince a man who had a child out of wedlock that he should be involved in his child’s life. He told me that he did not have a father in his life and he had done fine. His life was living proof of the need of a father in the home. He had little education or training to enable him to support himself or the child. He acted irresponsibly by having a child out of wedlock and probably sentencing both the mother and child to a life of poverty. How different his life might have been if he had a devoted father in his home when he was growing up. A good father wants his children to succeed. And I do not consider barely being able to support themselves and having a child out of wedlock makes you a success. Making sacrifices by a father to support and rear children is difficult but brings great rewards as they watch their children succeed.

Children need to experience seeing their father love and take care of them, their mother and others. They need a father who will show by example how to love and respect them and their mother. They need a father who will teach them to work and serve family members and others. They need a father who will teach them how to take care of their property and hopefully repair things needed at home. They need a father to teach them to serve God and their fellow man. When we have strong caring families we have a strong society.

There are many attacks on families in our society done by Marxists in our education system. Children are even being taught to embrace teachings that the family that God decreed is not acceptable. While banning the teachings of God they are indoctrinating children to accept Un Godly life styles. They are promoting their own religion in the schools which is Marxism. They are an important and perhaps the most important group in the Democrats “Big Tent” with their counterfeit religion. Surveys have indicated that about 40% of Democrats do not believe in God. We do not know what percentage of Democrats are Marxist but we do know some Democrats are labeling some Biblical Teachings as hate speech. As you know some crimes receive extra charges if the victim is black and the perpetrator is white. Some Biblical teachings condemn homosexual Behavior. How long will it be before Democrats push through laws punishing anyone who condemns such behavior calling it a hate crime.

The Democrats are fond of quoting what is claimed to be an African Proverb that “It Takes Village to Raise a Child”. I think what appeals to the Democrats is Village really means Government. Democrats feel that Government is superior to the family in raising a child. You hear the Democrats promoting big government but rarely do they mention families influence on children

What this country needs is not more government agencies but encouragement of strong families. A good father is important in teaching children to follow the commandments of God and serve others. When Jesus was asked which is the greatest commandments his answer was to love God which implies the hearer will keep his commandments. He then went on to say the second was like unto it and that was to love our neighbor as ourselves. What a wonderful world this would be if everyone followed the Ten commandments and treated everyone s they wanted to be treated.

I understand that some women have to rear children alone because of death of a husband, or divorce or having a child out of wedlock. I am sorry if that is your lot in life and I appreciate the difficulty of rearing children alone. I am just the messenger. God chose the ideal situation in life and that is to be in a family with a righteous father and mother rearing children to serve him.

This is an opinion blog for conservatives and people of faith.

An Interview with Charles Schumer, Democratic Party Leader in the Senate

This is not a real interview. We feel it is highly unlikely Mr. Schumer would interview with any organization which is not a Marxists Controlled News(propaganda) agency. Our “interview” includes what we think Chuck would say if we were able to interview him. Chuck graduated from Harvard and the Harvard Law School the bastion of leftist ideology. Here is our imaginary interview with Senator Charles Schumer:

Forum: Dinesh Sousa recently released 2,000 Mules, a documentary that suggested widespread fraud in the last Presidential Election. Did you see the film?

Senator Schumer: Absolutely not. The last election was the most secure in history. Everyone knows that. Why should I waste time watching extreme right misinformation? An intelligent person should not believe anything in that propaganda film Sousa is falsely promoting as a documentary. That film should be banned from distribution for national security reasons.

Forum: Then you think Joe Biden after spending most of the campaign sequestered in his home was the most popular presidential candidate ever?

Senator Schumer: Joe Biden was advised to stay away from crowds as much as possible because of Covid. He was too valuable a man for American to lose. I am sure Joe Biden was the most popular presidential candidate ever. The number of votes counted for him prove it. People had a miserable experience under the extremist Donald Trump and sent in millions of votes for Joe Biden in protest. Some were so upset with Trump that they voted more than once.

Forum: What is your opinion on the polls that indicate Joe Biden may be the most unpopular president ever?

Senator Schumer: Those polls are right wing disinformation. Our own sense of Joe’s popularity is from our own constituents who are very pleased with the job he is doing. President Biden inherited a government in disarray because of Donald Trump’s poor leadership. It is taking a while to rebuild people’s trust after Trump’s failed administration. Joe Biden kept us out of war in Russia and got us out of war in Afghanistan. The American   People are grateful for that.

Forum: With high gas prices and run-away inflation do you think that bodes well for the Democrats in the  coming November elections?

Senator Schumer: We think most Americans realize that gas prices were caused by the Trump administration and by the Russian-Ukraine War. President Biden has been negotiating with the Middle East oil exporters and Venezuela to produce more gas to reduce prices. Americans appreciate that effort. Some good will come out of high gas prices. Americans will switch to electric cars, and the world will be saved from extinction by pollution. Most Americans also realize the high inflation is due to the result of Trump’s failed economic policies, and we will soon have inflation under control.

Forum: Senator, polls indicate that the majority of people in the U. S. do not approve of the Biden administrations open borders policy. Do you think that policy should change?

Senator Schumer: We do not have an open border policy. Border patrol has not been disbanded. People coming into our country must check in with border patrol before entering the U. S. They are then dealt with humanely by giving them food and whatever else they need before dispersing them to the interior cities of the United States where they can be safe until a court hearing can be held to give them residency. These so-called polls you mentioned are done by the same disinformation groups that claim Joe Biden is unpopular and cannot be believed.  Americans are a welcoming and generous people and are excited about the new citizens coming in and want even more of them.

Forum: Senator, the Democratic Party has been accused of embracing Marxism, and some have even gone as far as saying the Democratic Party is a Communist Front organization. What is your response to this?

Senator Schumer: The Democratic Party is a “Big Tent.” We embrace many groups of people and are not a party for extremists and deplorables like the Republican Party. We are a safe haven for oppressed minorities who include all minorities. L,G,B,TQ,child-love practitioners +, labor unions and Marxists. Each has a voice and we Democrats listen to them.

Forum: Senator, we have one last question. If the Democrats win overwhelming majorities in both the House and the Senate in the upcoming November election, what are some of the plans the Democratic Party has for the country?

Senator Schumer: We have many. Some we have already started. We expect to win in November as millions of Americans thanks to mail-in voting will vote Democratic. The misinformation department in the Justice Department will be greatly expanded. We plan to make misinformation a federal crime with long prison terms. Fact checkers have revealed that Donald Trump told thousands of lies while he was in office. Plans are being made to charge him with misinformation so he can be sent to federal prison, so he can never hold office again.

We plan to give the right to vote to everyone who is residing in the United States. They are contributing much to our society, and we think they should have that right. We will do away with the border patrol and replace them with welcoming stops. Everyone who comes into the U. S. should be welcomed. We plan on issuing a tax on the white oppressors, which will include every white person who is not a registered Democrat. These taxes will be used to pay reparations to all non-white people for white people’s past oppressions. Karl Marx had some great ideas. We plan to make the Communist Manifesto an integral part of the curriculum for K-12 schools. We plan to make the Democratic Party the sole political party in the United States. Since the party looks after all the oppressed, there is no need for any other party. We plan to confiscate all guns from private citizens. In communist countries this has worked so well in preventing violent crime. All property will be given to the government.  Too many people have too much wealth while others suffer. The government will decide how to justly distribute this property.

Finally, we will enlarge the Supreme Court with people who believe as we do. This will prevent the court from ruling against the plans we have to fundamentally change the United States and make it a just society.

Forum: Thank you for your time, Senator Schumer.

Senator Schumer: My pleasure. Those of you who are involved with the Forum might want to find another way to spend your time before November comes.

This is a blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.

The Appeal of Marxism

What is it about Marxism that appeals to people? Since Marxism is so class conscious let us talk about classes of people who are drawn to Marxism. One group we will label class 3 people. They are uneducated. They are not just uneducated, but they have no ambition. No pulling themselves up by their own bootstraps. No making sacrifices to better their lives. Blaming others for their incompetence. Many of them live on the West Coast in tent cities where they live with other class 3 people and get the distorted view that their way of life is normal, and the way things should be.

California is a welcoming place for class 3 people. The Democratic Party is in control, and they love class 3 people because they are reliable Democratic Party Voters. They will welcome as many as they can get to keep voting them into office so they can keep the power and adulation they worked so hard for. These elites are also in a position to work deals that bring more wealth to themselves. For class 3 people they are susceptible to Marxist Propaganda, which the Democrats have embraced, saying that the rich-anyone with an income of over $100,000 a year-are not paying their fair share of taxes. Class 3 people love to hear about a guaranteed annual income and “rich people” sharing their hard earned income with them. Just like the illegal immigrants Comrade Biden has convinced they are entitled to United States Citizenship the class 3 people think they are entitled to other people’s money. Class 3 people make good useful idiots for the Democratic party.

Then there are the class 2 people. They have been indoctrinated in Marxist Philosophy which only teaches lies and are never encouraged to examine how Marxism works in practice. They are those  who are ever learning and never able to find the truth. They are fools who dream of utopia which never existed and never will in a Marxist Nation.  Some will take the position that the horrors under Stalin or Mao are necessary to get to a fabled Marxist Utopia. Well Russia never got to Utopia and the repressive Chinese Communists are not getting closer to utopia.

Some class 2 people claim that Stalin and Mao were not practicing Communism when they were killing off millions of people which is a lie. That is the essence of Communism to abuse anyone who stands in the way of the “great leaders” rise to power. The dedicated Marxists take the position that sometimes these things are necessary to accomplish the greater good. So how morally bankrupt are class 2 people?

Class 2 people have plenty of time to riot since many of them live off the income of their grossly incompetent parents or live in the basement of their parent’s homes because they were not taught to be adults. Class 2 people are loved by the Marxist Elites. Class 2’s are fools enough to march with Marxists such as Black Lives matter or Antifa whose goals are the destruction of freedom clothed in a lie that they are working for social justice. Could the Marxists ask for more obedient useful idiots than class 2 people?

Do the class 3 and class2 people make up a majority of the people in the United States? Not by a long shot. One reason why Marxism if making some many inroads in the United States is they have been able to get millions of useful idiots to give them money or march with them in their efforts to overthrow our government. A useful idiot is someone who supports a movement without understanding what their real goals are. If you have marched with BLM or Antifa you are a useful idiot and a fool. It is instructive to see what one BLM organizer did with money donated to their “equality goals”. Bought some expensive homes in neighborhoods where nearly all the residents were oppressive white people.

Now we can talk about class 1 people, the elites, the great leaders. It has been said it is the nature of nearly all men when they gain power they will immediately take unrighteous dominion. That is why you have Joe Biden, Charles Schumer, Bernie Sanders, Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff and a host of other people we could name.

The Marxists seek unrighteous dominion even before they gain power. They thrive on power and will do whatever it takes illegal or legal to gain that power. It is said that two of the greatest motivators of men are money and power. If Marxists can get power they can also get their hands on the taxpayers’ money. Class 1 people are the vilest people on earth. There is nothing they will not do to their opponents to remain in power. They know that Marxism is evil and ungodly but they support it for personal gain. There are also vile people such as wealthy people, college professors, government workers and others who support Marxism thinking if the Marxist gain power they can gain riches or retain power.

This is an opinion blog for conservatives and people of faith.

A Secret White House Meeting

Mr. president. We your advisors have set up this meeting because we are alarmed that the extreme right might take control of the House and Senate this November and stop the great progressive gains  that our party has made since you have been in office. The polls seem to indicate that the majority of the people will vote Republican in November. We are horrified to think that Donald Trump might run and be elected in the next Presidential election. Any thing we can do to keep control of the government makes it right. We need to be sure the Republicans do not win the house and Senate this coming November by any means necessary. We worked tirelessly last presidential election and managed to come up with enough ballots to win and must do better next election.

Must I tell you how extremely important it is to keep confidential anything that is said in this meeting? If the Republicans get wind of our plans they could stop us cold or even have us charged with treason. First order of business is our Chinese Partners are working on a new virus to replace Covid. They plan to infect Chinese who are traveling to the United States this summer. It is expected this virus will spread rapidly causing the Center for Disease Control to recommend quarantining everyone. No suspicions will arise because of CDC’s prior behavior. Then Mr. President you can issue an executive order allowing only mail in ballots. The people are used to your executive orders and will readily accept it. Then we can get millions of ballots mailed in that will give you a landslide victory.

We expect the Republicans to file a suit so we have a plan for that. We will set up a right wing organization claiming to fight vote fraud , but it will actually be our people role playing. They will file suit in a court where the judges are our people and will uphold your executive order. Our people will immediately appeal as a further delaying tactic. By the time this case gets to the supreme court we will have enough numbers in the House and Senate to pack the court with our people to get your executive order upheld.

With overwhelming numbers in the Senate and House we will be able to revise The Constitution so it is in agreement with Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto. We will also be able to quash right wing extremists and outlaw the Republican Party. We know these ignorant people might rebel but we feel confident we have enough of our people in key leadership positions in the military to support our Commander in Chief and destroy these right wing extremists.

We have a plan B just in case the new virus does spread as rapidly as we hope and we cannot implement our mail in ballot scheme before the next elections. Our people in the FBI are willing to claim they have uncovered a massive conspiracy among the far right to take control of the government just like they tried do on Jan, 6, 2020. They are even now planning to implement action if the virus does not produce this desired result. They will immediately arrest and jail thousands of Republican Lawmakers and you, Mr. President, can issue an executive appointing our people to complete their unfinished term in office. With our people in both the senate and house we can get any bill passed necessary to suppress the right wing deplorables. Chuck Schumer said if we have the political power we can fundamentality change the government of the United States and that is our plan. Marxism will soon be our reality.

We do have some concerns about an insurrection from the extreme right. The plan is to arrest Donald Trump and put him in solitary confinement so he cannot communicate with his extreme right followers. We will also need an emergency executive order to close all misinformation news agencies such as OAN, Fox News and Newsmax. Our people in what we call the main stream news media will only get to the people the information we want them to hear.

We are very concerned that millions of right wing extremists have guns and our military will be outgunned. We have plans to “cover all the bases” Our Generals in the military have developed friendships with Chinese Generals. One of our Generals even promised the General of the Chinese Army he would warn him if the U.S. started making plans to attack China. Some of our Generals are deeply devoted to Marxism. They have also developed close friendships with Chinese Generals and can get their cooperation if we need Chinese Troops to help us put down an insurrection. We may need as many as one million Chinese Troops to put down an insurrection and they may have to be here a long time in order for us to arrest and try all the insurrectionists.

Disclaimer: A source has informed the Forum that this meeting took place on May 5, 2022. We have not yet been able to corroborate the source’s information, but we will diligently pursue all leads. This is an opinion blog for conservatives and people of faith.

Why We Need Families

When I speak of family I am speaking of what has been considered a family from the beginning of recorded history which is a man, a woman and children. The modern- day description of a family by Ungodly People is a group of people who live in the same household. I realize some couples are unable to have children, some parents through death or divorce from abusive spouses have to rear children alone and they are no less a family but my focus here is on what we used to consider traditional families. Where possible this is the best situation for children to be in if the parents are committed to each other. God chose families with a father and mother as the best place for his children to have stability, be taught his laws, find happiness and learn to live their life in a manner that will enable them to come into his presence. To live in a household with a mother and father does not guarantee the possibilities I just mentioned. You need both parents committed to the goals God has for us. That is what I would consider a strong family. It has oft been said where you have strong families you have strong communities. Families are the basic foundational social units in all human communities around the world.

Pope Francis. of the Catholic Church, made these comments at a Vatican Conference of religious leaders of all faiths. “We now live in a culture of the temporary, in which more and more people are simply giving up on marriage as a public commitment. This revolution in manners and morals has often flown the flag of freedom, but in fact it has brought spiritual and material devastation to countless human beings, especially the poorest and most vulnerable. It is always they who suffer most in this crisis. Those who give themselves over to the poisonous mentality of the temporary, should be revolutionaries with the courage to seek true and lasting love and going against the common patterns”

David Brooks a columnist with the New York Times said this. “People are not better off when they are given maximum personal freedom to do whatever they want. They are better off when they are enshrouded in commitments that transcend personal choice-commitments to family, God, Craft and Country.”

God organized us into families where we could be taught the gospel, learn to serve others, learn to be unselfish, learn to work, learn to love and to learn compassion. In a home where those things are taught we find refuge, peace and happiness. Public opinion polls still show that the majority in every age group still consider marriage between a man and woman as the ideal.

A review of the benefits to a child living with a committed mother and father from my internet browsing was fascinating. Families set the stage for future relationships by providing a model for children to follow. Children learn to relate to a future spouse by observing their parents. When life gets hard children need support and acceptance and they can get that emotional support from their parents. All my children were Honors Students. One daughter felt like she did not belong there and all the other students were smarter that she. l had to reassure her she was a smart girl and she belonged in honors and she stuck to her studies. Our reward was she was later accepted into three difficult to get into Universities and got to choose which one she wanted to attend.

Where families are strong communities are strong. Committed parents do not let their children roam the streets so their children do not get involved in drugs or crime making their communities better places to live. Even simple things like parents being home to have meals together has a positive outcome. Pediatrics Magazine reported that children who have meals with their families consistently do better in school than students who do not. Families are a source of encouragement and affection. One study even indicated that daughters whose fathers were affectionate were less likely to be promiscuous. Children in stable homes have fewer issues with mental illness throughout their lives than children in unstable homes. Children in stable families tend to have healthier relations with others throughout their lives.

A 2009 Cornell University Study found that children in two parent homes were less likely to have substance abuse problems such as smoking, drinking, drugs and less likely to be sexually active and more likely to have long lasting romantic relationships. Other studies show that children in two parent homes have better physical and dental health, have fewer injuries requiring medical attention and are less affected by asthma, headaches and less likely to miss more that 11 days of school in the school year.

A report from the AET-Brookings Working Group on childhood in the U.S. indicated that on average children who live with two parents who are committed to each other have a stable home life, more economic resources, more likely to be wanted and welcomed by the parents and more likely to flourish.

Are there disadvantages to children being in a two- parent home? One that I can think of is your Marxist Neighbors will not be pleased. They and their useful idiot helpers are trying to destroy families and replace them with a Marxist Society so everyone can be equally miserable.

This is an opinion blog for conservatives and people of faith.

A Case for Dumping the Democrats

A two-party system has served the United States well for a long time but it is now time to dispatch the Democratic Party to the dumpster. In countries that have many political parties vying for power it is chaotic to reach a consensus with so many factions fighting for control. However, with two parties, in theory, they will have to compromise to pass laws that will benefit most of the citizens. When politicians are elected they will often become more motivated by power and opportunities to enrich themselves through deals with other corrupt people and are not likely to act in accordance with desires of the people. In a two-party system the party out of office would have the numbers with support from independents to depose the corrupt politician through the election process. A two-party system has the ability to remove corrupt politicians either Democrat or Republican from office. While a two-party system is good, one of them does not have to be the Democrat Party. It is likely that the Democrats have been so infiltrated by Marxists they cannot be redeemed so it would be ideal for the good people in the Democrat Party to separate themselves into another party and let the Democrat party die.

Why do we need to dump the Democratic Party? The Democratic party in an attempt to be the idealistic “party of the people” in their “Big Tent” philosophy has reached out to every radical group they can find to be a part of their ”Big Tent”. And to keep these fringe groups in their tent they make commitments and compromises to appease many small minorities while ignoring the desires of the majority of the citizens. That is one reason why Comrade Biden’s approval rating is so low. What is so frightening is the Democrats have embraced Marxism in their tent. Marxists are intent on destroying the United States and taking away our God Given Freedoms. Democrats have embraced them because they think Marxism is the wave of the future and they can make deals with Marxists to keep themselves in power. What do they care about the well being of the people of the U.S. if they can have the things most Democrat Politicians desire which is power and control and the opportunity to enrich themselves? Democrats embraced Bernie Sanders, who claims to be a Socialist not a Marxist, and invited him to caucus with them in the Senate and embraced him as a candidate in the Democratic Primaries for President.  The very wealthy Bernie can be described as a Capitalist Practitioner who wears Marxist Clothes. Since he has plenty of room in his mansion and resort property we trust he provides free lodging in his homes for the homeless since his heart bleeds compassion.

In addition to Comrade Bernie the Democrats embraced four other people who many consider Marxists, known disparagingly as the squad, and helped them to get elected to the House. The goal of Marxists Politicians is to replace our government with a Marxist one and they have the full support of the Democratic Party. Their Green Raw Deal which Comrade Biden supports has resulted in huge increases in the prices of gasoline, diesel fuel and gas or oil for heating. Since so much of our consumer goods move by truck nearly everything we buy has skyrocketed in price.

Biden and his Communist Advisors are working hard to destroy the U.S. The Biden Regime is breaking the law by welcoming in millions of illegal immigrants into the U.S. And do you need to be reminded that even if Comrade Joe welcomes them they are still illegals? It is frightening to have a president who breaks the law and no one can hold him accountable. The Republicans are totally inept when it comes to Biden breaking the law. Biden’s Executive Orders are also unconstitutional and some Judges have so ruled. Biden’s response is to continue to break the law. What can be done to free us from this mad communist? Surely there are enough brilliant legal minds n the U.S. to come up with a plan to hold this criminal Biden accountable for his acts.

The Democrats and the Communists have learned recently they can impose their will on the people with little fear of being held accountable. Breaking the law brings little outrage. Locking down people and insisting they get vaccines that do not prevent infections brought a sheep mentality to the citizens. Government Officials repeatedly lie to the citizens and are not held accountable. Breaking the law by government officials brings little outrage.

What is the Republican response to all this? They say wait until the next election. These are the same people who were outflanked by the Democrats in the last election. The Democrats came up with mail in ballots that could not be verified for an audit, ballots being delivered in the middle of the night , organizing “mules” to bring in “harvested ballots, ’voting machines that were off limits to audits, the political power to prevent audits, illegal vote counting in the middle of the night after election watchers were sent home and being able to prevent verifying address of voters by claiming voters would be intimidated even though the voting was over and working with the the news media to attack people who questioned the results of the vote by calling them conspiracy theorists.

For all of these crimes there was very little real auditing done and very few people were held accountable. A recent Rasmussen/Heartland Survey shows that the majority of likely voters have an unfavorable opinion of Comrade Biden and his policies. With all this unfavorable reaction from the citizens what has been the Democrats response? They continue policies that are against the will of the people such as setting up a Government Disinformation Board which is a free speech control board. If this censure board is allowed to continue it will just be a matter of time before any opinions opposed to the official lies of government agents will be criminalized. Did Comrade Biden consult with the Chinese Communists on this? They have such a board with a different name.

The Democrats are so confident they can provide enough votes to win by a landslide in spite of Comrade Joes’ unpopularity they continue in their current course. It can be done. After all the Chinese Communists win by a landslide every election. If it can be done in China, why not here the Democrats ask. What the Democrats were able to accomplish in the last election was just a warmup. Evil minds came up with questionable things that were unprecedented in our history. What will they come up with in the next election? They outsmarted the Republicans in the last election and are even now conspiring to do so again.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and people of Faith.

Biden’s new Misinformation Board

Elon Musk has called for an investigation of left wing groups that are calling for large companies in the U.S. to boycott twitter if they sell to him. In plain English these groups are concerned that free speech will expose their communist conspiracy to destroy the U.S. Some left wing groups are said to have sent letters to Coca Cola, Kraft and Disney encouraging them to boycott twitter if it is sold to Musk. These big businesses have executives sympathetic to Marxist Ideology. The groups sending the letters are said to be Black Lives Matter, Network Foundation, NARAL, Pro Choice America, Women’s March, Mothers for America and GLAAD which are said to be either communist front organizations or have similar goals. They are trying to destroy families, overthrow the government of the U.S. and take away free speech and replace it with Marxist Ideology. Good luck to Elon in getting an investigation. The Democrat Party is in control of this country right now and Marxists are a big part of their “Big Tent”. Corrupt people protect other corrupt people. The Democrats consider these groups allies in their quest to force a Marxist Government on the citizens of the U.S. What about the Republicans? Many of them are too timid to get involved. The Chinese Communists are all in on helping the U.S. become subservient to the Chinese. Tariffs on   U.S. goods we export to China are higher than tariffs on Chinese exports to the U.S. The Chinese have almost unrestricted access to US investing while the US companies have many restrictions in China. How did China get such unfair advantages? Joe Biden has said the world needs a rising China. What he means is giving China unfair advantages will increase the favorable treatment and income for his crime family’s business interests in China.

The latest Marxist program started by the Biden Regime is the Disinformation Board to fight “disinformation”. This in a government agency set up by the Biden Regime to spread Anti-American, Anti-Christian and Anti-Conservative propaganda. Nina Jankowicz has been chosen as executive director. She has been described as a radical leftist which makes her a good fit for the Biden Regime. She has been accused of disseminating misinformation to protect Hunter Biden and his famous laptop. She apparently accepted the lies told by the Marxist Press, often referred to as the mainstream news media, that the lost laptop was a Russian Hoax. The mainstream media has now admitted the laptop was not a hoax. Recently she said she was deeply troubled by a “free speech abolitionist’ buying twitter. This gives some insight into what we can expect from her. We can plan on anything critical of Marxist Ideology to be labeled as mis-information. Many have noted how this mis-information board appears to be inspired by the Ministry of Truth described in George Orwell’s classic 1984. Biden’s communist advisors had to act fast on this. It is surprising the Biden Regime did not name the mis-information Board the Ministry of truth and make it a full cabinet agency. If twitter is stopped from censuring non Marxist ideas the government will take up the slack. If Musk succeeds in getting rid of censors those people will easily find employment in the Biden Regime to continue their evil


What is next for Satan and his Angels? Will the Bible and religious worship be labeled mis-information? That does not seem to be a stretch since research has indicated nearly half of all Democrats, the group in power currently, do not believe in God. The only way for Marxism to survive is to have total control of everyone. Gaining control would mean keeping truth from the people, hence the Biden Regime’s need for a Ministry of Truth. The Marxists are fearful that if Elon Musk can purchase their propaganda ally it can happen to their other allies. So the Biden Regime is setting up a department to control “disinformation” which in Marxist terminology is truth.

Some people have been looking forward to the November election thinking they can vote Biden and his Regime supporters out of office. Don’t count the victory before it happens. In the last election there were millions of mail in votes that could not be verified. The Democrats also had enough political power in swing states to prevent any audits. Their propaganda wing, the mainstream media ,started a campaign labeling anyone who questioned the legitimacy of the election extremist and conspiracy theorists. Even one corrupt federal agency head claimed people wanting an audit were trying to intimidate voters even though the voting was over. When some voting districts had more votes than registered voters the Democrats and their partners in crime said it is not unusual due to errors in counting eligible voters.

I cannot wait to see what the Democrats have planned for November. We could have more votes than registered voters in many voting jurisdictions. After all they got away with it last time. The votes were not de-certified and no one was held accountable. Based on Biden’s unpopularity the key to the Democrats winning in November is votes that cannot be verified or preventing audits like they were able to do last election.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and people of Faith.

Boycott China!!!

Boycott China!!!

Vladimir Lenin, one of the world’s most evil men, and early organizer of Marxism is often said to have coined the words “useful idiots”. From what I have read it is questionable who actually coined the words “useful idiot”.  Marxists have perfected using useful idiots to accomplish their goals so it is not surprising that many associate the term with Lenin.  A useful idiot is someone who supports a cause without having a clue what the real goals of the movement are. A good example is Black Lives Matter. This organization claims to be a social justice movement when it is a communist front organization. Communists try to destroy Democracies by pitting economic classes against one another. Remember how vocal the Democrats are about the “rich paying their share of taxes”? Comrade Biden expressed that sentiment recently. Their fair share in Democrat terms is taking all their hard earned money and giving it to the Democrats so they can buy votes. Black Lives Matter changed their emphasis from pitting economic classes against each other to pitting races against one another and trashing our cities with the Democrat Leaders cheering them on.

Black Lives Matter received a lot of money from useful idiots to continue their mission of destroying the United States. In recent months we have received revelations of how Black Lives Matter is spending some of the woke money.  One of the BLM leaders has bought some expensive houses for herself so reports the news media. Will that dry up money from useful idiots? Probably not. Useful idiots are given that title for a reason. One thing for sure, the money taken in by BLM does not go to help Black People unless you consider trashing their neighborhoods a benefit to them.

While we are on the subject of useful idiots let’s talk about Joe Biden. Joe Biden has done all he can to destroy the United States by using Marxist inspired ideology and enforcing it with executive orders. If we can believe the polls 40 per cent of the people think Joe is doing a good job. Have 40 per cent of our citizens gone beyond being useful idiots and become useless idiots?

As everyone knows Marxist leaders are not interested in equality for the masses but insuring themselves a good income and power. The goal of Marxism is world dominion. They do not keep this a secret. Russia was once the leader in seeking world dominion. Once Russian Communism collapsed China took over that role. The Chinese are active throughout the world in their quest for world dominion. In third world countries they make loans to countries they know will not repay. They have agreements with those countries to take over whatever the loan is for if payment is not made. Suddenly that country has hundreds of “Chinese Managers”. Once the Chinese get in they can get control over government and have a puppet government and China is one more county closer to world dominion.

The Chinese are also very active in the U.S. They find people here who will sell our secrets for money. Many of the Chinese Nationals in the U.S. are also serving as spies. The Chinese set up propaganda schools on our nations campuses openly supported by the educational establishment. They are called Confucius Institutes which you can google. You can read propaganda supporting them or you can learn their main purpose.

The Chinese Communists will allow American Businesses into China as long as they play by Chinese Rules which include not criticizing them for abusing their citizens, following their censorship guides and even helping them spy on their own citizens. American Companies must also share their trade secrets with the Chinese. There are many American Businesses that will willingly agree to these terms as long as they can make money in China. They will sell their souls for money. It has been said that Marxism is about domination, repression, indoctrination, conformity and compliance.

In a recent article by Frank A. Yang he stated, “China dumps cheap products in foreign markets, providing excessive government subsidies to Chinese Companies helping them gain a larger market share. They also steal American Intellectual Property estimated in 2017 to be between $25 and $600 billion.  Before we buy anything look on the package to see if it is made in China. If it is, throw it back. Starve the beast that is trying to take over the world and take away your freedoms. You would not invite someone into your home who was planning to destroy you family’s way of life would you? Then why invite The Chinese Communists into the United States?

 Also Mr. Yang pointed out that local and state governments give Chinese Businesses subsidies which are believed to be about 1.7 billion since 2010 to bring businesses to the U.S. His article also stated that the Washington Post, after claiming for so long that accusations against the Biden Family of questionable business practices was Russian propaganda reversed field. They now agree that Hunter Biden’s laptop indicate the Biden Family Entities received $4.8 million from Chinese Interests.

Do you think now is the time to boycott everything Chinese? If our news media, government elected officials, government bureaucrats, business leaders and the education establishment is either bought off or indifferent should not this be the time for you to uphold freedom?

All the evil the Chinese Communists are doing requires money. And where do they get that money? Most of it comes from the United States for things manufactured in China. We the people of the U.S. can do what most of our institutions are unwilling to do and that is to take down a country that wants to destroy us. They way to do that is to cut off their money supply. We all need to join in a nationwide boycott of Chinese Goods.

Until Joe Biden issues an executive order prohibiting the designation of where things are manufactured to protect his cash flow we can be effective.

This is a blog for conservatives and people of faith.

The Miserable Failures of Joe Biden

In Comrade Biden’s first year in office 2.000.000 people illegally entered the United States with encouragement from an incompetent and corrupt president. And these are just the people who turned themselves in and not the thousands who slipped across the border, likely because they had criminal records. Joe is breaking the law and is committing treason and belongs in prison. The Republicans, who should be holding him accountable, for his crimes are either indifferent or too incompetent to figure out what to do about Criminal Joe. As you recall the Republicans were apologetic about wanting audits in the last election promising they were not trying to overthrow the election, presumably even if widespread fraud was occurring.

Think of how many trillions of dollars of the citizens taxes will be required to support these people, some for a lifetime. With Biden’s ending of title 42 restricting some illegals from entering the United States, it is estimated 500,000 will appear at our borders in conjunction with the repeal. Could there be as many as 20.000,000 people showing up at our borders while Crook Biden is in office? I do not believe the United States will have the resources or infrastructure to accommodate the ones who are already on their way to the borders. In short, you may live to see one of the richest countries in the world quickly become a third world country under Biden.

The Biden Regime has done so many things to destroy the country I do not think it is as simple as incompetence. Of course, he is incompetent but the things he is doing have to be deliberate. Biden and his Communist advisors have been flooding this country with illegal immigrants who they plan to make citizens shortly. They think these new citizens will vote Democratic and complete the transition they have already started to make the United States a communist country. It is likely that bankrupting the country is also in the Biden Regime’s plans. Remember the Communists are experts in convincing people that they, the Communists, can solve their problems. They can get the country out of bankruptcy by taxing the rich. They Communists can get two things accomplished: getting fools to believe them and getting their hands on rich people’s money while most of the people live in poverty. Even if the Communists did not keep these ill- gotten gains for themselves the wealth of all the “rich” in the United States would still not pay off the national debt.

As everyone knows by now Hunter Biden was paying part of his ill-gotten fortune from China and other places to the “big guy” according to his e-mail on his forgotten computer. Everyone but fools know Joe was the big guy.

Now it is believed that the Mexican Cartels make a lot more money from immigrants paying them for passage through Mexican to the U.S. than they do from the drug trade. So Joe is making the Cartels even richer by letting in illegal immigrants. Could it be the Cartels are delivering money to Joe too? Already China owns Joe. Why should the Cartels not own him as well? The Republicans think they can take back the House and Senate in the next election and neutralize Joe. Is this wishful thinking? Probably. As the other Joe, Joe Stalin, is alleged to have said, ‘It is not who votes but who counts the vote that matters. With Democratic leaning states having mail in ballots than cannot be verified, machine counters that are off limits to audits, and the ability to prevent any audits controlled by Democrats, I would say the Democrats might be in a position of winning by a landslide next election.

They likely will have advice from the Chinese Communist Party who have never lost an election. The Chinese Communist party is so beloved of the people that no one votes against them. Surely, the communists will teach the Democrats how to be so beloved and also how to count votes. Or maybe they taught vote counting before the last election. If Joe Biden lives to run in the next election he could get as many as 350,000,000 votes. Of course the estimated population of the U.S. is less than that but Democrats would point out population figures are only estimates and the majority of the people love Joe and his policies. We do not even know how many illegal immigrants are in the U.S. or how much they cost taxpayers. One estimate of the number of illegals put the number as high as 10,500,000 but no one really knows. It could be three times that. One so called fact check organization claims that Donald Trump’s estimate that illegal immigrants cost us between 200 and 275 billion each year is inaccurate.. Apparently their fact checking consisted of asking the opinion of four people . “200 billion seems inflated to me” said Randy Capps director of research for U.S. programs at the non-partisan Migration Policy Institute, “a little high ”said Robert Rector , a senior research fellow with the Heritage Foundation, “it sounds extraordinarily  high to me” said Meg Wiehe, deputy director of the nonpartisan Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy and “frankly absurd” said David Kallide , deputy director of the nonpartisan Fiscal Policy Institute told NBC News . No reason was given for these opinions which makes you lose confidence in fact checkers.

These fact checkers quoted another source as saying the bill was only $55 billion. Then the article admitted after attacking Trump that no one really knows how much illegal immigrants cost. Not to worry. After the US. collapses financially and turns to a communist society everyone will be equally poor and you will be happy because you will have great leaders. The good news is the national debt for each citizen as of July 30, 2021 was only $80,885.00. You can probably pay off your family’s share by the end of this year.

Is there any hope for our country’s survival beyond divine intervention or a real armed insurrection? Only time will tell but right now it does not look too promising.

This is an opinion blog for conservatives and people of faith.