Elon Musk’s Twitter Revelations

Elon Musk’s Twitter Revelations provided proof of what everyone, including the Democrats, already knew. Twitter was staffed with Democrat Party Partisans. They censored what they considered unfavorable information to the Democrats while giving service to the murderers running Iran and their puppets the Taliban. Even though it is likely that all Democrat Office Holders knew what was happening the only one known to complain to twitter was Representative Ro Khanna, a Democrat from California.

We now know the FBI was involved under orders from Merrick Garland of the Justice Department to investigate and harass those who were considered to be enemies of the Biden Regime. It did not take much to be an enemy. All you had to do was to be honest and oppose the Biden Regime’s Corruption. Garland, The Corrupt, was vigorously investigating the trespassers in the capital while ignoring the insurrection in the cities from two members of the Democrats “Big Tent”, Black Lives Matter and Antifa. We might point out most of the big city Democrat Mayors were either cheering on the insurrectionists or preventing police from arresting them.

The Democrats are so corrupt nearly everyone of them should be impeached. It will be a gigantic challenge to rid Washington of all the corrupt Democrats. This past election some Republican lost in the primary but this was an interparty thing. When corrupt Democrats get in power they usually serve until term limits take them out or they die in office.

Once the Republicans assume power in the house the American people should demand accountability. We need the Republicans to go after them with gusto. Those timid Republicans who are afraid they will hurt Democrats feelings should be shunned. Those Republicans who are afraid to criticize the Democrats because the left wing press will attack them should lose their committee assignments. There has been so much corruption everything cannot be investigated immediately. I am hoping the Republicans will prioritize and begin with investigations of the Biden Crime Family, collusion between the news and social media and the Democratic Party to censure free speech, the government office holders working with Federal Police to violate our rights and the breaking of immigration law by Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

Since the Biden Regime started breaking our immigration laws, tons of drugs have been pouring into our country taking thousands of lives. Biden and Harris are directly involved in the murdering of our people with illegal drugs. The Cartels have made millions on drugs and the Chinese who provide the Cartels with drugs have profited handsomely.  It makes you wonder if the Biden Crime Family is receiving Cartel Money. Biden is doing everything he can to destroy the United States. Evidence of his wrongdoing should come before the House which no doubt will make it necessary to impeach Joe and Kamala. Without those two, who seem to be puppets of the Chinese Communists Party, we can go a long way toward saving our Republic. Hearings should be held on collusion of social media, news media, Federal Police and the Democratic Party to violate our free speech and right to hear the truth. Hundreds of evil people should be indicted.

In spite of the American Communist News Media claiming the Republicans lost the last election the Republicans won the house and we the people should demand they take action against the criminals. Write to your Republican Representative and demand such. We have a right to demand that the Republicans will unite in righteous indignation against the criminals who have been controlling our country for the past two years.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and people of Faith.

Is the United States Being Run by Gangs?

Is the United States Now Being Run by Gangs?

An AP news release indicates a UN Aid Chief claims that 60 per cent of the Capital of Hati is under gang control. It is common knowledge that large areas of Mexico are controlled by criminal gangs know as cartels. It is also known that politicians in or outside of the areas the Cartels control in Mexico can be easily bribed by Cartel Money. So we see that in some countries gangs have an enormous amount of control. I am indebted to Google for the following description of the gang code: “The gang code ethic and morals are based in respect and reputation for the gang and its individual members. Members are thus motivated to protect and enhance individual gang and members respect and reputation. Any disrespect of its members requires response or punishment.”

Gang members usually do not go alone but work in groups. Gang members are associations of individuals who adopt a group identify to create an atmosphere of fear or intimidation. Gang members do extortion, vandalism, theft, assault, drug trafficking, stabbings, shootings and murder. The Democrats and other mainstream gangs are more refined in their approach. Those in politics exchange their votes for bribes which have the euphemistic title of campaign contributions. They also get lots of freebies that the public is not aware of. They do not have to extort gifts or money. The giver is happy to endow them with such

Like low class gangs, the sophisticated gangs also create a group identify. They do not formally declare loyalty to the gang and make oaths but it is more an intellectual declaration of loyalty to the gang. They usually refer to themselves as progressives which seems to be a name the Democrats prefer. Elon Musk’s recent revelations on Twitter show how powerful the gang has become. The social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook set up rules to control freedom of speech. Anyone who did not project Progressive Orthodoxy found themselves banned. On Google those whose opinions did not reflect Progressive Views could not be found on search engines. What made matters worse was these mediums were aided and abetted by Progressives working in government, through meetings and e-mails. The government people were with directly involved with suppressing free speech which is a Federal Offense.

The news media were a part of this gang conspiracy. They constantly attacked anyone connected to Donald Trump and attacked him unmercifully, even lying, for years. They tried to cover up any information, such as the Hunter Biden laptop story, that might prove embarrassing or implicate their progressive leader. They ignored any information and kept it from the public that was detrimental to progressive causes. They deified Dr. Fauci, a man who has little credibility. There were very few unscrupulous actions they were not willing to take to advance the progressive cause.

Many progressives did their damage in government agencies. FBI and Department of Justice employers worked tirelessly to attack those who did not follow the progressive Agenda. Illegal investigations and getting search warrants from corrupt federal progressive judges was their forte. Intimidation was also played well as the Department of Justice Director suggested those who were trying to uncover illegal voting were trying to suppress voting. This was an implication they were breaking a law. They were working to suppress all of Joe Biden’s perceived enemies. These agencies even tried to suppress parents who were concerned about the lies their children were being taught in public schools. The Department of justice even had, for a time, a Disinformation Department to spread propaganda and suppress free speech.

Do you see any resemblance between the gang that is currently ruling in this country and the one that is ruling China? You should. The Democrat Party embraced Communism when they invited Bernie Sanders to caucus with them in the Senate and embraced the infamous squad in the House.

This is a blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.

Is the Biden Regime the most corrupt in United States History?

Is the Biden Regime the Most corrupt in U.S. History?

The Biden Regime is so corrupt it would be a stretch to call it a Presidency. Biden hardly campaigned and when he did, he did not have not large enthusiastic crowds. How could someone who did not excite the citizens win an election? That is a question that has been asked many times since the last Presidential Election. Can we now admit that it was a brilliant idea to come up with mail in ballots that could not be verified and ballot harvesting with no safeguards. Dishonest people can also have brilliant ideas.

The Democrats knew that people would question the election outcome so they worked for cooperation from leftist news people who agreed to castigate anyone who questioned the results. They had been working with the leftist news media and social media to suppress any negative opinion about Democrat Candidates and to try to control what information was available to their audiences. Government officials working to suppress free speech is a violation of Federal Law. The Democrats also conspired with news media and social media to hide their dark secrets. Since Elon Musk has taken control of twitter their works of darkness are suddenly being verified. These things implicate the entire Democratic party. They are so corrupt they support Joe Biden as he breaks our laws and tries to destroy our economy. Joe Biden, quite frankly, is a tool of the Chinese Communist Party. We do not know if Joe is a willing tool of the Communists or too senile to know what is happening. Either way he is destroying the United States and helping Communist China. What is the implication of this? There are many foreigners who have no respect for our laws and are invading our country. These people are not vetted and we do not know how many are criminals or terrorists. You can be sure many are cartel operatives sent to set up an illegal drug trade and prostitution to enrich the cartels.

Many people are dying of drug overdoses in our country because of Joe Biden. The Chinese are also benefitting because they sell the drugs to the cartels. Joe Biden belongs in prison but any judge would rule him incompetent mentally to stand trial. Each week Karine Jean-Pierre stands up at the White House news briefing room, looking like an animated cartoon character from a Disney Movie, to defend the indefensible. Her audience is mostly leftist news people. They are enthralled by the nonsense she is parroting like people who are feasting on a delicious dessert after a lousy meal. The few normal people at the briefing suffer torture from her inane and fairy tale approach to reality. The truth is not in that woman. Therefor, no truth can come out.

Joe has been compromised by his family business dealings in China. Remember Hunter’s famous quote to his family, which the FBI is hiding from the public, that he has to share his take with the big guy? Would Joe get tough with the Chinese Communists? What is the old saying? Do not bite the hand that feeds you. Joe has become a wealthy man in government service. How does that happen? In addition to breaking the law Joe is lying to the American People. He claims to know nothing about Hunter’s business dealings in China, while discovered e-mails tell a different story. Not only does Joe lack credibility but his partners in crime, Dr Fauci, the FBI and the Justice Department tell tales that only fools would believe.

Biden has caused runaway inflation because of excessive spending causing hard ship on many working citizens. His partners in crime are attempting to destroy free speech through criminal activity with the news and social media. Biden even attempted a government censure and propaganda board called the Misinformation Board similar to what they have in Communist China.

Good ole Joe took us from being an energy exporter to a nation begging our enemies to sell us gas in less than two years. What can we say about people who support joe Biden? Either they are brain dead or they have government  money flowing in from taxes working people pay.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith

The Sad Tale of the Destruction of the United States

My name is John Stone and I am writing the sad tale of the destruction of the United States. The year is 2040. I am an old man now and do not expect to live much longer. The Doctors tell me my cancer is incurable. I am writing about what we have lost so that perhaps it might be secretly printed and secretly passed to people in the former United States that they might rise up against those who enslave them. The United States was founded as a God Serving People who had a constitutional that ensured freedom for all.

There was a small group of people who favored the teachings of Karl Marx, an evil man who devised a plan where he and his followers could make the majority of the people their slaves. They were only interested in total power over everyone and their control over the economy to enrich themselves. They were a small group but they had secretly infiltrated education, the news media, the entertainment industry, the judiciary, government, labor unions and ever business. In the beginning they had little influence and few people took them seriously. What people did not realize is that communists realized their evil designs would take a long time to accomplish and had great patience as they planned the destruction of the United States.

They communists were a small minority but worked to get themselves in leadership positions in all of our institutions and assist other communists in their own organizations to get promoted where they could influence policy and help fellow travelers get hired. They engaged in a lot of secret correspondence with each other in planning the destruction of the United States.

Soon conservatives and believers in God were quietly excluded from college teaching and administrative positions. By the time Joe Biden was president of the United States nearly all college teachers and administrators were members of the Democratic Party, an organization which had embraced the philosophies of Karl Marx. These teachers and administrators taught naïve students that good was evil and evil good. They were so effective that a large percentage of young college educated workers believed the lies they were told and thought Marxism was a great vision for the United States.

Hollywood, the social media and the news media were quickly taken over by the communists and began manipulating public opinion. Soon many people believed their lies and rejected truth, which the communists called misinformation. Some of the greatest gains the communists made were in government, not only as elected officials but bureaucrats who had been fed Communists Pablum in college. The majority of politicians soon either became communists or lined up for the opportunity to enrich themselves by getting in bed with the communists. The politicians, Hollywood, social media and the news media worked to suppress anyone who opposed them.

A big turning point in political history happened when Barak Obama took office in 2008. Barak Obama studied at Harvard where many Marxists teach. His favorite teacher was a dedicated communist and Barak became a convert and decided to go into politics where he could carry the banner of Karl Marx. He was advised by his communist friends to talk to Bill Ayers. Bill Avers was an influential Marxist who had extensive contacts in the movement. Bill recognized him as a doctrinal communist who might be successful in political office and pledged his support and the support of his fellow communists in the news media. Barak Obama became the darling of the leftist news media whose support helped him get elected president. This was a watershed moment in the influence of communists in our government. A lot of communist sympathizers were appointed to government positions where they were able to get their partners in crime in governments positions. After Obama, Donald Trump shook the communist world by being elected president and began trying to stem the communist advance. By this time they had become so entrenched in our institutions they harassed him for four years through the federal police, the courts and the news media.

After four years of opposition the Democrats, who had embraced Marxist Philosophies, through the miracle of mail in ballots that could not be verified got Joe Biden elected. Then they worked with the news media to smear anyone who questioned the results. The Democrats got a real bonus in Joe. He was so senile he was easily manipulated. Soon the communists were in complete control of the presidency. They used the FBI and the Justice Department to investigate and harass any citizen who did not support them.

This was just the beginning. Soon the puppet Joe started The Division of truth in the Justice Department. This division was charged with forcing everyone to tell the truth, which was whatever our great government leaders said it was. Soon federal law enforcement started jailing those who did not tell the “truth”. Some were sent to re-education camps where they were forced to accept the truth. Others were tortured when they insisted their rights were violated. Others disappeared.

Soon the division required everyone wear a necklace to keep them safe from misinformation. The necklace acted as a video recorder and a listening device to enable the truth division to determine who people saw and make sure everyone was speaking the truth. In addition, cameras were set up nearly everywhere to track citizens by facial recognition to keep them safe from those who might not tell them the truth. Everyone was required to have a mug shot so they could be identified for their own safety.  Soon everyone was afraid to talk to anyone else and most social conversation ceased.

Soon Biden’s Masters had him sign an executive order nationalizing all law enforcement throughout the United States into one National Police Force to enforce the edicts of the Truth Division. His fellow criminals in government supported him in that.

A few years later the Federal Government decided to confiscate all guns owned by the citizens to keep us safe. Some refused to give up their guns and were brutally murdered by the National Police. Thousands were killed before the fear of being killed caused everyone to give up their guns. The truth is, no citizen is safe without their guns to defend themselves from the National Police who now have authority to arrest anyone without any legal restraints. There is widespread famine and millions have died because the government has taken over food production.

Once guns were confiscated the government seized everyone’s property and promptly took over all businesses. Those who worked hard all their life for the rewards of hard work lost everything. Those who had beautiful homes lost them and they were given to communist government officials. Then after losing their homes, they were forced to live in small government apartments with surveillance cameras everywhere.

Living under these conditions is not better than death. I encourage everyone who reads about what the communists have done to the citizens to rise up in rebellion. It is better to die for God, your family and your fellow man than is it to live in slavery.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.

Aftermath of the United States Election

Many surveys were made of voter attitudes during the recent political campaign. Most indicated that the majority of our citizens were not thrilled with the direction Joe Biden and the Democrats were taking the United States. Surveys indicate that about 39 percent of the citizens think Joe Biden is doing a good job. With all the abuse we are suffering under Joe’s lack of leadership you wonder how so many people can be brain dead in the United States.

Republicans tried very hard to talk about the issues that are important to the citizens while the Democrats pushed the woke agenda, the green agenda and the Godless Act of abortion even up to the moment of birth. Expectations were that there would be a Red Wave because of dissatisfaction with the direction the democrats were taking us. It would seem that concentrating on the issues important to the American People would be a wise and winning strategy.

However, the Red Wave did not happen. The Democrats still voted for Democrat Politicians who supported the treasonous Joe Biden Regime.  The Democratic Leaders have embraced Marxism, but why would Democrat Voters support them in their evil pursuits?

Most educators in higher education are Leftist Democrats which means they teach and support Marxist Philosophy. Most public school teachers are members of labor unions who have leaders who are leftists and are in a position where they can influence teachers. Along with Democratic Control of our education system and the dumbing down of the curriculum, students learn Critical Race Theory and woke agendas instead of being prepared for a competitive world. Are these Democrats who voted for failure a product of our American Educational System?  Have they been fed Marxist propaganda throughout their educational experience and have lost the ability to think for themselves? Do they even realize if they do not like the direction our leaders are taking us they can vote them out of office?

Are they following the California Model? California have the highest taxes and living costs in the country. Their K-12 education is considered the worst in the country. Governor Gavin Nuisance is giving away millions of dollars in taxpayer funds to buy votes. California is a mecca for “homeless people” who show up for free drugs and other goodies. No demands are made of these people so they remain leeches on society.

And what political party runs the state? Why it is the Democrats of course. Most are corrupt and sell their influence to the highest bidder. With all this mismanagement and corruption why do not the people of California vote them out of office? They are apparently suffering from inability to help themselves syndrome. Republicans need to do a study of why people who are abused and disrespected  keep voting for the abusers. Republicans need to understand why people cannot help themselves. Are they hopeless or is there a message they will respond to? Or do we need to reform our failing educational system?

It does appear the Republicans will retake the House. We hope they will elect a speaker who is committed to do the things that are best for the American People and will put pressure on their fellow Republicans to do the same and not sell their influence to the highest bidder.

The Republicans should prepare an agenda of to do things that are best for our citizens and get all house Republicans to sign a pledge they will support this agenda. The corrupt press has been hiding the corruption of Joe Biden and his crime family, using the government to enrich themselves, and the Republicans should have Congressional Hearings on this issue. There is a lot of illegal things, such as ignoring immigration law under the Biden Administration and Congressional hearings need to be held on these things. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have broken our immigration laws and need to be impeached. I hope the Republicans will have the courage to do this and not be influenced by attacks from our Marxist News Media. The Republicans have a mandate from the American People to put a stop to the Marxist Agenda promoted by the Democrats. We hope they will use their power in the House to stop these traitors.

This is a blog for Conservatives and people of Faith.

An Interview with a Spokesman for the Democrat Party

An Interview with a Spokesman for the Democrat Party

Today‘s Forum is an interview with a spokesman for the Democrat party, John B. Crook.

Forum: Mr. Crook. Elections are coming Tuesday in the United States and many are predicting the Republicans will retake the House and possibly the Senate. What is your opinion on what will happen Tuesday?

Mr. Crook: Those people predicting a Republican Red Wave are wrong. We will hold onto the Senate and probably the House as well. The Republican Party is the Nazi Party of the United States. It is controlled by an “Adolph Hitler” named Donald Trump. The majority of the American People will not fall for the lies of the Republican Party and vote for them.

Forum: One definition of truth is things as they were, things as they are and things as they will be in the future. Democrats are often accused as presenting theories as facts and refusing to tolerate any debate. How would you respond that assessment?

Mr. Crook: Truth is whatever science says it is. If it cannot be proven by science, we reject it. A good example is religion. People waste their time believing in a God who does not exist. How do we know God does not exist? Because it cannot be proven by science. Millions of dollars are being wasted building edifices to worship this non-existent God. That is why we Democrats work so hard to ban mention of God in public schools and ban him from Public Discourse. The money used for these edifices should go to the poor. Our model for dealing with believers is the Communist Party of China.

Forum: You mention science as the arbitrator of truth. Did not the scientific world once teach that the world was flat? And were not scientists a few years back predicting another ice age was coming? And how do we know if global warming is not a natural cycle of the earth and not caused by fossil fuels?

Mr. Crook: I do not agree that the scientific world thought the world was flat. The Popes believed the world was flat and forced scientists to agree or face the penalty of death. As for predictions of an ice age, there may have been some who believed this, but they were they types who would be drawn to the Republican Party. As for global warming being caused by humans that is settled science and not open to  debate.

Forum: Many people are blaming Joe Biden and the Democrats for the runaway inflation we are suffering through. Do you think your party is to blame?

Mr. Crook: Absolutely not. Joe Biden inherited an economy that was about to crash because of the reckless management of Donald Trump. That is not debatable. Joe has taken steps to save us from what would have been the worst depression on our history. His spending bills were designed to prevent that. The people need to be patient to see the efforts succeed and not listen to the lies of Donald Trump.

Forum: Many people are blaming the Democrats for the surge in crime in the big cities of America. What is your response to that?

Mr. Crook: Minorities have been abused for years in this country. Part of that was police brutality against minorities. Another factor was the White Supremacist Donald Trump ignored the needs of the oppressed. Minorities have risen up in righteous indignation against brutality, abuse and neglect. We are now blessed with Joe Biden in the White House who supports defunding the brutal police and who will not neglect the needs of minorities. With Joe Biden in charge we will begin to see lawbreaking diminish.

Forum: What are some of the ideas for making the United States a better Society is the Democrat Party working on?

Mr. Crook: One of the things that is a priority is having a government that takes over the functions of businesses. There is rampant discrimination in employment in private businesses. The government will not discriminate in employment and make everyone equal. We believe most Americans will support this. Our capitalist system has failed to accomplish this and is unjust. We can learn so much from China. We also want to ban any Donald Trump supporter from running for public office. White Supremacists should not be allowed in government.

Forum: A lot of parents are not happy with the public school system and want an alternative. What is the Democrat position on that?

Mr. Crook:  Private schools should be banned.  They are supported By Donald Trump, so we know they are bad. Private schools teach misinformation, and we feel it is a government responsibility to make sure students are taught the truth. Children are too important to the future of the United States for parents to have any influence on what they are taught.

Forum: What other plans do the Democratic have for the United States?

Mr. Crook: We plan to make Critical Race Theory a required part of the school curriculum in grades K-12. Our students have been taught misinformation. We also want to make LGBT studies a part of the curriculum. LGBT students have been misunderstood and discriminated against too long.

Forum: But what about the teaching of math and science? The United States is falling behind the rest of the world.

Mr. Crook: they are important, of course, but the most important issues for our nation right now are climate change and equity. Teaching of climate change and equity should be woven into every course students take until we are fundamentally changed into a society that is as just as the one they have in China. China is our role model.

Forum: Thank you for interviewing with the Forum Mr. Crook.

Mr. Crook: Thank you. And may I add a vote for the Republicans is a vote for Nazism.

This was a fictitious interview with a Democratic spokesman. Although the interview is not real the positions of the Democratic Party match the irrational views of Mr. Crook. This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.

The Positive Effects of Christianity

Millions of people throughout the world believe in a God who knows each of us individually and loves us. He gave us commandments to follow and Prophets who received instructions from Him to teach us his will. His promise to us was very simple. Keep his commandments and we have a glorious resurrection and will be in the presence of God in a glorious hereafter. All of the Prophets in the Old Testament taught the people that a Messiah would be born to be sacrificed to pay for our sins. Why was this necessary? We are taught in the scriptures that no unclean person can enter into Heaven.  We are also taught that all of us will sin which makes us unclean and not eligible to enter heaven. Jesus Christ, God’s only begotten, was a perfect man which means he always did the will of the father. Because he had no sins and was willing to sacrifice his life for our sins and allow us to enter Heaven, God accepted his offering that he suffer for our sins so we would be able to dwell with Gid in a glorious existence. Jesus being willing to die for our sins is not the end of the story.

Jesus taught that in order to enter this Heavenly Kingdom some things were required of us. First we would have to have faith and acknowledge him as the Savior and the Son of God. Then we would have to recognize we had broken the commandments of God and seek his forgiveness and seek forgiveness of those we had caused harm to. Then the next step is baptism and receiving the Holy Ghost to guide us in our quest for perfection. After that the story is not over. Being imperfect we will commit sin but if we ask forgiveness and commit to keeping the commandments we will still be on the path to God because of Jesus paying for our sins. All Christians are familiar with the Ten Commandments:

  1. Thou shalt have no other Gods before me.
  2. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image.
  3. Thou shalt not take the name of thy God in vain.
  4. Remember the Sabbath Day and keep it Holy.
  5. Honor thy father and thy mother.
  6. Thou shalt not kill.
  7. Thou shalt not commit adultery.
  8. Thou shalt not steal.
  9. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.
  10. Thou shalt not covet.

These commandments either pertain to our relationship to God or our fellowmen. Jesus was once asked what is the greatest commandment in the law? He answered the first was to love God with all our might. Then he went on to say the second was like unto it that he should love our neighbor as ourselves. The Ten Commandments and the two Jesus added were designed to bring us happiness.  If we keep God’s comandments we not only receive eternal life but have the love and respect of our family and friends in this life.

Let’s examine how religious people fare in life compared to those who do not consider themselves religious. A 2016 Pew Research Center found that people who consider themselves highly religious are more engaged with their extended family, more likely to volunteer, more involved in their communities and are generally happier with the way things are going in their lives.

The definition of highly religious is people who pray daily and attend church once a week. They gather with family once a month compared with the people who consider themselves less religious, only 30 percent of whom gather with extended family monthly. Sixty five per cent of the highly religious donated either time or money to the poor in the past week compared to 41 percent to the less religious. Forty percent of the religious consider themselves very happy compared to twenty nine percent of the less religious. These results are persistent when considering age, income, education, geographic region, martial or parental status.

Among Christians 86% say that belief in God is essential to their Christian Faith. Other things considered are being grateful for what they have, forgiving those who have wronged them 69% and being honest 67%. Can you see how the Ten Commandments and Christ’s teachings on loving God and your fellow man benefits believers and society in general? Would you prefer living in a highly religious society or in a Godless Society like China? It would appear that from the Pew Research that the highly religious are happier and are more concerned about their fellow man than the non-religious society.

In recent years increasing numbers of people are no longer involved in religion. This is what was prophesied would happen in the last days before the return of the Savior. In the generation I grew up in I would never have guessed that the Ungodly act killing of unborn babies would not only be legalized but an acceptable social practice. Many people are turning away from God and the positive influences religion is in our society. Religious belief and the practice of it contributes to personal moral criteria and sound judgement. Those who practice such have less social problems such as suicide, drug abuse, out of wedlock births crime and divorce. In spite of all the benefits of practicing Christianity many choose to turn from God to their own detriment.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.

Social Security, The Politicians slush Fund

One of the worst things politicians have done to abuse the people of the United States was to start the Social Security system. This was a Ponzi Scheme that if proposed by a businessman would get them arrested if they put it in place. Basically the dishonest businessman would sell stock in his company and keep multiplying the number of stockholders and use some of the money from new stockholders to pay dividends to old stockholders and spend whatever was left. Eventually they would not be able to get enough stockholders to keep the scheme going and would declare bankruptcy for the company and then take a vacation to their luxury resort property.

This is similar to the way the Social Security System works. Money is taken out of every paycheck, but it is not being put in safe investments where it can grow and be available to people when they retire. Instead, part of it was paid to existing retirees and the rest became a slush fund for politicians. They would take their cut and since there were a lot more workers than retirees that Ponzi Scheme worked fine. Now people no longer have large families and the number of retired will soon be more than the number of workers.

So how did the politicians benefit from the money being paid in? They obviously could not steal the money directly because they might go to jail. One way is passing bills, and funding it with the slush fund, that they hope people who benefit from it to will keep voting for them and keep them in office. Staying in public office a long time is a great way to become wealthy. Look at Honest Joe Biden. He has been in office most of his working life and has become a multi-millionaire. How does one become wealthy in public service? If you say Shrewd Investments you are a fool. Politicians can vote to favor friends who donate to their campaign funds. They can also make sure taxpayer funds are flowing to companies they have stock in.

Honest Joe has made sure government funds, millions of your tax dollars, have been flowing to Queer organizations in order to pick just a few votes. He now attempting buy votes from former college students with your tax dollars by paying off their debt you did not make. The Social Security program was a slush fund set up by Democrats years ago and these slush funds are lusted after by many Republicans as well. Republicans have proposed at times to make changes in Social Security since it soon will be bankrupt. The Democrats immediately began screaming at Seniors and anyone dumb enough to vote for them that the Republicans are trying to do away with Social Security. That is a lie and the Marxist/Democrats know it. We need to take aim at the Republicans as well. The Republicans become silent fearing the Democrats might talk the people into voting for them. If the Republicans will not stand up and tell the truth they are just as corrupt as the Marxist/Democrats.

The Marxist/Democrats greed and dishonesty and the Republicans cowardness have combined to be a dis-service to the people of the United States. The Social Security System should have been fixed years ago but instead incompetent politicians in both parties have ignored the problem while the Ship Social Security continues sailing toward the rocks.  Some of you remember the debate between Al Gore and George Bush. Al Gore in his dishonest presentation said the Social Security funds needed to be kept in a lock box to be available when people retire. He knew the funds were slush funds and would never be invested or put in a fund waiting to be drawn out.  George Bush’s lack of a response was as shameful as Al Gore’s. Instead of telling the people the truth and pointing out how ridiculous Gore’s comments were he mostly ignored his claims.

Will the politicians ever take action to solve the problems with Social Security? Not likely. When will the well run dry? The old saying is when you are up to your butt in alligators it is not a good time to make plans to drain the swamp.   

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.

The Noble Profession of Begging

The Noble Profession of Begging

Jesus said the poor are ever with us. Some politicians in the U.S. and China, in spite of what Jesus taught, claim they want to eliminate poverty by redistributing other people’s income. Their real goal is to make everyone but themselves equally poor so the poor can cry out for help and they can better control the masses.  You can believe the politicians will not give up their wealth to help the poor. What they want to do is to make most people poor. If people are given food stamps, rent supplements and cash payments they will more likely vote for the great leaders who can then enrich themselves at the expense of the masses. Did not Joe Biden become wealthy in government service? If he could why not them? The great leaders are also fond giving tax refunds to people who do not pay taxes and federal welfare known as SSI in exchange for votes.

With all these government benefits why are there thousands of beggars on the street corners of nearly every city and town in the United States? The leftists will tell you they are desperate without knowing what government aid they are receiving. We have read some research that indicates that leftists, progressives, liberals or whatever they want to be called are not very generous when it comes to giving to charitable organizations. Unless of course they can figure out a way to give other people’s money to charity.

There are signs in a nearby county at intersections urging people not to give money to beggars. The signs further state that government services are available for people in need. Obviously the county is not governed by “progressives”. Apparently many citizens ignore the signs because the beggars still show up and would not be there if the citizens did not give them money.

Why do people ignore the signs and still give the beggars money? Could it be their interpretation of Jesus’ teachings. Jesus taught us to help the poor.  One of the most quoted of his teachings is known as the parable of the Good Samaritan. The Jews were descendants of Abraham. God promised Abraham, because of his faithfulness, his descendants would be a blessed and chosen people. The were at the time of Jesus many people in Samaria who were descendants of both Jews and Gentiles. Many Jews, instead of being grateful for their blessings, chose to consider Samaritans inferior to Jews and avoided them. That is probably why Jesus chose a righteous Samaritan to play a prominent part in his parable. As Christians know, in the parable a man was attacked by thieves and left lying and wounded at the roadside. Two Jews prominent in Jewish Society passed by and did not help him. A member of a group despised by many Jews bound his wounds and took him to a nearby Inn. He asked the Innkeeper to look after him promising to reimburse him for his care on his next trip through the area. Hence the understanding of Christians that they should even help a stranger in need. 

Some things we should remember when thinking about this parable. The Romans were in control at the time of Jesus and not the United States Government. There was no extensive government welfare program. The Samaritan could not have been deceived by the person who needed help as he could observe the stranger was wounded and in need of help.

If a person in the United States is truly in need they can do as the sign says and seek help from a government agency. You are already helping the poor through your taxes. We should help those in need. You may have family members, friends or neighbors who you know are in need and we should do what we can to help.

If we give money to strangers who beg are we helping them? For fakers we are enabling them to continue their deceit and dishonesty. If they are using the money you give them to buy drugs you are supporting the Chinese and Mexican merchants of death. You are also likely to be teaching the beggars that they do not need to take responsibility for themselves which is a Christian belief. If they are using your money to feed their alcohol addiction how are you helping them? I confess I was suckered by a beggar once. A man approached me on the street wearing a clerical collar telling me he lost his wallet and needed money to get home. I reasoned here is a man who helps others find Christ and I gave him money. The next day the same guy approached me with the same story. He was not helping others he was helping himself to the money of others.

Our welfare system can be a good thing when it helps people who are disabled and cannot take care of their needs. It is evil when it allows people who are capable of supporting themselves to live a life of idleness. Our welfare system is set up to dole out money. I see no evidence of any real effort to help people become self- sufficient. The old adage of giving people fish to eat and soon they will be hungry again is instructive. If you teach a man to fish he can feed himself. In my opinion these principles are not applied in government welfare. We should treat people on welfare like Doctors treat their patients. Give them regular checkups and try to make them well when they get sick. For people on welfare it should be regular evaluations with the goal of helping them become self sufficient.

Beggars are ever with us. Some people take the position that if most beggars are on the take one of them might really need help and we should give to all beggars just to help that person. I go back to the sign on the street. If a person is truly needy they should go to our government services which we pay for with our taxes.

This is a blog for Conservatives and People of faith.

The Woke Agenda

The Woke Agenda

As everyone knows Marxism is all about gaining power over the lives of others. They claim they promote equity when the real goal is having dominion over the lives of others and enriching themselves. It has been said that it is the nature of nearly all men when they have power they will immediately attempt to take unrighteous dominion. This may explain the abuse American Indians and Blacks endured in times past in the United States.

The extreme example of unrighteous dominion is Communist China. There everyone is forced to submit to the will of the “Great Leaders”. The citizens are spied on, under video surveillance, arrested when they displease the great leaders, sometimes murdered or if they are lucky given long prison terms, put in indoctrination classes, forced to confess to some crime against the state, beaten when they do not comply with state rules and have fewer protections against abuse than do animals in the United States.

The People of Evil in control of China have broken the will of the Chinese People. Is it any wonder why China depends on stealing the innovations and trade secrets of other nations in their manufacturing? They have suppressed the creative spirit of the Chinese People. You have the phrase “soon to come to a theater near you”. The Chinese Communist Show is now playing at American Theaters.

In education it is said that 90 percent of college professors are Democrats. The Democrats embraced Marxism when they invited the Communist Bernie Sanders, who prefers to be called a Socialist, to caucus with them and embraced the leftists known as the squad in the House. The Marxists have infiltrated the Democrat Party and are their most prominent policy makers. And what does that tell you about the Marxist-Democrat professors in our colleges. They now control teaching and administration and are free to use the same tactics Chinese use in propaganda and control over the masses.

The Communist’s goal is to destroy our freedoms in the United States. Control over education and government gives them great leverage in reaching their goals. The grossly incompetent Joe Biden is used as a tool by his Communist Advisors to appoint people of their own kind to lead government agencies. And of course since the Democrats have embraced Marxism their people in the house and Senate will approve them. Thus we have an FBI and Justice Department using tactics developed in China to suppress the enemies of the great leaders in the house, Senate and the Presidency.

One of the agendas of the Marxist-Democrats is to attempt to erase from history great Americans and attack our culture. They are at war against the people in the United States. When the Marxist-Democrats were in control in the State of Virginia they went on a tirade against white people in the state. They were renaming streets, buildings and colleges that people of Virginia had a great love for.  One example is John Tyler Community college named after a Virginia President. The Marxists the Marxist-Democrats named to the board of the community colleges changed the name to Brightpoint Community College. As near as I can determine this was a coined Marxist name for equity. What a joke. Communist only believe in power for themselves and slavery for the masses. Not only did we have to suffer those Marxist-Democrats fools but they cost untold dollars in changing all these names and forced us to support Marxism ideology. Finally the people were able to get rid of those abusive communists and flip the state from the Democrat Party

Now the Marxist-Democrats are planning on changing the names of some military bases that are named after White Southerners. The price tag? Sixty million dollars. The Marxist-Democrats are willing to spend millions of dollars of other people’s money to support their radical agendas One more reason to vote the Marxist-democrats out of office in November.

The people of the U.S. have apparently awakened to the threat to our freedoms from the Marxist-Democrats with polls indicating the majority of the people are not happy with the direction the Democrats have been taking us. It would appear the only way they can win in November is by cheating. As you know the Democrats and their left arm supporters the news media proclaimed that last presidential election as the most secure in history. A review of the most secure election is in order. Voting rolls were not culled for deaths or people who had moved, voters showing up to vote and being told they had already voted, vote harvesters who showed up with votes with no way to determine if the votes were legitimate, a judiciary unwilling to get involved in allegations of laws being violated,  a corrupt Justice Department that tried to intimidate anyone questioning whether the voting results were valid, voting machines that were off limits to auditing, counting of votes after poll watchers were sent home by election officials. a Republican lead that miraculously disappeared as thousands of Democrat votes showed up in the night, votes coming in and counted after missing the state deadline, millions of mail in ballots that could not be verified as valid, duplicate addresses on some ballots and a national news media that attacked anyone questioning the results. Is this what a secure election looks like?

Will all these things be repeated in the next election? Of course. Will there be any new questionable practices. Maybe not. As they say in business, if your business model works , why change it?

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.