We need to understand the tactics of communists and their allies in the Democratic Party before they completely enslave us. We are indebted to Michele R. Westlander Quaid for listing communist and fascist tactics for controlling people in an article she wrote entitled We Are in a War for America’s Soul. She listed four stages in the communist’s strategy which I quote.
Stage 1: Demoralization. This is the destruction of faith in the government and society. Believing that society is broken, systems are failing, and patriotism is evil are three key beliefs that are promoted to create guilt. This leads to the acceptance of radical new ideas because the current structure is believed to be harmful. Traditional Judeo-Christian morality, classical education and American patriotism are discarded.
Stage 2: Destabilization. With the decision- making ability of Americans negatively effected through demoralization, the next step takes a foothold in destabilization of the nation’s foundations. Destabilization causes citizens to believe the worst of what they hear about their nation and form of government. Supporters of traditional values and foundational structures in the nation are ostracized and even demonized.
Stage 3: Crisis. The altered values of Americans cut to the root of the current systems. Upheaval presents opportunities for change. Once a society is destabilized it begins to collapse into chaos. At this point, citizens want the movement to provide stability. We saw this recently as a demoralized and destabilized society responded with fear and panic when a “pandemic” faced our nation. Americans are willingly trading civil rights and freedoms for authoritarianism and overreach that they believe will keep them safe. The mainstream media and their tell-a-vision programming play a key role in framing the prescribed narrative as truth.
Stage 4: Normalization. The “new normal” is a term we have heard constantly lately, and it’s an accurate description of what the normalization stage is all about. When the government and societal structures have changed to restrict liberty, citizens are told the radical transformation is “the way it has to be”. Ironically, it’s described as normal when it’s not normal at all. Normalization creates a new baseline for what a nation will accept, value, and promote. The cycle is complete.
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Joe Biden and his communist advisors are doing everything they can do to follow this playbook in attempting to destroy the United States. We do not know of anything Joe and his communist co -conspirators have done to benefit our citizens. All who are not communists need to mobilize for this war. We cannot wait for the Republicans to lead us into battle. Their idea of taking on the communists is waiting until the next election. It appears they have not learned their lesson from the last election. There were many irregularities but no offender has been brought to justice. This signals to the communists and their Democratic allies that they are above the law when it comes to election fraud.

Become involved with organizations that sue the government for wrongdoing. Go to hearings at left leaning government boards and make your voice heard. We God fearing people of the United States must go forth with same fervor as the Democrats and communists have to destroy our country and use our fervor to save it. Imagine what might happen if we go forth with the same zeal the Democrats had, for destroying Donald Trump, with the goal of destroying communism. We need a nationwide movement similar to what the Tea Party did years ago in combating evil politicians. I believe the majority of the people in the United States are good and their goodness can be used to take down the evil Biden Regime.
This is an opinion blog for conservatives and people of faith.