Our Republican Form of Government should be More Democratic

Our Republican Form of Government Should be More Democratic

Our Founding Fathers envisioned a Republican Form of Government where people would be elected to office who had the best interests of the success of their fellow man and would make laws to benefit them. What happened to that lofty vision? The scriptures tell us in the last days, preceding the second coming of Jesus, people would become very wicked. Is this a good description of most Democrats and many Republicans?

Let us talk about some of the evils of politicians. Joe Biden has been a politician most of his working life. Joe is a multi- millionaire. How does one become wealthy in public service? Does anyone believe Joe is a shrewd businessman or do you really believe he used his influence in politics to get rich? The Biden Family is often referred to as a crime family, similar to the mafia, with the “Big Guy” in control. Is Incriminating evidence being kept secret by the FBI on Son Hunter’s business deals in China and elsewhere? FBI’s only comment is Hunter is being investigated. Do you really believe that or is Hunter and Joe being protected by the FBI. This is the same FBI who had agents in high places conspiring to frame Donald Trump for treason. They are still at it with their raid on Trump’s residence. They are so corrupt that they should be disbanded or have many in high places purged.

The Democrats are totally corrupt supporting a very corrupt show trial which is not impartial and allows no questioning of their lying witnesses. Does anyone think the purpose is anything other than to discredit Trump and try to prevent him from running for president again? These are the same people who supported Black Lives Matter and Antifa when they were attempting to burn down our cities calling them mostly peaceful demonstrations. The American people know that is a lie because they saw the demonstrations on TV. The Democrats are the ones who ignored the insurrection of BLM and Antifa, but arrested people involved in demonstrations at the Capitol calling them insurrectionists but never charging anyone with that crime.

The Democratic Party also supports the insane policies Joe Biden’s communist advisors have convinced him to put in place attempting to destroy our Republic. Remember when the Democrats invited Bernie Sanders to caucus with them and embraced the squad, they embraced Marxism. These Democrats are promoting Communism or Marxism or Socialism or Progressivism or whatever name you choose is an Un-Godly and oppressive system that has enslaved or murdered millions. There are only two types of people who support Marxism. One is people who are total idiots. The other is people who lust for power over the lives of others and expect to enrich themselves on the labor of the slaves who are the ones who do not have positions in the Communist Government.

Joe Biden is breaking the law allowing illegal immigrants to overrun our country and putting them on government welfare costing us billions of dollars. Joe has been bought and paid for by the Chinese Communists, the Labor Unions, Climate change fools and the wealthy oligarchs. He appears to be mentally incompetent to govern. All of these things are impeachable offences. The Democrats are now in control of the government and corrupt people will not take action against their own.

Polls show that the majority of our citizens do not like the directions this country is going. What is the Democrats response to this?  More deficit spending and other actions that offend the majority. This indicates they are not representing the people but their own interests. How can we rescue ourselves from national decline and the tyranny of the Democrats? Our hope is the Republicans can take power from the Democrats in the next two elections. This may be difficult with the Democrats new innovations of mail in ballots that cannot be traced or verified, ballot harvesting by unidentified people, blocking audits and ballot counting machines that are off limits to audits.

If Republicans take control of the country it will be our best chance for reform. What are some reforms needed? First is term limits. If we have term limits politicians might not be able to stay around to enrich themselves. Next might be a balanced budget amendment to the constitution. The Democrats and some Republicans spend money like Drunken Sailors and then tell us that the national debt is not a problem, and that is a problem. Since corrupt politicians protect other corrupt politicians from impeachment, power should be given the people to recall any federal politician. Since politicians are so fond of passing laws against the best interest s of the citizen the citizens should have the right to approve or disapprove of any proposed law before it takes effect. How could we do this? Nearly everyone had a computer. Proposed bills should be posted on- line and presented on definite dates with the citizens being allowed to overcome the self- serving desires of politicians. This would certainly make government more Democratic with the citizens being able to vote yes or no on every bill.

When this happens special interest groups could not buy the votes of politicians. Wealth seeking politicians could lose interest of running for office without the profit motive available and we might get honest people serving in government.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and people of Faith.