The Derail Socialism Society of the United States, whose mission statement is upholding the Constitution and exposing the evil designs of communists in our country, has an undercover agent posing as a member of the Patriotic Young Socialists of American which we hereafter refer to as the PYSOA. The PHSOA recently held a training meeting in Washington, D.C. only open to Members of the organization. This organization’s mission statement is to convert young people to socialism and to get actively involved in disrupting any successful activity of citizens in the U.S. The PYSOA Meeting began with a kick off motivational speech by the charismatic Bruno Dietz, who has been a tireless promoter of Marxist Theory for many years. After his fiery speech, which seemed like a religious revival, the attendees were able to attend work shops on the many ways to disrupt the U.S. Society. The Derail socialism Society Member who infiltrated the PYSOA was able to secretly tape Mr. Dietz’s speech. With the permission of Derail Socialism we print the entire speech.
“My dear comrades and fellow patriots. It is my great privilege and honor to be speaking to the cream of the crop among the young citizens of the United States. I am amazed at your intellect, your dedication, to Marxism, your hard work in promoting the lofty ideals of Marxism to your peers and your willingness to bring forth a great society. You are a chosen generation. You will be handsomely rewarded for your hard work. You will be the future leaders of a magnificent Socialist Republic of America. Many people will have reverence for you as you lead the United States away from the evils of Capitalism such as exploitation, racism, wealthy people, politically incorrect speech or ideas, material possessions, religion, privileged white people and too much emphasis on family instead of the needs of society.
This is the greatest time in history to be a Marxist. Those who labored for the cause in the past often had to work in the shadows. An exposure of their devotion to Marxism might get them arrested or even ostracized from society. Now you can openly express your devotion to Marxism. Our hard work has paid off. We have infiltrated every segment of American Society. If someone criticizes your devotion to Marxism our comrades in the news media will not only defend you, they will praise you for being an activist and doing a great service for society and vilify those who criticize you. If you are arrested for rioting our comrades in the prosecuting offices will dismiss the charges against you. Then our comrades in the legal profession will represent you in suits for damages.
I am amazed at how quickly these things are happening. I think the real turning point began when the Democrats invited the Communist Bernie Sanders, who prefers to be called a Socialist, to caucus with them in the Senate to gain more power. The Democrats discovered their base did not object, so they decided to embrace more communists in their “big tent” to gain more power. Now we have public acceptance of four members of Congress dedicated to Marxist Principles who deplorables smear by calling them “the squad”. Now that the Democrats have control of the Presidency, the Senate and Congress our Marxist Agenda can go forth at warp speed. It is thrilling to see the Democrats embrace Marxism and promote things that will cause our Capitalist Society to collapse.
The Biden Administration has caused oil prices to skyrocket. This can only help in the long run as the middle class feels the pinch and looks for government to solve the problem for them. Already Biden is proposing green solutions that will raise energy prices even more. Then the people will look more for government solutions to their problems. This will be wonderful for us because Marxism if all about government solving all our problems and making all our decisions for us.
The Biden Administration is causing rapid inflation which will cause the middle class to demand the government to do something. This will play into our hands. We Marxists are here to help. Once we explain the rising costs are the fault of the greedy capitalists they will be ready for more socialism. The Biden administration is also doing wonderful things in education. They are promoting Critical Race Theory to divide our citizens by race. We need this division to help destroy our Capitalist Society. They are sending the Justice Department to intimidate parents who are concerned about what is taught in school. One prominent Democrat, Terry McAuliffe, who is running for governor of Virginia is saying that parents should not be involved in what their children are being taught. I am hoping he will be elected to strengthen Marxist power in Virginia.”

“Now comrades keep your energy levels high. Be woke. You are on the cusp of a fundamental change coming to the United States. May Karl Marx bless you. In the name of Karl Marx, Amen.”
This is a blog for conservatives and people of faith.