Marxist Control of the United States

When Barack Obama became President of the United States he was our first Marxist President. It is a well documented fact that his favorite teacher in college was a dedicated Marxist. We do not know whether he became a convert to evil at Columbia or Harvard Law School or whether the schools helped him perfect his conversion to evil. Somewhere along the way he decided to become a missionary for the movement and decided he could do the most damage to the United States as a politician. He started out as a “Community Organizer” which was probably a good place to learn to be a propogandist and learn to manipulate people. Likely, his Communist Friends encouraged him to start there. He had an income from an organization to allow him to pay the bills while he was preparing for his glorious future.

When it came time for Obama to enter politics he did so at the home of Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn, radical leftists from the 60’s known for their involvement with the Weathermen. This organization is best known for planting bombs in government buildings. Bill had a lot of influence with people in politics and the news media who were Marxists and would support Obama. These associates were people of influence who fast tracked Obama into the Senate.

When Obama decided to become President, he had plenty of Marxist influencers to help him on his way. When Obama became President he had plenty of Marxists Helpers to advise him of who to appoint to government cabinet positions who were sympathetic the Marxist movement. Obama had eight years to slowly infiltrate the government with Marxists. He had to move slow because of fear of an uprising by the people. Remember millions of citizens own guns and in an uprising the government forces would be badly outnumbered. This is the reason the Democrats are so keen on outlawing guns, They have embraced Marxists in their “Big Tent”.

The Marxists/Democrats had a temporary setback in their plans to fundamentally change the United States into a Marxist Society when Trump appeared. But it was only temporary. Through the miracle of unverifiable mail in ballots and unverifiable ballot harvesting Biden was able to “win” the election. He immediately began his campaign to destroy the United States. Everything he stands for has been to the detriment of the United States. He put many of Obama’s Marxist Friends back in positions of power. The grip Marxists had on the country has become stronger under Biden than it was under Obama. And the Marxist/Democrats have learned how to win every election with unverifiable votes. I suspect they are now finding illegals to vote in the coming national elections. Biden has illegally invited millions of them into the United States.

The Marxists have infiltrated every institution in the United States. I recently went to the Smithsonian in Washington, D.C. They have found their way in there. On the map of the History Museum you will find the following quote. ” In our museum we strive to be the most inclusive, relevant, accessible, and sustainable public history institution in the nation. We support and encourage critical thinking, as it provides insight and understanding. We treat each other with respect, dignity, and open-mindedness, and we do not tolerate hate speech and harassment”. First it starts with “in our museum” Sounds like the Marxists consider it theirs rather than owned by the people of the United States. Then there is a lot of Marxist buzz words that are used in our Marxists Controlled Education System in the United States. They all sound so impressive until you realize Marxists do not believe in any of those things. Their goal is to take all these freedoms from the people and make them slaves to the state or more correctly to those who think they can get into government positions of power. The other point of interest is they do not tolerate “hate speech.”

Hate speech in Marxist terminology is any opposition to their goals of world enslavement of the people. What would they do if they heard “hate speech”? Call Biden and ask him to have the Justice Department arrest people engaging in hate speech?

There was a huge section dedicated to immigrants. Most were propaganda pieces indicting white people who did not accept new people or actively discriminated against them. It was a masterful attack on white people by the Marxists. Nothing was mentioned about the millions of illegal immigrants that criminal in the White House invited into the United States and who is supporting them with our tax dollars. You can see posters from Black Lives Matter in the Musuem. That is a Marxist Organization that wants to destroy the United States. I suspect they worked with the Marxists in the Musuem, to plan the exhibits.

They also had another propaganda piece on the Capitol Protests. They did not call it an insurrection like their Marxist/Democratic office holders did, but they did say that it was the first time the results of an election had not been accepted in the United States. That was a lie. Their darling Hillary Clinton claimed the election was stolen from her. But then, Marxists think it is ok to lie if it helps them achieve their goals.

We have a lot of house cleaning to do. The Marxist/Democrats are confident they can come up with enough unverifiable votes to get the Criminal Biden back in the White House. The only thing stopping them is the Republicans. I am not sure the Republicans are capable enough to stop them. They cannot even get a criminal removed from the White House.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.