Joe Biden’s Legacy

We have now had three years of misery-with a non legitimate President known as Crooked Joe Biden. His corruption and incompetence has never been equaled. The Democrats and their allies, the corrupt news media, have been spreading the lie that the last election was the most secure ever. This after coming up with the scheme to send out mail-in ballots in Democratic Controlled States without even knowing if those who they sent the ballots were even living at the addresses to which the ballots were mailed. The “Blue States” accepted ballots that were not signed and the signatures on others could not be read. Then when people questioned the ballots as legitimate and wanted to investigate the Democrats and their fellow criminals in the news media went ballistic claiming voter intimidation. As regards to that falsehood, how do you intimidate someone who has allegedly already voted. After the Democrats and their allies started screaming the Republicans quietly returned to their caves. A recent survey of voters in the last election showed that 20 per cent of them admitted they broke the law in their voting. The Democrats and their fellow criminals in the news media claimed it was not a legitimate survey.

The Democrats had so much success in getting in votes that were questionable in the last election expect more of the same this coming November. They are so convinced they can get enough “votes” to get Crooked Joe elected they are backing a man who is probably the least popular incumbent in history. In addition to unverifiable votes expect a new twist. The Democrats will likely be in illegal immigrant neighborhoods in November getting ballots filed out to take to drop boxes. The other dirty trick the Democrats are now engaged in is trying to keep Trump off ballots in “Blue States” for committing a crime he has never been charged with. It is time to put those people involved in this fraud in jail. I apologize for wanting to put all Democrats in jail, but it is for the good of our country.

What will Biden be remembered for? How about releasing billions of dollars of Iranian Money that that had been confiscated. That gave them lots of money to continue their terrorist activities. Using the money to fund Hamas to attack Israel is likely a result.

Biden will be remembered as our Commander in Retreat as he abandoned billions of dollars in military supplies as he got out of Afghanistan in a hurry. Did those supplies go to China, Russian and Iran our common enemies?

A lot of money has been flowing to the Biden Family from China. Not only that but “private citizens” in China have “contributed” a lot of money to Joe’s Library. Will Joe be remembered as the politician China bought?

How about giving aid to the Palestinian People who surveys indicate over whelmingly back the terrorist group that the Israelis are destroying. How about the massive spending Biden and his criminal Democrats backed and the printing of more money that has caused massive inflation. What about turning an energy independent country into a nation begging our enemies for oil.

How about the corrupt leaders Biden and his fellow Democrats picked for federal agencies? What about all the lies the CDC told us? What about the censure of information that exposed their corruption? What about the Biden Regime working with anti-Americans in social media to censure any enlightment about the corruption of the government.

What about all the shell companies set up by the Biden Family to launder money from foreign enemies for favors. How about son Hunter’s laptop where he complained he had to give ten percent of his take to the big guy. Who could the “Big Guy” possibly be? What about Joe using fictitious names in his e-mails? What was he trying to hide? What about Joe breaking our laws and inviting millions of foreigners to invade our country?
What about being anti-family and pushing sexual deviancy in the military? What about parading sexual deviants in the White House. Biden is an embarrassment to this country.

Adolph Hitler was so evil the only good thing said about him was he was good to his dog. I understand the news media, not the criminal ones, reported Joe kicked his dog.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.