Joe Biden’s Hot Line to China

Joe Biden’s begging campaign has been elevated recently with Xi Jinping, the head criminal in the criminal organization in China know as the People’s Republic, giving permission to Joe to talk to him by phone. Everyone knows how Biden has screwed up our energy policies that I think were done with purpose. Then he went begging to oil producing nations who hate us to sell us more oil at a reasonable price, we who were energy independent before Biden took office.

Now Biden has direct access to Xi to do more begging. Biden’s begging will no doubt be centered around his family getting money from China rather than the best interests of our citizens. When the hot line is up and going we can well imagine the following conversation between Xi Jinping and Joe Biden:

Biden: Xi how are you feeling today?

Jinping: I am feeling well physically and am much encouraged by the progress we are making to liberate the world and give everyone the benefits of Communism that the Chinese people enjoy.

Biden: That is wonderful Xi. I am excited about that as well. You know Barak Obama’s favorite professor in college was a Marxist and Barak was partial to Marxist Philosophies. Many in the Democrat Party have embraced Marxism and the Democratic National Committee are fully committed embracing all people including those who are Marxists. This is one of the reasons they wanted Barak on the Democratic Presidential Ticket, to solidify American Marxist’s support for the Democrat Party.

Jinping: We appreciated Barak’s support. He did a lot to further strengthen the role of Marxists in the government of the United States. But we are concerned you have not done enough to be friendly to China.

Biden: But Xi, most of the people I appointed to important government posts were from the Obama Administration. He worked with his advisors to ensure that his people were friendly to China.

Jinping: That is true. He even consulted with us to make sure some of his appointees were not objectionable to us. Our citizens have invested a lot of money in you Presidential Library. Some of them are concerned that you are not friendly enough toward China and could cut off funding.

Biden: Please do not cut funding for my Presidential Library. That is very important to me. What can I do to be more friendly to China?

Jinping: We can start with the Confucius Institutes that we have on your American Campuses. We feel they are important to get the message of liberation to college age students. Some of your legislators want to ban these institutes.

Biden: Our Democrat Lawyers have worked hard to use the Constitution to shield Marxist opinions from government interference. With our lawyers, government legislators sympathetic to Marxism and a mostly Marxism news Media, we should be able to work together to prevent the closing of the Institutes. And do not forget that most of our appointees to the Education Department were picked because of their friendliness to China. They are the ones who decide what projects get funded in education. I am sure you will see they will not fund anything in American that is not friendly to China. We have some challenges in the US that we are trying to deal with. One is we have a person named Donald Trump who is leading the opposition to cooperating with China and making the world more peaceful. He has millions of misguided followers in the United States and if we move too fast they may rise up in arms. Right now we are working with our allies in three states to bring criminal charges against him to prevent him from campaigning. Our lawyers are working with our allies in many more states to bring criminal charges against him. We are also bringing charges against people who have worked with him to intimidate others from working with Trump.

Jinping: Some of your legislators want to decouple from china. If the US stops trading with China it will cost us billions and prevent us from having enough money to liberate the world. What do you plan to do about that? I am sure your donors will be watching closely to determine if you are being friendly to China. They will also be watching to see what progress you are making to take guns away from people in the United States. People who own guns are irresponsible and dangerous.

Biden: As you know I have always said that we need a rising China. Now I think we need to follow the example of China. I will veto any bill that seeks to decouple China. I will get on the gun issue immediately. Our lawyers are experts in convincing people the Constitution does not mean what it seems to say. We also have our people working on modifying the Constitution to reflect the views of Karl Marx. Thank you for you help in my understanding what is important to the Chinese People.

Jinping: It was good to talk to you Joe. We will talk soon on the progress you are making toward being more friendly to the Chinese People.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith