Joe Biden, a threat to the well being of Americans

A Joe Biden Presidency may be one the greatest threats Americans have ever endured. The United States finally reached energy independence after depending on people who mostly hate us for our energy needs. One of the first things Evil Joe did was to cancel the big pipeline that would help the U.S. be energy independent in oil and gas. Have you noticed how quickly gas prices at the pump are rising since Joe took office? Now you can expect rising prices on nearly everything since so much of our commerce depends on transportation driven by gas and oil. Welcome Joe! Welcome inflation!

Bear in mind that Radicals, who seem to be the driving force in the Democratic Party currently, have been advocating doubling or tripling the price of gas for years. Guess where those Radicals are now? If you guessed in the White House advising Joe Biden you are nobody’s fool.

The above indicates gross incompetence and a complete disregard for the well being of the Anerican People. But this is only the beginning of Joe’s Presidency and perhaps the ending of a great nation, Joe and his partners in crime pushed through The House a stimulus bill that in one fell swoop spends more than the costs of funding World War II. One of the problems with this bill is it has more to do with bailing out Democratic Politicians who have amassed huge deficits in their local government by obligating themselves to pay for things they have no money to pay for. How corrupt of Joe and his allies. They belong in jail.

What else is wrong with the Democratic Bail Out? We now have a vaccine for Covid 19 and restrictions should be lifted to get the economy rolling. Didn’t we hear Joe on the news recently threating to keep or reinstate restrictions? We would not be surprised if the Democrats don’t opt for that since they seem bent on maximum abuse of the people they so disdain.

What else is wrong with the bailout? There is no money available which means borrowing money is an option for paying for the bailout. We owed so much money before the Democratic Bailout our debt would be a challenge to pay off. The other option is for the government to print more money. Hello Joe! Hello inflation. Expect to see massive inflation as long as Joe is here to vex us. Now we hear Joe and his partners in crime are starting a “public relations campaign”, really a propaganda campaign, to convince the public that their Democratic Bailout was a wonderful idea. We assume the taxpayers will be paying for this manipulaton as well.

If you think Joe has done enough to abuse the American People he is just beginning. By announcing even before the election he would not refuse admittance to any immigrant, those applying legallly are apparently the exception, he encouraged thousands of people to come here ilegally. In these unvetted hoards will be many criminals, probably including many cartel members who couldn’t get in legally, along with people bringing contagious diseases. Biden is breaking our immigration laws and should be impeached and removed from office. Good luck on that happening. The forces of evil control the House, Senate and the White House.

In addition to making the U.S, unsafe from criminals and deseases after inviting illegals to come, he is burdening taxpayers with millions of dollars to support all these people with money we do not have. In addition to these crimes Joe is a party to child abuse and sexual assualt. We know little about how all the minors got in the Biden Caravans. Did the cartels purchase them? Did they tell their parents that once the children got in the parents would be welcome? According to knews reports a large number of women in the Biden Caravans are sexually assualted. Remember Joe gave the green light for thousands to come.

We may need to be more compassionate toward Joe. We know he is having cognitive problems as evidenced by his handlers keeping him out of public as much as possible during the campaigning as well as not making him available to answer reporters questions currently. It is possible that Joe does not know what is going on and is a puppet of his leftist advisors. Can you understand how it easy it would be for leftists to have complete control over someone with cognitive issues. Should Joe have a complete medical exam to determine is he has the mental ability for the office?

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