Joe Biden. A curse on America.

The administration of Joe Biden is at war with the people of the United States. One of the first things Joe did was to stop construction of a large pipeline that would take oil to refineries to help the U.S. stay energy dependent. With the stroke of a pen Joe helped make us dependent on other countries for our energy needs including our military. Some of these countries hate us and if they cut off our energy supplies how would we defend ourselves against attack? Good job Joe. His actions caused gas prices to jump at the pump and since so much of our commerce depends on truck transportation, he has increased prices on nearly everything. Good job Joe.

We are all familiar with the colossal blunder at our Southern Border. Hopeless Joe promised even before the election he would not turn anyone away, inviting people to come here illegally. Now at the rate people are coming in at Biden’s invitation millions will be coming in illegally costing millions to support these totally dependent people. Border Patrol already caught two people on the terrorist watch list coming across our southern Borders. How many terrorists came in undetected? Cartels are making millions bringing Biden adults and children on dangerous trips to our borders. It was heartbreaking to see a ten-year-old boy on the news pleading for help from a border control officer after he was abandoned.

People have died coming here on these Biden Caravans. Women and children are being raped by cartels members on the trip. Drugs are pouring in while border patrol agents are overwhelmed by Bidens. People are bringing Covid into our country and criminals are allowed in and released to prey on American Citizens. What Joe Biden is doing is not incompetence but is criminal and a crime against humanity. What adds insult to injury is neither Biden nor his equally criminal Vice President will come to the border to witness the chaos.

Democrats happily discovered in the last election there was no way to verify it mail in ballots were legitimate. Georgia decided to prevent this fraud by requiring voter ID. The Democrats and their Marxist allies sprang into action and invented the lie that requiring IDs was racist. The Marxist News Media joined in the chorus. Comrade Biden joined the lie by encouraging businesses to condemn the State of Georgia. If there is not a law against a President interfering with the affairs of a state, there should be.

The Constitution of the United States defines impeachable actions of a President as unfit to serve, unable to discharge his duties, treason, bribery and other crimes and misdemeanors. If you throw into the mix Biden’s shady dealings in China and Ukraine that enriched his family and probably himself and his senility everything seems to apply. On the senility issue we know Biden has that issue because his handlers kept him off the campaign trail as much as possible.

They are now carefully controlling press appearances and questions by reporters. It is highly likely that all Biden’s actions are controlled by his Marxists advisors. There is no way a mental evaluation can be done with the Democrats in control of the house and Senate. The Constitution is probably the greatest document ever written but there are even problems with it. The constitution framers envisioned people serving in government as being there to serve the best interests of the people. They did not envision people serving to get gain. For this reason, if the President should be impeached it will not happen if his party controls the house as is the case now. Could you imagine Nancy Pelosi as speaker of the House allowing impeachment against a fellow party member in crime to go forward?  That leaves the courts. Courts are not always interested in cases that accuse a president of criminal conduct claiming there is redress in house and senate actions which is not the case currently.

Biden’s latest gig is gun banning laws. Since criminals will not obey these laws that means the laws only apply to law abiding citizens. Why would Biden want laws passed to control gun purchases by law abiding people? Could it be that his Marxists Advisors have a goal of removing guns from all Americans? Removing guns from the citizens has worked well in communist countries. It is good for Marxists in the U.S. to not have the people come after them with guns when they try to take away our freedoms.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives.

 and people of faith.