Is VCU Becomming a Radical Training Center?

Some institutions of higher learning in the United States have become radical training centers. Whether you call a lot of people in education Radicals, Communists, Marxists, Socialists or Progressives their goals are the same. They want power over other people’s lives

Lust for power drives them toward their objectives. In a Marxist Society the few control the many. The noble leaders decide who runs for political office and no opposition is allowed. Since the leaders have absolute power they can take bribes for favors and steal from government funds enriching themselves while the masses live in poverty.

Since Radicals or Marxists could never win an election that is not rigged they have to gain power by force. The earlly stages are now being played out in the United States with violent riots the Marxist and the Radical News Media bill as peaceful protests.

Radicals love occupations where they can manulipate peope such as teaching, news media, social media and government either as employees or professional politicians. Consider the number of Radical politicians who are refusing to allow police to arrest criminal rioters or refusing to prosecute those very few who are arrested. These are people who think the Marxists will allow them to stay in power if they succeed in overthrowing the government. If they stay in power there are great oppportunities to take lucrative bribes for favors.

How are some universities involved in the violent uprising against our government and institutions? Radical Professors are convincing naive youth that our society is unjust and needs to be overthrown. Some schools are even teaching courses that encourage breaking laws. They call the classes Civil Disobedience Classes.

Radicals haave taken taken over completely some universities telling students what they are allowed to say and expelling students who disobey. Free speach is banned on campuses that conflicts with Radical Professors Viewpoints.

Some schools have whole departments dealing with Racial Injustices that do not exist. This gives radicals an opportunity to sow discord among races by convincing some people that they are being discriminated against. They goal of radicals is to overthrow our government and institutions and dividing people is an effective way of getting this done.

VCU seems to be getting a start on becoming a radical training center. Recently the Radical Board of Visitors made recommendations for removing names of Dead White People who lived in Richmond during the Civil War. What is ludicrus about this is a group of flawed people are making judgements that other people are flawed and not worthy of remembrance. What hyporcracy! What arrogance

The Radical are attempting to demonize white people who contributed much to the building of Richmond, The Radicals are even trying to control Dead White People! The Board of Visitors, being able to corruptly yield power,has emboldened other Radicals who want to force all students to take a class on racism. These racism class advocates begin with the false premise that only white people are racists and all white peopole are racists. You can guess the students with be taught that, along with Capitalism is evil and racist. Expect systemic racism to be covered, which as far as we can determine, is a term the Radicals use when no evidence of racism can be found.

What will not be taught is Africans sold into slavery people they captured from enemy tribes and that free blacks in the United States owned slaves.
Why are the Radicals demanding all students take a class on racism? There are several reasons. One is Radicals have a lust for power and forcing all students to take a class on Racism fulfills part of their needs. You can bet their class will also demonize our government and champion the teachings of Karl Marx.

Whether you call the religion of Radicals communsion, Marxism, or Socialism they all need obedient followers who will do what is asked of them without thinking for themselves. These mandatory classes give Radicals an opportunity to teach Marxism. If the Radicals want people to love one another why not have a class on the teachings of Jesus for the students. We will not have any takers on that since Jesus never used force which does not fit Radical Theology.

Whether or not Dr. Roa is a fellow Radical or a puppet of the Radicals they have his full support. Is it time for VCU Alumni to rise up in righteous indignation and rescue their school from the Radicals?

This is a blog for conservatives and people of faith primarily in the Richmond,Virginia area. We welcome you opinion. Share this blog with your friends.