Is the United States Being Run by Gangs?

Is the United States Now Being Run by Gangs?

An AP news release indicates a UN Aid Chief claims that 60 per cent of the Capital of Hati is under gang control. It is common knowledge that large areas of Mexico are controlled by criminal gangs know as cartels. It is also known that politicians in or outside of the areas the Cartels control in Mexico can be easily bribed by Cartel Money. So we see that in some countries gangs have an enormous amount of control. I am indebted to Google for the following description of the gang code: “The gang code ethic and morals are based in respect and reputation for the gang and its individual members. Members are thus motivated to protect and enhance individual gang and members respect and reputation. Any disrespect of its members requires response or punishment.”

Gang members usually do not go alone but work in groups. Gang members are associations of individuals who adopt a group identify to create an atmosphere of fear or intimidation. Gang members do extortion, vandalism, theft, assault, drug trafficking, stabbings, shootings and murder. The Democrats and other mainstream gangs are more refined in their approach. Those in politics exchange their votes for bribes which have the euphemistic title of campaign contributions. They also get lots of freebies that the public is not aware of. They do not have to extort gifts or money. The giver is happy to endow them with such

Like low class gangs, the sophisticated gangs also create a group identify. They do not formally declare loyalty to the gang and make oaths but it is more an intellectual declaration of loyalty to the gang. They usually refer to themselves as progressives which seems to be a name the Democrats prefer. Elon Musk’s recent revelations on Twitter show how powerful the gang has become. The social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook set up rules to control freedom of speech. Anyone who did not project Progressive Orthodoxy found themselves banned. On Google those whose opinions did not reflect Progressive Views could not be found on search engines. What made matters worse was these mediums were aided and abetted by Progressives working in government, through meetings and e-mails. The government people were with directly involved with suppressing free speech which is a Federal Offense.

The news media were a part of this gang conspiracy. They constantly attacked anyone connected to Donald Trump and attacked him unmercifully, even lying, for years. They tried to cover up any information, such as the Hunter Biden laptop story, that might prove embarrassing or implicate their progressive leader. They ignored any information and kept it from the public that was detrimental to progressive causes. They deified Dr. Fauci, a man who has little credibility. There were very few unscrupulous actions they were not willing to take to advance the progressive cause.

Many progressives did their damage in government agencies. FBI and Department of Justice employers worked tirelessly to attack those who did not follow the progressive Agenda. Illegal investigations and getting search warrants from corrupt federal progressive judges was their forte. Intimidation was also played well as the Department of Justice Director suggested those who were trying to uncover illegal voting were trying to suppress voting. This was an implication they were breaking a law. They were working to suppress all of Joe Biden’s perceived enemies. These agencies even tried to suppress parents who were concerned about the lies their children were being taught in public schools. The Department of justice even had, for a time, a Disinformation Department to spread propaganda and suppress free speech.

Do you see any resemblance between the gang that is currently ruling in this country and the one that is ruling China? You should. The Democrat Party embraced Communism when they invited Bernie Sanders to caucus with them in the Senate and embraced the infamous squad in the House.

This is a blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.