Is the Democratic Party a Communist Front Organization?

As I grew up I was taught that God inspired the writing of the Constitution and The Holy Spirit guided the founding fathers. I had a reverence for the Constitution and The Bill of Rights and believed they would always be there to protect our rights. Things have radically changed in my life time and it seems the communists, socialists, Marxists or progressives, birds of a feather, are on the ten yard line headed to the end zone. The Democrat Party has embraced these groups in their “big tent” and as a popular song of yesteryear goes, “they all get put in boxes and they all come out the same”.
The Democrat Party long ago embraced Bernie Sanders who honey mooned in Communist Russia and praised Fidel Castro of Cuba. Bernie is an admirer of Marxism and ran for Senate as an independent. Bernie’s admiration for Marxism was enough for the Democrats to consider him a valued friend and invited him to caucus with them. This was a resounding affirmation of their acceptance of Marxism. Since then Marxism has strengthened its grip on the Democrat Party. Four members of the Democrat Party know infamously as the squad have been elected to congress. Nearly all the Democrats have embraced them. They are all considered Marxists. Of the freshmen Democrats in Congress (or perhaps we should obey Democrat Dogma and call them freshpersons) all are members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus which is a fancy name for the Marxist Caucus. Four of these new representatives have close connections to the squad. Currently Marxist Philosophy is the driving force for the Democrat Party. To use a baseball term they seem to have all the bases covered for a Marxist takeover. One of the things needed to put communists in power and keep them there is control of the news Media. Communists usually do this by completely having control of the news they want you to hear. Once they take control the news agencies become one news agency. In our day a shocking thing has happened. The Democrats and their “big tent” allies in what people call the main stream news have become supporters of Marxism and the Democrat Party and give them favorable press. Is the main stream media and the Democrat Party the Marxist’s useful idiots? How did this happen? Marxists have always worked hard to infiltrate our institutions and they have been very successful in the news media social media and the Democrat Party.

The news agencies attack non Marxist opinions and the social media platforms bans non Marxist opinions. Marxists have found many allies in college graduates who have been exposed to leftist teaching to recruit to infiltrate news agencies and social media. Reliable surveys have shown that most college professors and administrators are Democrats so most students get only the left side of political thought.

Marxists usually try to divide people by class to cause discontent and encourage people to overthrow the government. In the U.S. it made more sense to divide people by race to achieve their evil designs. Thus we have the false claims of white privilege , white rage and white supremacy from Democrats and other merchants of evil. We also have Critical Race Theory to make non whites feel they are being abused. Sadly these people of evil are even indoctrinating white children to convince them they are guilty of abuse by being white. This is racial abuse. What could be more Marxist that that? The Biden Regime supports this insidious lie. The Biden Regime is even pushing this lie on the military. General Mark Millay, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, even supported teaching Critical Race Theory in the military. Was he trying to protect his job? It seems so to us. Remember one military leader was fired for expressing an opinion that did not comply with the Marxist agenda of the Biden Regime. Millay admitted studying the works of Marx, Lenis and Mao Zedong, all mass murderers or supporters of mass murder, to understand his own white rage. Sounds like a self loathing white man. What better choice would Comrade Biden have to lead the military to crush the uprising of white people who would fight to prevent the takeover of the country by the Democrat Communists.

White people will be an obstacle to the coming attempt to a takeover by the communists. Obama denigrated white people by referring to them as people who cling to guns and God. May I remind you the communists want to cancel God. Hillary Clinton , the former darling of the left, referred to conservative white people as deplorables and irredeemables. Joe Biden refers to white conservatives as white supremacists.

Another big issue with the Democrats is white people own a lot of guns. If the communists tried to impose their will in a guerrilla war the military and the local police which they would hope to control would be badly out gunned. That is why the Democrats are so keen on passing gun control laws. Using records of gun purchases the communist government could send armed military to individuals homes to confiscate people’s guns and send them to re-education prisons to intimidate them. Children in schools would be taught to report their parents to the authorities if they hid their guns.

Is it too late to stop the communist takeover? Once Hugo Chavis was able to take control of the government of Venezuela he moved quickly to suppress dissent. There were accusations that Chavez did not win the election. Does anyone think that Chavez will be removed from office? Do you see any parallel between Chavez and Biden? Do you think the Democrat Party has become a communist front organization?

This is an opinion blog for conservatives and people of faith.