Is the Democrat Party a Criminal Organization?

Some countries are run by criminal organizations. China is a good example. The Communist Patry is a criminal organization. The Communist Party rules the country with an iron fist and enrich themselves while millions are in poverty. The income of Xi Jinping, the Chinese Leader, is a secret, but experts on China think he is likely a billionaire. Mexico is another country run by a criminal organizations called cartels. Although officially Mexico has elections the Cartels are calling the shots. Any politician who will not do their bidding is threatened, killed or bribed. The cartels now control our border with Mexico. The cartels control who comes over the border and the illegal immigrants have to pay the cartels for being able to cross. The Democrat Party totally supports illegal immigration. It makes one wonder if Democrat Politicians are receiving money from the cartels. The cartels are not only getting money from bringing illegals across the border but they are also sending their agents to prey on our citizens with a goal of controlling politicians like they do in Mexico and being in control of our country.

Are the Democrats on track to be the mirror image of the Chinese Communist party? They have embraced Communism by allowing Bernie Sanders to caucus with them in the Senate and embracing the so called squad in the House. I realize those mentioned call themselves Socialists but that is a euphuism for Communist. They Democrats hope to give citizenship to the illegals and get their vote to set up a Communist Type government to ensure they can stay in power and continue to enrich themselves.

Joe Biden has been their poster boy for becoming rich in public office. It has been suggested by those investigating Biden in the House that as much as $25,000,000 has been passed to Biden Family businesses set up to launder money. The Republicans realize that the Democrat Criminal Organization will block any attempts to impeach Joe so he will never be tried for any criminal activity. The rest of the Democrats hope to have that kind of money flowing to them. It is a tragedy that nearly half of our voting age population are so corrupt they are planning voting for these Democrats.

What have the Democrats been doing the last four years to set up a Communist Style Government. We mentioned the illegal immigrants who are about to bankrupt our welfare system who the Democrats plan to make loyal Communists to keep them in power. Cartel member and terrorists have been pouring across the borders and are beginning to create havoc. They are suppressing free speech with the action of their agents who have infiltrated social media and are censuring speech they do not like. Their agents in universities, both students and faculty are rioting and demonstrating against our government. And I might add with encouragement from many Democrats who hold public office. They have spent millions we do not have to enrich those who contribute money to them destabilizing our economy and causing debts we may never be able to repay. I greatly fear that since this election is expected to be close they will get millions of illegals registered to vote and use their political power in “Blue States” to block any investigations.

The Democrats had the slogan “stop Trump by any means possible”. As a result, they have tied him up in court for years with fake charges. They were even able to get him convicted in blue New York. Are you shocked by the conduct of the Democrats? You should not be. They have embraced Communism whose mantra is it is ok to lie and cheat to advance Communism. Trump remains out of jail. It makes you wonder if the Democrats were involved in the assassination attempt.

This is an opinion blog for Conservatives and People of Faith.